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The Pointy Eared Ones  

33 members have voted

  1. 1. Your Favorite Actor That Portrayed A Vulcan In Star Trek

    • Zachary Quinto - Spock
    • Leonard Nimoy - Spock
    • Mark Lenard - Sarek
    • Kirstie Alley - Saavik
    • Robin Curtis - Saavik
    • Tim Russ - Tuvok
    • Alexander Enberg - Vorik
    • Jolene Blalock - T'Pol

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Welcome to this week's most logical Poll of the Week!

Vulcan's have been part of the Star Trek universe from the opening scenes of the original pilot of the original series, The Cage to today's most recent incarnations of Star Trek, on the big screen. Vulcans have become a part of Science Fiction lore for almost 50 years and have become part of our culture. I for one can only assume that this is due to the actors that have portrayed Vulcans on both the big and small screen over the years and their skills at being able to do so.

Playing a Vulcan, as an actor, could not be easy. As an actor, one is taught to portray emotions based upon what the script calls for. As a Vulcan, should an actor be handed a script that may call for their character to be involved in an emotional situation, the actor has to be able to not only pretend to contain their emotions, but also try to portray that they are not robots. I can only assume that playing a Vulcan, in a realistic fashion, would probably be one of the most difficult roles any actor could take on.

So that brings us to this week's Poll of the Week question. Of all the actors that have portrayed Vulcans in Star Trek, who would you say did the best job in doing so? As always, if I missed anyone, don't be afraid to let us know. Oh! And also, please tell us why you chose as you did.


Hngg. Its hard to pick just one, as I think most of them did an excellent job playing Vulcans. That includes Leonard Nimoy and his alternate Zachary Quinto, Tim Russ, Mark Lenard, and Jolene Blalock. But I have to give the edge to Nimoy, as he created and defined the race.


Can I say that I'd like to see this poll again, without Nimoy? As if we said 'Nimoy defined the race, who else did an awesome job?'

Because I think there could be a lot of interesting answers, but when you have NImoy in there it's all 'uhm, no contest because NIMOY!'

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So, I agree. Nimoy pioneered the Vulcan species. As such, I think he still experimented a bit with how a Vulcan should be portrayed.

That being said, (and because it's obviously going to be Nimoy, and why shouldn't it?) I voted for Tim Russ. Quinto does a good job, but he's still too emotional. Blalock was way too emotional. I think Tim Russ (and Mark Leonard was a VERY close second in my book) was able to study and build on the work of those before him and refine the way Vulcans act and respond. I voted for Russ.


Tim Russ was definitely a close second, but it has to go to Nimoy. I do wish we could've seen more of Kirstie Alley, though, especially her take on the Vulcan/Romulan mix.


If we were to exclude Nimoy, I'd pick Tim Russ. Excellent job as Tuvok.


It does have to be Nimoy since he set the standard by which all others are measured. That said, Tim Russ was great because he more than anyone added just a little more coolness one might expect given that he was full Vulcan while Spock had that undercurrent of emotion from his human mother.

Sadly Quinton, as talented as he is was forever doomed as a believable Vulcan when the writers/directors had the horrible idea for Spock to do the "Kirk" scream of KAHN!!!! Then going off in a very human rage. That stands as one of the worst decisions in Star trek history.

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Nimoy hands down. He set the bar on what the species was like and gave everyone after something to base their own characters off of. If I were to choose someone other than him, I'd absolutely have to say that Tim Russ was stellar. I felt like he brought his own uniqueness, and knowing that he was so funny behind the scenes makes me that much more impressed with his ability to mask the emotions.


I think I seem to agree with everyone else!

It has to be Nimoy for me, he set the groundwork for everyone else to follow.

But then, of course, Spock is only half Vulcan so perhaps he should be excluded?

In which case Tim Russ as Tuvok easily wins for me.

  • 1 month later...

Each person had their own take on Vulcan character showing the uniqueness of each individual Vulcan. It showed the diversity Of the people, the culture and how each reacted to things.

I liked each in their own way and actors not mentioned. Marc Leonard wae ALWAYS my favorite for a full blooded male Vulcan, then Tuvok, and Vorik.

Leonard Nimoy made a unique person straddling two cultures that were so very different yet alike. (If that makes sense. )


Like many I voted for Leonard Nimoy, who set the standard, with Tim Russ as second who followed so excellently in his footsteps.

I will take the opportunity to mention that Valeris - played by Kim Cattrall - who played a major part in the attempt to derail the peace negotiations in The Undiscovered Country, is missing from the poll.

Valeris has always held something of a fascination for me. The idea that a Vulcan might logically come to the conclusions that she had and therefor set out on the course of action that she did, was very interesting. She was inspiration behind the Nel Gathic culture that I created - Vulcans with a different, less communal way of life and freer habit of thought - and I have referred to Saveron as being a distant relative of Valeris'. He has taken a few drastic actions in his own career.

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  • 2 months later...

Vulcans Can go off in a rage without being a hybrid. They Have to contain the temper that could go homicidal.

In every series, the actors did amazing jobs. From major characters like Spock,T'Pol amd Tuvok,

to reoccurring ones like Sarek, Soval,Vorik,Vulcan High Command in Enterprise, T'Pol's mother and others. The term "too emotional " used by us humans is odd for when the Vulcans were themselves, other Vulcansdidn't react to it. These different slices of their culture and personalities paints a mosaic of people as unique and individual as we are.

O can not say who was best At it. Only that each person brought something new to the cultural table. I am not sure how well I could pull off a Vulcan like persona.

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