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Everything posted by Landau

  1. ((Starbase 118/Outside MacLaren's door) ::Joseph stood outside Johanna's door wondering if he should just go to medical and get fixed up there. He knew she was a sensitive person and he didn't want her see him bruised and bleeding.:: oO She'll see the report anyways, she's a doctor here. She might be upset you didn't come to see her.Oo ::Joseph took stock of what damage he took during the altercation. He had a cut cheek, a bruised forearm and severely swollen, possibly broken hand. He felt a mixture of pain and excitement. He couldn't help but want more, which was a part of him that always scared him; he always tried to keep those feelings buried. Joseph went between wanting to hit the chime button on the door panel and turning about and marching himself to medical. He finally realized that it was less medical attention he wanted and more her attention.:: oO But she'll freak if she sees me this way...what do I do?... I want to see her again... I need to see her again.Oo :: Joseph tried desperately to fight against the urges moving his finger towards her door panel.:: oO Oh Johanna I need to see you again. Oo :: He pushed the door chime and waited.:: oO What's taking so long?Oo ::Johanna hung up the clothing she'd worn to the party and stood in just her underwear trying to decide whether to shower this evening or in the morning. She'd just turned on the water when Hope barked and ran toward the sitting room. She turned off the water and listened. ::He pushed the door chime again and waited. He began to wonder if she was waiting behind the door for him to leave. :: MacLaren: Hope, hush! Oo Who could that be?...Only Lt. James and Joseph ken Eh'm here...He's come back! Maybe he'll ask me to go somewhere with him tomorrow. Laird, Eh'm not dressed!oO ::She quickly reached for a silk robe and knotted the belt around her waist pulling the top closed to some level of decency and ran to the door.:: ::Joseph was about to push a third time, but at that instant the door sprung open and there she was, in a house coat that clung to the curves of her body. She had such a shocked look on her face he began to wonder if he had made the right decision.:: ::In that instant her elation at seeing him transformed to clinical concern; her doctor's eyes took in all the injuries. The cut on his cheek was bleeding freely making streaks down to his collar. A contusion was already forming around the wound promising to leave an angry bruise.Oo Possible fracture to the cheek, check for neck injury or head wound. Did he fall when he was hit? Arm is being cradled, possible break?oO :: Joseph! Oh my Laird! What happened to ye? Let me help you! Come in! ::Joseph was surprised at the change in her eyes; they had gone from the warm caring eyes he knew from earlier that evening to the analytical doctor eyes that seemed to view him as just another patient.:: :: She put a surprisingly strong arm around him and guided him into the room before he could even reply.:: Sit down here; put your feet up, and let me get a towel. ::She disappeared, and the next thing Joseph heard was the sound of water running. The little dog put a tentative paw on his leg as if to give some comfort.:: oO I knew this was a bad idea, I've gone a from kind man to a trauma ward patient, and now the dog feels sorry for Mister Scary Shoes, great.Oo ::MacLaren was back with a wet cloth and a small black bag hanging from a strap on her shoulder. It pulled her dressing gown open a little, but she pulled it quickly back in place as she knelt by his side.:: Eh'll try not to hurt you. ::Joseph seriously doubted that she could do anything to hurt him; he was concerned with the image now in front of the beautiful flower in front of him.:: :: Gently she put the towel that had been soaked in cold water against the throbbing cheek wound.:: Tell me what happened. Dubeau: Well... ummm... I was involved in an altercation; a Nausicaan tried to rob me. :: As he spoke, she held the towel against his cheek with one hand and deftly opened her case with the other. She pulled out a small flash light and directed the beam to his eyes and then away a couple of times. She put it down and ran her fingers around his head searching the back for some swelling that might indicate he'd fallen during the fight and taken a blow to the head.:: A Nausecan? Was he apprehended? Did ye call security? Did no one help you? Dubeau: I don't know if they got him, it all happened very quickly, I did advise security. MacLaren: Your poor hand! Let me see it. :: She took out a tricorder and her brows furrowed as she looked at the readings as she held it over the hand and the arm.:: Your hand is broken in two places. It must hurt like the Devil. ::Looking down at her, Joseph was heart broken to see the look of concern in her beautiful eyes; all Joseph wanted to do was hold her close, that would make the little bit of pain go away.:: Dubeau: Don't worry about me Johanna, it doesn't hurt that much. MacLaren knew the pain must be severe. She could not help but admire his courage. She wanted to say that, but she feared he would mask other wounds:: Marines never admit to pain. Let me make it better. We'll need to go to Sick Bay to set this properly. ::She reached for a protoplaser to mend the cheek wound. This was a small, basic unit for an emergency kit, so it would take longer. She administered a hypospray of painkiller first and then turned back to his hand. Hands were delicate. She held it and carefully felt the bones. In those moments, she could feel the whirlwind of his emotions.:: ::Joseph felt total excitement at the feel of her hand, thinking of the excitement from the fight and the excitement being near her again rushed through his body. Then all of a sudden she stared at his eyes as if in shock.:: ::Her eyes locked on his, the long lashes no longer shading their color in this direct gaze. Then she looked down at the hand she was holding and then back at his eyes. She could feel the excitement running through him as if it were an electrical current:: You are excited! You enjoyed this fight...ye might have been killed! ::The look of fear in her eyes cut him straight to the core.:: Dubeau: I'm sorry Johanna...it's a natural reaction...my training takes over. I am a soldier. ::His heart dropped at the moment he saw her concern for him go away; she took her hand away and began going through her med kit.:: oO She can't even bare to look at me. Why would a wonderful being like that want to be with a trained killer?Oo MacLaren:Oo He's a soldier, brave and steeled to danger. He'll always be taking risks that could endanger him. He probably never even thought to call for help against a Nausican! Eh should be detached; Eh'm his doctor now, and he needs care, not my emotions.oO :: Johanna got up quickly without saying a word, she grabbed her black bag and fixed her house coat and started out of the room.:: Oo Eh have to take him to Sick Bay. If there is much more swelling, it will be impossible to set that hand properly. Eh willna let his hand be ruined. He has such beautiful hands.oO Dubeau: Whe...where...? oO She can't even stand to be in the same room as me now, nice one man.Oo ::Joseph got up feeling an urge to follow, but he knew she wouldn't feel comfortable with him intruding. Just then Hope came to Joseph's feet and put her paws on Joseph's shoe, he looked down to find the dog starring up at him.:: Oo Mr. Scary Shoes is hurt; mom is worried. Good dog will help; keep him calm while help comes. That's my job. Not so scary; just shoes, nice human. Pick me up, pet me, feel better...he can't understand me!oO She tried to put more weight on his shoe, but Joseph only looked away. ::In the bedroom, Johanna quickly retrieved her uniform from the closet. Oo Act like a doctor, Johanna. Ye have too many feelings for him; ye've just met. Think of what they'd say about this kind of thing on Vulcan, even StarFleet Medical. Ye shouldna treat people when there is an emotional involvement. How did this marine get into your heart and mind this way in a few hours anyway! He doesna need a dance partner now; he needs a doctor. He came here for medical help. Ye canna get involved with him; ye canna get involved with anyone.oO ::A little while later Johanna came out dressed in uniform, Joseph watched as she moved frantically about her apartment.:: ::MacLaren's mind and body were working together now with the swift disciplined process she'd learned in trauma situations. There had been a Borg attack on the colony where she'd interned. There was no time for feelings then, only triage and immediate aid. Moving rapidly, she gathered a fresh towel and folded it as a cushion for his hand and another for ice, her tricorder to have the record of its readings on his wounds, the record of the medicine she'd given him, the protoplaser that had his cheek looking better, and finally a shoe that had somehow gotten under a chair, no doubt with Hope's help.:: MacLaren: How are ye feeling? Has the pain lessened? I can call for an internal beam-out. Oo I canna bear for you to be in any more pain.oO Dubeau: oO I don't go anywhere; I need to explain those sensations you felt.Oo Just wait a second. MacLaren: Replicator. Make ice. I'll wrap some of that in a towel for your hand, then we'll go. ::He tried desperately to get her from running around getting things together for their trip to sickbay.:: MacLaren: Joseph, we need to get you to Sick Bay to treat that hand before it swells anymore. Hope, you stay. I'll be back soon. ::Using her doctor's voice, she tapped her combadge:: Dr. MacLaren requesting Internal beam out to Sick Bay from Deck 1202 Apartment 234D Block 84. Prepare for orthopaedic scan and treatment. EMH: Confirmed. In a flash the tingling sensation of a transporter beam grabbed the two of them. As they materialized, an EMH approached and greeted them. ::Lietuenant Dubeau has been injured. Eh will need to scan his hand. Eh want a cranial analysis as weel. Oo Eh'll not have him suffer some bleed in the brain because Eh failed to check properly for injury. A blow to the head by a Nausican can do a good deal of damage. He's looking pale. Oh! ... a poison scan.oO ::Avoiding Dubeau's eyes to prevent their distraction:: MacLaren: Eh'm also going to do a toxicity scan. Medieval Terran archers used to urinate on their arrows in hopes of causing sickness in those they wounded. Nausicans have been known to treat the studs on their clothing with poisons. oO She's avoiding eye contact. Great, you ruined something wonderful between you and her, man just great... she's so beautiful.Oo Dubeau: Jo...ummm...doctor I don't think that's necesary, I... MacLaren: I'm being thorough. ::She took his hand gently forcing down the sensations that touching him and caring for him caused. Oo Eh want to ken exactly what he is thinking and feeling. It is all Eh can do to keep from looking into his mind although it is the worst ethical violation, the verra reason people fear telepaths.oO ::As they moved to the biobed, she busied herself with the readings. She took his hand and looking only at it, said:: These bones will heal weel. Eh will mend them now, but dinna do anything too stressful with the hand for a few days. No Vulcan Martial Arts until they've been checked again. Oo No brain injury. Arm is only bruised. No injury to the cheek bone. Vulcan Martian Arts! He kens how to protect himself; he's a skilled soldier, a brave man, a man who deserves better than someone who may never be able to touch him without violating the privacy of his mind.oO Dubeau: ::Joseph looked at her longingly,:: Doctor...::a weight pushed his heart into the depths of his core. He wanted to say so much, but knew she didn't want to hear it. She turned from a caring, loving being to a sterile, unemotional...doctor. He decided to be professional knowing that he would have to work with her sometime, but it would break his heart every time he would see her or be close to her.:: :: In moments, the protoplaser and dermal regenerator had done their work. There was no further reason to hold his hand or touch his cheek. She allowed herself to look up and managed a very professional tone,:: There now, ye should be feeling much better. Eh'll ask ye to rest tonight. If ye have any discomfort, call ....there is someone on call all night.Oo Someone Eh should have notified and called on instead of treating him myself when Eh canna seem to keep my emotions under control when Eh touch him.oO Dubeau: ::Joseph gave a heavy, shacking sigh. He chocked the words out.:: Thank you. ::Looking at those beautiful eyes he realized that his newest and probably first love was now gone.:: MacLaren felt the shields in her mind weakening. She could not, would not betray him in this way. It was clear that he was more than kind; he was attracted to her as she was to him, but he deserved someone who was not what her father had called disabled, what a Vulcan had once called a telepathic mutant. During her studies and internship, she had isolated herself, denied herself most human companionship. She had proven she could block out the thousands of minds that surrounded her, but now within a few hours of her first real posting, Lt. Joseph Dubeau was wreaking havoc with her defenses. She wanted nothing more than to let him put his arms around her and hold her, but she was terrified of losing the hard won silence in her mind, of the deluge of thousands of minds rushing in like a mad cacophony that would not stop.:: MacLaren: Eh must go. Good night, Jos...Good night Lt. Dubeau. ::She tried to make a stately, professional exit, but she was almost at a run by the time she'd reached the exit. As soon as the doors closed behind her, she did run as fast as she could from the marine who had so successfully and swiftly stormed the beaches of her heart, the one who deserved so much better a person than she. EMH: Is there anything more Lt? Dubeau: ::Analyzing and burning the last moment he saw Johanna in his memory delayed his answering.:: Nothing. ::At that Joseph got up and returned to his quarters, feeling as though his heart had been torn out.:: oO Goodbye Johanna.Oo Ensign Johanna MacLaren Doctor & 2nd Lt. Joseph Dubeau Marine pilot Starbase 118/USS Victory
