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Irina Pavlova

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Everything posted by Irina Pavlova

  1. Agree completely.
  2. Irina has already been a marine, security, tactical, strategic operations and then security again. I could see her moving to operations, especially after recent events that almost killed her physically and her wife with worry. While she definitely has the coordination for HCO, I just don't think it suits her personality. She's also still over two centuries out of date in many respects, which kind of makes engineering an unlikely fit (though she is very, VERY knowledgable on 20th and 21st century internal combustion engines and hydroelectric power plants). She's quite skilled at math, so perhaps science, but if so would likely be as chief science officer where her role was more management than research. Oh who am I trying to fool? She's a marine through and through, who can play a security officer quite well on TV. Tactical is probably the only logical move for her if she ever had to move.
  3. Wow, thank you so much for the kind words. If I didn't say it before, I encourage EVERYONE to find any excuse at all to write a joint post with Randall Shayne.
  4. So many choices. Looking just at my own posts, my favorite title is also the simples. "No"
  5. Ensign Westwood "Brain Damage is Fun" I suppose it could be.
  6. Definitely Quasrk and Grilka, like there is any other choice.
  7. Younger mates are just delicious.

  8. Congrats to all, especially our own Oddas, Aria for XO of the embassy.
  9. Actually, strike that. A quick look in her old wardrobe case (From the USS Columbia, NX-02) found this ravishing number that was all the rage in 2169.
  10. Irina is wearing the same red dress as last year.
  11. OOC from Andrew (writer for Irina Pavlova): My only suggestion for improvement of these two posts is to the title. It just had to be "Dancing Among the Stars" This is part 2 of 2 (( Outside Holosuite 2, Embassy, Duronis II )) :: Aria knew the type well, from her own planet’s history. As much as she disliked her own family, she had never doubted her mother, father, and grandparents were heros of their own Occupation. :: Oddas: The women I come from are all fierce fighters, some by choice, and all in different ways. I would never underestimate anyone. Jorey: Always a wise position to take. Assume everyone can dance and fight better than you. It will not only prevent you from underestimating someone, but will propel you to want to do better. ::Brayden open his arms and took on a relaxed posture to signal they were ready to begin.:: Irina and I will make a fierce warrior woman of you. Oddas: :: [...]ing her head to the side :: Shouldn’t you assume I already am one? :: She tried to roughly match his stance. :: Jorey: I’ve seen you dance, Commander. ::He was just able to stop himself from giggling.:: We’re going to start there. Don’t worry about copying my movements. ::Brayden moved to stand beside her, not opposite her.:: Just focus on getting your feet and body to match where mine end up. We’re only going to cover three basic movements today. Oddas: oO Stepping forward, stepping to the side, and falling down. Oo ::Brayden demonstrated the three movements. One was sliding his foot back, one was a lean back and to the side, and the last was a half pivot by moving the back foot forward to become the lead foot. He repeated the movements many times with both the right and left foot starting forward. Once he saw that the movements seemed to become more natural for her, not particularly stage-ready but smooth in their own way, he started putting two movements together.Aria admitted to herself things were beginning to feel a slight bit more comfortable, of course, she was still having to think of each movement as she did it. She thought she probably looked like a fish flopping around on the land.:: Oddas: Admit it, you're enjoying this. Jorey: Of course. ::Brayden stopped and sat down on the smooth rock to stretch.:: But not for the sadistic reasons you’re implying Aria. It brings me a special kind of pleasure helping other to improve or succeed and that’s why I wanted to see you today. I’ve read the mission reports and have listened to many different officer’s logs. It seems like it was a pretty tense mission both from outside and from within. :: She took a deep breath, for all of the dancing around and awkwardness she had been feeling, it had been a distraction from the last couple of days, from the mission. A welcome distraction. Now, it came to the forefront again. She let out her breath through her mouth very noisily and sat on the edge of the platform, feet dangling over the side. :: Oddas: So, I imagine you’ve read all the logs about how I got in over my head and didn’t know what I was doing and how I should have never been in the Captain’s chair. :: She said it out loud, but she wasn’t sure she meant it, not really. Well, part of her did, but not enough she had meant to say it out loud and now she was having to talk about it again. She thought she was right, she had hoped she was right. She guessed she was about to find out. From Brayden’s perspective, Aria’s brief self-assessment summary couldn’t have been more wrong. Toni thought she was ready and as far as he and likely Starfleet was concerned Toni was right. :: Jorey: That’s not exactly how I think the review of the mission will go at Starfleet Command. You successfully brought the new ship into the expanse and back. You somehow managed to travel some ridiculous distance and end up in some other galaxy that I’m sure astrometrics will be spending the next little while figuring out where. You negotiated a ceasefire between two new First Contact species and then managed to turn a hostile ship into a taxi to get the Thor back home. Oddas: :::sharply:: And lost fifteen. :: pausing, looking over her shoulder at the Betazoid :: Sorry, Brayden …I’m just feeling like there are people who are seeing me as a failure no matter what. Jorey: The loss of life doesn’t mean failure, Aria. ::Brayden stopped stretching and stood back up.:: It means you’re likely doing something important. Nothing great in the Federation and Starfleet’s history came without a price. The truth is, as Captain, you’re responsible to the ship. The lives on it are the responsibility of the FO and your Security Chief. My guess is Parker was being a belligerent [...] because how I read things those lives were his to lose. There are many other options he could have tried. Flooding the area with sedatives, trying to move them into force-fielded areas, among others. It was his call how to carry out your order and he made his choice. Oddas: If you ask him, he’d tell you I could have made his job easier, I could have placed the lives of the crew higher on my priority list than I did. Nothing should have been more important. He’ll tell you he did the best I did with what I let him do. Jorey: And I would tell him that he’s right. However, even with the loss of life, I still think Major Parker probably made the best call. ::Brayden sighed to deliberately slow the conversation.:: There is a reason Starfleet and the Marines have very specific rituals and protocols when it comes to memorials and funerals - they happen. Often. Now, ::Brayden gestured for Aria to get up.:: let’s dance while we talk. It helps me think. Computer. One opponent, level 1, difficulty 0. Oddas: oO I should have lied and said I had time to get my nails done. Oo :: She pulled herself up from the platform just as the computer was chiming to indicate it heard Commander’s order. A faceless, red coloured humanoid appeared on the platform with them. It was sort of a strange looking, lifeless blob. Not exactly what Brayden had in mind, but for their purpose it would work just fine. It had arms and legs which is all they needed. .:: Jorey: I will direct you when needed. This is your very red unwanted dance partner. It will try to strike you using low kicks and hand strikes to your chest and head. The three moves we were just working on relate to each attack. ::In a reassuring tone.:: Don’t worry. It will start off moving painfully slow. It will seem all too easy. However, the goal of the exercise