Alieth Posted November 14, 2020 Posted November 14, 2020   Paraphrasing our first officer and since we didn't have a quotes thread, let's start one!  From "Minefield, both metaphorical and literal"  Quote From that point, the minefield decided that it hated them Allegedly Lia Rouiancet, in fact @Tony, aka Kells  You've KILLED me with that, Skipper XD 2 2
Alora DeVeau Posted November 15, 2020 Posted November 15, 2020 Our Second officer. 😄  Quote Rouiancet: =/\= That's a lot of mines. =/\=  Henderson: =/\= That’s not very reassuring. =/\=  Garcia: =/\= Just gotta be mine-full, that’s all. =/\=  3
Alieth Posted November 17, 2020 Author Posted November 17, 2020 Because it needs to be stressed again due I've laughed more with this than I really should  Quote Teller: Were those stun grenades or photon grenades?   Greaves: Dear god! Sir! Photon! They're photon grenades!  Teller: Dar, COVER NOW!  1
Alora DeVeau Posted December 12, 2020 Posted December 12, 2020 Quote Alieth: The Hippocratic Oath compels us to do no harm. However, it does not say a word about causing pain. And on certain occasions a little discomfort is useful to be aware of one's own body's requirements. ::Looking at the patient sideways:: Or it will remind you that you should not put yourself in foolish ways that could potentially irritate your doctor. Do NOT mess with Alieth! She's no joke! LOL! 1 1
Wes Greaves Posted December 27, 2020 Posted December 27, 2020 These are the jokes I come here for. I almost spit out my coffee at the unexpected reference @Geoffrey Teller  Quote Katsim: Batbird stew and mapa bread.   Geoff's eyebrows went up a little at the name 'batbird,' and in the back of his mind a forgotten lyric from his childhood began repeating ceaselessly. oO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA batbird! Oo  1 2
Alora DeVeau Posted December 30, 2020 Posted December 30, 2020 Quote Sirok: You are the doctors, if I have to go through additional checks to test my memory I will do so. So far all the techniques I have used to make it work to its fullest capacity have worked. It was partly because of them that I got the best engineering grades in my Starfleet class. So far my condition has only caused disturbances in my personal life, but not in my professional life. Deena made a small noise best described as a snort. Quen: Yup - you're getting a test all right. MacKenzie: ::to the others:: It’s cute that he thinks he has a choice. Quen: Mmn - it's adorable, isn't it? Sirok, the second cutest Vulcan on the Thor! 2 1
Alora DeVeau Posted December 30, 2020 Posted December 30, 2020 Quote Sirok: There is always a choice Doctor MacKenzie. You just have to know and assume the consequences. :: Sirok could refuse recognition, but it would possibly mean losing his position as a Starfleet officer. :: Quen: Thor almost blows up every month anyway without you adding to it. Ooooo, they're calling you out, @Geoffrey Teller! 1 2
Alora DeVeau Posted December 30, 2020 Posted December 30, 2020 Quote The tiny Vulcan folded her arms and looked at her former boss and her colleague before she spoke once more. Â Alieth: I have no doubt that you are aware that you are putting your personal preferences above the interests of the crew as a whole. And is that not only against Surak's teachings, but illogical by definition? Sirok got ROASTED! 2 1
Alieth Posted January 8, 2021 Author Posted January 8, 2021 Quote  Sirok: I start to decipher the message. From the beginning and the end it seems that it could be a ship or a space installation called... :: The Vulcan had to pause and confirmed that the translation was correct :: The Endless Golden Penetrator.* Then I think they refer to a series of damages in different systems, but none that I can fully understand. Damage to the initiating course improvement system, damage to the adjustment system for vital enjoyment... The only one I can understand is the breach in the external protection and safeguard system, which, barring error, should be a breach in the hull. the "adjustment system for vital enjoyment" is my new fav part of a starship EVER 1
Alora DeVeau Posted January 13, 2021 Posted January 13, 2021 Quote Saulan: Teleportation? That is impossible, according to the Ughadez law a particle cannot be converted into data to be reintegrated. It has only been seen in interactive entertainment stories, without any scientific basis. And those are things for children or people who live with their mothers. This just made me laugh. 1 2
Alora DeVeau Posted January 13, 2021 Posted January 13, 2021 Quote While his patient could not help but observe the arrival of what he thought were more technical, due to the color of his flosflus. Although one of them had very, very short flosflus, perhaps he had some sort of physical problem. Part of a corporate social responsibility campaign? Miguel, you're killing me here. 1
Popular Post Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf Posted January 13, 2021 Popular Post Posted January 13, 2021 Every time I see the title of this thread on the unread threads list, it gives me a giggle. 3 3