  2. ((Holodeck 2, USS Victory)) ::As if on cue, the arch that would permit entrance to the holodeck appeared no sooner than the tug had pulled away leaving the jet alone on the tarmac a distance from the hangar. Kali had already been up into the [...]pit and verified things that might have mattered in the real world, but had little coincidence in the holographic world. Still, old habits had a way of sticking around, especially in an environment as real as this.:: ::Seconds after the arch appeared, the doors opened to reveal a tall man in a flight suit that he didn’t seem all that out of place in. Some people, like Tressa, had a hard time adjusting to the weight and feel of the suit. Colt, however, seemed almost as comfortable in it as if he were born in the thing. Her eyes followed him as she laughed at the recollection of Tressa when they had gone flying on Earth, a coincidental thought she was suddenly thankful for as it had allowed her to hide a deeper, more frightening feeling; an ever strengthening attraction that she hadn’t fully explored during the crisis, but one that was making itself quite known now that things had calmed.:: ::Not wanting to answer questions, she turned back to the jet and continued the process of pre-flight until he approached and spoke to her.:: ::Colt stepped through the doors to Holodeck 2 and immediately found himself on a Tarmac standing before an archaic aircraft. He approached the plane trying not to tug at his flight suit, it was a little uncomfortable as he had cinched up to help him withstand the g-forces of whatever stunts Kali might pull. He looked over at the woman who had invited him on this...date? He wondered if that was what this was. Things had been somewhat confusing between them and Colt was still trying to decipher what exactly their relationship was. It was a difficult thing, trying to pursue a personal relationship with someone who was his direct superior, but he was beginning to find that challenge less daunting every day.:: ::Approaching the aircraft, which he had learned earlier via the computer library was an F/A-18F, a type of 20th Century fighter jet, he found it amazing that contemporary Air Forces used fragile, primitive crafts like this in battle. He closed the distance between them and spoke:: Daniels: So, this is the real deal... an actual F-18? ::He of course knew it was a holodeck program, but he imagined it was a near perfect reproduction.:: It's hard to believe they'd use things in air battles with no shields or warp drives or anything. ::Now she had little choice but to turn and grin at him. At least there were no questions about her previous staring or the slight laugh.:: Nicholotti: I see you do your homework. ::Colt smiled warmly at Kali:: Daniels: I try to learn everything I can about every weapons system I can. ::He paused for a moment and continued with a smirk:: Even reeeeaaaally old ones. ::Having made it all the way around the aircraft, Kali now made her way over to where he stood. He was taller than her, but that didn’t matter; there was no fear in her mind now as she walked up to him and stopped.:: ::As Kali came around from the opposite side of the jet, Colt got his first unobstructed view of her in her own flight suit. His mind struggled to find a label for the way she looked, cute seemed to be the closest approximation, though the word betrayed the confidence and the capable way she was performing the pre-flight.:: Nicholotti: You ready for this? ::An almost evil grin appeared as she spoke, fighting the urge to move even closer.:: ::Colt looked up at the blue-gray monster and raised an eyebrow.:: Daniels: I'm ready as I'll ever be. Nicholotti: ::with a nod.:: Good. Let’s go then. ::She gestured towards the rear ladder as she turned and headed back towards the beast. It was, for all intents and purposes, a living, breathing, being at that point, and one that Kali had spent many long hours in as a kid. This was one moment where the smile just couldn’t be hidden.:: ::He climbed up the ladder and into the empty seat behind Kali, taking a few moments to figure out how to strap himself in before speaking again.:: Daniels: So, how exactly did you learn to fly one of these? ::He looked around at the various instruments and displays, particularly the weapons systems. Colt always seemed attracted to the things that blew up and/or put holes in other things.:: ::As she settled into her own seat, ground crew members appeared and pulled the ladders from the plane and finalized preparations for their departure.:: Nicholotti: My grandfather taught me. ::Without thought, her hands went to work bringing the monster fully to life. With each one, something new came on and changed until finally they were ready to roll.:: ::Colt smiled even though she probably wouldn't see it from where she was sitting. The confidence she was exuding and the way she was working this ancient warbird, wasn't unlike the way she commanded a starship, which he found to be extremely...alluring.:: Daniels: I see. You sure seem like you know what you're doing. So do I need to do anything or do I just sit back here and be amazed by you like usual? ::Her face well hidden in her helmet, Kali knew he wouldn’t be able to see the look on her face. As the canopy lowered around them, she spoke into the now active radio.:: Nicholotti: Yea, don’t touch anything. ::She laughed.:: Not until we’re off the ground at least. ::There was a tone to her voice that said so much more than what she spoke. It was almost taunting, as if she were telling him ‘just wait, you’ll see’ with an evil laugh appended to the end. It was a trick her grandfather had used on her, and one she had a bad habit of pulling on anyone brave enough to go flying with her. For now, though, there was the matter of takeoff. After that, they would be free.:: ::Relative silence descended on them as she went through the process involved. Air traffic control was handled by legacy towers and Starfleet installations these days, but in her holodeck simulations, she always tried to get things close to how the old towers would do it. It never quite seemed real though, but it worked well enough for the purpose. At least she never found herself waiting in line to take off, ever.:: ::With clearance given, the plane responded to her controls as she maneuvered it towards the runway they would use to get into the sky. Simple movements caused the craft to react all the way down the taxiway to the end of the long strip of concrete that sprawled out in front of them. Smiling to herself, she made the final preparations for takeoff while speaking to the man behind her. This was always the best part of things; feeling the speed as the craft they were in hurtled into the sky.:: Nicholotti: How are you doing back there? ::Colt was enjoying himself already. The sound and vibration of the turbine engines were tremendous, the visceral stimulation was a far cry from the sterile, antiseptic feel of a small starfighter. As usual the woman behind the controls was demonstrating her refined ability to capture his thoughts, preventing him from thinking about anything else for too long, before his thoughts returned to her.:: Daniels: So far, so good. I'm not too worried though, I trust you. ::Kali laughed; he certainly had a knack for being able to invoke feelings she had thought long buried. It was only the jet, and the controls at her hands, that kept her mind on track and not of on a distant tangent.:: Nicholotti: Fair enough. ::With that, she shoved the throttle all the way forward. The plane seemed to jump beneath them before it went screaming down the line of concrete ahead of them. Kali watched the gauges, pulling back as soon as the speed hit a certain mark. The craft went shooting through the sky as the two occupants were pushed back into their seats with the force of multiple G's. It was this that she lived for, both as a child and now; the moment when speed, in all its glory, could actually be felt.:: ::As Kali hammered on the throttle Colt heard the turbines roar and felt the force of gravity press him back into his seat, it was astonishing. His mind told him that he had achieved speeds far greater than this on any number of ships, but because modern ships had inertial dampeners he had never found it very exhilarating. Now he truly felt as though he was screaming through the air faster than ever before. After a few moments of climbing they finally leveled off he found himself able to speak again.:: Daniels: Kali, this is great! The raw power of this beast is awesome. ::He was smiling like a kid and he was fairly certain that she would be able to hear it in his voice.:: ::She could hear that wonder in his voice; the same wonder she had always had for the sheer thrill of flying. Her own laughter filtered over the radio to the back of the plane.:: Nicholotti: Glad you can see the light. ::If he could see her face, he would see quite the smirk. It was rather pleasing that he was really enjoying himself. There hadn’t been many people she’d flown with since she joined Starfleet, but Colt seemed to be having the most fun of them all. Of course most of them ended up sick at some point during the flight, Tressa included, though hers was probably to be attributed to the pregnancy they had found out about a couple days after their flight. She smiled in spite of the part of her that missed the woman desperately and focused her attention back on the man who had taken her up on the offer to fly.:: ::He looked out the side of the canopy, studying the control surfaces trying to understand the way the jet maneuvered through the air in an attempt to estimate it's abilities. Looking forward he spoke again.:: Daniels: So, let's see what she can do! Nicholotti: You might be sorry you said that. ::He felt his muscles tense up slightly, he hadn't realized how much of an adrenaline junkie he was, but now he was shaking a little in anticipation of the incoming rush. As she gunned the throttle once again and he felt the welcome feeling associated with acceleration in Earth's gravity he smiled under his helmet and let himself be pushed back into his seat.:: ::Kali immediately pulled the nose up into another steep climb that pushed them both back dramatically into their seats. As the airspeed slowed, she nudged the nose back over and they quickly shot back down towards the ground. It was like a game of chicken that she always lost, but there was a kind of thrill that built itself up within her as the ground got bigger and bigger. There was also precision in the move, and when the altimeter was at her limit, she pulled out of the dive and made a parabola that took them back into the sky.:: ::They tore through the sky climbing, diving, and rolling as Colt had to fight back the urge to yell. He imagined that she would be impressed by the fact that he hadn't gotten sick from the stunts, she didn't have to know that he had stopped by sickbay on his way over and picked up medicine for motion sickness. His heart was still racing when they finally leveled out again. ::After a few of her normal stunts, she brought the plane level and somewhat under control before speaking to Colt.:: Nicholotti: So, you should grab the stick and fly. ::She paused dramatically and stuck her hands up so that he could see them.:: Cause I’m tired. ::She laughed. This was the one thing she did to everyone, save Tressa, just to see how they would react. The effect was much better in the real world, but the holodeck had made things feel real enough up till now; perhaps the mind would not allow him the luxury of remembering they were actually quite safe on the ground of the holographic chamber. Of course there was also the fact that her safety was in the pedals at her feet, but she kept that to herself too.:: ::He saw her hands held up in the classic "no-hands" gesture and in a brief moment of panic scrambled for the Co-Pilots stick before the logical part of his brain told him they were actually in the safety of the holodeck. Grinning sheepishly he held it steady for a moment before gently lowering the nose of the jet into a gradual dive before gently nosing back up to level. The little "stunt" he pulled didn't hold a candle to the large overarching loops Kali had pulled, but he was proud of the simple maneuverall the same.:: Daniels: You know, that's not bad. It certainly handles a little differently than a starship. Maybe I'll have you give me some lessons sometime... add to my list of skills that aren't particularly useful, like sailing. ::The word reminded him of their time on Eschevar, he was sure this would be fond memory as well just like they time the had spent there.:: Nicholotti: That wasn’t so useless though. ::On the contrary, it had been the origination of the spark that had led them to this moment. In that aspect, it had proved to be very useful.:: ::Once again she took over the controls and he released his grasp on the stick. A few moments passed before either of them said anything. Colt was looking around