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SB118 Ops: Quotations of the Week!

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Flynn: “I understand, and thanks.” ::He stood and offered another smile. He knew it would be strange for a while, especially with Baylen being such a large part of both of their lives. Thankfully, Antero had already come to terms with where they stood, and had no plans of standing outside Theo's quarters with a boom box.::

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Ezo: ::linking her arm through his:: "Well I'm obviously in the wedding, but please don't pick orange for the color scheme. It doesn't look right with my hair...."


Whittaker: :: raising an eyebrow :: "I shall be similiarly offended if you do not routinely invite yourself around for said [...]tails." :: beat, grinning wickedly :: "Just don't do that twirling... it cheapens the apartment."

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Tatash:oO Never waste a good joke on a Vulcan Oo

Sage advice from the pampered gorn.

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Tatash: “I’m very sorry Mrs. Anders, but I’ve joined the Bajoran faith and I’ve decided to live a life of chaste simplicity.”

Yeah. Like that is going to stop her.

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From the endless fountain of sass that is Mirra Ezo:


Mirra was about to inquire on how the Commander was doing, when she was suddenly shoved aside by a bejeweled older woman, with a beach dress forcibly pulled down so low at the cleavage, it narrowly avoided a scandalous breach of modesty.

I had such a chuckle at this!

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Kelly: Last time I saw you, you were a brand new FO, now you're in Command of this big tin can....::He furrowed his brow in mock worry.:: Is this what getting old feels like?

Taybrim: I haven't started telling cadets to get off my lawn yet, so I think we're in the clear.  ::he winked::  I can't say for you, though, but I'd guess we have a few more years before that happens!

These two quotes had me giggling

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Kelly: ::In a bit of an outburst.:: ...Weaponized tribbles!?


::Kaitlyn looked to Kelly, giving a sage nod.::


Falcon: Yeah.  Someone weaponized cute.

Oh, ok then... carry on...  :whistling:

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Trel’lis: ::Tatash exits:: Would it be prudent, for all of us to carry discreet phasers, like the cricket model, under our clothing? ::beat:: I know I would feel a bit ‘safer’ doing so.


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PNCP Hernandez: If they were in person Melisenda might have told him to calm his tatas, or she might have equally stood there in stony silence looking faintly judgmental.


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1 hour ago, Mirra Ezo said:

PNCP Hernandez: If they were in person Melisenda might have told him to calm his tatas, or she might have equally stood there in stony silence looking faintly judgmental.


I loved this so much. It seriously had me smiling and thinking about it several times throughout the day.


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Major Tatash's whole dressing down and square your self away lines.... Perfection...  Took me right back to boot camp and a little of OCS lol.

In boot camp I was the last class of a Master Chief Petty Offers that was bent on having a blast, a blast for him meant a lot of pain for us.  I will admit it, 16 years later I am still terrified if that smoky the bear hat lol...


Nice Awesome post Major Tom :-)

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Taybrim: It is a common counselor's gambit, to give someone enough rope to work with.  What happens next?  Will they create a bridge?  A ladder?  Or a noose?
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Aliyah: I know, I know. It was a bad situation, I won’t get myself in one again… you know, you’re quite hot when you’re angry...

The time for flirting is over! Or is it... This put a smile on my face and made me chuckle a bit.

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KellyI've got this great idea for the stress test that I wanted to try anyway. ::He [...]ed his head slightly with a totally innocuous expression.:: Your office door locks, right babe?


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This fantastic bit of imagry courtesy of our resident Flyboy Flynn:

The gunmetal shuttle had its side access open, and Antero's flying playlist blared through into the bay. Presently it was an oddly fitting Earth song called 'The Final Countdown'. The sound was complemented by the high powered tool he clasped with both hands as he powered a bolt through a new hull plate from his roost on top of the shuttle. By now he was down to his sleeveless undershirt and a second large bolt was secured between his teeth. He was oblivious to the fact that the situation had all the makings of a scene from a B-Movie montage.

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1 hour ago, Mirra Ezo said:

KellyI've got this great idea for the stress test that I wanted to try anyway. ::He [...]ed his head slightly with a totally innocuous expression.:: Your office door locks, right babe?


Oh my god you two are wicked!

Haha i'm blushing!

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On 10/02/2016 at 0:46 PM, Mirra Ezo said:

Koron: “I find glory in spreadsheets!”

This is brilliant lol

I cried at that. Amazing.

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Raisillius: =/\= How would you feel about a nice, romantic trip to a corrupt and dirty planet? We'll need a good pilot to keep us out of trouble. ::pausing, then with a teasing tone:: You know any? =/\=

Wow he really knows how to spoil a girl hehe 

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