is not to avoid the attacks, but to move in synchronicity with them. Let them just barely make contact and then move at the same speed with them, keeping contact with their hand or foot to guide you. Questions? Oddas: And not fall down? ::She said it more as a statement than a question, her face set in confused concentration, but ready to attempt the strange movements. As the thing came at her she tried reciprocating with the moves she had been using before. Jorey was right, the partner was coming at her very slowly and she had no trouble moving at the speed, but coordinating which counter, a lean, a foot slide, a half pivot, was more challenging than it seemed. Aria could feel a bit of frustration building, especially as her left foot hit her right for the third time in a row. The plus side seemed to be she had maintained contact with the thing at least part of the time.:: Jorey: Relax. Tensing up will only make things worse. I know it seems like it should be easy, but remember you are literally trying to turn someone who is trying to harm you into someone who just wants to dance! It’s not easy, even slowly. ::Brayden watched as the engineer did her best to calm herself down and ease into her steps.:: As for command and someone like Parker, it’s the same story. It seems like it should be easy, but it’s not. As for Parker, he’s someone very hostile that you have to work with like an unwanted partner. Oddas: :: sliding her foot around :: With all due respect, I think he’d rather shoot me than dance with me. He thinks I didn’t open fire on the enemy vessel because I was afraid to. That I didn’t unleash :: searching for the word :: hell on both ships because I just held them in higher regard than my own crew. :: she grunted as she messed something up and took a blow to the shoulder :: He thinks I’m some sort of pacifist, or coward. Oddas: oO Nevermind I gave the order to stop the invasion and didn’t tell them how. I knew what that meant killing a bunch of them. Oo Jorey: What do you think he thinks of me, or Irina? It doesn’t matter what they think. The only opinion that matters is your own. Listen to your own conscious and continue to follow the path that got to command in the first place. Oddas: So my plan of just goading him into punching me and then throw him into the brig is probably not the best? Jorey: Probably not. ::Brayden laughed because it was an easy scenario to imagine.:: Just try to keep in mind that while he may be adversarial Major Parker is not your enemy. :: She wasn’t dense; she knew she didn’t understand people, but she also knew a metaphor when it was literally trying to punch her in the face. She pulled her shoulder back just as the faceless thing fighting her began to push against her, lightly and she could have sworn the thing tripped as it found no resistance. She allowed herself a small smile, maybe she would get the hang of it after all. Jorey stepped in and began guiding her movements, and the opponent seemed to be combining his attacks in ways that were different than they had been moments ago. They didn’t seem much fast, or possibly, Aria was getting the knack for what she was doing. She was paying attention, but she was also thinking of some of the Marines she knew. Starfleet Marines on the base like Eiris and Kingsley who had not only been major assets to her during the recent uprising, but had done so in a way that made her think of them in a different light than Major Parker. Until recently her experience with them, and Parker for that matter, had made it seem like they were on the same page, working for the same goal. Now, she wasn’t sure Major Parker wasn’t something entirely different from Lt. Eiris and the others. Maybe, a little too brutal. :: Jorey: Hannibal is definitely not your typical officer. He seems like some kind of Terran throwback to a much more violent area. Like from a time even before Irina. It seems like war is in his blood, heart and mind. Oddas: oO He is a telepath .. Oo Oddas: I’m thinking of some of the Marines I’ve worked with on the base since I’ve been here, the ones that helped me secure the Embassy. :: sighing :: It’s hard to put my finger on, I was just realizing I would be more comfortable sending some of them into a room of civilians than the Major … :: pausing :: Sir, you better not let my wife catch you with your hand there. :: She shrugged and smirked playfully. :: Jorey: ::Kissing his teeth as he forced Aria to open her hips. ::Focus. Besides, something tells me Irina is more confident in what you two share than that. As for Major Parker, Starfleet goes to war and Starfleet needs warriors. The difference is we’re the type that can be warriors when there’s no other choice. Hannibal is a warrior because it is his only choice. :: Aria thought about what the Commander said as she went through some of the more strung together move combinations. After a few moments she stopped, and pulled away from the opponent, letting it automatically go into a dormant mode, or at least something not attacking her. Brayden moved away and sat down cross-legged again as Aria collected her thoughts and then spoke, pacing like she did often when she was nervous. She could also feel herself rambling a bit. She didn’t know if it was helping her point or not. :: Oddas: Sir, I left Bajor to get away from people who didn’t know when to put away their weapons, who only knew how to pick them up and shoot people. It wasn’t just my family it was an entire circle of people. I could have stayed there and tried to convince large parts of the Militia to change, to try and move past the mentality they needed to shoot first and figure why they did it later, but Starfleet seemed the better option. I’m more than a little appalled to find some of that same attitude here. Jorey: You’re not alone, Aria. My people, mostly pacifists, had to become warriors. They had to become an army during the Dominion occupation and war. Warriors of necessity. Even though there are some that struggle to return to life as it was before, I feel it’s safe to say there are none like Hannibal on Betazed. Oddas: The same thing happened back home, and I know, :: she thought of the Ijos :: some who easily switched back to a normal life. :: her face bunched up :: But truthfully, I always got the impression they were pressed into service to begin with, and people I had more common ground with, people I could trust and who actually felt they could trust me. Jorey: Til’ahn’s time of war is coming to an end. There will be little room and even less patience for Barbarians. With the Typhon Expanse and the Thor, warriors will have to become explorers and adventurers. Somehow, Parker and those like him will have to change or be left behind. Oddas: Let me guess, it's up to us to help him with this. Do you really think an Engineer in a red shirt has a chance of pulling that off? :: She looked at him skeptically. Her own people issues aside, she didn't see Major Parlor being open listening to her about anything at the moment. Or any moment. Brayden knew he might as well as have been asking for Til’ahn’s two suns. But as much as Hannibal may have been an antagonist in his life, he cared for the man and his family. :: Jorey: A year ago, would you have thought a flamboyant, reader would have figured out some way to get through to Irina? ::He gestured for the pacing Bajoran to sit with him. He smiled trying to reassure:: I’m sure Hannibal will prove challenging, but yes, I think an Engineer in a red shirt can pull it off. :: Aria sat next to him on the rock face and gave it some thought as she leaned back onto her arms. :: Oddas: The Betazoid wasn't afraid of people sir. :: holding up her hand before he could react :: I'll try, if the Betazoid is willing to back me up. . Jorey: Of course I will. I’ll always have your back Aria. I think you will be able to reach Hannibal in a way I never could. You see, I’m great with people, but bad with machines. ::Brayden took his friend’s hand as he spoke looking deeply in her eyes with genuine kindness:: You are the yin to my yang in that way. In many ways, I think Hannibal is more like a machine than a man and who better to do a little reprogramming than an Engineer in a red shirt? :: She didn’t have a lot of faith in the effort, but she did have faith in Brayden. They were friends she realized with a start. She had few friends, she didn’t make them easily. She also didn’t lose them easily and wasn’t going to start by letting him down on this. :: Oddas: I’ll try Brayden, I’m not a miracle worker, but I’ll try. I owe you this. :: she thought about it for a moment :: I owe him this. Commander Brayden Jorey - Special Operations, Embassy of Duronis II / USS Thor - NCC-82607 Department of Veteran Affairs | Training Team Member Writer ID: T239002BJ0 and Lt. Commander Oddas Aria Executive Officer Duronis II Embassy / USS Thor, NCC-82607 ASDB Co-Facilitator - Training Team E239305OA0
