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About WLandAlice

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    USS Gorkon
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Member of the USS Fastfingers

Member of the USS Fastfingers (7/28)



  1. I had to vote for the Voyager Conspiracy, perhaps not because the catapult was "unnecessary", but more for the fact that it was a Seven of Nine-Centric episode, and Seven was my least-like character. And my dislike of Seven of Nine probably stems from the number of ex-Borgs I've written with in Sims past.
  2. Congratulations and welcome to you both!
  3. Since interrupted weddings were included in the list, I'd like to add the aborted one of Lwaxana Troi and Campio. I don't know what was funnier, Lwaxana showing up for the ceremony in traditional Betazed garb, or Worf in the mud bath!
  4. And before someone feels compelled to tell me, I looked up Lemec for myself https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Lemec
  5. Sadly, I came across this post three years too late, as the link is no longer functioning The weird thing about me is that my first thought was "Who is that Lemec person way over in the lower right corner?"
  6. LOL...true that!
  7. I went with Endar and Jono (and thus picked the 'Not listed' option) from the TNG episode "Suddenly human." I, for one, wouldn't want to live in Talarian society, and you can tell it is difficult for the crew to sympathize with anyone wanting to remain in Talarian society, there is a strong bond between Endar and his adopted human son.
  8. Mahalo Nui Loa and thank you very much to two great instructors and a great class of fellow cadets!
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