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SB118 Ops: Quotations of the Week!

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::It was no secret that Tyler Kelly was a fan of being well armed, but that didn't mean he was fond of unnecessary violence. While the body count on his Starfleet record was admittedly above average, he still didn't like the idea of a lethal response being his only option. As far as he knew there weren't any less-than-lethal ways to disrupt a persons molecular structure with one of those Romulan hand-cannons.::

You know it is about to get REAL when Tyler Kelly is worried about having "too much" firepower...:ermm:


Whittaker: "The murderers know we are on to them, but here is the thing.... they don't know that we know that they know... you know?"


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28 minutes ago, Mirra Ezo said:


That was shamelessly inspired by the iconic episode of Friends where everyone finds out about Monica and Chandler "Ahhhh, they don't know we know they know we know".

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Tatash's whole battle for Anjunaar post was incredible, but I'm going to highlight my favoritest bit:


::The shots had stopped, aside from the occasional whump coming from inside the building as Raisillius cleared out the infestation internally, replaced by the far more unpleasant sounds of the wounded and dying. Some of the poor souls had lost their head coverings, revealing faces far too young to be playing such a deadly game. They were just criminals, addicts, kids that had fallen foul of life now being thrown against a deadly machine, for probably nothing more then the next hit of ATH or ‘street crd’::


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Thank you so much! It was a real pleasure writing some heavy action.


That was meant to be 'Street cred' by the way, my laptop's keyboard is rubbish with some keys!

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Flynn:  My name is Dale Tucker and you are now on my ship. This fine vessel is known as 'Maximum Thrusters', though I will often refer to her as my 'Sweet Maxinne', Max'll do in a fix. She's a little rough around the edges but she gets the job done. There's only two rules on my ship: Don't go barfin, and nobody changes the music.  Now strap in, and hold on tight. I reckon things are gonna get choppy.

This still cracks me up.

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Tatash: ::He exited the cargo bay, moving down the corridor fast enough to cause crewmen to press themselves against the wall as he unceremoniously pushed himself to the front of the turbolift queue, getting a tut of disapproval from a Petty Officer. He deserved that unspoken scorn.::

I imagine the Petty Officer is British, perhaps even wearing khaki.


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They moved around slowly, going in the almost traditional nose-to-nose pattern that ships often seemed to end up in despite the three dimensions of space, a universal greeting that would always result in….::

Comm: We are being hailed


It is amazing how ships are always nose-to-nose like that. Almost like there are effects budgets or something...


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1 hour ago, Trellis Vondaryan said:

They moved around slowly, going in the almost traditional nose-to-nose pattern that ships often seemed to end up in despite the three dimensions of space, a universal greeting that would always result in….::

Comm: We are being hailed


It is amazing how ships are always nose-to-nose like that. Almost like there are effects budgets or something...


It always amused me too, especially in Wrath of Khan where the trope was poked at. I suppose it ties into the notion of naval ships being on the same Z axis.

Maybe it's just good space-etiquette!

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::Freya scolded herself for her assumptions. Through her eyes, the other woman always looked fabulous and walked with elegance that Freya envied. With all that in mind she struggled to imagine her trawling through rubbish.::

The poetic elegance of dumpster diving.  :)

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This brilliant one from LtCmdr Kelly:

::The trio had only made it a few steps down the "please-rob-me alley" when a group of Cardassian toughs emerged from an Alcove where they had seemingly been waiting for them..::

Hahaha "Please-Rob-Me-Alley" I have seen a few of those before...avoided them for a reason.

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Tatash: I’ll poke them politely then

A Gorn poking someone politely sounds dangerous on so many levels....

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Ezo: ::tight smile:: Hi Honey! Rough day at the office?

Ops: more exciting than a desk job!

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Also one I meant to post last week (stupid colds interefering with brains...)


Kelly: Miss... uh...::He snapped his fingers as his mind closed on the right name.:: Matthews and ... ::He had no hope of remembering Zinna's cover name.:: ...you... I think I've found something here. 

Smooth man, smooth...

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Also, Tyler Kelly, master of understatement:

Tyler was just thinking about how lucky they were that these guys were too high on ATH to aim worth a [...], when on he felt some thing hit him in the thigh. One of the men they had already shot had thrown a bottle from his prone position as a final dying act of defiance. After Andersen had dealt with him, Tyler risked a glance down at his leg.::
Kelly: oO That's really going to hurt in minute. Oo
::There was a good sized chunk of broken bottle embedded in outer portion of the muscle of his upper thigh. Wincing, he tried to pull it out but the slightest touch caused him to go a bit dizzy.::


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::Intentionally taking a starship into an atmosphere?  Something else to tick off the bucket list.::

I so want to see Kaitlyn Falcon's bucket list...
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Whittaker: “Don’t mistake me, it’s a lovely thought but can you really juggle your duties with fostering a child- even if it is on a temporary basis?” :: he suddenly realised why he had been stood with Mirra :: “Was this Mirra’s idea?”

What?!? Baylen finds a kid and somehow this is MY fault??? 

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Falcon: Wow…  Everyone really DOES love Tribbles…

They DO!....until they are weaponized....

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"Nuns and Madonna. Only you could make that work."


- this was an OOC I message I had from @Mirra Ezo after she read my "Like A Prayer" post. It's been making me chuckle ever since.



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20 minutes ago, Theo Whittaker said:

"Nuns and Madonna. Only you could make that work."


- this was an OOC I message I had from @Mirra Ezo after she read my "Like A Prayer" post. It's been making me chuckle ever since.



And I'm not at all wrong.

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Can we post training quotes? Well I'm going to do it anyway. >___>

Goes to show how, uh...well the training simulation went that this happened to Savan:


He had learned to successfully take down three Klingon warriors barehanded in training, but here he was, defeated by tree sap. 

It was utter chaos exciting all round, but Savan got the worst of it. 

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You must have good stories to tell!


Good thing there's a party... with drinks... to encourage the telling of stories!

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Posted (edited)
:: She smiled and pulled him over to a couple of seats. ::
Zinna: ::pointing to a chair:: Sit.
Zinna: Now talk.

You need counseling?  You're gonna GET COUNSELED!  :D

Edited by Sal Taybrim
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I found this very evocative:


Andersen: Prepare for the tears and anger. This is going to be an emotional roller coaster. For all of you.


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