  12. OOC from Andrew (writer for Irina Pavlova): This is EXACTLY the kind of sim that makes me sad we no longer have a Top Sims competition. Incredible character development, not only of the two participants, but indirectly of the people who matter to them. This is part 1 of 2 ((OOC: Between the memorial service and the awards ceremony. )) ((Ops, Main Embassy - Duronis II)) ::Brayden sat quietly like a cadet reviewing their PADD before an exam. He had been looking over the mission reports and listening to officer logs for nearly an hour. He felt a slow burning fire of frustration building that he thought had been extinguished. He was beginning to suspect through the pages of the reports and subtle tones in the logs that the embers had remained hot and close to reigniting. They just needed something explosive for kindling and they had found it in the Typhon Expanse. The conditions were perfect for it. First, an officer with little combat experience thrust into the captain’s chair. Clearly, Admiral Turner believed Oddas was ready and after going over everything it was clear Toni’s instincts were spot on. Next, there was a rapid succession of difficult situations with equally difficult decisions to be made. Then you throw in a bull-headed, occasionally short-sighted and self-righteous, veteran marine who has managed to hang on to some throwback notion that the SFMC is a separate entity from Starfleet. The hidden danger was that Hannibal Parker, for all his bluster and ego, was a good man with good intentions - usually. It made him often come off as some sort of old warrior wiseman. Even when he was just lashing out at others because he didn’t have the coping skills to deal with his own emotions. Brayden had been down this road before. He suspected that countless others had too. In fact Oddas’ new wife had been part of what Brayden saw as ‘the problem’ when he was first assigned to the Embassy. Irina Pavlova, a Major back then, was as much of a problem to social cohesion as Major Parker. Her blatant displays of disrespect, passive-aggressive manipulations, and tactless sarcasm might have been even more divisive than Parker’s more predictable machismo targ dung. Brayden had decided long ago that he was going to change all that. He focused on being the kind of leader Irina, and others like her, needed him to be to help them want to change the social climate. The irony was that he was given the perfect opportunity by Tyr and Hannibal during their past mission that involved the USS Discovery. They had tried to confine the Betazoid’s Chief of Security to quarters. It was a move that left both Irina and Brayden furious. Even though Tyr carried the rank of Captain, as First Officer Brayden was the ranking officer. FO trumps all but the Commanding Officer. Chain of command was simple that way. CO, FO, then everyone else on the senior staff regardless of rank. Brayden had let it all go relatively unspoken, but the marines’ actions that day had left a bad feeling with him. He felt like they were hypocrites who only championed chain of command when it served themselves. Most of the time they had no problem insinuating that they and their marines were somehow superior to other departments. Brayden pounced on the situation and insisted that Irina get back to work and dared the others to question his authority. None did. It wasn’t entirely a game-changer but he was convinced that that moment set up a series of events that would ease the tensions with Irina. Looking at the reports he was as sure now as he was then that Oddas now needed a ‘moment’ with Parker. Moreover, if the divide between green and the rest were to be bridged, it was now Aria’s responsibility as the Embassy’s Executive Officer. They were her crew now. Brayden believed that if anyone could pull it off, it would be her. She had a way in that he and all those before him didn’t - Irina.:: (( Executive Officer’s Quarter’s, Main Embassy, Duronis II )) :: Aria was in her office, looking over the sensor data from the new sensor relay coming in all the way from the Typhon Expanse. Rather, she was trying to, if she was honest with herself. She had left from the memorial to come here where she was supposed to have a meeting with R’Trill, the closest thing they had to a Chief Engineer, but she was thinking mostly about the service and the men she had lost. Any other day the Engineering challenges of the Embassy with its three starships, the base, the new sensor grid, and now what was sure to be their point in the design and construction of Anchorage would have been enough to keep her engaged, distracted even. Today, she was thinking of one large set of problems looming over her she never considered having to need to deal with: Commanding people around her who she was realizing she had little in common with. Instead of diving into initial station design specifications, or marveling at the sensor network, or even reviewing repair estimates, she was rubbing her nose ridges and thinking about one man in particular. :: Jorey: =/\= Jorey to Commander Oddas. =/\= ::Despite the serious mood he was in Brayden’s tone was pleasant and downright chipper.:: =/\= I thought I could debrief you on your mission and offer a little stress relief at the same time. =/\= Oddas: :: sighing :: =/\= Sir, respectfully, as much as I would love to get my nails done or get a new dress, I don’t think I have the time this morning. =/\= ::Brayden laughed. The Bajoran had a pretty good read on the Betazoid and under most circumstances a spa day, shopping trip, or some form of extravagance and hedonism would be his go to offer. However, under the circumstances and with the subject matter he had other ideas.:: Jorey: =/\= Actually, I was thinking a holosuite. There’s a simple sparring program that I’d like to share with you. =/\= ::As Brayden often did, he made the ‘question’ sound more like an order.:: =/\= Dress in your gym best, Commander.=/\= :: She looked at the sensor data, and the time, and back at the sensor data. :: Oddas: oO Pretend to look at sensor data or go get my butt kicked? Oo :: In truth Aria liked Jorey, though most people assumed she wouldn’t. Like most Introverts Aria didn’t mind being around people who projected energy. As long as it wasn’t too many of them at once, and as long as they understood where boundaries were, and they could tell when she had enough of them, and they could draw some attention from her, and they didn’t mind her lack of social graces, and weren’t offended when she didn’t know what was supposed to happen next. No, didn’t mind at all, as long as all those conditions were met. Aria had wondered if it was telepathy or just personality that made him a natural at those things. In any event, maybe some time with him would be good now, before she was supposed to get up in front of everyone. She tapped out a message to R’Trill cancelling, then hastily added an apology. R’Trill wouldn’t be offended by her cancelling an appointment, but Aria needed to practice her social graces.:: Oddas: =/\= My gym best is my gym only sir. I’ll meet you there in … 10? =/\= Jorey: =/\= Just wear something comfortable. See you there. =/\= :: On her way out the door she realized she had just made an appointment to get beat up. :: (( Outside Holosuite 2, Embassy, Duronis II )) :: Aria stood next to Brayden and peered at the holosuite console, unsure what she was seeing. The truth was, even if she knew what she was looking at, she’d be nervous. She had been sparing with Irina on a regular basis, and she was better than she had been, but still felt inadequate against