Alora DeVeau Posted January 14, 2021 Posted January 14, 2021 4 hours ago, FltAdml. Wolf said: Every time I see the title of this thread on the unread threads list, it gives me a giggle. You and me both! 1
Alora DeVeau Posted January 14, 2021 Posted January 14, 2021 Quote Geoff watched the creatures carefully. Their body structure was fascinating, greatly different from many of the races he'd seen in the past. It certainly gave weight to the idea that these people had somehow developed in isolation, here within the nebula. They conversed quietly but intensely for a few moments, then turned back to his team. As First Contacts go, he was already doing better than the poor idiot that first ran into the Klingons.  Aim high, Geoffrey. Aim high. 1 1 1
Alora DeVeau Posted January 14, 2021 Posted January 14, 2021 Quote Brodie smiled to himself. An absurd thought of how the kilt came into being - never being caught with one’s pants down. @Alex Brodie, I need the story on this! 1
Alora DeVeau Posted January 21, 2021 Posted January 21, 2021 Quote  It was hard to focus on extracting the data points to feed the algorithm assessing the Penetrator’s structural integrity while Commander Gacia nattered away to Sickbay on the comm behind him.  Roman lent in further. His face was now inches away from the console monitor.  Then, the skriking klaxon of yellow alert sent Roman jolting forward.  With the cuff of his jumper, he wiped away the greasy nostril print from the glossy console display -- he hoped those on the bridge had been too busy to see how the smudge got there. This made me laugh!
Alieth Posted January 22, 2021 Author Posted January 22, 2021 I wasn't prepared for Zet's hell @Sirok 🤣  Quote The Zet, pressed a couple of buttons and from her seat appeared strong straps resembling the seatbelt of a racing car. Saulan knew that if they survived and Anroc found out that they had abandoned ship, he would seek to torture them physically, emotionally and financially for eternity.  Â
Alora DeVeau Posted January 28, 2021 Posted January 28, 2021 Quote Their efforts were regularly hampered by members of the Penetrators crew who announced themselves as middle management and demanded a complex series of meetings be undertaken, to what end no one seemed to know. Fortunately one of the medical technicians hit on the idea of having the middle managers themselves meet to discuss the planning of these meetings, and they haven't been heard from since. Geoff scowled at his reflection, that had been four days ago. Someone should check on them.  Might be a good idea. 1 2
Alora DeVeau Posted February 10, 2021 Posted February 10, 2021 Quote Alieth: Certainly it is not the most encouraging prospect, but I was not able to hack into their entire system. I am a doctor, not a computer specialist. The Vulcan tilted her head slightly over her left shoulder before she added. Alieth: Nor am I a labour attorney…  Shades of McCoy here... 1 1
Alieth Posted February 20, 2021 Author Posted February 20, 2021 Quote As if prophetic, the team found themselves with plenty of time to wait. Saja debated pulling up a piece of the floor and napping, given how boring all the opulence and waiting had become, but she took her queues from the others @Brutus as Saja Jehe: radical napping when a chance arise 2
Ben Garcia Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 Quote aggressive listening and observation coupled with hostile minute taking @Alex Brodie Haha - I like the counsellor's combat style ... but you know we'll all be psychoanalysing Brodie's keystrokes now  1
Wes Greaves Posted February 24, 2021 Posted February 24, 2021 I almost spit out my coffee. Apparently Alieth has been studying her.... alternate timeline... history...? Â Quote Besides... how often did one get the chance to skydive on an alien planet? Â It was not a chance that Alieth was willing to miss. Besides, there weren't even any orbital drills or swords involved, it wasn't THAT dangerous... Â 3
Alieth Posted February 25, 2021 Author Posted February 25, 2021 BOI🔥 @Ben Garcia Quote Carefully.  Unwanted results  It sounded like the task demanded Sirok levels of precision.  Ben was not a Sirok.  2 2
Ben Garcia Posted February 26, 2021 Posted February 26, 2021 Quote Jehe: If I follow the way your society functions, you must have an impressive resource base. If it is not impolite to ask, what is the source of this impressive conglomerated power? Adkatha: Fishing.  This made me spit my tea out - such a big, diplomatic build up and immense reverence ... and fishing. 😛 3
Alora DeVeau Posted March 7, 2021 Posted March 7, 2021 Quote Alieth: Mister Glass, if your lack of acquaintances aboard makes you long for a companion to join you to consume your end meal, I can be of assistance. But I suggest that you will find the company of some other crewmembers to be more agreeable. For example ensign Katsim would be a pleasant company. Glass: Trying to set up a blind date...Doctor indeed!::Smiling:: O_O 1
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