Tracey Posted June 12, 2015 Posted June 12, 2015 Welcome to another edition of the Poll of the Week!Imagine, if you would, a world in which you we left as an orphan and were subsequently adopted by someone famous, royalty or a prominent philanthropist. How your world would be so much different if you were the adopted child of Hugh Hefner, the British Royal family or even that of a couple like Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie?This week's poll of the week will be focusing on the what if. What if you were born in the universe of Star Trek? What if you were a child of one of the famous Captains on screen and film? Who would make the best parent for you of the Captains portrayed in Star Trek? Go ahead and vote for your new mom or dad above and let us know why you chose as you did!
+ Johanna MacLaren Posted June 13, 2015 Posted June 13, 2015 Anyone who could maintain his temper around Wesley Crushed while remaining kind and wise would have to be great with his own child...Picard! 3
Brek Posted June 17, 2015 Posted June 17, 2015 I'd have to choose Picard too. Besides, as a bonus there would be free bottles of Château Picard, which for a Brek is most excellent ^^.
Randal Shayne Posted June 20, 2015 Posted June 20, 2015 I chose Sisko. Kirk is an excellent starship captain, but as a parent, he would be somewhat incapable. Picard, also, would try to make it work, but he had an awkwardness around children that, while not [...]ing, would not make him an optimal parent. Janeway was a close one, simply because she is capable of great love, while commanding an air of leadership and respect. As for Archer, he always seemed more a grown child than anything, and I say that in the most positive way. He had a boyish optimism bordering on Kirk's.Sisko is the one captain we actually see raise a child, and I learned many lessons from the conversations he and Jake had.I love all the captains. They all have strengths, but I feel this is one trait belonging to Sisko more than any other. 1
+ Kamoyo Aleksandrov Posted June 30, 2015 Posted June 30, 2015 I chose Picard because I was sorta remind of my mother who exposed me to science and culture.
Lt.JG. Adam Haase Posted July 6, 2015 Posted July 6, 2015 Captain Janeway is the obvious choice! Didn't you see the work she did with Q's son? She can do anything! And besides, she's a great role model, and a great problem solver. I can't imagine having anyone else as a Star Trek parent!
T'Mihn Posted July 7, 2015 Posted July 7, 2015 Sisko. He logically who was married and had a child. Later a widowed single parent raising said son. Even more amazing, it was far from home. Sisko overcame prejudices, and taught his son the same, even if later Dad needed to be reminded. Sisko learned to accept and later understand Nog. Maybe even care about the Farengi as family.
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