Tracey Posted February 17, 2015 Posted February 17, 2015 Welcome one and all to another indescribably amazing edition of the Poll of the Week! I may be going out on a limb here, but I have this feeling that most of us here in the Fleet are fans of Star Trek. So much so, perhaps, that when a new Star Trek film emerges from the suburb of the city known as Los Angeles which lies along the southern coast of the Pacific ocean in North America, and is best known as Hollywood, we have a real itch to watch it.This week we will be focusing on the big screen versions of our favorite franchise, but from a completely different perspective. From that of behind the scenes. Which director, do you think, brought the best qualities of Star Trek to the big screen? Was it Robert Wise who pioneered the first of the Star Trek movie franchise with the 1979 film The Motion Picture? Or how about Nicholas Meyer who directed the iconic 1982 film The Wrath of Khan as well as the 1991 film The Undiscovered Country? Or maybe you fancy Spock himself, Leonard Nimoy who directed both the 1984 and 1986 films The Search for Spock and The Voyage Home? Or Maybe even James Kirk himself, William Shatner, who directed the 1989 film, The Final Frontier? Perhaps you preferred the directing style of David Carson in the 1994 film Generations? Or maybe the direction of Will Riker himself, Jonathan Frakes in the 1996 and 1998 versions of Star Trek, First Contact and Insurrection tickled your fancy? Or was it Stuart Baird who directed the 2002 film Nemesis? Or maybe you like the newest versions of Star Trek from 2009 and 2013, Star Trek and Into Darkness, vision as directed by JJ Abrams?So let us know who you think did the greatest job of bringing Star Trek to life on the big screen, and please, we here at Poll of the Week are always interested to know why!
Sal Taybrim Posted February 17, 2015 Posted February 17, 2015 I'm solidly in the "any of them except JJ" camp... >.< 1
Tony, aka Rouiancet Posted February 17, 2015 Posted February 17, 2015 I do like J-Frakes's style a lot, but in the end it's Nicholas Meyer's directorly belief that starships should be shot like their oceangoing counterparts (or like submarines -- huzzah Mutara Nebula!) that wins me over. 1
Myrta Shirazi Posted February 17, 2015 Posted February 17, 2015 Nicholas Meyer hands down, with Nimoy as a solid second.
+ Johanna MacLaren Posted February 17, 2015 Posted February 17, 2015 While I was tempted by Meyer, the Journey Home and the Search for Spock gave my vote to Leonard Nimoy, who seemed to have captured the complete pathos of the long term friendships of TOS crew while capturing a wonderful sense of fun and frolic in the Journey Home. Some of my favorite lines: Kirk: "No, I come from Iowa; I only work in Space." Scotty: "There be whales here!" Spock: "You have been and always will be my friend." and "I stand with my friends." Favorite moment in The Journey Home was Spock giving the neck pinch to the obnoxious guy on the bus with the boom box. 1
+ Irina Pavlova Posted February 27, 2015 Posted February 27, 2015 Meyer, definitely. LOVED Star Trek VI.
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