Let me start off by saying I enjoyed both Picard and Discovery and am eagerly waiting for the next seasons of both!
That being said, the frustration I have with both shows is the format. I miss the episodic story telling of TNG, VOY, DS9, and TOS. Each episode is a new 50 minute adventure with it's own plot. Occasionally you'd get a to be continued, and sometimes the plot arcs would link together, but most of the time each episode was it's own self-contained plot. That style of storytelling opened to door for much more character development across the whole cast, and it allowed the writers to explore the universe and current events. Both Discovery and Picard go with a season wide plot. It's like watching a 10 hour movie instead of a series of episodes and therefore the writers really only get to tell one big story. The styling is so different from the episodic style that the feeling of the show is going to be different. Different isn't bad, it's just different.
I love that Picard and Discovery brought the fandom into the modern age and wasn't afraid to show off the dark aspects of the Trek universe. Grittiness is inherent in life. I do long for an episodic format of show though, as I feel like it allows the writers to explore trek as a whole more.
My two cents.