the [...]pit now taking note of the various buttons and switches.:: Daniels: Does this baby have functional weapons systems? ::Kali couldn’t help but laugh at that. If anyone would ask that, it would be him.:: Nicholotti: Yea, but nothing’s loaded. ::The real jet, of which this program had been modeled after, that sat in a hanger at home on Earth, was as real as it had been back in the glory days of the supersonic flight. Without the need for the weapons though, they were never loaded or armed.:: :: He was a little disappointed by the news, until he had an idea.:: Daniels: I Suppose it won't hurt to depart from realism a little here... Computer, outfit this jet to full combat payload. ::Air to air missles appeared on pylons and the ammunition for something called a "20mm Cannon" showed to be at full capacity:: oO Projectile weapons, So retro... I like it. Oo Daniels: I'm gonna let 'er rip. Is that ok? ::By now, Kali was quite amused. Having gone through great pains to program the jet to provide similar functionality to front and back seat occupants, she hadn’t thought it would be used in this manner. Still, she grinned. Never had anyone thought to do such a thing in the past, but it seemed like a good enough idea. It certainly would be a good test of her flying skills and his shooting skills if nothing else; but only if they had an opponent.:: Nicholotti: In a minute. Computer, insert three opponents. ::She paused and thought for a moment.:: One Su-27 Flanker, one MiG-29 Fulcrum, one F-4J, Mitsubishi version. ::There was a moment of silence before the computer complied and the other three jets appeared a ways in front of them. After another moment, the jets scattered. Kali smiled. It was time to hunt.:: Nicholotti: Alright. I’ll chase em down, but the shooting is all you. ::Colt was grinning so widely his face was starting to hurt, it wasn't every day that he got to play with this kind of hardware. Though he had no training with these kind of weapons he hoped his natural skill at making things go boom would be able to compensate:: Daniels: Yeehaw! ::He yelled a little too enthusiastically:: Let's go. ::That was all that was required; he said the word and she banked the plane off to the right to follow the first of the opponents. It wasn’t long before the Flanker was in sight out of the canopy window. Suddenly aware of their presence, it broke its flight pattern and tried to dart in between the clouds. Kali followed it.:: ::Colt spotted the enemy plane and tried to lock missile radar, a tone told him that he had 'probably' locked on. He had noticed the 3 weapon choices Vulcan, 'AMRAAM', and 'Sdewndr'. Going with the only name that he recognized he fired, resulting and a short burst from the front mounted Vulcan cannon.:: oO Oops, that's not it. Oo ::As Kali lined them up again and Colt finally heard the lock on tone, he this time fired the 'AMRAAM'. As the missile arced out his eyes followed it to its fiery conclusion:: ::Pursuing the jet through the clouds, she waited to hear the release of whatever weapons the man behind her would choose to use. The clouds cleared in that moment, and they found the plane they were seeking just to their right. Kali banked the plane again and Colt shot; the result of which was an explosion of orange red flames the likes of which she’d seen on some older holovids she’d watched as a kid.:: Daniels: Yeah! Pretty good for my first try, eh? ::Laughing at the reaction coming from the back seat, Kali turned the plane towards their next target.:: Nicholotti: Not bad. Not bad at all. Daniels: What can I say, weapons just... speak to me. ::They continued until all 3 adversaries were destroyed, largely due to Kali's impressive flying and to a lesser extent, Colt's beginner's luck in the gunner's seat. ::Having had enough fun and adrenaline for one day, Kali brought the plane around and set it as gentle as ever on the long runway that looked so incredibly real. Her hands went to work again, flipping switches and pushing buttons as they came to a stop near the line of hangars where they had started. Finally she opened the canopy and released her body from the restraints allowing herself just a moment to get used to normal gravity again. Continuing her egress, she motioned behind her for him to do the same.:: ::As the Jet came to a stop and the engines wound down, Colt saw Kali unbutton her helmet. As canopy slowly opened she climbed out and motioned for him to follow. Once they were on the ground and clear of any hazards they stopped not far from the now motionless fighter to talk.:: Daniels: I'm glad we did this. ::He paused for a moment:: You never cease to amaze me, do you know that? ::The comment took her momentarily off guard, but she kept her composure. So often over the past week she had questioned herself and her ability to do what she did. Now here he was telling her that she amazed him.:: Nicholotti: I do? ::Colt rubbed the back of his head a little, a habit he often displayed when he was trying find the words to express himself.:: Daniels: I don't know, it’s just that every moment I spend with you seems to leave me hoping that the next one isn't too far away. ::In the still silence that had now taken over the holodeck, Kali felt the trappings of command, and all the responsibility melt away again. An incredible feeling replaced it, drawing her to him. She stepped closer and slipped her hand into one of his.:: Nicholotti: All that we have is now, and right now, I’m here. ::The feeling of standing on the edge of a cliff had long gone. This was the path she was willing and ready to follow. Would he jump as well?:: ::As Colt stood there holding her hand, he again tried to find the words that would portray his feelings for her. His words were failing him once again, so he decided on an alternative course of action. He placed his other hand on her waist and gently pulled her towards him and before he could talk himself out of it, he kissed the beautiful dark-haired officer with a passion befitting of the tension that had existed between them for weeks. As he felt the lightning shoot through his body, he laughed internally at the fact that his biggest adrenaline rush of the day hadn't occurred on that jet. After a moment that seemed much longer than it had probably been, he released her allowing for the now notably smaller space between them to return.:: ::For a command officer who had to stand strong almost all of the time, it was surprising to even herself to see just how fast she melted into the moment. It definitely caught her off guard only this time, had he been watching her, he would have actually seen it. But he didn’t; instead, he felt it. He had to, because as he embraced her, she realized how much this was what she had wanted him to do. There had been a sort of longing over the past weeks, and it had become tension that was all suddenly released with this single act. It was like a deep breath after having been under water for too long. It was an act that sent near literal sparks shooting through her body, bringing with them a feeling of being really alive for the first time in a very long time.:: ::And when he was done, he let only the smallest space return between them. The Captain of the Starbase was gone; in that moment, though, she felt more powerful than any command would ever allow her to. In his arms, she felt as if she didn’t need the plane beside them to fly. Kali didn’t fight the smile or the look of contentment on her face. She had found a safe place to be; to show what she was feeling and thinking. He had earned that now, at the very least.:: Daniels: I don't intend on letting you go anywhere if I can help it. Nicholotti: Good. ::Throwing time and any other cares to the wind, Kali pulled him back towards her. As their lips met again, no words needed to be said. All that existed in that moment was him, and to her, that was all that really mattered. Sure, there would be terrorists, and those who would want to hurt the station and those on it, but right now the universe was perfect and so, she found herself lost, more than willingly, in the moment, and in his arms.:: ::All of his fears assuaged, he more than willingly allowed her to pull him back towards her. As they embraced in the shadow of the machine that had so quickly been replaced as the highlight of his day, he silently thanked the universe for bringing him to this base, for bringing him to her.:: ::After a short while (a little too short by Colt's standards, but beggars couldn't be choosers) they regained some of their composure and, realizing that they both had somewhere to be soon decided end the program. The grid pattern on the walls faded into view and with the exit now plainly visible they walked hand in hand towards it, stopping just short of causing it to open.:: Daniels: This was fun. ::He smiled and winked:: We'll have to do this again real soon. ::Kali grinned. Fun was one way to describe it.:: Nicholotti: Yes, we will. I look forward to it. ::As they stepped out into the corridor, he dropped her hand before turning towards her.:: ::With that he released her hand, not wanting to cause a stir with any crew that might be in the corridor, and stepped through the threshold. He paused and turned back towards her one last time.:: Daniels: Hey, I'll see you tonight. Ok? ::She nodded, not wanting to let him leave or to let the moment end, but looking forward to the next when they would see each other again.:: Nicholotti: Of course. I wouldn’t miss it. ::He reluctantly turned and walked down the corridor, heading towards his quarters on the Victory to shower and get ready for the party later that night. Though he plodded on with a sense of purpose, his mind was still back in the holodeck, replaying the events over and over.:: ::Kali watched him go with a tinge of sadness. Moments were fleeting, but she would always have the memories and the feeling of being able to fly without any wings that he had left her with. A smile appeared on her face as he disappeared around a corner and she headed off to her own quarters. This was just the beginning, the beginning of something great.:: JP By: -- ======//////======> Lt.JG Colt Daniels Chief Tactical Officer SB118/USS Victory & -- Commander Kalianna Nicholotti Commanding Officer Starbase 118 / USS Victory
  3. ((Captain's Quarters Aboard the USS Victory)) ::There were no stars outside her window that afternoon. Instead, Kali watched the few ships that were arriving come in to dock, a few others leaving, and smaller workerbees moving about the empty space between. Everything was gliding in the total weightlessness of space, lost in the silence of the vacuum, and all that was left to be heard in that moment was her own breathing.:: ::Somewhat lost in thoughts of the distant past, the woman who was the Captain of the ship on which she stood, as well as the massive Starbase that contained it, slowly and absentmindedly wrapped the long tendrils of her pitch black hair up and around itself, taming it as if it were an otherwise wild beast. It was a motion that she had come to know well and one that she had done many times before. The difference now was that she wasn't the same carefree girl she had been back then. No; now she was a Starfleet command officer responsible for far more than cleaning her bedroom, setting the table, the family dogs, or even a small contingent of Marines.:: ::Yet, perhaps it was that responsibility that made such trips into the wild blue necessary.:: ::Once, chasing the demon that had at one time lived in the air had been her obsession. After her own death, a moment that forever changed her both physically as well as mentally, it had become a means to an end. Now it was almost an escape from a time that was far more safe than the days of old, while being far more dangerous at the same time. She almost felt bad for running off for a few hours, thinking that something else would need her attention. It was a feeling that loomed over her mind causing her to feel as if she were forever at the beck and call of her position.:: ::But in the end, the thought was one she had to consciously fight off. Before Kalianna Arashi Nicholotti was, or could be Captain, she had to be many other things first; woman, friend, lover, confidant, leader, follower, guardian, and as her father had always called her, doch'ka. That was, perhaps, her favorite of them all. Her favorite, that was, after the nickname her grandfather had bestowed upon her.:: ::In the stillness of the room, Kali had no trouble hearing the words reverberate through her mind.:: ((Flashback, Earth, 24 Years Ago)) Hawk: Come now, my malien'kaia gadyuka. You have much to learn. ::A much shorter Kalianna, one who had barely turned five, ran to keep up with the taller man as he walked out of the small building towards the rows of metallic rectangles that sprawled across the seemingly barren desert landscape as far as the eye could see. There weren't too many places left in the world like this, so it was no wonder that it was big. The fact that her perspective made everything that much bigger only solidified the awe with which she looked into the distance with.:: Nicholotti: Where are we going, Dedushka? ::The man stopped and smiled down at her then. Even though his face, worn with the wrinkles of age, was partially obscured by the sun, she would never forget that smile. Reaching to pick her up, his somewhat gruff voice alluded to what would be the most pivotal moment in her life.:: Hawk: Up there. ::His eyes looked up and the little girl now in his arms tilted her head back to look up at the stark blue sky. It hadn't made sense to her then, but she had