Randal Shayne Posted July 18, 2019 Posted July 18, 2019 (edited) It’s almost impossible to divide the vast variety of personalities in the world into relatively solid, distinguished chunks. There will always be wiggle room, and ways to break the mold. I myself was skeptical about the Myers Brigg test when I first heard of it; the claim that a simple test could categorize me into one of sixteen subgroups was difficult to take seriously. Nevertheless, I attempted it, and was quite surprised at the accuracy of the results. It wasn’t too long before I began to wonder how my 118 character would fair on such a test. This, by extension, led to curiosity regarding the results of my comrades in quill. So this leads us to this week’s question; what Myers Brigg category would your character fit into? For those unfamiliar with the test, or unsure of the results, there’s a surprisingly enjoyable free test available online that can be found here. I would strongly recommend answering the questions as your character would for maximum effect. For those of you that already know your character’s category, let us know in the comments section below! Edited July 18, 2019 by Randal Shayne 1
Rahman and Rivi Vataix Posted July 18, 2019 Posted July 18, 2019 (edited) Oooo, fascinating idea! Here's what my character came back with (and I included my own to compare): Roshanara Rahman: ESFJ-A (“The Consul”) Individual traits: Extraverted – 53%, Observant – 53%, Feeling – 51%, Judging – 78%, Assertive – 60% Consuls are altruists, and they take seriously their responsibility to help and to do the right thing. Unlike their Diplomat relatives however, people with the Consul personality type will base their moral compass on established traditions and laws, upholding authority and rules, rather than drawing their morality from philosophy or mysticism. It’s important for Consuls to remember though, that people come from many backgrounds and perspectives, and what may seem right to them isn’t always an absolute truth. Consuls love to be of service, enjoying any role that allows them to participate in a meaningful way, so long as they know that they are valued and appreciated. This is especially apparent at home, and Consuls make loyal and devoted partners and parents. Consul personalities respect hierarchy, and do their best to position themselves with some authority, at home and at work, which allows them to keep things clear, stable and organized for everyone. @Sky Blake as the writer of Rahman's partner Tristam Core might find this tidbit interesting regarding romantic relationships: "Consuls don’t do casual flings – they need to know that their partners will always be by their sides offering unwavering support, and marriage and family are the ultimate goal." Role: Sentinel Sentinels – Logisticians, Defenders, Executives, and Consuls – are cooperative and practical. Their grounded approach helps them feel comfortable with who they are, defining themselves not by individualism, but by character and competence. These personality types seek order, security, and stability, and tend to work hard to maintain the way of things, leading to a deserved reputation as the core of any group or organization, from family to church to the office and the factory floor. These types embrace teamwork, but expect the same performance and respectability from others that they strive for themselves. Sentinels often dislike strident nonconformity because they envision progress through collaboration and hard work within a known set of rules – to let everyone do their own thing on a whim would be anarchy. Sentinels prefer proven methods and honest accomplishment to self-indulgent exploration and esoteric ideas. Because these personalities are deeply prudent, they also tend to be self-motivated, and rarely need external inspiration to be productive. @Evan Delano, I'm curious what Evan's personality type is given the clash of views our two characters have had about ends and means. Strategy: People Mastery People Masters are highly stress-resistant, maintaining confidence through life’s challenges, social pressures, and any questions of their capabilities. These personality types seek social contact and have solid communication skills, feeling at ease when relying on or directing other people. People Masters’ mantra is fearless engagement – to be is to do. This is not a group known for its timid opinions or idleness. People Masters feel rewarded by stimulation and challenging experiences. They like travelling to see things, people, and places, where they can experience a richer understanding of the world around them. These personalities like sampling new foods, lifestyles, and cultures; even things they don’t end up liking can be entertaining excitement for them. Sometimes, though, People Masters are too confident. Insulated against self-doubt and the need to prove themselves, they don’t always test, or even consider, their own limits or ambitions. They can slip into a pattern of endless fun and