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Theo Whittaker

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Everything posted by Theo Whittaker

  1. This was beautifully and elegantly written @Lt Aine Olive Sherlock. A stunning piece of prose! -- ((Sherlock's Quarters, Deck 4, USS 'Oumuamua)) How many times in the last few years did she say to herself, "This is home now?" Although just a handful, there was no point in counting anymore. Nonetheless, each time, it was the truth. And the 'Oumuamua was home now. After the awards ceremony Aine had made her way back to her quarters. It wasn't an event for her so much as the crew that was there before her. She'd done her part to show her support, but she left before there was any further celebration. Coming back to her barren quarters, it appeared that Operations had received a crate of her belongings that was deposited into the center of the room. When she left 118 it was on fairly short notice. She'd had less than 24 hours to get her affairs in order. And there were many. She'd seen Talar to tell him that their...arrangement...had to change. But she wasn't even sure what they were at that point. She had to set a plan in motion for her sister, Shevon. Currently an enlisted technician in Engineering who was taking classes at the remote campus on 118 to become an officer, but now choosing to test out and take her credits to work on becoming a Warrant Officer. She wasn't sure when she'd get to see Shevon again, but she left her the apartment and everything in it, only asking her to pack up some personal things of Aine's and send it to her. And now here it was. She reached behind her and unzipped the small zipper on the back of the neck of her uniform's jacket so she could pull it over her head. She tossed it to the nearest chair before going over to the crate. When she popped the top she looked down and it was as if the past was looking up at her. A couple holo-photos lay there in their frames. Both of her as a cadet, one with Madison and the other of her and Mel. She picked them up and set them on the table. Next was one of her old uniforms. Though it was only weeks ago, the grey shouldered uniform seemed old already. A past that was now just images in her mind like a video-holo she'd once watched. And packed between the uniform and some of her civvies, a pair of knives. One was an antique ceremonial knife from Cardassia that Sil had given her shortly after he'd arrived on the Resolution. That and a Bajoran earring were what he had given her after the crew vacationed on Bajor during the Gratitude Festival. The knife was the only possession of hers that had survived the destruction of the Resolution. Her friend, Meidra, had been running past Aine's office during the evacuation and ran in to see if there was anything she could save, and that was it. The other was a traditional Romulan honor blade. One that had been in Talar's family for countless generations, as he told it anyways. He had gifted it to her shortly after they had moved their friendship to a level just above being friends. As she looked down on them, she got almost a sinking feeling. One she'd felt before. That feeling was one she hated. It was more the idea of living in the past. Ever since she'd left home, she always wanted to be moving forward, but sometimes the past sunk its claws in, dragging itself along for the ride. She snapped out of that frozen moment and put the top back on the crate. Picking up her PADD from the nearby table which lay next to the pictures she'd setup, she searched the database for her playlist of music, mostly traditionals, and queued it up. The one thing she did like about deep space explorers was the creature comforts, especially the fact that senior officers quarters had the most luxurious of those comforts, a water bath. Sherlock: Computer, illumination to thirty percent. The lights dimmed. The crate could wait. And a nice hot soak seemed the perfect first step forward into her new future. fin Lieutenant Aine Sherlock Security Officer U.S.S. Oumuamua R239712AS0