learned not to question her grandfather. If he said that was where they were going, then that was exactly where they were going.:: ((End Flashback)) ::A warm smile had appeared on her lips as she remembered the day when she had taken her first trip into the skies. It had sparked a love that she had carried with her throughout her entire life and one that she would soon share with a man who was fast finding his way into her heart as well. The way things seemed to fall together just how they should never ceased to amaze her, and as she considered her long path from the day of her first flight to the day in which she now stood, she wondered if Hawk didn't know more about the universe and how it all worked than he let on.:: ::A contented sigh slipped through her lips as she secured the last pieces of her hair and put her arms through their sleeves, pulling the suit up around her body where it could be zipped up. Ready, and excited, she grabbed the helmet that her dedushka had left behind for her years ago and stepped out into the hall. Destination? Holodeck 2. Mission? Scare the seemingly unshakable Chief Tactical officer with an antique method of transportation and war that was an exact replica of the one that sat at home on Earth awaiting her return.:: ::The mischievously impish grin appeared on her face as she moved through the empty corridors towards her impending freedom. It would not last forever, but the time she had would be plenty to re-energize her. Like the younger child who had often begged her grandfather every single weekend years ago, Kali felt the excitement building as she moved faster and faster through the halls.:: ((Holodeck 2, USS Victory)) ::The blue sky inside the room was a stark reminder of her home. A quick glance around told her that all was as it should be; the weather was perfect, the sky empty, and the sprawling hangars stretching into the distance like fingers reaching for some unknown goal. Kali took as deep a breath as she could, enjoying the air that smelled decisively of Earth before she set off across the tarmac to the rectangular building where she knew she would find her most prized possession.:: ::Without hesitation, she approached the heavy door and, after a few seconds of pulling, moved it open just enough for her to slip into the large room. A thin beam of sunlight spilled into the musty smelling space, illuminating the outline of a sleek jet. She approached it, stepping around to one side and reaching out to touch the metallic hologram as if she almost didn't believe it was there. Her fingertips quickly made contact, though, and she felt the reassuring cold metal right where it should have been.:: ::Moving on, Kali drifted further to the side and moved up to where the canopy sat propped open. Her eyes were automatically drawn to a point just below it. Had anyone else been around to read it, black letters were barely visible just below the glass canopy.:: "Mikhail 'Hawk' Nicholotti" ::Below the faded black lettering, shinier new letters stood out in the dim light.:: "Kalianna 'Viper' Nicholotti" ::Kali ran her hand across the letters, letting herself get lost momentarily in the past.:: ((Flashback - Edwards Air Museum, California, Earth)) ::She looked good in her new flight suit. Well, it wasn't really new, it was actually an antique, but it was new to her. The hot sun cast a glare over the high desert of California that day, reflecting off the metal of the ancient fighter. Some people might call it an old hunk of metal, but for Kali, it was escape from the reality of daily life. It lived and breathed as the fuel hose pumped gallon after gallon of oil based petroleum into its tanks.:: Hawk: Saddle up girl. You aren't gonna fly 'er from down there. ::Kali had to shield her eyes from the sun to look up at her grandfather. Hawk was what he was designated long ago when he first joined the Corps, and ever since he had kept the nickname. Kali had yet to earn her call sign, a name already granted to her by the man climbing into the plane, but she was hoping to solidify all that today. Though she had logged many a happy hour in the incredible machine before her, today would be the first time that she would take the front seat. It had been a day that she looked forward to since her first flight, when she was 5 years old. Today would be a day to remember and she wanted to remember everything. Taking one last look over the monster in front of her, she strode up to the ladder and climbed aboard.:: ::Listening as her grandfather went through the navigator checklist, and two of his Marine friends secured the fuel hose and other gear outside the plane, Kali settled into the form fitted seat. The five point restraint took some time to adjust, but Kali relished the fact that it would never have to be adjusted again. After today, this baby was all hers. She patted the side panel as she started in on her own pre-launch checklist. It was all second nature and soon she looked up ready to go.:: Nicholotti: Here we go. Hawk: Good, let's see what you got. ::Her hands went to work, flipping switches and bringing the beast to life. Gauges sprung to life, and the sounds of air traffic control filtered up to her ears from the helmet in front of her. Grasping it, she pulled it down over her long hair and adjusted the mask so that it was comfortable.:: ::After signaling her intentions to the tower, Kali sat back and waited. She listened to the sounds around her until her clearance came through her headset.:: ::She lined up the centuries old jet with the equally old taxiways. The dust swirled around them as she throttled up the engines just enough to get them moving. Though they were old, they had been restored back to pristine condition, giving the impression of a brand new plane. In its time, the Super Hornet, as it was called, played a huge role in both military as well as space related missions. It had been one of the first to avoid the radar of the time, and it could fill a variety of roles. Everything from high g-force experimentation to the air combat superiority needed back then, could be completed by this so called 'hunk of metal'. Now, in a time when such machines were obsolete, she still found it thrilling to take it up. No failsafe systems to balance them, and no inertial dampeners; in this machine, speed could truly be felt.:: Tower: Hornet one three five, Edwards Tower. Runway zero four left. Taxi into position and hold. ::It was a process that she had been through so many times before when her grandfather had been in the front seat, and one that was nearly useless, but anyone who flew these antique planes still followed the old ways. It was tradition.:: Nicholotti: Position and hold, Hornet one three five. ::She spoke into her headset.:: ::She felt the engines rev up behind her, the power reverberating through the [...]pit. Carefully, she moved the aircraft into position.:: Tower: Hornet one three five, wind three one zero at niner runway zero four left, cleared for takeoff. Nicholotti: Hornet one three five, cleared for takeoff zero four left. ::As soon as she had gotten the clearance, she slammed the jet into overdrive. Reacting to her controls, the plane shot forward, leaving the ground behind as she maneuvered it into a steep climb. Perpendicular to the ground below her, she pushed it nearly to the point of a stall, spiraling off into the sky. The G-forces pushed her back into the seat, and her breaths came faster as she shot the plane through the air..:: ::Old test pilots used to say that there was a demon that lived in the skies, and anyone who tried to break the sound barrier would surely die of his wrath. Kali looked at the gauges in front of her and triggered the afterburners. The jet shuddered slightly beneath her, gathering even more speed. Seconds later, the airspeed indicator passed the mach one mark. The demon had been defeated yet again.:: ::Kali grinned as the feeling of the G forces pushed her back into her seat. The ground rushed by faster and faster until she finally pulled the nose up and shot off into the sky. It was as if the whole world belonged to her now, and no one could catch her. Flying at mach 1.8, she pushed the Hornet faster. The roar of the engines masked a distant beeping, which was threatening to intrude on her daydreams. Looking around, Kali felt the plane, her grandfather, and the slick exhilaration suddenly drift out of focus.:: ((End Flashback)) ::A padd, which she had put into her pocket before leaving her quarters, was beeping steadily alerting her to the time. Shutting off the alarm, she halfway tossed the padd on a nearby table, the only other thing in the room aside from the plane. Colt would be there soon and she wanted it all to be ready.:: ::Letting her fingers fall from the engineering marvel before her, she turned to push the door the rest of the way open and get the jet towed out onto the tarmac before he arrived. In the back of her mind, the excitement was building; not only was she going to fly, but she was going to share the moment with him. And that was when she realized that despite the pain of the past week, some things made the pain worth it.:: TBC -- Commander Kalianna Nicholotti Commanding Officer Starbase 118 / USS Victory
  4. ((Chief Nursing Officer's Office - Deck 500)) ::Kaedyn sat behind his desk, catching up with paperwork and all the other trivia that appeared on his desk when Eliaan left the station. He found this work no longer held his full attention and he had drifted to reading he intel reports that his low-level clearance permitted. The difference in clearance between a nursing officer and a marine intel captain was startling but at least what he could get his hands on was interesting. As he read a report on the infant Thracian Alliance, the door chimed.:: Zehn: Come in ::The doors opened and the small, increasingly frail figure of Jilenna's mother Mezan stood in the doorway. She carried a sleeping Janel in a baby carrier in both hands.:: Mezan: I hope I'm not bothering you... ::He waved her in, dropping the PADD on the desk and getting up to join her.:: Zehn: Of course not, come in. How's my little man? ::He caught himself speaking with Jilenna's voice and recoiled slightly, worried that it would upset her. She winced slightly at the sound but tried to put a brave face on it. After an uncomfortable pause, he changed the subject and directed her to the comfortable sitting area. She placed the carrier on the small coffee table and Kaedyn cooed over the sleeping infant.:: Mezan: Kaedyn. Listen. Zehn: Uh-oh, I know what that means. ::he grinned:: am I in trouble? ::She stared down at the ground and even if he hadn't known her as well as Jilenna did, he knew something was wrong with her. Her tone was that of someone about to deliver bad news and trying to break it gently.:: Zehn: You're leaving, aren't you? Mezan: I think it might be time for us to go home, yes. ::While not suprised at the decision, knowing as he did how Mezan had disliked life on the Starbase while Jilenna was alive, he still felt himself reel at the idea of losing Janel. He remained silent for a long time, struggling to find an appropriate response.:: Zehn: I see Mezan: Of course, you are welcome to visit us whenever you want and I know this will be difficult for you but I don't think- ::He remained silent, unable to trust his voice not to crack when he spoke and show the overwhelming emotion that he was feeling at that moment.:: Mezan: I'm old, Kaedyn. I could never tell Jilenna this because she had been through so much and was trying so hard to keep her life together but I am too old to live on a starbase and raise my grandson. ::He looked down at his hands, Jilenna's guilt over the burden she had placed onto her mother became his own.:: Zehn: She knew but couldn't find a way out of it. Mezan: My baby is gone and I owe it to her to make sure her baby is looked after. I can do that better on Trill than here alone. Zehn: You aren't alone. Eliaan and I will help whenever we can. ::She smiled weakly and placed her hand on the side of his face. It was a gesture that whatever part of him was still Jilenna Zehn remembered warmly and brought tears to his eyes.:: Mezan: You and Eliaan have your own lives. Zehn: You and Janel are a part of our lives now. Mezan: Kaedyn, you are newly Joined. I remember how that feels, believe me I do. But you know that your life has to be different from Jilenna's. You have no idea how happy it makes me that part of her lives on and that you are such a wonderful boy but we are part of Jilenna's life and as you get to know yourself againw ith the Symbiont, you will realise it. Zehn: Janel is my son. I know that with every fibre of my being. I just can't believe that those feelings will fade. Maybe I was supposed to be trained to deal with this, maybe I should be able to look at it dispassionately but I can't. ::She smiled softly and nodded.:: Mezan: It isn't easy being Joined, is it? Zehn: No, I never truly realised how difficult it could be until I- ::He shook his head, knowing that despite the fact he was only host to not have been through the Initiate program, he was not the only one to struggle with being Joined and how it had unexpected impacts on his life.:: ~~Flashback: 264 Years before~~ ::Zhima Zehn could feel his cheeks ache from forcing himself to continue to smile despite the barrage of criticism his opponent was throwing in his direction. This election, and his bid to retain the governorship of the State of Zerala, was proving be the most difficult of his entire career. His opponent, an unjoined woman named Alyxa Rolan, had been hammering him on any number of issues that