all but the most basic opponents.:: Oddas: :: skeptically:: Sir, respectfully, what is this? Jorey: It’s a multi-disciplinary combat training program based on some of the basic principles of Tassa A’kai. Oddas: It’s not just an excuse to knock me down some more? Jorey: Actually, the first lessons are all about how not to be knocked down. ::Brayden laughed as he set up his ‘work in progress’ program into the console outside of the suite..:: Also, in Tassa tradition we will not spar with each other, but will often cooperate together. We will spar with only holographic adversaries. So, no. ::He moved up and away from the exterior console and smiled at Aria.:: I’m not here to knock you down some more. Oddas: Generally, I would just avoid the other person and not get knocked down at all. ::Brayden stepped over in front of the door causing it to slowly open. Brayden led them into the holosuite and once they were both in the large door closed behind them. They stood in a small clearing, thick colourful jungle behind them and an oppressive verdant mountain ahead of them. There was a small leveled off area a few feet from the base of the mountain. From the platform there were a set of carved out stairs that wrapped around the rockface and led higher up the cliffs. Looking higher they could see other stairs and platforms that presumably went all the way up.:: :: Aria grimaced, she did not appreciate being outdoors. Whether he knew it or not the Commander had hit on one of her least favorite things: being surrounded by trees, forests, and imagining the bugs, animals, and other inconveniences that came along with them. She wasn’t afraid of them, just didn’t care to experience them if she didn’t have to. The rockface reminding her of another rockface on another world certainly did not help. :: Jorey: The very first principle of Tassa A’Kai is called Assaka, loosely translated it means the unwanted dance partner. ::Brayden very slowly started to strike Aria’s shoulder with his forearm. His movement was exaggerated and soft.:: See, I’m now your dance partner. Let me lead. ::Brayden’s arm made contact with Aria’s shoulder. It was clear she was still uncertain what he was asking of her so he put a little more force behind it and helped guide her movements with his free hand. Aria’s feet clumsily crossed over and stepped but she did move with his attacking arm rather than simply be struck by it. He took a step back and let his arms fall to his side relaxed.:: Jorey: The idea is that, if your opponent’s attacks become leading movements for a dance, they cannot strike you. Instead, they guide your movements into a spontaneous choreography. They become your unwanted dance partner. Oddas: The only time I’ve only been remotely good at dancing, sir, there has been large amounts of Alcohol involved, and frankly the other people involved may have been humoring me. :: Aria thought back to those people and was more sure of it than ever in this moment. As Brayden’s next movement pushed against her she pulled to her left, and took a step back, as if trying to avoid him. :: Jorey: ::Brayden cracked a devious grin.:: So, you are familiar with the unwanted dance partner then? ::A baritone laugh came from his chest.:: Come on. Take a series of three strike at me and I’ll demonstrate. Show me what Irina has been teaching you. Oddas: :: Tilting her head to the side :: something like that. :: She sized the man up and took a quick kick at his ankle with her left foot, then a slight jab to his chest with her left fist and finished with a hard right hook to the side of his head. At each step Jorey seemed to pull his body back and then counter-move in a way Aria hadn’t seen before. His movements looked like a somewhat strange, but graceful blend of kata and ballet. At each strike there was barely contact made before his body reacted and moved with her. His grandmother had described to him once as though they are punching the wind. They could feel the breeze against their skin, but there was no resistance and nothing to absorb their force. It was much easier for him than Oddas, after all Tassa A’kai was designed, developed, and perfected by telepaths over millennia. He had learned how to adapt much of it for non-telepaths when he and his Klingon Imzadi used to train together.:: :: Aria stared at the Commander with her fists in front of her face, ready to strike again, but feeling a combination of frustration and annoyance at the way the other officer had thwarted her attack. She had pulled a punch, slightly, but not enough he should be standing and looking … smug. The fact he had done it while dancing around her, doing something else she wasn’t good at did not help. :: Jorey: You see? ::He said smiling, unscathed.:: Like dancing. Oddas: Right, :: sarcastically, but trying to smile :: dancing. Jorey: Don’t worry, you don’t need to make it look so elegant. ::He shrugged his shoulders and started moving to the first platform on the mountain.:: If a Klingon with two left feet can get something out of it, I’m certain that you can too. Oddas: :: as she followed :: As long as you don’t expect it this morning … ::Brayden didn’t expect anything. Part of becoming a Tassa Mystic is taking on apprentices and teaching others to become masters. It took some longer than other to learn, but it was a slow and life-long learning for all. Brayden too continued to learn and improve over time. He reached up over his head and gripped the overhang of the platform. It took quite a bit of muscle strength to lift himself up and on the platform. He remembered being a boy and having to train just to be able to do a pull up well enough to be able to make that first level. Oddas made it to the next platform by reaching up and using mostly her prosthetic, a crutch she hated having to rely on in situations like this. Sparring with Irina on a normal basis she turned it to a weaker than normal setting, so as to rely on less strength than she had on a daily basis. Now she was hoping Jorey didn’t notice she essentially was embarrassing herself by dialing the strength up. He didn’t. He to focused on reliving the joy he’d felt as a boy the first time he’d made it up to view. He was already facing the Jalara Jungles with sentimental eyes. He was brought back into the present by the sound of Aria’s voice. :: Oddas: How long have you been at this s -- :: she caught herself, he had asked her to call him by name on multiple occasions :: Brayden? Jorey: I remember Koroth and I use to spar when we were very small, 5 or 6. Shortly after that my grandmother started training me in Tassa A’Kai. ::He tilted his head with a high brow.:: You wouldn’t know it to look at her, but Calodia Jorey is an extremely skilled Tassa Mystic. I know a story that has my grandmother taking on multiple opponents during the Dominion War and vanquishing them all on her own. She likes to exaggerate, but from all the different accounts of the story from relatives, authorities and friends the number is somewhere around 13 or 14 at one time. :: Aria knew the type well, from her own planet’s history. As much as she disliked her own family, she had never doubted her mother, father, and grandparents were heros of their own Occupation. :: Oddas: The women I come from are all fierce fighters, some by choice, and all in different ways. I would never underestimate anyone. Jorey: Always a wise position to take. Assume everyone can dance and fight better than you. It will not only prevent you from underestimating someone, but will propel you to want to do better. ::Brayden open his arms and took on a relaxed posture to signal they were ready to begin.:: Irina and I will make a fierce warrior woman of you. Lt. Commander Oddas AriaExecutive OfficerDuronis II Embassy / USS Thor, NCC-82607ASDB Co-Facilitator - Training TeamE239305OA0 and Commander Brayden Jorey - Special Operations, Embassy of Duronis II / USS Thor - NCC-82607 Department of Veteran Affairs | Training Team Member Writer ID: T239002BJ0
  13. Any word on when the final contest results will post? Nevermind, I found it.
  14. Enterprise was my favorite series, so much so that my primary character is from the Enterprise era and often wears her 22nd century uniform complete with USS Columbia NX-03 patch.
