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Everything posted by Dekas

  1. One of those ones that's hard to explain why exactly I find it as funny as I do. But @Oddas Aria's description of a pool as exactly what it is. But something about it seems like it would be delivered almost deadpan if she said it out loud like that.
  2. As usual, I love @Kettick. His thoughts on life as a character are refreshing, thoughtful, and also entertaining.
  3. And shortly after there’s a good narrative bit from @Gogigobo Fairhug’s PNPC Garev that got a good laugh out of me just now. We love a Vulcan brow raise. 🤣
  4. @Alex Forsyth Something about Alex's thought process here had me wheezing with laughter instantly. 😆
  5. @Kettick I snorted 🤣
  6. I already love @Freck Something about mentioning having stopped at a bunch of "World's Largest" things to the XO is strangely hilarious and slightly adorable.
  7. @Alex Forsyth It's ridiculous how much I relate to this nervous thought process around people. It's a mood 😆
  8. I LOVE @Kettick's thought processes about these things 🤣
  9. @Tomas Falt We love a call back!
  10. I'd like to thank @John Kendrick for seeing the weird spooky-season vibes I was putting down, and absolutely picking them up and running with them in just the right way.
  11. Okay, also another zinger from @Kettick's characterization of Daimon Kaybay. Morally dubious vibing over here.
  12. @TLea the sass in this is is a mood 😆
  13. As per the usual, @Kettick is hilarious 🤣
  14. "I don't know much about Stargates, but I'm ready to squawk and roll."
  15. @John Kendrick I love a good villain. And she is that. Her thoughts are described marvelously. Chef's kiss.
  16. @Ashley Yael It's honestly descriptions like this that, in the best possible way, leave me reeling. Pun only partially intended.
  17. @Tomas Falt This one needed to steep in my brain a little bit before I fully considered how funny the sentence is. Because as I work on a response, I keep seeing that sentence and chuckling, and the more I read it the funnier it gets.
  18. @Kettick I love Kaybay. And your descriptions, as usual are so good.
  19. But also this response to the meatballs comment has been living in my head rent free for a few hours @Tomas Falt. We're all sad when we have to say that the universal constant of meatballs has been lacking.
  20. @Gogigobo Fairhug Like corned beef. Such a fun comparison to make. 😆
  21. "Like meatballs?" The best universal constant. @Kettick 10/10. I can't. There are actual tears of laughter. 🤣
  22. Vermillion Vox is very quickly getting up there on the list of people who have managed to get a good chuckle out of me in every one of their sims, I swear. She might have only laughed internally, but I laughed externally.
  23. @Kettick is at it again with the excellent narrative humor.
  24. @Kettick I love when you write things. There's always at least a small zinger somewhere. And honestly your Ferengi writing vibes are where it's at.
  25. Once again our newest ensign, Vermillion Vox, deserves a mention. Because Vox is turning out to be a super excellent writer and we're lucky to have them. That's a beautiful set of descriptions. But also from the same sim. Gotta love a "wait why'd I do that?" moment.
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