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SB118 Ops: Quotations of the Week!

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Hael: Hey, ain’ you supose to be off… Ya’know… fer babe thingies… and stuff?


::Because babe thingies and stuff was what happened during the process of having a baby… No one get a biology lesson from him!

The galaxy fears the day Rustyy Hael becomes a Daddy...

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Dehnir: I think i’ll join the captain. ::Once again her face flushed red as she realised what she had said.:: Well, I mean umm.. not literally.


Dehnir, Medical Awkward Officer, Starbase 118.



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Posted (edited)

((Briefing Room - the Hug - StarBase 118))

From K'Mal's sim


The hug lol! And for some reason I could see us doing a group hug ;)

Edited by Rustyy_Hael
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Maxwell: Who the bloody hell has beige walls?
Aitas: Apparently he liked beige.

No love for historical colors of starbases

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Taelon: E-ensign Dehnir, if you happen to have some sort of...painkiller on you, that’d, um, that’d be quite helpful. Braddock, you’re... can you h-help with the door? And, Counsellor....if you’d be so kind…I w-will need your help to tell Th - em, whoever’s next in rank that the Captain is...missing. 

Oh wait a second... next in rank... that's YOU!  o:)

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::He tossed a glance in Aitas’s direction. He didn't know her on a super personal level. Just where she worked and lived, had installed a pool and was planning her baby shower. Which might have seemed like a lot…

As they say in Thor:Ragnarok "She's a friend from work!"


West: I guess its not really breaking and entering if the office will belong to you!  ::A mock smirk on his face.::

I like it!  Always think on the bright side of life!

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Mad love for this opening:


::One good old Portuguese stew is made with many ingredients. Pork, chicken, beans, potatoes, turnip, among others. The great mix grants it a delicious flavor and a good strong meal.


But “being in a stew” is an old Portuguese expression that can be freely translated as, being in a awkward and potentially dangerous situation.


Like being on the edge of a cliff just in your underwear.


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Posted (edited)

Oh the snark


Trel'lis: What in the world just happened and why does everything look so *different*?


Kasun: We’re in the Starfleet’s beige colored past.


Silveira: And I left my color crayons two decades forward...



Trel’lis: Who WAS that??


Silveira: ::speaking to himself:: The Chef… ::He turned to the others.::  It looks like we have another problem on our hands.


West: ::Smirking:: We are Star Fleet Officers, “Problems on our Hands” is our national anthem Vitor.  ::Giving a slight smile.::


Edited by Sal Taybrim
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K’Mal: ::softly to himself:: I don’t want to die…  :: The young man took a moment, looking first to Arturo and then to Ian.  He scanned the room before his eyes focused on the Captain. ::::with earnest conviction:: ...Not today.
Kasun: Nor I.
Trel'lis: ::quietly:: Neither do I.
Silveira: And we won’t.
West: I agree, today is not a good day to die.  So, let’s not die.  Let’s find out what we need to, get in and get and try and leave the hero tactics to the current caretakers of the station!
Maxwell: I’m no afraid tae die ::pause:: I just don’t want tae be there when it happens tae me! ::Max smiled::
Taybrim: ::speaking with confidence:: We're not going to die.

This was a little funnier then it should have been. 🤣 (Quoting everyone) 

Braddock: What're you thinking, commander?
McLaren: What are you thinking, Commander?

There must be in echo in here lol


West: My this is tight, I am very happy that we all had a chance to shower this morning. ::Grinning.::


Aitas: ::lightly:: Be glad you don't have my sense of smell.

It wasn't me!  ;-)

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Braddock: On the bright side, we don't have to take the jefferies tubes. Unless you're in the mood for a cardio workout?
McLaren: No.. I could think of 5 better ways to get a work out. And they'd all probably take less time than climbing all the way to the bottom of a Starbase.
Braddock: Let's save that for a day when we're really bored.
McLaren: If I'm ever that bored... Ive made poor decisions.


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Maxwell: Oh, you two just volunteered yourselves fae drinks and story time once we’re hame.

Hey!  That's my favorite time!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Whilst so far there had not been any aggression, verbal or otherwise, the air was still brittle. She had the feeling that one wrong move and it would fall apart.

Great description!


I got a good chuckle from this:


Maxwell: Be like having the work experience kid doing brain surgery...


::The strange creature began to recite what was ostensibly poetry. The definition of such wasn’t exactly universal, was it?::

At least they're not Vogons...  >.>


O’Conner: Our professor told us the likelihood of us running into Devidians would be like  finding a Tholian on vacation with Santa Clause in the North Pole. ::lets out a scuff of a laugh:: Now here we are.

We get to do all the fun stuff in Starfleet! ;)

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West: It’s a beautiful day to safe lives.

yes, yes it is.

Posted (edited)

Hael: ::stumbling over his words.: Well- Uh… Um, I was jus’- … uuuh. Nothin’, jus’ - where we be? ::he changed subjects very ungracefully.::

Edited by Lt. Cmdr Baylen Anders
Removed formatting
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  • 2 weeks later...

O’Conner: Geeze Zel, why don’t we ask it? Mr. Devidian are you hungry?

Don't tempt him... ;-)


But he wouldn’t get to savor the silence for long as man with hair as tall as his horns entered the room.

Quit exaggerating Rundstrom. Malik's hair is only three fourths as tall as your horns. :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

Abrielle: So have you been together long? ::A smile.::


Kasun: What? :: You could hear the record scratch going off in her head as it finally clicked what Abrielle was going on about. :: oO .......oh, oooohhhh, ooooooooohhhhhh...... no. Oo I think there's been a misunderstanding.


Maxwell: I’m just, um, that cat tree needs putting in place…

Smooth, Max, smooth.  :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Milly: Are you my daddy’s girlfriend?


::Milly looked up at Ishani, her eyes wide and questioning.::


Kasun: Ah, no. Your father and I are just friends and fellow cat owners.

That is totally the set up for a RomCom

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  • 2 weeks later...

::she shot her phaser as she ducked to the nearest half wall jutting out to tuck down behind.::


Tavana: Get off my ship, or I will remove you!!

A Klingon vs a Romulan?  Sure this is gonna end well...

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