  15. Hoshi Sato from Enterprise.
  16. (( Bridge - USS Thor )) :: Hendon looked over the Medical station and noticed his own readings were off by 10%. He frowned at that he felt great. But his forehead was about to become more wrinkled. When another crew member entered the bridge. Who ever it was their readings did not register.:: EMH Charles: Looking beyond them at Toni:: Madam, I'm EMH Charles the Bridge EMH reporting for duty. Caminos/Pavlova/Waltas: Response :: Toni turned to Hendon's station to her left.:: Turner: Boris, did you enact him? :: But before he could answer, Charles answered.:: EMH Charles: Madam, I'm set to engage at any time the Thor leaves orbit. Hendon: Admiral Turner was talking to me you holographic Jackass!!!! Turner: Alright, Charles, you've reported in, now go stand at the ready near the Turbolift. EMH Charles: As you wish, Madam. :: Turning on his heel, he did as she said.:: Hendon: Admiral......... Turner: Not now, Boris, just report it as glitch number 2 after the power loss to the brig, and we'll have engineering take care of it after the cruise is over. Hendon: Yes Admiral. Anyone: Response(s) :: Was it Hendon's imagination? Or did the bridge EMH gave him a rather sarcastic looking smile. Boris did not like the EMH. How would the rest of the Bridge crew react if the CMO. Gave the bridge EMH a right hook to the head.:: Hendon: oO Ty samodovol'nyy syn sviney Oo :: A thought crossed Hendon's mind. Maybe the clothing problem with the medical EMH. Had not been a personal attack on him from Dr Zimmerman. It was common knowledge the man was a grumpy old goat. Maybe this was his way at getting back at 'Starfleet ' for what they did to the first series of EMH's. Using them for mining duties instead of medics.:: Lcmd Dr Boris Hendon Chief Medical Officer Duronis II Federation Embassy USS Thor Author ID:- W237809SP0
  17. ((Casa Printzyessa, Duronis Embassy)) ::Katya was sitting quietly in her mother’s room, working on a school project, while Jazmine was downstairs watching a holovid. Her mother and stepmother were up playing on the new ship, and for the first time Jazmine was left in charge rather than getting a babysitter or the two girls going to stay with Admiral Turner’s or Major Parker’s families. To Katya it was pretty cool having Jazmine in charge, though not so cool that she still had to do her homework. Math finished, she turned to her history reading, and then her Laudean language homework and finally her science. When finished, she stood up to head down to the kitchen when something caught her attention from the corner of her eye. It was the dented metal box that Irina had dug up four-years-ago when they were first rescued from the Columbia. Katya remembered that trip to Sochi, Russia like it was yesterday even though she wasn’t even five yet at the time, and more than that, even though more than half of her physiological aging had taken place at a vastly reduced rate in a cryostasis tube. The box looked now as it did then; dented, faded and dingy. Sliding the bench from the foot of Irina’s bed over to the closet, Katya climbed up and took hold of the box and then brought it down to the floor where she sat and just looked at it for a few minutes as she tried to decide whether or not to open it. She knew what was inside already. A few trinkets, some old photos, and an old book, Irina’s diary, that only went up to her departure for Starfleet. Her curiosity was getting to her. What was Irina like as a child? What was her family like? What things did she enjoy doing? She knew she wasn’t supposed to look, but she couldn’t help herself and finally opened the lid and took hold of the photos. Irina looked much the same a she did now, only her hair was a shinier yellow/blond instead of the duller blond it usually was now, or the black that she dyed it a few days ago. There were pictures of Irina as a young girl as well, and while her youth was obvious, so too were facial features that were pretty constant from about the age of six. There was a picture of a very young Irina, perhaps 4, smiling as she played the violin. Another of a roughly 10-year-old Irina at a skeet range looking very serious as she stood at the firing line as the only child shooting amongst a group of very serious-looking adults. Another of a teenaged Irina in a bikini smiling with a boy of about the same age as they both held surfboards, and another of a young-looking adult Irina in her 22nd century Marine uniform. Katya thought to herself about what her mother’s life must have been like, and how long ago it really was. In history class she learned that Federation and Klingons had only become allies in the last century, but that picture of Irina was taken more than a century before even that. The amount of time was something that frequently caused Katya to lose herself to her imagination, wondering what it must have been like before replicators were invented and when kids like her didn’t love Klingon food. Katya heard a crash and a bang from downstairs and knew that Jazmine had dropped something. Not hearing any screams, she went back to looking in the box and finally removed Irina’s diary. For a few minutes she just held the old book in her hands, still in its plastic cover, but finally she pulled it out and opened it to the first page.:: ((Diary Entry)) January 5, 2154 Today is my tenth birthday. I clothes (boring) and a full-sized violin that sounds much better than my old 3/4 size, that will go to Anatoli and then eventually to baby Ekaterina. Anatoli is still too small too small for my 3/4 size, but he plays pretty good on the half sized violin that also used to be mine. It still has the glue line from where I dropped it and cracked the back. Mom gave me this book to write in for special days, and a bigger one to write in every day. Since its my birthday, I’m writing in the special one. ((End Entry)) ::Katya flipped through a few more pages and only skimmed as they were pretty boring. She stopped at a longish entry that had to be better than just a list of birthday presents.:: (Diary Entry)) October 7, 2160 Dimitri is finally off his crutches, but he still has the cast on his ankle. At least he gets around a little better and I’m glad he doesn’t blame me, even though the accident was my fault. We rode our bikes down the trail and I could barely avoid the rocks at the speed I was going, and should have known he would keep up instead of slowing to a safer speed. I need to remember he just isn’t that well coordinated. Actually, he’s a total klutz, but he always reminds me that his grades are much higher than mine so I guess its fair. Today we both snuck out of class and into the faculty men’s bathroom where Marco, Pavel and Nadia met us with a big bottle of vodka and half pack of cigarettes. The cigarettes taste terrible and made me cough, but it was fun to smoke them. The vodka was warm, but we got very drunk anyway. Mr. Karatov came in and saw us, smiled, [...]ed and then left without saying a word and I was sure we’d all get busted in seconds, but minutes passed and then we just started drinking and smoking again. I bet he did the same thing when he was our age. I wonder what he’ll say when I come to Russian class tomorrow, or if he’ll just smile. He’s so handsome with his short brown hair and wire-rimmed glasses. ((End Entry)) ::Katya flipped through more of the book and finally decided to read the last entry.:: ((Diary Entry)) July 20, 2169 Tomorrow I ship out on Columbia, and as I close this book, I close my childhood and upbringing with it. Dimitri and I are having dinner tonight and then probably go to a jazz club, and then tomorrow morning he goes back to Camp Pendleton and I report to USS Columbia as Chief Armory Officer. I still can’t believe I was picked for this mission, by the commodore himself, but I will focus on my duties and make sure not to let Commodore Moretti or any of my shipmates down. As the whales said in one of my favorite old books, I now also say to my childhood. “So long, and thanks for all the fish.” ((End Entry)) Katya: Fish? What fish? Katya Pavlova Printzyessa Author ID O238908HA0
