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Everything posted by Dekas

  1. Two quotes in one for this, because they both kind of hit my humor. @Krytenton and @Motor Vihn First being this little interaction. Such good friendship chemistry between these two. I'm about it. And second being just from Ensign Vihn as far as thought processes go. "Oh, good, the captain's not dead." is such a simple and casual thought process but it made me snort.
  2. @Motor Vihn This little bit right here was especially beautifully written. I love the new Doctor on the ship. They're fantastic already.
  3. @Tomas Falt First of all: This sim is excellent, you really do feel the pure desire to help people even in a situation where you (technically) can't do that. And second of all: Tomas Falt? I love him. Just outright adore him. So thank you for the privilege of reading this. ==== OOC: This sim contain violence, death and an over the top acting performance. Reader discretion is advised. ((City Alleyway, Anadasa Surface)) The away team were huddled in a doorway, trying to stay out of sight, about twenty meters down the alley which the shops rear door had opened onto. Oddas: Suggestions? Kendrick: I'm afraid things have gotten more complicated now that we've gotten company. Falt: ::to Ra’Am:: do you know anywhere we could go that will be quiet? Ra’Am: There’s the old chapel. No one goes there now, not since everything changed. They all go to the temple instead. That sounded ominous. “Everything changed,” could certainly be a sign of an external influence at work. He raised a single questioning eyebrow at the Captain and Kendrick, the gesture only slightly spoiled by his forehead ridges. The Captain returned the gesture, clearly coming to a similar conclusion. Kendrick: ::nodding:: If this chapel is indeed abandoned, perhaps we could set up our base of operation there. Oddas: Sounds like a plan, ::to Ra'Am:: lead the way. The girl gestured they should go left, down the alleyway. Tomas found himself on point, with the Captain and Ra’Am behind him. He led them through the narrow, shadow filled alleyway. Kendrick was at the rear. Tomas was glad he was there, watching their backs. Hemmed in like they were it would be difficult for them to escape if they were ambushed . Oddas: Why don't people go to the temple anymore, Ra'am? Ra'Am: ::shrugging her shoulders:: I don't know. I think it has something to do with the Great Blessing. He kept scanning the alley as they moved forward. Falt: ::not turning round:: What was the great blessing? Kendrick: Well, apparently it wasn't so great for that old chapel. They seemed to be passing behind an eatery of some kind. He could smell cooking coming from an open kitchen door and they had to duck under a meat rack of some kind. He couldn’t be sure if it was used for drying, or smoking. Either way, the aroma reminded him of cooking out with his father on one of their numerous camping trips. Oddas: Did something happen around then? Ra'Am: It's when J'Kre threw down her helmet from the heavens. At least that's what our Caretakers told us at the orphanage. I was still a baby when it all happened. Tomas nodded. From his studies he knew many early civilisations would interpret activity in the sky as signs from their gods. It was highly likely a crashing borg scout ship, assuming that is what had fallen from the sky, would invoke some kind of religious response. He decided to test his theory. Falt: ::still looking forwards:: The helmet fell from the heavens in a giant fireball, yes? Before the girl could answer he heard loud footsteps ahead. He brought the group to a halt, but there was nowhere to hide. He was aware of Kendrick moving the Captain and Ra’Am behind him as seven armoured men, all armed, marched into the alley in front of them. He knew their best chance of getting out of the situation was to not appear suspicious to the guards. Hopefully they’d march straight past. Falt: ::quietly, without turning:: Everyone act normally, like we’re doing nothing wrong. If they keep coming just move out of their way, hopefully they’ll go past. Much to his relief the men, he guessed guards of some sort, didn’t keep coming. Unfortunately they didn’t leave either. They stopped outside a doorway about twenty metres away, completely blocking the alley. oO Guess we’re not going that way for a moment Oo One of the guards, his more refined dress suggesting he was the leader of the group, started hammering on the door. It was not a polite knock, rather a hammering that suggested the door would be broken down if it wasn’t quickly opened. Kendrick: ::at the Captain:: Looks like we're trapped, Sir. I suggest we turn around and try to find another way to get to that chapel. Oddas: response The door still hadn’t been answered. The leader took a step to the side and another guard swiftly kicked it open. The alley briefly emptied as the guards entered the building. He could hear shouting and screaming from inside, it clearly wasn’t a social call. For a moment he wondered if it would be worth making a break for it down the alley, but before he could suggest it the guards returned, two