comfort-seeking, rolling their eyes at those who press themselves towards more intimidating goals. At the other end of the spectrum, these personality types can just as easily ignore sensible caution, putting themselves in extraordinary and dangerous situations, confident they can find their way through. Her writer Rich: ENFJ-T ("The Protagonist" - ha, ironic) Individual traits: Extraverted – 93%, Intuitive – 67%, Feeling – 74%, Judging – 53%, Turbulent – 60% Protagonists are natural-born leaders, full of passion and charisma. Forming around two percent of the population, they are oftentimes our politicians, our coaches and our teachers, reaching out and inspiring others to achieve and to do good in the world. With a natural confidence that begets influence, Protagonists take a great deal of pride and joy in guiding others to work together to improve themselves and their community. Edited July 18, 2019 by Roshanara Rahman 2
Blake Posted July 19, 2019 Posted July 19, 2019 (edited) Sky Blake: ISFJ-T, "Defender" Traits: Introverted 53%; Observant 83%; Feeling 72%; Judging 53%; Turbulent 54% Quote Few personality types are as practical and dedicated as Defenders. Known for their reliability and altruism, Defenders are good at creating and maintaining a secure and stable environment for themselves and their loved ones. Defenders’ dedication is invaluable in many areas, including their own personal growth. Yet Defenders can be easily tripped up in areas where their kindness and practical approach are more of a liability than an asset. Whether it is finding (or keeping) a partner, learning to relax or improvise, reaching dazzling heights on the career ladder, or managing their workload, Defenders need to put in a conscious effort to develop their weaker traits and additional skills. Blake is also a sentinel. Role: Constant Improvement Quote Constant Improvers are sensitive and contemplative individuals who enjoy having their own space and freedom. They are often deep and creative individuals, though often tense and more comfortable on their own than mixed up in the judgment of the real world. With the two personality traits most representative of a sensitivity to their environment – Introversion and Turbulence – they are reserved when dealing with strangers or new situations, often turning inwards or focusing on peacekeeping instead. ---- Tristam Core: INFP-T, "Mediator" Traits: Introverted 56%; Intuitive 76%; Feeling 78%; Prospecting 75%; Turbulent 63% Quote Mediator personalities are true idealists, always looking for the hint of good in even the worst of people and events, searching for ways to make things better. While they may be perceived as calm, reserved, or even shy, Mediators have an inner flame and passion that can truly shine. Comprising just 4% of the population, the risk of feeling misunderstood is unfortunately high for the Mediator personality type – but when they find like-minded people to spend their time with, the harmony they feel will be a fountain of joy and inspiration. If they are not careful, Mediators can lose themselves in their quest for good and neglect the day-to-day upkeep that life demands. Mediators often drift into deep thought, enjoying contemplating the hypothetical and the philosophical more than any other personality type. Left unchecked, Mediators may start to lose touch, withdrawing into “hermit mode”, and it can take a great deal of energy from their friends or partner to bring them back to the real world. Role: Diplomat Strategy: Confident Individualism Quote Confident Individualists typically trust in themselves, and they often embrace solitude to pursue their own interests rather than seeking out social activity. Fascinated by personal projects, people following this Strategy often have an impressive range of skills and interesting ideas. But projects are usually only pursued for their own merit – Confident Individualists tend to feel that social displays and bragging are time and energy wasted. These personality types are proud of who they are, what they know, and what they can do, but they don’t feel the need to prove themselves to others. ---- And then, me: ISTP-T, "Virtuoso" "Virtuosos explore ideas through creating, troubleshooting, trial and error and first-hand experience. They enjoy having other people take an interest in their projects and sometimes don’t even mind them getting into their space. Of course, that’s on the condition that those people don’t interfere with Virtuosos’ principles and freedom, and they’ll need to be open to Virtuosos returning the interest in kind." Edited August 4, 2020 by Blake 2