  18. (( Ijo House, Hathon, Bajor )) ::The older Bajoran woman listened to Irina, showing interest, she knew much of the information but she often found people more at ease when they revealed information about themselves. Plus, it would tell her how safe Aria was, along with those new grandchildren of hers. :: Cada: And, you? Pavlova: At first I was safe. The captain and security officer on the ship that rescued me, they altered my record so it looked to all as though I was in stasis, with the damage to my eyes blamed on failing circuitry in the stasis pod, but Starfleet Intelligence and medical knew better, and soon they were watching me. They made three attempts, but I was lucky and managed to stay a step ahead. ::She listened to Irina describe the how she was worried coming for her, and Cada's mind wandered to the contacts she had around the quadrant. Depending on how things played out someone would be willing to take on another mission, pay off a favor. She broached the subject. :: Pavlova: Completely? No. But, some help? I have friends at the embassy who would protect me as I’m sure you are aware, but I need to know who it is, and have leverage to stop them. ::Cada knew self-reliant people, and understood the attitude. Some people attributed her and Teevin's life to self-reliance, wanting to take care of their own. :: Cada: You need a pointer, no strings attached. Pavlova: I’m tired of violence. I just want them to know that if something were to happen to me, that it would not end well for them, and that if something were to happen to those I care about…, well, I’ve taken head shots from over five kilometers in high gravity, if I knew who they were, they know what I would do. Cada: I can understand that completely Irina. ::And she could, she had seen the look enough, played the role enough, understood it could work. She hoped it worked. :: Pavlova: I'm supposed to be some kind of prodigal soldier, but now, all I want to do is grow old with my family, make breakfast every morning and hold my wife every night. ::Cada made a resolution to herself, silently, and finished her juice. :: Cada: ::half smirking:: Well, if this retired Bajoran housewife has anything to say about it, that's exactly what's going to happen. ::She stood and made her way back toward the house, she turned back toward her new daughter-in-law at the last moment. :: Cada: Let's get more juice ::pausing to add, gesturing towards the occupants of the house:: We'll make it OK, for all your sake. Ijo Cada Ordinary Housewife Lt. Commander Oddas Aria Executive Officer Duronis II Embassy / USS Thor, NCC-82607 ASDB Co-Facilitator - Training Team E239305OA0
  19. (( Ijo House, Hathon, Bajor )) ::The trip had made Aria more nervous than she had anticipated, which said a lot. She thought she had masked it well by answering the questions of the girls as best she could, of course she knew that meant she had told them much more than they wanted to know. She had seen that glazed over bored look in Katya's eyes telling Aria she had been talking too much. The stop on DS9 was brief, barely enough time to get to the next shuttle, Jazmine seemed disappointed she couldn't go into the bar. Aria was confused until she saw the girl looking at the Tongo table and whispered she knew a place in the city they could play together. Aria wasn't sure Irina heard. Finally they stood outside the Ijo house, a decidedly tall gray and blue building on the outskirts of the city. It was far enough on the outskirts it had a small yard inside a low wall, but close enough space was still at a premium and the building was much narrower and deeper than it was tall, 4 levels tall with a small vehicle landing pad hanging off the roof. Aria could not walk between it and the neighboring buildings. She had stood here countless times and she couldn't remember being as nervous as she felt this time. So much was different, even her clothing felt wrong, for some reason it felt as if she should have worn something that didn't make it obvious that her very body was different. She should have covered her arm up. :: ::Irina’s thoughts were entirely different. Despite four years having passed since her rescue from Kjenta II, Irina had actually been to very few worlds other than her own and Til’Ahn. This was also different because she knew how difficult it had to be for Aria. This was the home of her former fiance’s parents, her former fiancé who died literally in her arms; again a situation Irina knew far better than anyone should ever have to.:: ::Katya and Jazmine, for their parts, looked about equal parts tired, bored and curious, though neither of them complained at all, which made Irina happy.:: Oddas: I guess it's now or never. Pavlova: We are your guests, so after you. ::Irina had a point, so Aria lead the group toward the gate and opened it, and made it one step inside before the door to the house opened. Aria looked up in surprise to see Ijo Cada, Mother Cada appear. Cada was older than Aria remembered, but still had echos of Alea. Shorter than either Aria or Irina, hair that was officially more grey than red, some lines on her face that she wore with a mixture of pride and innocence. She smiled in a way that made Aria think of all mothers, except her own. :: Ijo: Aria! ::Before Aria knew what was happening the woman was across the walkway in a feat defying her age and had wrapped her arms around Aria's neck, standing on her tip toes to do so. Aria couldn't help to embrace her back, squeezing tightly. She felt tears on her face, she felt home. She felt someone tapping on her back, it was Cada. :: Ijo: Aria! ::laughing:: Aria, not so hard! ::Aria let the older woman go and smiled at her. :: Oddas: It is so good to see you Mother Cada. ::in that moment Aria felt a huge burden lift from her shoulders.:: Ijo: ::squeezing Aria on the shoulders:: It is so good to see you Aria, welcome home. ::turning her attention to the rest of the group:: And this is the other woman in my daughter's life, Ms. Irina Pavlova. Pavlova: I’ve heard a lot about you. ::Irina held out her hand as she replied. :: Ijo: ::looking at the woman's hand:: Nonsense! ::pulling Irina in for her own hug, equally as heartfelt, but not quite as rough.:: ::Irina was rather startled, but adapted quickly and returned the hug.:: Pavlova: It’s a pleasure to meet you. Ijo: And ::making her mouth form the word correctly:: Katya and Jazmine? Thank you so very much for coming with my Aria home. Katya: Hello ma’am. Jazmine: Thank you for having us. ::Cada took the girls by the hands, one in each, and led them towards the door. :: Ijo: Call me Ama Cada ::she looked over her shoulder at Aria and Irina:: you two bring the bags, I have treats for the girls. Oddas: oO Yep, I'm home, not in command of anything anymore. Oo Pavlova: And you were worried about bringing us. I’m guessing Ama is either Miss or Mother? Oddas: ::smiling and picking up a bag:: I guess the closest thing in standard is 'Grandmother', Grandmother Cada. ::Aria had a moment of panic, stopping as she was slinging a bag over her shoulder:: If, if it bothers you, or them, I'm sure she won't mind if they don't... Pavlova: Why would it bother me? I’m sure they love the attention. ::Irina picked up the heaviest of the bags:: Pavlova: Come on, lets get moved in. ::They made it inside a few minutes later and upstairs, to where Cada had set up a majestic spread of foods. Aria thought she was blushing when she saw the foods were mostly desserts and could smell a pot of coffee coming from somewhere. Her survey was wrong