of them dragging an adolescent looking boy between them. He’d been badly beaten and was putting up no resistance. An older couple, presumably the boy's parents, followed behind the guards, pleading for them not to hurt their son. A grim expression settled on his face as he watched them drop to their knees and beg, weeping. This was the hard reality of the prime directive, not to interfere, even if you wanted to. Ra'am: ::at Oddas:: Why can't you help him? Oddas: response Ra'am: ::at Falt:: But you did help me, didn't you? Falt: ::ignoring the question:: It’s not safe here. H was glad to here Kendrick agree. Kendrick: We better go now before we draw some unwanted attention. One of the guards approached the pleading man and suddenly lashed out with a leather clad fist, hitting in the face. As he collapsed to the ground another guard arrived, and together they began kicking and stamping on their prone victim. Tomas felt an anger boiling inside him. He knew they had to leave the old man to his fate, however much that felt wrong. He turned to leave but hadn’t counted on Ra’Am shouting out. Ra'Am: ::at the guardsmen:: Stop!!! Don't hurt him!! Kendrick: ::looking at the Captain:: What the- Oddas: response Tomas swung back to face the guards. The leader was walking toward them, pistol raised. His men formed up behind him as he bellowed at the away team. Guard Leader: ::shouting:: Quiet! Or do you wish to join them!!. It seemed he was giving them one last chance to go, and Tomas was keen to take it. Unfortunately Ra’Am was too young to have realised their situation. Ra’Am: Stop hurting him!! The leader didn’t give them a second chance. Guard Leader: ::to his men:: Arrest them. All of them. oO So much for keeping a low profile Oo His mind raced, looking for options. He could only think of one, and it wasn’t good. It might even be a bit crazy. It certainly wasn’t allowed under the prime directive, but it might just buy the rest of the team enough time to get away. He turned to Kendrick as the guards rushed toward them. Falt: I’ll slow them down. Get the Captain to safety, sir. Kendrick/Oddas: Response Tomas only half heard them. He was already walking toward the guards, putting a few more paces between himself and the away team. He knew he was taking a big risk, although the alternative was worse. Plus he had a strong feeling T’Lea would throw him out of an airlock if he let the Captain get caught. He channelled all his anger and fear into his voice. Falt: ::enraged:: How dare you address a priest in this manner!!! The leader seemed to hesitate, caught by surprise. Tomas kept shouting, trying to keep the man off balance. Falt: ::angry:: and since when did the followers of J’Kre attack defenceless old men. oO I’m in trouble if that wasn’t the name Ra’Am said Oo The leader stopped about two metres away from him, pistol still raised. Guard Leader: You’re no priest, you’re not even dressed like one. Tomas knew his only choice was to keep his act up. As long as the guards thought he could be an angry priest they might not shoot him. Falt: What ignorance! I am a missionary from across the sea. Guard Leader: But… Falt: ::screaming:: Silence! He stepped forward so he was nose-to-nose with the leader. Falt: ::voice dripping with disdain:: I’ve travelled far to get here and learn more about the Great Blessing, and instead I find this! He pushed past the shocked leader and strode toward the old man. Every step he took he expected to feel a gunshot in his back, but none came. The man was motionless in a pool of blood, the woman lying over him, wailing. Even before he knelt beside her Tomas knew there was nothing he could do. He doubted even Sival or Doctor Indobri could have saved him on the Juneau. Tomas hung his head and muttered under his breath, making sure no one could hear him. He hoped they would think he was praying for the old man. It might buy him some more time, it might even give the woman some comfort. Guard Leader: Don’t waste your breath on scum like him. Tomas stood and faced him. When he spoke again his voice was like ice. Falt: ::calmly, coldly:: It is not for you to decide who I pray to J’Kre for. And I wasn’t just praying for him, I was praying for you. May J’Kre have mercy on you for his murder. He knew he was laying it on thick and that the spell would break soon. Looking past the leader he was relieved the rest of the away team were no longer in sight. Guard Leader: We were following order’s… Falt: ::interrupting:: Order’s to murder a defenceless old man? Who gave you such orders? The guard leader seemed to regain some of his composure. Guard Leader: My order came from Council Member D’Aanish, and no one from outside the city gets to question them. Priest or otherwise. ::turning to his men:: arrest him. Tomas sighed as two guards roughly seized him by the arms. oO Took them long enough Oo Falt: You will regret this. Guard Leader: We’ll see. ::to his men:: take him away. TAG / TBC Lieutenant JG Tomas Falt Science Officer USS Juneau, NX-99801 J239807TF2
  4. @TLea I got a good giggle out of this paragraph in particular. Because sometimes you just reaaaaally want to go.