his first troubled administration had failed to address. She was part of a new anti-government movement that had sprung up across Trill, which favoured lower taxation and social conservatism, such as a ban on inter-species marriages that had become an issue as more Trill left their planet. They had built their growing popularity, primarily on the idea that elitist Joined Trills were aiming to create a government where the Joined ruled and the Unjoined served.:: Rolan: ... the Governor's record is shameful. Shameful and un-Zeralian. This could be the best state on the planet. I believe one day it will because I truly love this state. ::The debate audience applauded and Zhima could feel himself getting angry. Why were people falling for this nonsese, he thought to himself.:: (Zhima) Zehn: I would remind Representative Rolan that I have lived here not only all my life but my previous host lived here all her life and I reject the notion that anyone loves this state more than I do. ::As the words had left his mouth, he knew that he had walked into the trap that she had laid for him. His advisors had specifically told him not to mention his past lives or being Joined. According the most recent polls, she was gaining ground with the idea that he only represented the interests of the Joined.:: Rolan: I am shocked Ladies and Gentleman, that the Governor would so brazenly demonstrate his belief that the Joined are better than the rest of us. (Zhima) Zehn: Oh come on... Rolan: I'm sorry but I don't think its fair to suggest that because he is Joined that he loves this state more than I do.... (Zhima) Zehn: I didn't say that, Representative and you know it. ::She continued, ignoring his attempt to interrupt her flow. He could tell that she was coming to the cresendo of her argument.:: Rolan: I want to clean up this state and make it a better place quickly and not through the small, incremental steps that the Governor suggests. ::she paused, the slightest hit of a smile on her lips:: Some of us only have one life, Governor, and I want to make sure it's worth living for everyone. ::The audience exploded into thunderous applause and there was little that Zhima could do other than shake his head in dismay.:: Moderator: Well, unfortunately that's all we have time for this evening. ::Despite his protests that he should be allowed to refute her claim, the moderator concluded the debate and the audience applauded. As Rolan plunged into the crowd, Zhima remained frozen at his podium. He had been in politics for the last twenty years and had never allowed himself to be blindsided in such a manner before.:: ::Eventually, his Chief of Staff Soran Yirel managed to get his attention from the wings and left the stage. He remained silent as they marched into the small staff room that they had been given to use for prepare for the debate. When the door was closed behind them, he shook his head and formed fists with both of his hands.:: (Zhima) Zehn: Dammit! How could I... I mean, why did I... DAMMIT!! ::He stood with his hands on his hips, shaking his head in frustration. After a while, his press advisor, spoke up.:: Hira: I can try and work the issue back in the press. I will speak to some friendly reporters and deal with it. ::Zhima nodded slowly, starting to calm down.:: Yirel: Most people aren't Joined, Governor. Most people don't like the people who made it through symbiosis and are Joined. (Zhima) Zehn: Well I'm not ashamed of it and I can't deny it even if I could. Hira: Governor, no-one is asking you to deny that you are Joined but you can't deny that there are Joined Trill who do believe that we would be better going back to the old days when all leaders were Joined. (Zhima) Zehn: That was centuries ago. Even I wasn't around back then. Hira: But there are people who were and still hold those attitudes. Symbionts who are three or four hundred years old still carry memories of those times and want to return to them Yirel: You know... ::he paused and stood up, the way he did when he was processing an idea:: This might be it! Hira: Might be what? Yirel: Governor, why do you think Rolan is getting so much attention with this campaign of Unjoined Rights? ::he paused, allowing no time for a response before answering his own question:: Because no major issues have captivated the voters. People think you've done an okay job at being Governor and don't really want to vote for someone else but we haven't been able to excite them enough about the election (Zhima) Zehn: People think I've done an "okay" job? Now tell me, why didn't we put that on our campaign literature? ::Hira laughed and the Governor softened enough to manage a smile for the first time in a long while. It had been a tough campaign and as he felt like he was dealing with so much of this knucklehead stuff, he hadn't been able to enjoy it as he usually did. He was a natural campaigner, enjoying spending hours attending local meetings and listening to the endless stories of voters. Somehow, by making the campaign all about him being Joined, his opponents had taken all the fun out of it and set him apart from the voters. It was ironic since he was so different from his previous host.:: Yirel: I'm serious. The old system of the Joined minority ruling the Unjoined majority is gone but it isn't forgotten by any means. It is an underlying issue in today's society because we never addressed it at the time. (Zhima) Zehn: I agree but I don't know how that helps me. I can't lecture Unjoined people about accepting me being Joined, I can't complain about being in a priviliged minority. Hira: Why can't you? (Zhima) Zehn: It would play into Rolan's hands. Every time I mention being Joined, she gets a bump in the polls. Yirel: Imagine if you started bringer her being Unjoined into the campaign and saying she couldn't govern because of it, you'd be destroyed in the press for your old fashioned views... Hira: ... and be accused of blatant discrimination... Yirel: Exactly. Now, why is she allowed to do so with you. This election shouldn't be about who is Joined or not. There are so many more important things to deal with than that... Hira: We need to change the whole conversation. (Zhima) Zehn: I don't want to get killed. Yirel: Then make this election about smart, and not... Make it about engaged, and not. Qualified, and not. Make it about a heavyweight. You're a heavyweight. And you've been holding up this lightweight for too long. ::Zhima smiled and nodded. Win or lose, this election was about to become fun again.:: (Zhima) Zehn: Okay, let's do it. ~~End Flashback~~ ::Mezan placed her hand on Kaedyn's arm, waking him from his quiet reflection.:: Mezan: Kaedyn... Zehn: Sorry, I was lightyears away. Mezan: I better let you get back to work. I haven't made any plans to leave yet but I wanted to let you know. ::She stood and he followed her lead. She looked old, much older than Jilenna remembered her to be and he thought about everything she was going through and quietly in the back of his mind worried about a time when she wouldn't be around for Janel.:: Zehn: I appreciate that and I don't want you to feel I'm pressuring you to stay. I just want what's best for Janel. ::She placed her hand on his cheek again.:: Mezan: I know that. Don't worry, I know that. We'll work something out. TBC Lieutenant (junior grade) Kaedyn Zehn Chief Nursing Officer SB118 / USS Victory ((Simmed by Lt. Dr. Eliaan Deron))
  5. James Marsters was in Torchwood? If ever there was an incentive to struggle through the so-far awful first few episodes...
  6. ((Edited because the board screwed up the formatting. )) ((Turbolift, Enroute to Docking Ring Bay 7, Starbase 118)) ::Rumors. From the beginnings of written history, it seemed that they alone could be responsible for a rise to power, or a tragic fall from grace. In the words that spread as wildfire through the social vine, were the power to build up, and the power to tear asunder. Entire civilizations were created and maintained on rumors of strength and power, or terror. Those same civilizations fell easily under the weight of the words, and for eons, good men fell victim to the sword that was the pen.:: ::In pervasive whispers, men became consumed. Eaten from the inside out, souls were devoured by the acts that sought to hush the voices of the crowd. But the voices only changed. The blackness vanquished the good, and into the abyss that remained, fell the hope of humanity.:: ::It was a recurring theme, at least throughout the history of Earth; the rise and fall of entire world powers on the whims of the rumors that were always hanging on to the coattails of mere mortal men. Now Kali found herself caught up in the same on her second day of command. It terrified her to an extent, but that emotion would never surface. Instead, she would have to find a sort of resolve and soldier through.:: Nicholotti: Eh. ::She paused carefully considering what she would say next.:: Would you believe me if I said I don't know quite how to respond? Daniels: Yes. Yes I would. I know don't want to cause any problems for you with all these untrue rumors flying around... ::It was then, that Kali chose to turn and face him. She studied his face for a moment, thinking of the choice she was making. It was something she hadn't been prepared for, especially so soon after the heartbreak of losing Makal for a second time, but the way she felt when she was near him.:: ::She couldn't fight it. She wouldn't fight it. Rumors be [...]ed; she would not let all that made life precious crash into the soul eating darkness of whispering insurrection. It was what she had fought for when she stood between the knife and Jaxx, what she refused to let be taken away from her when she pulled Tressa from the mangled shuttle that day, and what she had brought into the world only a short time before the crisis began.:: ::It was worth fighting for, even if she faced a battle on many fronts; the projectiles in front of her and the smoldering fuse of social ambiguity behind.:: Nicholotti: I was thinking that maybe there could be some truth to what they say. ::From the moment she joined the Marines and Starfleet, Kali had been known for her passion for her team, for her chain of command, and for the sanctity of life itself. And God help those who would put any of those in danger; to incur her wrath meant meeting with a fury unmatched.:: ::Again, she found herself studying his facial expressions. The seeming cacophony of things made it all hard to read and she smiled. Maybe they were both a bit unsure of things, but together, they could certainly find their way.:: Daniels: I... I think there is definitely some truth to these rumors. I also think we should do whatever makes us happy and to hell with what other people think. ::Her smile only grew. It wouldn't be quite that easy, but she would let him have his moment. He hadn't really spoken his mind since they had returned to the life of the uniform and it was actually quite the sight to see him just then. The filter was down and his thoughts spilled out into the silence of the turbolift as they headed towards destiny.:: Nicholotti: I wish it could be that simple. ::But destiny would wait for a moment longer.:: Daniels: I care for you...a lot, Kali. ::He looked at the beautiful officer next to him and tried to think outside of their Starfleet ranks:: I don't know exactly where this is...::He paused and rephrased:: Where WE are going, but I do know that I don't want to let a few gossipy officers and wild rumors get in the way of us finding out. ::Kali had fallen before and the resulting crash made this even more difficult. But in that moment, seeing the fire burn in his eyes, and hearing the intensity of the words, she felt the weight of command, and the fear of falling, melt away. For a single moment, the raven haired commander was no more. In her place stood only a woman who craved more of the feelings that his presence invoked.:: ::Locking eyes with him, Kali conveyed the trust she had in him that he would catch her and not let her crash. It was the sentiment that if this road led to the hard fall she had suffered once before, it would be different this time.:: Nicholotti: Then let's not let them. ::And with that, she jumped in.:: TAG/TBC -- Commander Kalianna Nicholotti Commanding Officer Starbase 118 / USS Victory