though, a small, very small portion of the dishes were savory, and a few she didn't recognize, they seemed almost Earth-like. She squinted her eyes and could have sworn she had one of the dishes at Irina's table. :: Oddas: Cada, this was not necessary. Pavlova: Is that? Piroshki? ::Irina looked closedly one of the pastries and couldn’t hide the smile on her face, while Katya’s and Jazmine’s attention went straight for the deserts.:: Ijo: ::beaming:: You were not going to come all this way and not let me cook for you. Pavlova: Cook away. Ijo: ::motioning for everyone to sit around the round table:: It is! I hope I got the recipe right! We make nothing like it on Bajor, but I wanted you to feel at home as much as Aria. Pavlova: For real Piroshki we’ll move in tomorrow. I’ve never had a good one anywhere outside of Russia. May I? Ijo: I insist, if its not right, you will make it with me before you leave. If we don't do something right we shouldn't do it. ::Irina bit on and immediately felt like she was Katya’s age, sitting at her Aunt Svetlana’s table in Sochi.:: Pavlova: Vkusno (delicious). Ijo: You like it? I made what I could, but had to replicate a few things. Oddas: ::biting a cookie and pouring coffee, trying to take in the scene around her:: Knowing her, she didn't replicate much. Pavlova: Your recipe is just fine. We can cook though, I’ll teach you my grandmother’s stroganoff, and you can teach me one of the dishes Aria grew up with. Ijo: It's a deal, anything for my Aria, ::she glanced at Aria who was trying to pretend she wasn't embarrassed by the attention:: and anything for a recipe. Is it something you do often? Pavlova: I’ve always liked to cook. (( Timeskip until much later in the night. )) ::Cada had explained Teevin, the man they had come to celebrate, had to stay at the University to finish paperwork and other things to not leave them in a lurch when his retirement became official. Cada was entertaining Irina with a story of Aria's teenage years. It was a very long, very elaborate, very embarrassing story of Aria being brought home by a Constable for trespassing. :: Oddas: ::laughing:: They had the part I needed! Ijo: ::laughing very hard and hitting the table:: So you snuck in at night to take it? Oddas: They would have said no if I had just walked in and asked for a power converter! Besides, it was just sitting there with the other junk! ::Irina was really enjoying herself. Excellent food, good drink, and despite any apprehension she had about Cada being uncomfortable with her or the amount that the woman had managed to find out about her, Irina found herself really liking her.:: Pavlova: But you got caught. Oddas: They heard the hounds chasing me! Another 10 meters and I would have made it to the fence too! ::They all began laughing simultaneously and Aria realized she hadn't thought about day in years. :: Pavlova: So how did you end up here? Oddas: Oh, I told the Constable this was my house, Cada was my mother. Pavlova: Why the need for deception? Oddas: Otherwise, they would have realized it was not my first ... part collection. ::Aria realized the two young girls were looking on, Katya in particular had wide eyes. Evidently Ijo noticed as well. :: Ijo: ::grinning, conivingly:: You don't know about Aria's criminal records? Oddas: Okay! Okay! I don't think Irina needs her girls to know I'm not the shining influence she thinks I am. Katya/Jazmine: Please!!!!! Pavlova: Its time for you two to go to bed. Oddas: ::trying to change the subject:: It is late. Pavlova: Come on, Aria and her evil ways will be still be here in the morning. Ijo: ::smiling in a way that said it wasn't over:: the guest room is made up for them, and I have plenty of Coffee and Drinks for us. Katya/Jazmine: Okay. ((A few minutes later)) ::Irina knew it was a very sensitive subject, but sitting here and enjoying the company Irina just felt compelled to share her feelings.:: Pavlova: I really appreciate your inviting all of us. I honestly can’t imagine everything that must have gone through your mind when learned about Aria and I. ::Irina put her hand gently on Aria’s thigh, who for her part poured herself a small glass of kali-fal and breathed in the aroma deeply before taking a sip. Aria felt content, if a little embarrassed as she interlocked her fingers in Irina's hand. :: Ijo: ::reaching for her spring wine:: Pavlova, I'm sorry, Irina, forgive an old woman's lapse, ::taking a drink and seeming to get lost in thought:: many years ago Alea started telling me stories of a girl she knew who was brilliant, and shy, and yes, beautiful. She went on and on about this girl, like I had never heard before, and Alea was not shy, not like Aria. ::winking at Aria:: I knew Aria was special because Alea, who never lacked for self-confidence, was completely at a loss around her. Oddas: ::looking away:: That doesn't mean anything, lots of people get infatuated, often with the wrong people. Ijo: ::nodding:: That's true, but then I met you, Aria, and I understood it. I mean, beautiful, ::shrugging:: so is Alea, and Irina here, but Alea was right about all of the rest of it too. I'm proud to call you my daughter. ::looking at Irina:: And I trust her judgement with people, she's not going to associate with people that don't deserve it. Oddas: I've never felt like I was good with people. Ijo: ::finishing her wine and standing:: Aria, you may not be good at talking to people, but you know faster than anyone if they are good. ::kissing Aria on the head:: Irina, what went through my head was my daughter, who I want to be happy and who happens to be a good judge of character was happy. ::she cupped Irina's shoulder and squeezed as she headed for the stairs:: I'm going to follow the kids' example, do not wait up for Teevin. Pleasant Evening. Oddas: ::wiping her eyes with her palm:: Pleasant Evening. Irina: Pleasant eventing, and again, thank you. ::Irina caught herself wiping a few tears as well.:: Oddas: ::pausing for a moment:: Thank you Irina. Irina: Thank me? For what? Oddas: Making me come home. Irina: You are so lucky to have a home to come back to, and such a loving one as this. I could get very comfortable here. Oddas: You've been home? St Petersburg? Irina: Yes, I’ve been back. There were a few, VERY distant descendants of my brother and cousins, but none of them had even heard my name or knew that I ever existed until I showed up with Katya. Oddas: Was it happy? Irina: We had tea and talked for an hour or so, but there really wasn’t anything in common. None of them had stayed in music, none had gone to Starfleet. They were just strangers who shared a small fraction of my parents’ DNA. The building I lived in, my old school, everything I knew except some of the ancient statues and the old opera house were gone. It wasn’t home anymore. Oddas: ::resting her head on Irina's shoulder:: You can always be home with me Irina. ::Irina found herself suddenly speechless, and was certain she was blushing as she realized that there was nothing she wanted more than “always”. She’d wanted it with Dimitri, or at least thought she did, and had wanted it with AJ, but even that somehow wasn’t the same. Right here, sitting on the couch in the home of Aria’s dead fiance’s mother, Irina knew, with certainty, exactly what she wanted.:: Pavlova: Always? Oddas: ::jerking her head up as she realized she had spoken without really thinking:: I mean, of course, if, I mean, ::sighing:: yes, always. ::Irina just leaned in close, not caring how brightly she might be blushing.:: Pavlova: Then I guess my answer is….., yes? Oddas: ::smiling:: That's a relief ::kissing Irina:: Lt. Commander Oddas Aria Executive Officer Duronis II Embassy / USS Thor, NCC-82607 ASDB Co-Facilitator - Training Team E239305OA0 and Major Irina Pavlova Chief of Security Duronis II Embassy / USS Thor Author ID O238908HA0