  5. @John Kendrick I'll be honest, I've been thinking about this for hours. It was just really well written and within seconds of reading it I just wanted to know more. Such a lovely writer. Superb. Chef's kiss! --- ((Council Chamber, The Citadel, Anadasa)) There were few windows in the Council Chamber so most light came from the huge candle chandeliers that hung down from the ceiling, which gave the room an atmosphere of mystery. The Council of Da’al, presided by G’Riett, had gathered around the octagonal table where since ancient times, every major proposal concerning the City and its inhabitants had been discussed, rejected or accepted. It was a place of historical importance that, perhaps even now more than ever, had the power to change the future. Only those belonging to the noble houses of Da’al had the honor to serve on the Council. But nevertheless, here she was: an orphan and an outcast, sitting at the same table with the same men and women who - until not so long ago - would have averted their gaze if they saw her in the streets of the City, dirty faced and dressed in rags. Even her name, G'Riett, had become popular among the missionaries who had adopted her name as their own. As the council members discussed the day-to-day business of running the City, G’Riett looked around the table. Half of the Council worshipped her and would kiss the ground she walked on. The other half pretended to respect her, but would not hesitate to pierce a knife through her heart if the opportunity presented itself. They all had one thing in common though: she loathed them, each and everyone of them. But their time would soon come to an end. She already imagined their severed heads on a pole, adorning the battlements of the Citadel walls. She smiled to herself as her hand touched her long, pearl-speckled hair. Bored by the conversation she cleared her throat to draw their attention. The voices fell silent as all eyes turned towards her. G’Riett: Tell me, esteemed Council member D’Aanish: I’ve been informed that some of our citizens in the Southern District have reverted to the old beliefs. ::with steely eyes:: Is this true? And if so: why have I not been informed of this earlier? The Councel member - an older, slightly obese Anadasan - shuffled uncomfortably in his chair. D’Aanish: You have been informed correctly. ::casting his eyes down:: My apologies. But I did not feel it was important enough to report to you. G’Riett: I will decide for myself what is important and what is not. That is not up to your discretion. Her voice was calm but everyone around the table realized she wouldn't tolerate such a mistake twice. D’Aanish: Of course. I have acted foolishly. It- It will not happen again. She nodded at the man and gave him a little smile as a sign she had accepted his apology. The man then leaned slightly back in his chair, apparently feeling more relaxed again. He took out a handkerchief and dabbed the sweat from his forehead ridges. And then she fired her next question at him. G’Riett: And what have you done about this most unpleasant situation? The man kept on dabbing the sweat from his forehead. D’Aanish: Nothing. ::stammering:: At least not yet. She rose from her chair and placed her bolded fists on the table as she leaned forward in the direction of D’Aanish. G’Riett: ::softly:: Nothing? The other Council members quietly leaned back in their chairs and wisely decided not get involved. D’Aanish: They are important members of the community. Doctors, teachers… She raised her hand, interrupting him. G’Riett: Which is why it is even more important for us to keep them on the path, the true path J’Kre has laid out for us. The Ta’al Lak. Now it was D’Aanish who got up from his chair. D’Aanish: ::bowing his head:: I will send out missionaries at once. G’Riett: Accompanied by the High Guard. D’Aanish: ::confused:: The High Guard? G’Riett: Yes. They will take the eldest son or daughter of those who have deviated from the true path and sent them off to the labor camps in the T'Vorni Mountains ::determined:: I can see no greater incentive to stay true to the teachings of J’kre than the prospect of being reunited with ones loved ones. D’Aanish: I see. ::nodding:: That is… very wise of you. Satisfied her decision wasn’t challenged, she turned to the others. G’Riett: It is almost midday. I suggest we suspend our meeting until after lunch... and