  7. ((Personal Quarters – Starbase 118)) OOC: Earlier in the day, before arriving on Victory ::Laying in bed Jacob contemplated the upcoming events for the day. Knowing full well it was going to be a busy day, just like the day before it, he savoured the relaxing in moments in bed for a few more minutes before getting up.:: ::Jacob from a young age has always kept a Personal Log that he uses to document his days and as a powerful tool for self reflection. Not being overly religious about it, he's only done a few since coming aboard the Starbase. Given the events of the last few days, he figured it a good of a time as any to catch up.:: Moore: =/\= Computer, begin new entry in personal log =/\= ::Making the customary sound of acknowledgment, Jacob knew he could start.:: Moore: Its been some time between entries, so I'll try and capture some of the exciting stuff that's been happening. Shore leave on the Victory was fun and a good chance to get away from the hectic life on the station. Unfortunately I failed to capitalise on the social aspect of the trip, tending to spend most of the time there in my own solitary endeavours. Something I want to really change in the future. ::Jacob really did like to socialise, he just really didn't like meeting new people. Its almost contradictory but fully justifiable by him if queried.:: Moore: Upon returning to the Station, the Victory was hit with a wave that was designed to take offline certain sub processors that had been purposely manufactured in such way to exhibit this reaction to the wave. It was unclear to me the motives or the people behind, although I hear that perhaps the Romulans were involved. Its not something that interests me; the who done it, but what I am interested in is what is the plan now that they have done it. Can we expect something else in the future? If they are capable of achieving this kind of success what next? ::Diplomacy and conspiracy theory ranked pretty high on the list of things that Jacob found really boring. A talkfest of what if's and trying to query who had involvement without offending anyone seemed like a massive waste of time. Nevertheless he was grateful that some found it there passion, as it meant that he could focus on his, and repair the station as fast as he could.:: Moore: Victory managed to get away unscathed..mostly due to a few quick workarounds, and some of the sub processors being replaced recently. Lucky for us as we were able to limp back to the station who was far more affected than the victory. We were also luck the Victory was around as we were able to use it to assist the repairs. ::Jacob grabbed some of the cereal mix he had stored in his room and began to chew it dry as he was going through his log entry. He also managed to shower and dress also. Multitasking was something he prided himself on doing, and this was a small example of that for him.:: Moore: I spent most of my day yesterday getting the replicators back online, so we could churn out as much repaired sub processors as we could. I ended up working really closely with Crewman Sarah Novak. She is an extremely capable worker, and someone I think I would like to get to know out of work also…. oO Why am I blushing ? Oo ::Taking a few moments, Jacob challenged his thoughts. Was he really interested in getting to know Novak on a personal level, and that is enough to make him blush? Or was it simply that he was feeling for the first time in a long time that some personal attraction was necessary, just as doing your job really well was.:: oO Wait…I don't HAVE to like someone, I didn't even know that I DID think of her like that…Oo ::Jacob was right, he spent all day with her yesterday without an honest single thought of anything other than how to get the job done as best as possible. It was only now that he was feeling anything additional. :: Moore: Ahhhh…so the both of us managed to work well and get the replicators online. I had called It quits for the night when I received a phone call at just after midnight with an emergency. A virus was working its way towards the computer core and a virus I hadn't seen before. Commander Breeman was instrumental in coming up with a harmonic equalising solution that stopped the spread in its tracks. Quite clever really, and its a bit of a shame that he's moved on to bigger and better things in command. ::The Commander had made Jacob feel quite at home in Engineering and it had left a void in that spot when her left, and no one had replaced him. The leadership vacuum was huge in the current situation given the chaotic nature of engineering during a crisis.:: Moore: Today work-wise, is all about getting communications back online. We are an important part of the sectors communications, and when we are down, we are essentially in a bit of a black spot. Internally the communications are shot also, so its important today to get that online, and also get Main Power back to all the decks. Once we can accomplish that, the rest of the work gets easier and easier. I hope I'm prioritising the jobs correctly…..there is currently no one in charge in Engineering so I'm trying to fill the spaces, but I've got about zero experience in doing so. Anyway, we'll see what today brings. Computer end personal log and encrypt. ::As the computer beeped acknowledgement, Jacob Tidied himself up, grabbed his Engineering Kit that he brought home with him, tucked it firmly under his arm and headed out. As the light of the corridor his his face, he was ready to brave another full day.:: Ensign Jacob Moore Engineering Officer Starbase 118
  8. ((Civillian Sector - Keros Gardens - Starbase 118)) ::Sahmson felt the alien hand in his, its fingers twitching slightly as it adjusted its grip. In front of them was the darkness of a path they'd not seen yet, leading someplace down toward the fluid treatment absorption matrix. There was a kind of hum, indistinct from the rest of the surrounding sounds, merging into the winds and the chirping birds.:: Cair: So I take it everything's under control? ::It was now. He was here for her for the rest of her life. He'd turned his back on Reikara, on Romulus, on home. He turned to face Aodhnait now.:: ::Aodhnait looked into the yellow irises, into the darkness of the pupils at their centers. Around Sahmson's eyes the face changed slightly, and Aodhnait's mind did its best to provide for her some inkling of a copy of what he must be feeling. Parts didn't match, twitches here and there betraying happiness amid a decidedly less optimistic haze.:: Sahmson: We're fine. ::The words were quiet, to the point that her universal translator almost didn't register them.:: ::Sahmson watched the expressions crossing the human face. The gestures seemed like variations on his own, subtle twists of the meanings of words from a language he'd half learned before he'd been forced to grow up. In her Rinanov flickered before him and then dissipated, a transient brilliant flake disappearing into the tepid liquid of so many years.:: Sahmson: Don't worry. You're safe. ::It was all that mattered. Around them several fireflies shimmered.:: Cair: I never doubted you for a second. ::She pushed her cheek up against his arm as they walked together. Sahmson felt a gentle breeze in his hair, his forehead beginning to tingle with pleasure at the sensation. In the distance he could see the trees grow narrower, the path darker. This was the less maintained area, where vast ecosystems were allowed to grow unchecked.:: ::Aodhnait looked up at the labyrinthine mark on Sahmson's forehead, marvelling again at how it changed colour. She'd only seen it do that once before. She looked ahead again, into the greenish darkness that seemed to sparkle with the distant fireflies. There was something final about all this. The narrowing, winding path, the darkening forest. The silence. They were safe at last. Life was returning to normal. Sahmson was close.:: ::He looked down at Aodhnait as she stared at him and reached down to kiss her. Her lips against his were soft, and there was something familiar in the sensation. The world seemed to stop for a moment as everything went dark. Their lips were still locked but he could see only himself. Beside him was a soft female voice speaking now, its quality eliciting in him a mesmerizing warmth, something he'd not felt since--:: Voice: Ensign Sahmson. Service Numer 422345622-B. ::Inside of himself he felt his lips move, as though his body were now a tower stretching out above him.:: Sahmson: Ma'am! ::The faint outline of a Starfleet officer emerged in the corner of his vision. She was clad in some kind of dress uniform.:: Voice: The only cadet whose pastimes included intelligence manipulation, social engineering, genetic encoding, and distributed virtual network infrastructure penetrations... Not to mention rigging every strategic maneuvers simulation. ::The clucked her tongue.:: Sahmson: Yes ma'am! Voice: Not that you really had a choice. Did you really think you were in control--:: ::He felt his fingers begin to tighten, the joints cracked. And in front of him his mother gazed into his eyes, whispering softly,:: Mother: Sahmson, you've found a girl! ::The forest returned, gentle sparks of light criss-crossing it. Their lips parted and Sahmson gasped.:: Aodhnait: What's wrong? Sahmson: Nothing. ::She pulled him in to her again, their lips locking once more, Aodhnait whispering into his ear,:: Cair: I love you. Voice: You're never really in control. Cair: I want you. Voice: You're never really who you think you are. ::The sound of her voice dissipated again, and all he could hear now was Aodhnait breathing beside him, accompanied by the sensation of her teeth gently biting at his ear. Around them the lights came and went.:: TBC Lt. Sahmson Security Officer Starbase 118 and Aodhnait Cair Student Starbase 118 all simmed by Lt. Cmdr. Kevin Breeman Chief Engineer Starbase 118
  9. Landau

    Round 5 - Voting

    Just givin' this a bump; if peeps see it from the main forum page we might get more than four votes. Currently they see the Winner's List from the main page so might not notice there's a vote on. Just a theory. Perhaps a bit optimistic.
  10. Landau

    Round 5 - Voting

    Gertz Stennes Mancuso/Umas They're all in the main Top Sims forum.
  11. Welcome to the group, and to the Starbase!
  12. It did always amuse me that, according to Trek, precisely zero things of cultural significance happened on Earth between the 21st and 24th centuries. Any time anyone read a book, or (slightly more forgivably) listened to a piece of music, it was always something that people in 1970 considered a classic work. Any piece of music heard or discussed on the show was created pre-1900, or was alien in origin. Of course, given the youth of today, one might say that's probably accurate. ¬_¬
  13. (( Jaxx & Tressa's Suite, Echivar Island Resort )) :: Warmth. There was so much warm and comfort. It was normal of course... but why? Tressa did not recognize the place she was... she was just there. I was strange how this fact did not incite fear. She was not afraid of the unknown location, or the unusual aura the area seemed to radiate. It was strangely comforting; like she was always in this place. There was a warm security that radiated from every... wall? :: :: Wall? No... there were no walls. It was like a blanket... loosely draped around her, but it was large... there was so much space here, and yet it was so cozy. :: Voice: ~Are you ready?~ :: Tressa turned to the voice that she... heard? No not heard... it was almost like when Andrus had spoken to her through her mind... yet different. Her eyes landed on a figure not far from her. It was small and large, young and old. Whenever she tried to focus on it, it's form shifted suddenly... it seemed... young. :: Voice: ~No time to prepare, we have to be ready!~ :: She could not identify the voice either, it shifted so suddenly; the pitch the tone... again she had the sensation of it belonging to a young individual... but whether it was male or female she couldn't tell. :: Tressa: oO Ready for what? Oo :: There were no voices here... how strange... no sound except for a steady rhythm in the background. :: Voice: ~ I don't know, but it's important! ~ :: It sounded excited... :: Tressa: oO How can you know how important it is, but not know *what* it is? Oo Voice: ~We just know... ~ :: The first question Tressa had was 'we'? But a second presence soon made itself known. :: Tressa: :: Looking at it. :: oO Are you getting ready too? Do you know where we're going? Oo :: The figure, again indefinable in any way, remained silent. :: Voice: ~ Can't talk. Not like me. Doesn't know like I do... ~ :: Tressa cast a sympathetic glance towards the second figure. :: Tressa: oO Can't talk? Why? What do you know? Oo Voice: ~I don't know *why* just can't talk... ~ :: The figure was quiet for a moment, and Tressa felt excitement, anticipation, eagerness. :: ~I know *them* They are there... they know... they are waiting... ~ Tressa: oO Them? Do you know who 'they' are? Oo :: The voice appeared to turn towards her, it regarded her quietly a moment. :: Voice: ~ They are you. Are you ready? ~ :: Before she could ask for clarification she was away from that place, and floating... there were waves, so tranquil, so peaceful. There was a boat...Tressa was sure... she was reclining in something... among the waves it had to be a boat... yes a boat. :: :: But then water... water in her boat? Was the boat sinking? That wasn't right! She stirred annoyed at this sudden development, and slowly the young Gideon began to awake from her dreams... there was not boat... but there was the comforting feeling of the bed beneath her... and it *was* wet. :: :: Wet? She jerked awake suddenly. Why was the bed wet? There wasn't any water near or... water? Waters... a new realization hit Tressa and her arm flew out to stir the man beside her. :: Tressa: Andrus! Jaxx: Hmm? ::Immediately opening his eyes he focused on Tressa. The wave of emotions hit him so hard he did not need to guess the problem.:: Tressa: Andrus, Wake up! I think it's time! Jaxx: ::sitting up:: Why? Tressa: I think my waters just broke... Jaxx: ::rolling his eyes in agitation:: You think, or you know? For love of the Four Deities, you have a duel major in Zoology, and Exobiology and you cannot tell me if you are sure or not!? :: Through her nervousness she could hear a slight note of panic to Jaxx's voice; regardless of this she was a bit snappy as she responded. :: Tressa: Well, this isn't something that happens to me every day, you know. ::Rolling out of bed, he threw on some pants as he stumbled to find his commbadge. As he pulled up his pants, he reached for the badge on the night stand. As his hand touched it, he lost his balance and started to fall. Catching himself on the night stand, he knocked the commbadge on the floor. As he bent over to pick it up, the darkness in the room concealed the corner of the night stand. He yelped as