  20. Irina, dressed to thrill.
  21. ((USS Apollo, Bridge)) ::Some of her crew were cube people, she was confused, were they trying to make her new friends cube people too? They always just tried to attack and take. They had eventually stopped before, but she could not stop them now without hurting her friends. So many memories of her old crew and now they were in front of her! She was focusing so much computing power on the scene in front of her she felt relief when she heard T'Lea get her attention. :: T’Lea: I need you to relay our plan to Major Pavlova, or Commander Oddas. We need to be in synch for this to work. They have to be ready with the shuttle and the same time we are ready to implement the plan. Can you do that? Thetis: ::nodding, wide-eyed, half looking at the cube person:: I can. T’Lea: Excellent. Let me know when it’s done. ::She let her thread in the shuttle bay consume most of her resources and shunted the scene in front of her for later processing, it made her more comfortable and the one named Oddas, Aria, seemed more relaxed than dealing with cube people. She came back to the forefront when the conversation was over. T'Lea was leaning over her, listening.:: Thetis: ::smiling:: I did it. T’Lea: How much time do they need? Thetis: She said '15 minutes, shields may not be up, and possibly not the "TSD"' ::she made a face, she could not find mention of a 'TSD' in her memory:: I did get the impression she was speaking .... ::she searched for the word:: exaggerating? She also wanted me to let you know that I have encrypted the comms on a rotating frequency. T’Lea: That’s… not optimal, but it will have to do. ::comm. tap:: =/\= T’Lea to Oddas. Message received. Signal me when ready.=/\= Oddas =/\= Acknowledged =/\= T’Lea: =/\= Oh, by the way, Thetis is coming with us. Can you accommodate room for one more? =/\= Oddas: =/\= I have a plan, I will make it work. =/\= T’Lea: =/\= That will make her very happy. T’Lea out. =/\= :: With a small grin she looked at Thetis. Thetis for her part was beaming.:: T’Lea: See. Thetis: ::still smiling:: Thank you. ::When T'Lea turned to look Thetis followed her gaze and saw a cube person, in a crew uniform and her smile began to fade. She wanted to whimper again but fought to hold it back.:: oO Why are they coming again?! I want to leave now! Oo T’Lea: Is he still here? What have you two been doing all this time? Jorey: response Allison: My husband tells me Andorians are great warriors. Show me your warrior spirit, Commander. Fight them. Fight them for your shipmates. Fight them so you can go home to Andor and your family. I know there is some of you left, Commander… T’Lea: You’re wasting our time with that. Andorians are liars, and cowards. They have no strength of will. They are weak. So weak and dishonorable that this one had both antenna cut off. ::The women were having a disagreement Thetis didn't understand. She just wanted get to the shuttle bay now. There was no use, once the cube people started coming they would come and come and eventually all of the crew would be gone! :: Andorian: Vulcan bitc- :: He paused… and Thetis could find no time in her memory a cube person had ever done something like that .:: Andorian: Kill me. T’Lea: Can we save him? Jorey/Allison: response Andorian: Kill me! T’Lea: What about sedation and a stasis pod? Jorey/Allison: response Andorian: ::struggling:: They’re coming… my family... I love th- :: Suddenly he reached for the other woman a borg probe extending from his arm ready to inject the woman.:: oO They would all be gone! Oo ::The lights on the bridge began to get brighter as Thetis began to react to one of her new friends in danger. ::
  22. ((Tallesin Forest-Devi Providence, Til'ahn))::Tyr and Toni materialized at the foot of a large forest. In spite of all the time he'd spent on Til'ahn, he had never really studied the geography, except to plan for tactical situations like a ground or air attack. Now, he fully appreciated the beauty of the planet he'd called home. The forest was composed of enormously tall trees, taller than the ones on Ba'ku, although he wondered if part of that was due to the regeneration of the cells in the trees. They were ever-young on Ba'ku, but the trees here seemed ancient by comparison. Time had scarred and bent them, leaving markers that bore witness to the passage of the years. He took a deep breath of the natural air, catching the scents of the forest and the creatures within. A deep contentment filled him -he was in his element. Turning a Ba'ku loose in a forest was like turning a child loose in a candy shop. His energy spiked, his interest became keen in everything around him, and his senses seemed to magnify.::Turner: :: Hugging him, smiling:: Alone at last. . .Waltas: :: Closing his eyes:: I'll give it ten minutes before someone contacts us or Hannibal tracks us down.Turner: :: Frowning:: Do you think I'm a dummy? I made sure that the transporter engineer had good cause to be discreet.Waltas: :: Smiling:: Good. I think that extra week of shore leave I gave him might have helped too.Turner: ::slipping her backpack onto her shoulders:: It will be dark in a few hours, so we best get started and find a place to make camp.Waltas: :: Nodding, looking into the forest:: There's a clearing about a kilometer away judging from the tree dispersal. :: Kneeling:: The ground has a steady downward slope. We'll probably run into a stream or small lake near the clearing. :: He paused, looking at her expression:: What?:: Toni had a flashback of her teen years, watching her father read the signs that the landscape provided. As a guide in the lower portion of the Appalachian Mountains, (Georgia and the Carolinas) he had taught her everything she knew about survival, and he'd always said that those skills would come in handy some day. And now, somehow, his words now had a clarity she could not deny. Turner: Nothing, you just reminded me of someone when you did that.Waltas: Ba'ku are natural rangers. What I can't see I can smell, and what I can't smell I'll either hear or track. Didn't you know you married an elf?:: Immediately she envisioned the stereotyped short little man with pointy ears, nothing like the tall, well-built man that she married. Turner: :: chuckling:: You must have had one helluva growth spurt somewhere along the way.Waltas: :: He leaned in and kissed her:: I'll warn you..in an environment like this other aspect of our physiology are enhanced as well. :: He winked::Turner: :: smiling teasingly:: Oh? Really? That'll be a nice enhancement for a delayed honeymoon.Waltas: :: Moving forward, speaking over his shoulder and chuckling:: I was talking about strength and hearing, but it's interesting that's where your mind went. :: Grinning he quickly moved out of range before he was smacked:::: She ran to catch up with him, swinging her fist at him, but missed. :: Turner: :: laughing:: Okay big boy, sooner or later, you'll pay for that one.:: They journeyed through the forest, with the light of the two suns playing through the branches of the trees. It was peaceful, and they found themselves walking not for speed but for enjoyment, slowing their pace, meandering, arm in arm and very much in love. It was beyond peaceful-beyond anything they'd hoped for - just hoping it would last. They were both Starfleet officers, and knew that duty had a way of poking its head in personal affairs at the most inconvenient of times. He'd taken no weapons with him, relying on Hannibal and the crew to protect them but at the same time to stay out of sight.:::: Holding hands, they journeyed a little over a kilometer before the forest thinned a bit, revealing a small clearing and a large, crystal-blue lake nearby. A waterfall could be heard cascading downward nearby, and there were fish swimming in the water. Birds chirped in the trees and seemed to greet them, and a few land animals similar to squirrels chittered angrily at them from the branches above on their invasion.::Waltas: This looks like a good spot to me.Turner: :: pleased with his choice:: It's perfect. :: searching for a better word to describe it.:: Magical.Waltas: I hear a waterfall nearby. Want to join me?Turner: I'd love to.:: They were both a little warm from their journey and the volleyball game earlier, and the thought of a mountain waterfall shower was enticing. Tyr led the way, letting his ears guide him, and the source of the lake's water was soon revealed an enormous waterfall cascaded down from high above a rocky outcropping. Tyr took no time in stripping off his shirt and shorts.::Waltas: You coming with?Turner: Great joy? :: already stripped, she took his hand:: If you're waiting on me, you're backing up.:: They raced together and splashed into the end of the lake, moving to the waterfall. The water was cool but not overly cold and was intensely refreshing as it washed over his body. He turned to watch Toni for a moment, admiring her form and her grace -it was like a scene from a movie - the ones that always ended happily. He grew quiet, stepped toward her, wrapping his arms around her.::Waltas: I love you.Turner: :: whispering:: My feelings for you are mutual.:: He kissed her softly, then the kiss deepened.::
  23. Since Irina is working, she'll be in her old work clothes circa 2190 or so.
  24. Tabernacle (yes, I have seen Zardoz, and actually think its a pretty cool movie)
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