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Talia Ohnari

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Everything posted by Talia Ohnari

  1. This ever so amusing quip from Dr. Nijil.... You and Dr. Phrik are for real gonna be besties....
  2. Pran: No need to worry about me, I'm a walking weapon shop. :: grinning :: I've got more knives and disruptors on me than a Hirogen hunting party. No one messes with Pran...
  3. Your Flyboys are busy. Suck it up buttercup.
  4. So...awkward flopping and the weird open and closed mouth moves...? Sexy.
  5. MC Crescendo: No sabotage, no murder, and for the love of Bolian bikini parties, control your fluids! Well...there went MY plans for the mission.
  6. Aaaand that is when Taelon's tech geek bubble burst into shiny little pieces.
  7. No tribbles!!! Did NO ONE learn from what happened LAST time?!
  8. Tatash: Anything you want me to bring back? Souvenir? ::he paused:: I mean, it's Earth after all. Fridge magnet? please make that a thing!!!
  9. Lieutenant Taelon - Spine Like a Pool Noodle Brilliant.
  10. Aaaaand that's when everyone was required to give up alcohol and never speak of it again....
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