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Alcyone Brennan

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Everything posted by Alcyone Brennan

  1. @John Kendrick Dude!!!!! This one is brilliant and easily one of the best ones I have read from Kendrick. The descriptions are lovely, they way his feelings are conveyed is just superb. I suggest he have a drink with Arys from bro to bro and talk about how hot T'Lea is
  2. Alora's description of food makes me hungry
  3. @John Kendrick Pleeeeeeease say it to her face
  4. I will admit that I was 99% certain that we would get either an almost tearful goodbye, or some similarly warm and fuzzy conclusion to @Oddas Aria and Alea. A happy ending. I absolutely adore that this wasn't the case.
  5. Really nice and unexpected plot twist, Mr @Tomas Falt Now I am worried. But it's just a hallucination, so it's fine. ... Right? O.O
  6. Arys has never been so confused by a statement @TLea Edit: The censored word makes it even better
  7. Everyone on the Juneau is always talking about love. Yuck. But now its time for me to tell you what Counselor Trovek loves, the thing that counsellors love best of all.
  8. See that's what I like about it. I find T'Lea to be a very interesting character and I really enjoyed the contrast between the comedy of swimming in voles, and the fact that in T'Lea's mind it's actually a quite dark scenario. I also find the fear of being exposed for those slightly darker character traits very relatable. So yeah. Well done, I loved it. 🖤
  9. I enjoyed reading this a lot @TLea
  10. Defective Vulcan at it again. @TLea
  11. Co-writing this was an absolute pleasure ❤️
  12. @Sival and the moba fruit 😸 As he took the last bite of the food on his plate, he realized that he was enjoying the moba fruit. Really enjoying it. To the point of indulgence. He instantly realized the seriousness of the situation. Usually, Sival suppressed or moderated his emotions. The only times they ‘ran away from him’ was when he was daydreaming or lost in thought about a project, and even during those times the emotion he felt was relatively mild and could be easily reined back in. Never had he lost awareness of an emotional experience and let it control his behavior, until now. oO This is what happens when I do not carefully regulate my emotions. Oo
  13. I loved this so so much!!!
  14. I already adore @TLea ———————— Trovek: … well I like a dark blue. Like, really dark. What’s yours? T’Lea: Black. Blunt and honest. Whatever the counselor wanted to read into her answer was, as far as T’Lea was concerned, strictly nonsense. Liking a certain color didn’t quantify or categorize a person’s mental health. Black was easy and didn’t require much thought. And it was dark and scary and made T’Lea feel good. Okay maybe there was something to it, but that’s not why she had asked.
  15. FINALLY! Witness me as I shed the cloak of the Cadet and ascent to unlimited POWER! .... Ahem. What I mean to say is, thank you, I love being here and can't wait to get started - even if I already got attached to @Jo Marshall and @Alieth❤️
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