prayer. The other Council members nodded in agreement as they got up from their chairs. As they quietly left the Council Chamber, a hooded man appeared from behind one of the pillars, and approached G’Riett. G’Riett: Did you find her? Hooded Man: Yes. At the word “yes” she could barely keep her excitement to herself. G’Riett: Where is she now? Hooded Man: One of my men caught her while she was stealing a loaf of bread. But... She turned away from him as her initial excitement was suddenly replaced by a slowly building anger. Hooded Man: She managed to escape. G’Riett: ::biting her anger:: Then what are you still doing here? She turned back towards the Hooded Man. G’Riett: Find her and bring her to me. ::stone cold:: And remember this: next time you arrive here empty handed, you will leave this Citadel with no hands at all. The Hooded Man nodded and disappeared again into the shadows. G’Riett walked to one of the windows that looked out over the city, her hand firmly on the pendant of her necklace. G’Riett: Where are you, little one? TBC === G'Riett simmed by: Lieutenant John Kendrick Acting Chief Security and Tactical USS Juneau, NX-99801 J239801JK3
  6. @John Kendrick I woke up from a nap, read that response, and given I'd just woken up, had no ability to hold back the good hearty laugh I let out about Kendrick's thought processes. He may have succeeded in not laughing right there but I gave a laugh for him. He's a whole mood.
  7. Alright so here’s another one apparently. Cause upon giving it a second read through, @TLea this gave me strong emotions about friendship and I could just die about it.
  8. @John Kendrick I had a little chuckle. Because that's how I feel any time I try to compliment someone I like even in the most friendly of settings. So that's honestly such a mood. I love him.
  9. Dekas out here lookin fancy and being the entire rainbow that he is.
  10. @TLea I find both Wyss' reaction to seeing an Aurelian which she's never seen hysterical, and I think T'Lea's reaction to Nyka equally hysterical. "You're here, in the fleather..." I barked a laugh in my real life reading that, and then giggled the rest of the way through the entirety of the sim, but this section is so good I could just die.
  11. There’s nothing I don’t love about @John Kendrick’s writing tbh. What an icon. Quality character. I’d personally die for him. And that line gave me a good laugh the instant I read it so it deserved a mention.
  12. The way that @Oddas Aria wrote this sim really made me feel what Captain Oddas was feeling. All the little mannerisms of anxiety and anger. The weight and responsibility of what it really means to be a Captain in a really tricky scenario. Really had me connecting to Aria a lot in the moment. I've been thinking about it for a good hour or two now, honestly. So I thought it warranted an appreciation. It was well done. --- ((Bekanar’Klan’s Office, Jem’Hadar Colony, Aturn VII)) Oddas: =/\= Can you confirm that? =/\= The map with purported mining veins and traps set took a secondary position in her list of things to do for the moment. The thought that her crew members were captured and being subjugated to Prophets knew what caused the tension headache she had been experiencing back with a vengeance. The last thing she wanted was to lose crew, not only did it come along with the job she wasn't as aloof as others saw her. She didn't care to sacrifice life ever. Iovianus: =/\= Response =/\= Any: Response Dekas: This is all very odd. Bekanar’Klan: Odd? How so? Dekas: Do we know what they’re looking for? Or what they’re guarding? Han: Response Oddas: Regardless, taking hostages is a surefire way to make sure I believe them less. She gave the Jem'Hadar pair a sideways glance - she knew she had just obliquely said she trusted the Jem'Hadar more. In a way, she realized it was true. The Jem'Hadar were fighting their nature in order for a better life. It seemed Kaybay was leaning into his own worse pah'wraith in order to further his very typical goals. One took heroic effort, the other took practically none. Her narrowed eyes betrayed some of her discomfort at the idea and tension with the idea her crew were hostages. Han: Response As the Marine spoke she realized the tension was layering on top of something else - anger. Anger was something she was familiar with, anger at her family, anger at some of her instructors, anger