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Hiro Jones

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Everything posted by Hiro Jones

  1. The USS Eagle has been taken over by CLASSIC MONSTERS! I vant to scan your star system! BLUH!
  2. I actually think Kayla would make a very capable counselor.
  3. Kayla loves coffee, but recently the CMO on the Eagle (Dr. Foster) advised her to cut back her intake. Still though, her idol is Janeway, and what better way to get into one's idol's head than indulge in the same pick-me-up? ❤️ K
  4. Holy. Moly! Thank you so much! I'm extremely honored by this award, and in my characters words, I won't let you down, sirs. Also, a VERY heartfelt congratulations to the other winners. I'm humbled to have been counted among such excellent writers/players.
  5. Very well done, all. Congratulations!
  6. Very well done, everyone! Congratulations are indeed appropriate. Your hard work, dedication, and unique flavors are much appreciated. 😁
  7. WOW, Congratulations everyone! I love seeing how many and varied contributions are being made. I'm truly honored to be part of this amazing undertaking. TIME TO PARTY!!!!!
  8. Think I'd have to say Vulcans ftw for me. The use of pure logic to science the heck out of things would be amazing, but you know Kayla would be geeking out the whole time. I'd probably annoy the heck out of them - not that they'd show it. 😉
  9. I have an idea for a future poll: You have an opportunity to take part in an officer exchange program. Where would you like to serve? 1. Klingons 2. Vulcans 3. Tamarian 4. Jem'Hadar 5. Bolians
  10. Decided to change my outfit last-minute. (It's called a woman's prerogative. Deal.) What do you think?
  11. It's vintage Prada! From the 21st Century! Really hope I don't spill bean dip on it....
  12. I'm such a sap. I get all squirmy and excited when I think about this. Real-life happy tears have been shed over this IC news. ❤️ K
  13. Aww, thanks Shayne. I'd say, "Glad you enjoyed it," but that doesn't seem to fit ... 🤔 Writing a character based on one's self allows for beautiful catharsis though. Don't worry, happy times are coming again. ❤️ K
  14. Maybe it's tooting my own horn, but I giggled more than I should've done at "Look Ma! I'm a Lightning Bug!" https://groups.google.com/d/msg/sb118-eagle/cotPvw80QMU/F14BokSFBQAJ ❤️ K
  15. That's because we haven't technically simmed it yet, @German Galven. ... we should.
  16. Thank you, @Sotak. It was fun to write with @Maddi Hyden. I'm sure we'll write more in the future.
  17. I 100% heard the canned audience reactions. That was fun, Galven. Thanks for including me!
  18. In case anybody wants to be crazy like me and have a physical copy of this calendar, I made a .pdf of the calendar images. Enjoy! 😊 SB118 2396 calendar.pdf
  19. I mean, that's cheating, Dermy. Guinan ftw any day.
  20. One phrase clinched this for me: "Today is a good day to die." Honor, duty, and loyalty would keep Worf at your back until the bitter end. Victory or death!
  21. So very happy to be part of the fleet!
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