he smacked his head.:: :: Tressa turned alarmed at the sudden noise, and Jaxx's grunt. Were either of them thinking clearly they may have turned on a light... :: Jaxx: Dammit! Tressa: :: Alarmed. :: Are you alright? Jaxx: I am fine! ::tapping the commbadge:: =/\= Jaxx to Kali =/\= ((Kali’s Suite, Echevar Island Resort)) ::Sleep seemed to come so much easier when you had the entire day to wear yourself out. This was the second night that she had climbed into the silky soft sheets and slept the sleep that only babies sleep.:: ::Dreams hadn’t come to her in a long time, but that night it was different. After the nightmares following her encounter with the Hirogen, she forced herself not to dream. Of course she wasn’t sure how she had accomplished that, but it had been a long time since she had been graced by any visions of the night; bad or otherwise. Tonight, though, it seemed as if whatever she had done had been undone.:: ::There was nothing discernible in the abstract images that played through her mind. She felt a strange sensation of being totally and utterly confused. Yet somewhere in the back of her mind it all made sense without actually doing so. And without recourse, she had no other choice but to follow where they led.:: ::Where they led, however, was to nothing.:: ::The sudden absence of the dream seemed to drag her from the blissful state of sleep she had been in. Total darkness encompassed her as she put together where she was and what time of the day, or night as it might have been, that it was. As if the universe let her take a breath before continuing, her badge chirped mere seconds later.:: Nicholotti: =/\= Go ahead. =/\= ::Her voice was clear from the momentary grogginess that tended to accost you when you first woke up. At least the universe had allowed her that.:: Jaxx: =/\= It is time...she thinks, but I know! =/\= ::Kali sat straight up in bed and was already in motion as she responded. There was no need for an explanation.:: Nicholotti: =/\=Get her to the Victory. Tell them I’m on my way. =/\= Jaxx: =/\= See you there. ::as the line closed, he spoke again. ::Jaxx to the Victory, two to beam to Sickbay. =/\= Miles: =/\= Aye, Captain...stand by...energizing.=/\= ((Sickbay, USS Victory)) ::In the matter of seconds the blue lights engulfed them and rematerialized them in Sickbay. Helping Tressa to the biobed nearest them was his first move. He spotted a couple nurses heading over as Kali beamed into the room. Smiling at her was what he attempted, but it was obviously forced. Glancing down at Tressa, he could hardly keep his dinner in place. He could stare down multiple Romulan Warbirds, take on a fleet of Cardassian Galor Class ships, he could even help stop a war from breaking out in many systems at once. But there was nothing that made him feel as intimidated as he did right now.:: :: Tressa watched the nervousness Jaxx tried to hide with mixed emotions. She was slightly amused, yet mostly worried about him. Her attention was soon taken by Kali as the woman moved over to them. :: ::Issuing the needed orders as she moved, Kali walked to where Jaxx had helped Tressa to a bed. The nurses were in a flurry of action as she finally got close to her friend.:: Tressa: Kali! :: Relief was flooded in her voice. :: ::The smile that Kali wore was soft and warm. She had been there all those months ago to break the news of the pregnancy. Now she was here to bring those children into the world.:: Nicholotti: How are you doing? Tressa: I'm okay. Nervous.. Andrus hit his head. :: Her eyes flickered to him. :: ::Kali glanced up at the man she had known for a very long time. The man she had once died for, the man who had always been the one solid thing in her life when everything else was falling apart, looked downright scared at that precise moment. He was trying to fake it, but she had never seen him quite like this. In her mind she giggled; becoming a father would be, perhaps, the most life changing event he would ever experience.:: Nicholotti: How are *you* doing? Jaxx: ::attempting to reassure himself more than the women:: In command. ::After so long, Kali had learned to pick certain things up from him. Maybe that was why they had been able to work so well together for so long. She stepped to the other side of the bed and pulled up a chair. Positioning it next to Tressa’s head, she put her hand on the taller man’s shoulder.:: Nicholotti: You should sit. ::The smile she gave him conveyed that it was more of an order than a request.:: Jaxx: I am perfectly fine right...::pausing for a moment as he realized he wanted nothing to do with the next part:: over in this chair. ::pointing to the seat next to Tressa:: ::Placing one hand on each of her friend’s arms, Kali smiled and spoke in a calm and reassuring tone.:: Nicholotti: Everything’s fine. ::Glancing up at the monitors.:: The babies are doing good, but I need both of you ready for what’s going to happen. ::Jaxx did a double take. Was she serious? This was not the Bridge, and he had no business in Sickbay unless he was a patient. He was there for moral, and emotional support and that was all he could muster.:: Jaxx: Easy for you to say. Tressa: :: Taking a long breath :: Okay. :: She was nervous. Though so very glad that Kali was here. The woman had saved her life, and nursed her back to health. More than being her close friend, Kali knew Tressa inside and out. The doctor had worked with Gideon physiology (her physiology to be precise) before, and that gave Tressa more comfort than a dozen of Starfleet's best doctors. :: ::The nurses were setting things up around her as the raven haired doctor-turned-command-officer laid out the plan and went over each step.:: Nicholotti: It’ll be faster than you think. Just those two main incisions and you get to meet your children. Jaxx: ::looking to Tressa:: Two slices...I bet you are glad you are Gideon. :: He was joking again. It was his defense mechanism; it made Tressa smile never the less. :: Tressa: I will recover quickly.. especially with Kali here. :: She smiled at her doctor and friend. :: ::Content that the parents were well aware of how things were going to go down, Kali flashed them one more grin.:: Nicholotti: I’m going to get ready and then we’ll begin. Don’t push. ::She looked directly at Tressa.:: Just breathe. And you. ::She looked towards Jaxx then.:: Don’t let her. ::Turning, Kali moved to the prep area and began donning the surgical scrubs and gloves required for the procedure. Her heart skipped more than one beat – at least it did in her mind – as she suddenly realized what she was about to do. Tressa and Jaxx had become her family. They were the two closest people to her in the world. Now, she would bring their children into the universe. Brand new life created by the bond of love that knew no bounds. Creating a future, not with the toil of one’s own hands, but with genuine care, wise guidance, and knowledge of what was and what could possibly be. This was the epitome of what living was.:: ::For a second Jaxx wanted someone to explain his paralysis. Instead, he realized why he could not move. In his entire life he had never been so scared and excited at the same time. He thought it would be much easier if they could just beam the babies out and run them through the biofilters.:: :: Kali and the nurses moved in almost perfect synchronized movements. As Tressa laid back on the biobed she held Jaxx's hand tightly. This was it. They were going to meet their children... Tressa's heart pounded furiously in her chest, her eyes flickered to Jaxx while Kali moved through Sickbay readying herself for the procedure. :: Tressa: :: Turning to Jaxx. :: Andrus? Please remember to breath. You look like you're going to pass out. Jaxx: You remember not to push! ::Jaxx took a deep breath.:: Tressa: They're coming... :: She smiled, nervously. :: ::Jaxx smiled and kissed her forehead. It was hard to project a feeling of calmness when he was anything but. He usually had the ability to calm the children when they were restless, or at the very least control the emotional part of the situation. This was one of those times his telepathic abilities were useless to him. It was all he could do to keep the terror at bay.:: :: Tressa closed her eyes and took comfort from the gentle kiss. Jaxx was always in control, always calm and logical. Now he was in a situation that he had no control over, and could not do much to help. She felt for him but acknowledge it would not be long before it was over and they would have their children here... at the same time it was amusing to see Andrus so anxious. As Kali moved over towards the two, Tressa smiled at her dear friend as she caught her eye. :: Tressa: Kali, I don't want to be put to sleep. ::Being that she was still in motion when her friend spoke, Kali wasn’t sure she had heard her right.:: Nicholotti: You don’t want to what? ::Stepping closer, Kali placed on hand on her shoulder and looked at her questioningly.:: Tressa: I want to be awake when they arrive. ::Now a smile spread across that same face.:: Nicholotti: Oh, of course. I’m just going to give you something that will block your feeling from the waist down. It might be a bit unnerving to not be able to feel your legs, but it’s better than the alternative. ::Even now she was trying to make the smaller woman smile. Kali didn’t have to be Betazoid to see the fear and uncertainty in her eyes. Every move she made was calculated and planned to give her friend the gift of reassurance. Anything that could be done to make her comfortable Kali would go out of her way to do.:: Tressa: Thank you Kali. I'm really glad you're here. :: She smiled another nervous smile, though this one was full of gratitude. :: Jaxx: So much for your vacation. ::poking fun at Kali's idea for the trip:: ::The head of the nursing staff nodded towards Kali to signal her that everything was ready. From her current position near Tressa’s head on the other side of the biobed from Jaxx, Kali was unable to see anything. The curtain would help keep an already queasy father from contaminating the room.:: Nicholotti: Not everyone gets to say they delivered babies on their vacation. ::She grinned at him.:: Ready to meet your kids? ::Kali glanced from one to the other and back again before practically jumping up and setting herself into motion again. Reaching out, she took a hypospray from a nurse. On either side of the bed there was a line of more nurses; one team for each of the babies. The doctor had not let anyone sleep that night. Noting that everything was in place, Kali moved back up to her head and pressed the hypo against the Gideon woman’s neck.:: Nicholotti: Here we go. Jaxx: Everything is going to be fine...I am right here. Tressa: :: Nodding :: Okay. :: The young Gideon was nervous now. So very nervous. She trusted Kali with her life, and those of her children... but nothing in the past few months could prepare her for this moment... :: ::With a wink, Kali moved to the other side of the curtain, took her place and waited as the nursing staff got in place. From that moment on, her focus was solely on the task at hand. It wasn’t a difficult surgery as far as surgical procedures went, but the importance behind this one in particular weighed heavily on her mind. Still, she kept her cheerful demeanor as she moved through the process.:: :: There wasn't a lot that could be said about what happened next.... Tressa didn't feel anything... she couldn't see anything either due to the screen. She simply laid and waited while nerves chewed away at her. Kali would talk to the nurses and occasionally say something directed at either herself or Andrus... yet through the whole thing she remained cheerful and happy. :: :: Yet that was Kali. Kind, caring, cheerful Kali. Kali, who always seemed to know what to say, and how to ease her concerns. Tressa wasn't sure how she would have survived without her. With the three of them together it felt like one big Starfleet family... and soon there would be two more to add to that number... :: ::Almost there. As she prepared to remove the first of the twins, Kali called up to her friend.:: Nicholotti: How are we doing up there? Tressa: Okay, considering... Jaxx: Nauseated, but still here. ::Satisfied the answer wasn’t going to get any better, she simply laughed and expertly pulled the first twin from its home within its mother. The sheer shock, coupled with the bright lights after having been cozy and warm in total darkness incited a loud and healthy cry. Kali released the child from his binds and handed him to the closest nurse for the team that would be cleaning the baby up and ultimately handing him to his parents.:: :: An infant's cry! Tressa's eyes brimmed with tears and she looked to Andrus, as his eyes appeared to mist over. It was the most moving sound in the world... simply knowing that was her child taking its first breaths in this world. :: Nicholotti: First baby is a healthy boy. ::Kali couldn’t keep the smile out of her voice now as she returned to the task at hand.:: ::Jaxx smiled big. The thought of his son emerging into the galaxy was enough to bring a tear to his eyes. In this moment, his fear and uncertainty went away and he was left with only joy. He turned to watch the nurses take the baby and then focused on the next one about to emerge from darkness.:: ::Once the process had started, getting the second child out of its darkness and into the light had been easy. When the wail of a second cry broke through the roar of motion, Kali found herself totally without any other thoughts than the depth of her feelings at that single moment in time.:: Nicholotti: This one’s a