  2. Commander Etan Iljor, checking in. "I'll Swing By And Sign The Contracts, Alright? Just Ignore The Bodies!"
  4. This is an incredible debut sim from our newest recruit, @Enzo Solari, who has joined us fresh from the Academy! — Personal log, stardate 240006.18. Dr Enzo Solari, Medical Officer, USS 'Oumuamua reporting. It has been a whirlwind since my arrival on the ‘Oumuamua from Starbase 118. I am excited to have graduated after a final training exercise on Starbase 118. Since my arrival, I have had just enough time to unpack my belongings in my small cabin before checking in with my superior officer Dr Vlen Kel. Unfortunately, I did not have enough time to meet with Dr Kel for more than a quick greeting before he rushed off on preparations for the mission to the E-Sho. Now, I am getting settled into one of the desks in Sickbay, minding the store while Dr Kel runs some errands. I hope to develop a good working relationship with him. ((Deck 7, Sickbay, USS 'Oumuamua)) Solari: Computer, end personal log. Dr Ensign Enzo Solari yawned. He stretched his legs under a pristine white polymer desk attached to the wall. No rest for the wicked, he thought to himself. The courier vessel to the 'Oumuamua followed a different clock that left him space lagged. It feels so nice to have a real sickbay job after so many years of training, he sighed to himself with tired satisfaction. He stared outside the office partition. The Sickbay sparkled with metallic surfaces and glowing state-of-the-art monitoring equipment. Rows of biobeds lined the circular wall as if waiting to welcome any patients. V'Airu: =/\= Bridge to Sickbay. =/\= Enzo started in surprise. He quickly reeled in his limbs and tapped his combadge. Solari: =/\= This is Doctor Solari. Go ahead, Bridge. =/\= V'Airu: =/\= Report to the bridge, please. I have some (beat) unusual symptoms to discuss. =/\= Solari: =/\= On my way. =/\= Enzo stood up and grabbed his plain gray standard issue Medical Kit and hurried out of Sickbay. Alrighty! First day on the job, he thought excitedly. ((Deck 1, Bridge, USS 'Oumuamua)) The turbolift doors whisked open to show the bridge abuzz with voices, computer beeps, and officers moving around. In the center, a viewscreen of swirling blue and gold colors caught his attention. That must be the micro-nebula everyone is talking about, he thought. He glanced away before he got dizzy. He shook his head and walked towards the dais where the Commodore sat with her other bridge officers. He heard the Commodore conversing with them as he stepped up. He suddenly felt his heartbeat pick up, feeling nervous. Solari: ::speaking quickly:: Dr Solari reporting, Commodore. What can I assist with? V’Airu: Response Solari: Please hold still, sir, as I run some quick scans. Enzo opened his gray medical kit case and removed a medical tricorder and scanner. He activated the tricorder and leaned over to wave the scanner slowly around V’Airu’s cranial region. He half-listened in on the conversation between the Commodore and the other officers he hadn’t formally met yet. Herrick: I’m not detecting anything internally; all green signals on my end. If we’re experiencing this here, do you think the away teams are also experiencing it? Katsim: My first assumption would be yes, however we have no empirical evidence to support that hypothesis. Enzo noticed some slightly elevated readings. These readings don’t seem out of the ordinary but who knows the effects of this space phenomena, he thought, nodding to himself. Solari: Sir, if I may, your scans show nothing particularly concerning aside from slightly elevated neural activity in your amygdala. This part of the brain is responsible for emotions. Have you experienced any abrupt shifts of mood? V’Airu: Response Katsim: The readings are not any clearer, but they do seem to spike with those waves. They get stronger, then fade. Enzo suddenly felt excitement and exuberance, flooding his mind, his eyes unfocused for a moment. Then it faded away. Whoa I haven’t felt like that since the day I received my medical school diploma, he thought to himself. Solari: Did anyone else feel that? ::voice cracking:: Herrick/V’Airu: Response Katsim: Commodore, it seems to be coming in steady intervals. Enzo ran to the various bridge officers waving his medical scanner like a wizard casting a spell on his subjects. Herrick/V’Airu: Response Lastly, Enzo awkwardly waved the scanner over his own brain. Solari: We all show signs of elevated neural activity in the amygdala. I would like to see everyone come to sickbay for scans when able, Commodore. Herrick/Katsim/V’Airu: Response --- Ensign Enzo Solari Medical Officer - USS 'Oumuamua Writer ID: O240006ES4