+ German Galven Posted July 20, 2019 Posted July 20, 2019 Campaigner ENFP-A Diplomat People Mastery Traits: 75% Extraverted 74% Intuitive 51% Feeling 88% Prospecting 60% Assertive Quote The Campaigner personality is a true free spirit. They are often the life of the party, but unlike types in the Explorer Role group, Campaigners are less interested in the sheer excitement and pleasure of the moment than they are in enjoying the social and emotional connections they make with others. Charming, independent, energetic and compassionate, the 7% of the population that they comprise can certainly be felt in any crowd. Quote Luckily, Campaigners know how to relax, and they are perfectly capable of switching from a passionate, driven idealist in the workplace to that imaginative and enthusiastic free spirit on the dance floor, often with a suddenness that can surprise even their closest friends. Being in the mix also gives them a chance to connect emotionally with others, giving them cherished insight into what motivates their friends and colleagues. They believe that everyone should take the time to recognize and express their feelings, and their empathy and sociability make that a natural conversation topic. The Campaigner personality type needs to be careful, however – if they rely too much on their intuition, assume or anticipate too much about a friend’s motivations, they can misread the signals and frustrate plans that a more straightforward approach would have made simple. This kind of social stress is the bugbear that keeps harmony-focused Diplomats awake at night. Campaigners are very emotional and sensitive, and when they step on someone’s toes, they both feel it. Campaigners will spend a lot of time exploring social relationships, feelings and ideas before they find something that really rings true. But when they finally do find their place in the world, their imagination, empathy and courage are likely to produce incredible results. Other Campaigners are Robert Downey Jr, Robin Williams, Willy Wonka, Quentin Tarantino, Jennifer Keller, Drew Barrymore, among a couple others. 3
Solaris Posted July 21, 2019 Posted July 21, 2019 Took this for Sol. Am pleasantly surprised with the results: ISTJ-A 'Logistician': Quote The Logistician personality type is thought to be the most abundant, making up around 13% of the population. Their defining characteristics of integrity, practical logic and tireless dedication to duty make Logisticians a vital core to many families, as well as organizations that uphold traditions, rules and standards, such as law offices, regulatory bodies and military. People with the Logistician personality type enjoy taking responsibility for their actions, and take pride in the work they do – when working towards a goal, Logisticians hold back none of their time and energy completing each relevant task with accuracy and patience. Role: Sentinel Strategy: Confident Individualism I feel this fits an intelligence officer quite appropriately 1
+ Saveron Posted July 21, 2019 Posted July 21, 2019 Saveron: ISTJ-A - 'Logistician'. No surprises there. Introverted 61% Observant 61% Thinking 58% Judging 86% Assertive 92% Strengths: Honest and Direct Strong-willed and Dutiful Very Responsible Calm and Practical Create and Enforce Order Jacks-of-all-Trades Weaknesses: Stubborn Insensitive Always by the Book Judgemental Often unreasonably blame themselves. 4
Evan Delano Posted July 26, 2019 Posted July 26, 2019 Evan came up as an ISFJ-T Defender (57% introverted, 74% observant, 67% feeling, 51% judging, and 57% turbulent). Tagging @Roshanara Rahman since they asked. 3
Mirkl Zanti Posted July 30, 2019 Posted July 30, 2019 (edited) Sasak came up as ISFJ-A, though on the cusp of ISTJ-A. The descriptions of both sound pretty accurate for him. Personality type: “The Defender” (ISFJ-A) Role: Sentinel Strategy: Confident Individualism Individual traits: Introverted – 81% Observant – 68% Feeling – 51% Judging – 89% Assertive – 97% Strengths: Supportive Reliable and Patient Imaginative and Observant Enthusiastic Loyal and Hard-Working Good Practical Skills Weaknesses Humble and Shy Take Things Too Personally Repress Their Feelings Overload Themselves Reluctant to Change Too Altruistic Edited July 30, 2019 by Sasak Strengths and Weaknesses 2
+ Hutch Posted July 30, 2019 Posted July 30, 2019 I found this really interesting for a brand new character. And potentially very useful, too. It sometimes takes me a little while to figure out my characters, how they might react to stuff, so having a little ‘guide’ might be helpful! TYPE: Turbulent Advocate CODE: INFJ-T ROLE: Diplomat STRATEGY: Constant Improvement 2
Blaidd Vescori Posted July 30, 2019 Posted July 30, 2019 Tried my paws at this test as well: Personality type: “The Campaigner” (ENFP-A) Role: Diplomat Strategy: People Mastery Individual traits: Extraverted – 94% Intuitive – 67% Feeling – 85% Prospecting – 65% Assertive – 79% Strengths: Curious Observant Energic and Enthusiastic Excellent Communicators Know How to Relax Very Popular & Friendly Weaknesses Poor Practical Skills Find it Difficult to Focus Overthink Things Get Stressed Easily Highly Emotional Independent to a Fault 1
Mirkl Zanti Posted July 30, 2019 Posted July 30, 2019 @Blaidd Vescori Those strengths sound just like you play him. Seems pretty accurate!
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