little girl. ::Now, she released the child and walked to the second team’s station to help with the second baby as the nurses and the other medical staff took care of closing the incision. It only took a few minutes to have her cleaned and wrapped tightly in a blanket. Kali cradled the new arrival in her arms and moved towards the bed. When she arrived, she beamed at the two new parents. Carefully, she handed the child to Jaxx.:: Nicholotti: Meet your daughter. ::Jaxx took his daughter into his arms. Immediately, she got quiet. With the worst out of the way, Jaxx was calming down. His children were with them now and the vessel of life was being repaired. Jaxx knew that things would be different from here on out. The cargo that had given Tressa a round shape had been delivered. It was the last day her feet were going to hurt, and with regular trips to Sickbay...Jaxx would see to it. Holding the baby girl over so Tressa could see her, Jaxx smiled at the love of his life. While he doubted his own skills as a parent, he knew Tressa would be the best mother in the galaxy. Jaxx: Here she is... :: And there she was.... Tressa had never seen anything so perfectly beautiful in all her life. The child was calm and serene in the arms of her father... and Tressa could feel more tears [...]ing at her eyes. Carefully she reached out a hand to touch her beautiful baby girl. Her skin was soft, and even as Tressa watched her new daughter, the Gideon/Betazoid slowly became more aware of its surrounding :: Tressa: ... she's so perfect...:: there were a few more tears. :: :: Slowly the child squinted at the world around it, and Tressa raised her eyes to Andrus. :: Tressa: She looks like you... she has your eyes... :: She smiled, her eyes so full of love as she looked between the man she loved and the beautiful daughter they had together. :: ::Jaxx looked into the his daughter's deep black eyes. He could see himself in her eyes, and he noticed the corner of her mouth slightly perk up. There was no doubt, she was his angel.:: Jaxx: We did good. ::The moment had been magical in every way. With the scary part over, Kali stepped back and let them enjoy it. It was a moment that would never come again; something you could never do over…They had become four from two. It was the perfect family in every way.:: Tressa :: Quietly:: should we introduce the Kali's now? Jaxx: By all means. ::smiling:: :: She smiled and turned her gaze to Kali, beckoning the woman closer. :: ::It took a moment to register that Tressa was looking at her. Snapping out of her thoughts, she smiled and stepped closer.:: Tressa: Kali... meet Little Kali... Little Kali, meet Aunty Kali. :: She smiled. :: ::Raising an eyebrow, Kali looked from Tressa to Jaxx and back again.:: Nicholotti: After me? ::It was an incredible honor from her closest friend. Most best friends got to be maid of honor at the wedding. Kali got to be the namesake for their child.:: Jaxx: McKenzie Kalianna Tressa: There's no other woman in all the universes I would rather name my daughter after... Andrus and I already discussed it. :: She winked. :: ::Kali looked at the child. So much ran through her head in that moment; the future, the past, the universe around them. She felt so small, yet everything in that moment seemed perfect. There was no pain, no war, no hurting…it was all just…perfect.:: ::Nicholotti: ::Finally, she waved slightly.:: Hi Kali. Jaxx: ::smiling at his friend:: Thank you. ::winks:: :: Tressa smiled at Kali and her eyes echoed Jaxx's thanks. This moment was perfect with the three of them there her children healthy, and happy. She rested back against the pillows not taking her eyes from the two children, McKenzie, who Jaxx cradled, and her son who Kali had brought over as the nurses finished closing. When the task was over, she was carefully adjusted her position... and then her son was in her arms... :: :: Love, elation, joy.... so many emotions as her tiny son was placed in her arms. There were no words to describe that moment in time. As her arms took the weight her tummy and back had once carted around for so long and she was able to look into the eyes of her first born child. He was here and he was perfect. Once again she noticed the dark betazoid eyes both her children had inherited from their father and she smiled while more tear misted her eyes... no matter how long Andrus was with her... every time she looked into her children's eyes she would see their father. They would be the little piece of him that remained after Andrus could no longer be with her. :: :: As her son yawned and grew accustomed to the world around him, she gently stroked his thin, almost invisible hair and welcomed him. :: Tressa: Hello, Mykel... my boy. ::Jaxx watched as his son let out a grunt. It was adorable, and he looked to Tressa and laughed.:: Jaxx: He has your spunk! ::laughing:: That is the same noise you make when you hate my orders! :: Tressa laughed. But pain quickly shot across her abdomen from the movement. She winced slightly but took a few quick breaths to steady herself, before looking between her son, and soon to be, Bonded One. :: Tressa: We will keep your daddy on his toes then, won't we my boy? ::Jaxx wasn't thinking when he made his fiancé laugh. There was pain now, but soon she would be back on her feet, and not long after that...back to work. Jaxx started to wonder how they would handle things now that the kids were here. Perhaps they would have to look into a nanny? Jaxx was not sure how Tressa felt about it. He did not mind; he was practically raised by one. Pushing those thoughts from his mind, he focused on his family.:: Jaxx: I am the luckiest man in the world. :: Tressa smiled at him, and looked down at her daughter and then her son. How had she been so lucky, herself? To have such a wonderful partner, and two of the most beautiful children. The over whelming love and happiness she felt were unparalleled; this moment was perfection. It was the start of two new lives and the bonding of the people who would help shape those children's futures. :: :: It had not been a 'traditional' Gideon birth, and some of her anxieties had been for that; but it could not have been more perfect. All she needed was in that room. Her mate, her closest friend and her children. :: :: Looking at those children now, she realized how much work there was to do, and what there was to organize. There was education, were they would sleep at the suit, who would watch the children while they were on duty? Tressa did not trust holograms, so a holographic was not an option. Her mind was running so fast she looked to Andrus to share some of what was rolling through her head. :: Tressa: You know, Andrus. If their gestation is anything to judge by, we will need to start looking at early learning programs. Gideon children grow very fast. ::Kali moved towards the doorway and motioned for one of the nurses to request beds for the children for that moment while the new parents marveled at their gift to the universe.:: Jaxx: We know what we are heading for...and it will be fine. Tressa: There are a few center's on the Starbase that have schooled Klingon children. It is a good place to start. Klingon children grow quickly as well. They may be more suited to the requirements our children will need. Jaxx: We will look there first. ::nodding:: Tressa: :: Smiling as she looked down on her children. :: We're going to have to inquire as to wither we can get some cots in our suite. We may also need a walker for them. :: She winked. :: Jaxx: Sweetheart, it will be fine. ::Kali smiled at Tressa. It seemed that she was running away with things now that the children were there. Letting her get two or three 'to-do's in, the doctor-for-the-moment moved two small bassinets towards the bed where Jaxx was sitting.:: Nicholotti: There will time to worry about all of that later. You need rest now. Jaxx: Yes, listen to the doctor, first we will start with walking. ::pausing:: You, not the babies. :: She smiled. Yes there would be time later... but how much time? Gideon children grew quickly, and while she acknowledged her children were only half; even as she watched them she could see them growing more aware of their surroundings. In a few months they might even be walking. Instead of increasing her worry Tressa looked to the two individuals with her. : Tressa: Okay. :: Raising a brow :: Do I have the okay to leave? ::Smiling, she nodded.:: Nicholotti: You can leave in a few hours. I want to monitor you for a little bit and there's some routine tests that need to be done on the kids. Tressa: :: Nodding. Then turning to Jaxx. :: You would be more comfortable in the suite. I can let you k now when I am discharged tomorrow, if you like? Jaxx: Nope, I am staying. I do not care if it takes the rest of our vacation. ::Kali laughed. Tressa's physiology allowed for some amazing things, but she wasn't letting the woman go until she knew there were no complications with her or the children.:: Nicholotti: It won't be long. Half a day. I and the nurses will help so that you can rest. You may not get much after that. :: Tressa kept her amusement to a giggle this time, and was mindful of the slight aching around her abdomen. :: ::Jaxx smirked. He knew that the children would keep them busy. He also knew they had a lot to look into, and quickly. Jaxx was thinking they may need a private tutor for the children, someone that could teach at their pace. It would be great to have a telepath as well, it would speed things up. Now his mind began to race with all of the things they needed to figure out.:: ::The doctor knew it wasn't true. She had Jaxx by her side and he wouldn't let her take on the burden on her own. Grabbing another blanket and covering Tressa, she gave them both a look that said she meant it before dimming the lights and stepping outside the room leaving the new family to rest.:: :: Soon her little one was out of her arms and placed in his bassinet, his sister snuggled into the one beside him. As Kali moved out of the room, and the lights dimmed, she found she couldn't take her eyes off her children. She stared for sometime at the two tiny babies, until Andrus' voice broke her concentration. :: Jaxx: Close your eyes, get some sleep. I will be right here when you wake up, and the children will be right here with me. :: She smiled at him, finally dragging her eyes away from their two angels. Reaching out a hand she pulled him in for a kiss. :: Tressa: I know, my imzadi. ::Jaxx smiled at Tressa. She was the most beautiful thing in the universe, and now she had given birth to that very image. They were the most important things in his life, and nothing would get in the way of his love. As Tressa closed her eyes, he sat next to her rubbing her head as she drifted off to sleep. The meds had taken effect and it was time for her body to heal. He briefly thought of the last time he was by her side in Sickbay. They had come a long way, but it was almost perfection.:: :: As she settled on the bed, it was startling how quickly she managed to drift off. Her mind was still racing with thoughts of the twins and the many days ahead. It was soothing having Andrus by her side, and the gentle stroking of her head helped, calm her. This was not how she had planned her life, but that was more because it was so perfect. Her life as it was in this moment was just so perfect. Her career, her good friend, her fiance, and their two beautiful children. There was nothing about her life she would change... and that wonderful thought, was the last she had as she slipped into a deep sleep. :: TBC Lieutenant Tressa Chief Science Officer Starbase 118/USS Victory & Commander Kalianna Nicholotti First Officer Starbase 118/USS Victory & Captain Andrus Jaxx Commanding Officer Starbase 118/USS Victory
  14. Anyone know when the cut-offs are for submissions for round one? Are we in round two now? The Rules post hasn't been updated for this year yet.
  15. Welcome (back!) guys, hope you have as much fun as the rest of us hehe.
  16. Thanks guys. Can't wait to get back into the thick of it.
  17. I think this is a decent idea, a nice balance between popular vote and judging so that even in the unlikely circumstance that a ballot is 'stuffed', if it's not 'worthy' then it'll be weeded out by the judges. As for the 'judges won't have time to read all the sims' argument, surely the judges would've read the sims anyway? I'd assume that the judges would volunteer for the post, and thus would be from the active 'pool' of Top Sim contributors?
  18. Speaking as a former member of the Aurora, I don't believe for a second that there's any 'ballot stuffing' going on in the topsim voting. There are essentially two things to consider: - For whatever reason, the Aurora/Avandar has a really high proportion of forum activity. This is not a bad thing, of course, but could sway the voting and be seen by some as 'unfair' - There were two Aurora sims in the final 3. This clearly means any 'stuffing' of the ballot would naturally split between the two, yet the voting numbers across all three finalists were kinda even, all things considered. The only real solution to this is to make the community more active on the forums. If a political candidate, for example, gets a high number of his constituents to vote, he's more likely to win. Simple. Now, that doesn't necessarily mean that he's 'stuffed the ballot'. Just that a higher number of people who were likely to vote for him, actually voted. The answer therefore seems to be to get more people to vote. Which, I'm aware, is easier said than done...
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