  5. Can we all just take a moment to appreciate his beautifully written this was?: Absolutely stunning, @Alora DeVeau!!
  6. I really enjoyed this submission from our newest Ensign, @Josh Herrick. He perfectly captures that undeniable thrill of a first mission! -- (( Herrick’s Quarters, Deck 7, USS-‘Oumuamua )) Josh looked around his new home; it was certainly quieter than the bunk he had been in since boarding the ‘Oumuamua. He had inquired about his room assignment after he noticed that Ensigns Dahlquist and Tyber were assigned to quarters and had a more comfortable living space. It was at that time that the logistics officer realized that an error had been made, mixing him in with the enlisted crew when there were available quarters. Josh had moved in the previous night with what little belongings he had (a poster, a plasma extinguisher shaped magnet, and a few padds). He hadn’t yet seen his roommate, but he suspected that it wouldn’t be long before they bumped into each other. Overall, the young engineer didn’t care whether it was a small bed or a room to himself, but he had found it easier to sleep in the less-tight space. Herrick: (excitedly) oO I’m going to be on the bridge! Oo He did a final once over in the mirror, making sure he looked picture perfect. This would be the third time he’d meet the Commodore, and the first time he’d see the bridge in action; both equally exciting. In the Academy, Herrick had taken the initial command training courses and had been exposed to some bridge operations, but this would be his first real mission as a commissioned officer. He headed to the turbolift, and extra spring in his step and after stepping inside the pod, he called for the bridge. It was perhaps a bit too excitedly, but no one was around to judge the green ensign. After a few moments, the doors slid open to reveal the bridge. (( Bridge, Deck 1, USS 'Oumuamua )) Josh stepped across the threshold and took a moment to let it sink in. Just like his time in the arboretum, meeting Kammus, and seeing everyone at the awards ceremony, he wanted to burn this moment into his mind. He turned his head to each side scanning the room, and while doing so, realized that he wasn’t quite sure where he should be. Herrick: oO Do I ask someone? Oo At that moment, he noticed a lieutenant approaching him. Katsim: Response Herrick: Yes, I am. Ensign Josh Herrick, Engineering. Katsim: Response Herrick: It’s good to meet you, Lieutenant. It’s my first time on the ‘Oumuamua bridge, so bear with me. Katsim: Response The doors of the ready room slid apart and V’Airu stepped on the bridge. As she approached Herrick and Katsim, she invited them to take the co-chairs beside her and asked for the viewscreen to be activated. The blue-gold cloud was beautiful to Josh. The shifts of colour were almost hypnotic in a way; he felt more at ease as he continued to stare at the image. V'Airu: Before we turn to our sensors, which are likely to operate below peak capacity, let us consider. Have either of you seen a phenomenon like this before? Josh racked his brain; he hadn’t focused on interstellar space phenomena in the Academy. His studies had mostly focused on making sure that the ship’s internals worked as expected, something he would need to correct as time progressed. Katsim/V’Airu: Response The newbie was glad that Katsim had spoken first, it had taken some of the bridge jitters away. It appeared that commanding officer wanted more analysis, as she continued to prompt. V'Airu: What do you see? I don't expect a diagnosis, but let's use our own senses, limited though they may be, for a moment. What could this phenomenon be? Herrick: If we’re going on looks sir, forgetting the gold for a moment, it somewhat looks like a cerulean nebula? oO Was that the right name for it? Oo It was a shot in the dark, but Herrick wanted to contribute something to the conversation so that he’d be invited back to the bridge again in the future. He also hadn’t remembered a nebula to be so relaxing when he had seen them on his cadet cruise. It didn't seem very scientific but he didn't want to leave out anything that may be material. V’Airu / Katsim: Responses Herrick: And, to me at least, it seems to have a calming effect. V’Airu / Katsim: Responses Tags! and TBC! --- Ensign Josh Herrick Engineering Officer USS ‘Oumuamua O240005JH3 he/him/his (player/character)
  7. Aww thank you @DrPsyPhi. I think we have all dealt with a HR rep who makes a nuisance of themselves and I wanted to have some fun with that.
  8. Bringing it to the red carpet is Lieutenant Commander Etan Iljor of the USS ‘Oumuamua. Sporting archival pieces from renowned Bajoran designer and artisan Mikelloh Anasendros, the Mission Specialist opted for a dramatic and opulent silhouette crafted from the finest organic Bolian cotton. All credit and thanks to @Robin Hopper for the amazing artwork!
