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Everything posted by Dekas

  1. I love a good "Probably" at the end of a sentence, like this from @Ian OConnor. You have to love the moment of doubt. It's fine. It's probably fine.
  2. I'm just going to say it, I think the way @Kammus Corelli uses his words is very fun. And
  3. @Toryn Raga I love Kelv. 10/10 on the sass. 😆
  4. Listen, I know the whole sim this quote is from was put on the appreciations (and for good reason), but this beginning bit from it in particular keeps sending me every time I look at it from Gott, as written by @Karrod Niac because "gefselfblibnated" is quite the word 😆
  5. This from @Quentin Collins III's new character Kirsty Carpenter. "In front of a TEXAN no less." 👌
  6. And then this from @Alieth. The writing for it is just so nicely done. Also, we have a dog on the ship and I'm excited.
  7. Okay, actually also this tiny little interaction between @VLen Kel and @Kammus Corelli from the same sim. Also excellent.
  8. An optimistic look on pessimism from @Kammus Corelli 😆
  9. With the new ship up and going now, it's time for an appreciative quote thread. Did someone write a quote that was hysterical? Absolutely soul-destroying? Or maybe just the best thing you've ever seen? Well post about those little quotes here. I'll go first. This little interaction between @Karrod Niac and @Toryn Raga from their intro JP made me snort. 🤣
  10. @Tomas Falt I won't lie. Every time Tersus exists I end up in stitches. I love characters who are just Like That. I kept trying to figure out which things to quote, but everything was funny. "There was no point in him denying it. Tersus could see the scuff marks." The sass. Also, I do love the friendship vibes between Tomas and Kendrick so that's also a plus.
  11. I just SNORTED @Marty Tucker
  12. Alright, starting up a thread for the Denali Invitational specifically. See a quote or five that you want to appreciate during the Invitational? This is just the place for it. I'll go first. Really loving the sponsor slogan on @Connor Dewitt and @Nolen Hobart's little ship. I gott a little giggle out of it.
  13. @Freck after Dekas has said the line "Or I could stick it in a hat and call it spaghetti" about a loose feather. Best possible way to take that dialogue after the fact. Simple. Effective. "Hey, look, spaghetti!" 🤣
  14. @Freck hoping to make bug eaters out of people when we have an insectoid on the station 😂 10/10 thought process.
  15. Two quotes from @Freck the first being this, because the idea of a "listening license" that is limited time sounds extremely Ferengi, and I am entertained by that. The second being this, because I laughed really hard on impact.
  16. We love a title that makes a good reference, and @John Kendrick playing Pelley did that with this title about our newly established crew lounge on the station. 😆
  17. Gotta give some appreciation to Ensign Raimor for this sim. It's very well written and was nice to learn more about Raimor's relationship dynamics between people in his family through this.
  18. Oh my god @Kettick you have no idea how happy I am that you just brought Frayley into the mix. She's always a treasure.
  19. This little thought process from @Oddas Aria is so funny 🤣
  20. The way the last sentence from @Gogigobo Fairhug's PNPC Garev reads is so funny to me because it's the end of that set of sims, that it genuinely caught me off guard in the best possible way. 🤣
  21. Okay I just posted one quote from this sim in the general appreciations thing for @Kettick, but frankly, it doesn't do justice to the fact that this entire sim is a goldmine of funny things.
  22. First, you have to take this with the context of the title being "It's Alive!" and it kind of being a Frankenstein reference, I'm almost sure. But once you do, (and even if you don't) I've literally been laughing for a solid minute over this from @Kettick playing Xern. I can't BREATHE.
  23. Finally, I can send in a proper appreciation for @Alora DeVeau. Who I have admittedly kinda stalked the writing of for a while on Ops. But with her transfer over to Denali, I can now reasonably be someone who gives her the appreciation that she so readily deserves for her beautiful writing. This is beautiful. It's emotional. Outstanding. I'm so excited to have her on the Station with us.
  24. @Kettick once again getting a good chuckle out of me. You wouldn't even need the hefty dose of confirmation bias to be sure of that 🤣
  25. We all know @Kettick is funny by now, but it's so fun to acknowledge every time he does something funny with either his main character or at the current moment the MSNPC Xern.
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