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Everything posted by Dekas

  1. Missed this bit initially, I think, but @Kettick is over here with MSNPC Xern and being a little too funny as usual. 10/10. 😂
  2. And here's a good bit from @Oddas Aria playing PNPC Ebiss Ton
  3. The longer this one sits with me, the more this honestly becomes such a funny thought process from @Araxxu Vahin
  4. If you know me at all, then you know I'm a fan of a good antagonist. And I love this one from @Freck The sass is my favorite. "It was reckless. It was practically suicidal. It was downright rude, is what it was." is hysterical to me, but honestly, this whole sim just rocks overall.
  5. Dekas was running a little late, still had what looks like some type of Starfleet athleisure top, and last minute found the softest, and most rainbow skirt he could replicate just to have a fun time and be himself, and it turned out it matched, and he painted his claws for the occasion. Comfortable AND fashionable if you ask him.
  6. I just need to appreciate this sim title from @Alan Letts. It's AMAZING.
  7. Okay, but we're completely sleeping on @Alan Letts's nervous reaction to Tomas, though. I love it. 🤣
  8. @Kettick As usual is a comedy genius in his choices of words at any given time. 🤣
  9. You did a great job, you guys. And, officially, welcome to the fleet! We're happy to have you.
  10. Ensign Raimor over here being funny by asking this to our resident Remillian at the end of a med visit 😂
  11. Okay, but I'd like to appreciate @Freck for unwittingly being such a good sport about the prank his Aurelian friend just pulled on him by telling him to sing his greeting and then actually doing it. In tears laughing. But also the writing here is top-quality, and it's an enjoyable read overall as well. We're extremely lucky to have Freck on Denali Station with us, tbh.
  12. I'm sure I've mentioned it before, but I really do love @Freck
  13. @Kettick. "thoughts he would keep for later. Probably around two in the morning" is a mood.
  14. I'm so glad someone caught my Bojack reference because I was chuckling to myself about it. It gets funnier because I'm pretty sure Dr. Migleemo from Lower Decks is voiced by the same person who voices Mister Peanut Butter, and Migleemo is a bird alien of some sort. There's a whole other secret layer to the joke 🤣
  15. Ensign Raimor thinking he’s the one “letting” Lt Commanders get injured. When the truth is every commander has a secret reckless side made up of hubris and the instinct to cause chaos for everyone involved. 😂
  16. Ensign Raimor over here with thoughts like these making me giggle. honestly a high five to the first person who uses a phrase like “a little birdy told me.” To Dekas’ face at some point.
  17. Congrats, you did great! And officially, welcome to the fleet. 🤗 Glad to have you!
  18. Okay, I'm catching up with the reading today and everyone is just full of good ones. Such as this one from @Freck I wheeze-laughed. That is such a good response to successfully blowing up an otherwise dangerous asteroid. followed by @Tomas Falt's response to it. Which I find entertaining because both versions of relief are completely reasonable ways to handle it. You can almost hear the relieved exhale as he says it.
  19. Okay also upon reflection I missed this little thought process during my first read-through, and Ensign Raimor makes a good point. 😉
  20. I'll stop appreciating @Kettick's portrayal of Kaybay when he stops being funny, which is literally impossible. He's hilarious.
  21. @Kettick is always out here with the zingers, I swear 🤣
  22. @Freck is funny and if no one else appreciates it first, I absolutely will 🤣
  23. @Elizabeth Snow playing a cadet and giving my absolute favorite version of the initial reaction to a very colorful Aurelian being in the room. The "Don't be weird!" mental reaction gets a hearty laugh from me just about every time it happens, and this one is no exception 😆
  24. @Gogigobo Fairhug writing Francisco over here being an excellent wingman in the middle of a crisis. 😆
  25. @John Kendrick getting in a good take on a classic Trek phrase!
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