  9. You can really feel Nesre’s anguish in this post. This was a wonderful and engrossing read @Alora DeVeau. — ((Corridor, Deck 6, USS Intrepid)) They were in the past. That realisation was nothing new, but it seemed that the weight of it was coming down more and more heavily upon the minds of those who were stuck there. Even Nesre felt it, that sudden pressure of the knowledge that they may not be able to return to the reality from which they had come. All they had known, all they loved was back in a different century far removed from where and when they were. The counselling staff were not immune from such thoughts. The strike in the breast at the dawning that she might never see her mother or her brother again had hit at the least expected moment. Her sessions were filled with people on their break between shifts, lamenting their losses, their fears, and they were all quite valid. And Nesre? She hadn’t taken a moment to consider her own. It was in the middle of the corridor that it truly hit. There was little traffic, those going on duty taking to tasks they had to finish, those coming off allowing themselves the luxury of a meal, or a shower, or simply some well earned rest. And she made her way toward her own quarters, her thoughts whirling with the fears of others, only to have her own suddenly rush to the forefront. Her feet froze and she stood there a moment, the tightening sensation in her chest, that squeeze that left her breathless. One hand pressed against where her heart pounded loudly within its chamber, the other hard against the wall in order to offer some level of stability. Deep breaths. Slow. Controlled. Inhale. One. Two. Three. Her whole galaxy had circled around her family. Even in the darkest times, when the shadows in her past had clawed at her, when the pain and suffering of their situation seemed unbearable, they had at least been able to find comfort, support, and love in each other. Since then, her universe had expanded to others, and she’d found there were more stars and suns than she had ever thought possible. But even though some of those lights in the darkness had come with her, she could not help but mourn over what she might very well have lost. Slow. Deep breaths. Deep breaths. They game in gasps, sudden rushes of air that squeezed in and out of her lungs in chaotic draws, sharp, and painful. Closing her eyes, Nesre tried to count down, then focused on something. Anything. Noise. Noises. There were noises. The hum of the ship. It was there. Something beeped, a steady rhythm. And there were footsteps… That snapped her back to reality and Nesre managed to inhale more slowly, then gained control. Straightened, she allowed herself another breath, long and easy, her heart still pounding, but with less urgency than before. Her eyes opened, and around the corner, a familiar blue form appeared, and almost ran into her. He barely stopped in time, then tried to circumvent her. Kel: Excuse me Lt. Salo. His voice was dark, rough, not at all like the V’Len she knew, and his form of address in such an informal situation stole her attention. Every muscle of his body tightened, the line of his jaw sharpened with tension. All her own cares were cast aside, her mind snapped back to the reality of the here and now, and without hesitation, Nesre turned and followed him. Salo: V’Len, wait! Kel: ::annoyed:: I'm on an errand of my own Lieutenant. You need not involve yourself. An errand? In such a temper? His continued response toward her was cold, callous, certainly not the V’Len she knew. Their earlier conversation burst to the forefront of her mind, and it only helped to spur her onward. Salo: V’Len, what’s wrong? What’s happened? Her inquiry only set his ire against her further. He stopped so suddenly, that this time, Nesre was the one who almost collided with him. She jerked to a stop as he whirled around, his form looming over her and shadows darkening his expression. Kel: ::gritting his teeth:: Nothing is wrong and I don't need your help. You should turn around and go the other way. He didn’t even give her a chance to respond before he turned again and began to stomp away. Once again, Nesre followed, unwilling to simply let this go. As a counsellor, she was duty bound. But as a friend, there was more at stake, and more determination to help and protect those whom she cared for. Salo: I can't do that and you know it. Kel: response Salo: You're obviously upset. I can't just leave you like this. It wasn’t just his current state, though that was troubling enough. Nesre knew there was trouble brewing in that mind and heart of his, and the situation left him torn, struggling with a part of himself he hadn’t really had to wrestle with before. Nesre picked up the pace, coming alongside the man. Kel: Response He wasn’t talking, but then again, he had already talked. While Nesre didn’t know all the details of what had happened on the surface of the planet, she knew some from the preliminary reports. Because part of her job was to keep up with the officers and possible scenarios that could be concerning, Nesre paid close attention to what happened on the ship, and this was no different. With V’Len’s case, she’d an opportunity to talk with him earlier, and had seen first hand one of the struggles he dealt with. And now? Now she had a suspicion. Salo: This is about Millie, isn’t it? Kel: Response
