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Talia Ohnari

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Everything posted by Talia Ohnari

  1. Careful. Puns attract cave grubs.
  2. Congratulations to each award recipient!! I am floored and honored to be among you
  3. Um....say what now?
  4. Because @Jalana is amazing....
  5. Ambassador Taybrim - Dangerously Committed Oh, we are ALL getting committed after this I just know it.
  6. That's been all of us. Since Bomba arrived...
  7. Also, the real lady of the hour.....Our Blushing Bride. All dressed up to wed @Sal Taybrim. Sorry @Rustyy_Hael....(Credit to the amazing @Jalana)
  8. A rare picture of Mirra not wearing scrubs or uniform....
  9. Anyone else absurdly grateful that Zel is so good at drifter MacGyvering...?
  10. Now way this is ending badly...
  11. Always a barrel of laughs.
  12. Welcome to Ops. It's best not to ask, just roll with it.
  13. You know you love her. Mothering a giant 7ft lizard man is no easy task I'll have you know.
  14. I am not exactly sure we want to know the answer to that question...
  15. Oooaky then. No on touch anything in Sal's office until he's disinfected the place post Bomba.
  16. Remember that 40 light years thing?? She WILL have her doctor senses tingling that someone is willfully ignoring medical advice.
  17. Dude, you are going to be lonely for a long while....I hope....::shudders::
  18. Can that be on his business card? Do they still do business cards...? I say they do.
  19. He'll only have himself to blame if he scratches the paint...
  20. This bit from our true leader: Yet not by much....
  21. This quip from Flynn: Five bucks says this isn't even the third time something like this has happened...
  22. Nobody messes with Mirra's giant, scary lizard brother.
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