with others, anger with aliens taking her crew. It didn't even matter what the Major was saying she kept thinking about the failure she could become. By the time Bekanar'Klan responded she was struggling to keep it at bay. Bekanar’Klan: Then, perhaps we should mount a foray into the mines while we wait on Strapek to arrive? I have more than enough soldiers here, along with your own people Captain. It was a plan, a solid plan, and one that might give them answers. She paused to count the Major and Minor Vedeks to be sure she wasn't reacting out of anger. Her fingers clinched more tightly, digging her artificial nails into her upper arm where she had crossed her arms. Osasad’Mon: We should attack the DaiMon's ship at the same time use the element of surprise! The words had come out as a snarl, the Second was obviously itching to do something. Looking at the Jem'Hadar's face she saw the hardened battle ready face of a brutal warrior staring back. Aria had seen the same face on militia fighters back home - including her mother. She had even seen it more recently on the face of a Starfleet Marine that had been the source of consternation for her. Oddas: If we attack Kaybay could simply decide to kill the hostages. ::she paused and considered:: We'll give the Juneau a chance to rescue the hostages, if that doesn't work we can resort to ::feeling her nails dig deeper:: other measures. Han/Dekas: Response Bekanar’Klan: I can have a tactical unit ready in 5 minutes, Captain. And I will accompany you. And since the Second seems eager for a fight, he can come along as well. She looked at the map and back towards the others. Bekanar'Klan's statement brought up an unfortunate reality - she tended not to go into battle. Aria could fire a phaser, hit most things she aimed at, if the object wasn't moving too quickly and precision wasn't required. As if sensing her discomfort the Second perked up in that happy disappointment of a tone she had heard on bullies before. Osasad’Mon: If you feel your team is up for it, of course. Oddas: We're up for it. Major Han, prepare a team, recall anyone you need from the Juneau. I want us to be ready to transport to that location 5 minutes. She pointed to the map and a location where it seemed the traps were most concentrated - directly around the entrance of the tunnel the Away Team had disappeared from. Han/Dekas: Response Oddas: That's how long the Juneau has to get our people free peacefully. The snort of derision from the direction of the Second was enough indication of what he thought of the plan. Bekanar’Klan: Response Oddas: We have experience with that too. We'll all beam over together. Han/Dekas/All: Response Suddenly the weight of the phaser on her belt - long forgotten since the beam down - made itself known. She knew some people felt the weight of a weapon as power, for Aria it meant she had done something wrong, missed a way out, missed the path that didn't require violence. The feeling added to the anger that was welling up in her. Before long the nails would be drawing blood from the pressure she was pushing into them. Any: Response TAG, TBC Captain Oddas Aria Commanding Officer USS Juneau, NX-99801 E239305OA0
  13. I can’t fully explain what it is about Cassian’s thought process that entertains me so, but the quickness of the considering department reviews over casual commentary is hysterical to me and I love him already. I enjoy the character voice so far overall despite the newness of him, but little things like that quickly solidify enjoyment for me. 10/10 I feel like he’s going to be a very entertaining XO to have around for both expected and unexpected reasons, as well as bringing an interesting dynamic about. And I, for one, am kinda living for it.
  14. There's something really special about a phrase like, "this is the most murphed mission I have been on". the use of Murphed as a verb is just. *chef's kiss* Impeccable use of the English language, and how weird you can make it while still completely understanding the sentiment. It's possible I'm very tired, but frankly I laughed for a solid three minutes about it.
  15. Thanks so much for the warm welcome! Already love the positive energy from all this. I'm very excited to be officially part of this group and I hope to have a chance to write with all of you at some point. 🤗
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