  10. That’s “international sales director” to you @DrPsyPhi. 🤣🤣🤣
  11. Balufdra’s campaign pledge: “POTS AND PANS FOR EVERYONE!”
  12. This was beautiful prose in a truly great sim, @Alora DeVeau.
  13. I thought that this was beautifully written @VLen Kel ♥️
  14. This was an achingly beautiful read, courtesy of @VLen Kel. — ((Senior Officer’s Crew Quarters, Deck 5, USS Intrepid)) V'Len walked into his quarters and dropped down onto the bed. Well not really his quarters, these were quarters of his Intrepid counterpart, CMO Sevrik. Training the crew to man the Intrepid had been exhausting and he was glad to finally be able to relax and hopefully sleep. He couldn't help but look around the room and smile. Like V'Len, Sevrik was clearly a music lover. There were three Vulcan lyres scattered around the room, a sort of metal flute, a brass instrument and a fine guitar hanging from the wall. The quarters were spartan by the standards of the 25th century. There was no carpet, and the metal walls were undecorated apart from the guitar, but V'Len felt very much at home. Xam Kel had spent a good decade in quarters like this. At first alone and then with…Millie? The name echoed around in his mind for several seconds. It was a name V'Len had never heard and at the same time he suddenly knew everything about the owner. Her warm embrace, her effervescent laugh, her sharp voice when she was crossed. V'Len felt he'd always known her, better than he knew Jack or Nesre. But how had he forgotten? How had her name been buried and silent for so long in his mind? He rose, not sure where he was going, but moved over to the room's computer terminal and began wildly punching buttons. The interface was frustratingly slow. Data could not be brought up by simply giving a verbal command, not in this era. While only moments passed it felt to Kel like an eternity. Finally the screen lit up and displayed a picture of a gentle eyed, Andorian woman. Millie. Kel sat down facing the display, his eyes open wide in wonder. She was on a Starbase 12, just 6 lightyears away. Kel gently caressed the image on the screen with his thumb as a thousand memories rushed back. There she was. Millie. His Millie. His wife. Not exactly V'Len's wife, but Xam Kel's wife. The two had met serving on the Exeter, Xam a brash, Trill helmsman and she a confident, Andorian engineer. Millie. She was just a week's journey from their current position and 6 lifetimes removed from Kel. He was trying hard to hold back the tears welling up in his eyes. They worked together for 3 years before karaoke and too many drinks resulted in him waking up awkwardly in her bed. The truth that they both cared for each other finally came out and they were married a year later. V'Len could almost have been their child. But there were no children, because V'Len Kel was not the first Kel host to suffer a grievous injury. The CMO of the Exeter was unsure whether Xam Kel could be saved after suffering traumatic injuries on an away mission. Then the Trill Symbiote Commission had stepped in. The Kel symbiote was removed and whisked back to Trill, a death sentence for Xam. Xam Kel had never fully regained consciousness, but voices still rattled in his mind. Millie shouting at the Trill representatives, impassioned pleas by the Exeter's Captain and loud weeping had traveled with him through lifetimes. Kel finally let his head fall on his arms in front of him and the tears flowed. There had been other lovers, friends, even a husband, but never another Millie. And here she was, achingly close. By now Millie had been alone for over a year. Lifting his head Kel realized there might be hope. Surely this time trip was destined to allow them to be together once more.
  15. ((Forward Observation, Deck B, Mission Pod, USS ‘Oumuamua)) There were many places on the ‘Oumuamua that you could find some sort of seclusion if needed. Jack’s personal quarters usually were fine but when he wanted to really just think and escape his favorite place to work was in the Mission Pod of the ‘Oumuamua. Very rarely was anyone ever up here unless he had directed a Tactical or Engineering team up here for maintenance. Nothing was scheduled for the area so this was a great opportunity for him to finish up some light work and do it from the observation area in the Mission Pod. His thoughts were on his parents and the USS Caboto. The UDP and the Zet. An attack that for all intents and purposes was provocation by the Zet to gain technology they had no business getting their hands on and if it had not been for the UDP giving a pre-warp civilization warp technology, they would have never had the means of such an attack. Jack stopped what he was doing and began to stare out the observation window thinking about how many lives had been lost or worse, sold because the UDP had given the Zet warp technology? It was a disturbing thought and what more was the thought that his cousin, now his adopted sister was among those about to be sold. He leaned forward on the console in front of him with a gut ache and slight feeling of nausea as he realized how close they had come to missing out on that rescue. Yet how many others had already been handed off in such a manner that they had missed. Jack slowly shook his head from side to side at the disgusted thought and then, there in the reflection of the observation window stood a familiar figure. Surprised that he had not heard anyone enter the pod Jack spun on his heels and looked up to the catwalk above. Lieutenant Commander Brodie stood leaning against the rail and was glancing down at Jack. Brodie: I had a feeling it might be you. Kessler: Sorry doc, I did not know you were up there. You waiting for someone? I can clear out. Brodie: No…I was watching, not waiting. ::He turned towards Jack:: I get the distinct impression you’ve been doing the same? The man was perceptive and a good ships counselor. Was he here to do what Jack was, reflect inwardly on some specific matter or was he here checking up on Jack? Brodie was a good man and in Jack’s eye, his father and Brodie would get along great. Two Scotsmen who loved to talk and share a drink with a friend. Kessler: (stepping up the stairs to the catwalk and looking out into space) It’s a nice place to come and get lost in thoughts. Brodie: I can go, if you’d rather have privacy. Kessler: (glancing over to Brodie) No, I could use someone to talk to. (beat, looking out at Seytoxal) What are you watching from our watchtower up here? The reference was meant to lighten the mood a little. Jack knew he was probably looking rather out of sorts himself as he tried to real in his thoughts and emotions. Brodie: ::Far away voice:: The USS Esperanto… ::Turning to Kessler, more focused:: Sorry…it’s an old reference…Esperanto was a universal language…it translates as “one who hopes”…I suspect you can relate? Jack nodded, he could relate to that but there seemed something more that the Doc was dealing with himself. Jack turned slowly and gently to Brodie. Everyone in the crew came to the ships counselors, they must need an outlet themselves like everyone else. Maybe this was Brodies or maybe, he thought to himself, he was Brodie’s outlet right now. He knew the counselor had a daughter close to Jack’s age, maybe this was his fatherly side trying to find it’s way out or maybe Jack was just reaching for something himself in a time as dark and distraught as this one was. Kessler: Yeah, I just don’t feel like shore leave is the right answer for me. I can’t just drop all this and go have fun, not right now. Not while there’s still unanswered questions about my parents and the Caboto. (beat) It’s too heavy of a weight right now to try and push aside. Brodie: Have you found anything yet? Anything. Anything would have been great. Anything would have lifted that level of hope up higher. Anything would have been preferred to the nothing they had. Kessler: (lowering his head and sounding more defeated) No. I keep scouring the data feeds from that social media thing Vomek linked into but nothing useful. What about you, have you heard anything different? Brodie’s empathy was genuine and Jack felt that. The man had suffered loss as well and Jack could see that in his response, he could feel it in his response. Brodie: Nothing that I’ve heard. They’ve had a few vessels sweeping the area but so far; nothing. You’ve done the security training, what is it they teach you. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence? Kessler: (look up slowly to the view port and the planet below) I keep telling myself, keep hoping that I am wrong but after what we have seen and dealt with out here, I can’t get the fact out of my head that they are already dead. Brodie: I’m not going to lie to you Jack, it’s highly likely. Jack tilted his head sideways and looked over at Brodie. He did not try to baby you, he was there to give support, but he was holding the door of reality open, keeping it from slamming in your face. Jack appreciated the honesty and the bluntness of it. Kessler: (softly) I know, (beat) that’s where the weight of hope becomes heavier to carry. Jack looked back out into space and leaned against the catwalk railing. His hands gripping at the rails with anger, fear, rage, confusion and so many other feelings intertwined. He could feel the blood pulsing in his fingertips at the thought of what was a more than likely outcome for the Caboto crew based on what they currently knew. Truth be told, Jack was strong enough that he knew he would be able to get through this with or without Brodie’s help. What he could not understand was how he was going to get through this and help Krystal get through it at the same time. His own emotions he could deal with and grieve in his own way but he now had this young girl who had already been through so much trauma to help. Kessler: (looking back to Brodie) I can carry that heavier burden of hope knowing that the outcome is most likely the worst case scenario. What I do not know how to handle is Krystal. If the worst case should be true, this is going to destroy her world. (beat) I have no idea if I can give her what she needs. (backing away from the railing) I know I will do everything in my power for her but it’s not like I have any experience in helping her understand this type of loss. Brodie: Response Jack nodded slowly as Brodie spoke. He knew the entire crew would come to aid Krystal if needed, especially his crew. Many were survivors of the USS Thor and all had seemingly become much closer having gone through that horrific ordeal. Jack knew he was not alone in giving her the help she would need if this indeed went to the worst case scenario. At the moment though, even with Brodie standing right there, Jack still felt a million kilometers away from everything. Kessler: I don’t mind telling you Alex. This is one of those moments where Starfleet thinks they have trained you for this and in reality (beat) no one can prepare you for this. Jacked leaned against the back railing of the catwalk, facing forward and folded his arms across his chest and just stared out into space. The planet in the background seemingly not even important anymore. His mind just started drifting into the void of space staring at the empty solitude of blackness between each glistening star. Brodie: Response Tags Lieutenant jg Jack Kessler Asst. Chief Tactical Officer USS Oumuamua T239901JK1
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  16. I’m sorry, sir, but I did do the homework but my pet targ ate it!
  17. I saw this simm title and I immediately saw @Addison MacKenzie rolling her eyes in my mind's eye:
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