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FltCapt. Sidney Riley

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Everything posted by FltCapt. Sidney Riley

  1. Welcome to the group all! It's great to have you with us!
  2. DATES: The class began on April 23, 2012, and ended on April 30, 2012. LIST: sb118-academy4 COMMANDING OFFICER: LtCmdr. Alucard Vess FIRST OFFICER: Fleet Captain Sidney Riley GRADUATES: - Edward Johnson - Par Salen - Michael Valentino Welcome to the fleet!
  3. DATES: The class began on April 2, 2012, and ended on April 08, 2012. LIST: sb118-academy4 COMMANDING OFFICER: Fleet Capt. Toni Turner FIRST OFFICER: Lieutenant Alucard Vess GRADUATE: Vance Carter Welcome to the fleet!
  4. DATES: The class began on March 5, 2012, and ended on March 12, 2012. LIST: sb118-academy3 COMMANDING OFFICER: Captain Tallis Rhul FIRST OFFICER: LtCmdr. Arden Cain GRADUATES: - Lai Jo'rek - Ter'dal Welcome to the fleet! You can use this topic to stay in touch with your classmates from training.
  5. DATES: The class began on February 6, 2012, and ended on February 12, 2012. LIST: sb118-academy3 COMMANDING OFFICER: Fleet Captain Sidney Riley FIRST OFFICER: Lieutenant Jade Shryker GRADUATES: - Johan Talbor - Kadoshem Rex - Simon of 13 - T'Mynn
  6. DATES: The class began on January 16, 2012, and ended on January 23, 2012. LIST: sb118-academy2 COMMANDING OFFICER: Fleet Captain Sidney Riley FIRST OFFICER: Commander Kalianna Nicholotti GRADUATES: - Jo Anderson - Sakorra Jefferson Reed - Meng Tian
  7. DATES: The class began on January 9, 2012, and ended on January 18, 2012. LIST: sb118-academy1 COMMANDING OFFICER: LtCmdr. Darius Clack FIRST OFFICER: LtCmdr. Ethan Brice GRADUATES: - Necessity James - Robert L. Whitney
  8. Dates: The class began on January 2, 2012 and ended on January 11, 2012 List: Starbase 118 Academy 4 COMMANDING OFFICER: Captain Tallis Rhul FIRST OFFICER: LtCmdr. William Rogers GRADUATES: - Harold Foster - Viktor Lanius
  9. Dates: The class began on December 26, 2011 and ended on January 3, 2012. List: Starbase 118 Academy 3 COMMANDING OFFICER: Fleet Captain Sidney Riley FIRST OFFICER: Lieutenant Commander Tracey Townson GRADUATES: - Shawn Aarons - Logan Ethan Kane
  10. I love the idea of something similar to "Wrath of Khan" era uniforms. That would be awesome!
  11. Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays! :)

  12. Dates: The class began on December 12, 2011 and ended on December 20, 2011. List: StarBase 118 Academy 1 COMMANDING OFFICER: LtCmdr. William Rogers FIRST OFFICER: Lt. Alleran Tan GRADUATES: - Tanith Jinks - Kolar Ren - Jack Mancuso - Jacob Moore - Misha Yates
  13. Dates: The class began on December 5, 2011 and ended on December 11, 2011. List: StarBase 118 Academy 4 COMMANDING OFFICER: Lt. Alleran Tan FIRST OFFICER: Captain Tallis Rhul GRADUATES: - Luke Ashford - Mikhail Bicanov - Turk Hawkings - Tess Tindall - T'Vek
  14. Dates: The class began on November 28, 2011 and ended on December 5, 2011. List: StarBase 118 Academy 3 COMMANDING OFFICER: LtCmdr. Tracey Townson FIRST OFFICER: Lt. Alleran Tan GRADUATES: - Kavor - Ksetra Timna Awori
  15. (OOC- This sim ties in a few years after this sim.) (http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/sb118-ops/message/20401) (Flashback) (Mirror Universe, Mirror St Vitus' Dance) m-Lightfoot: Confirmed. We only have forty percent maneuverability. ::trying to decipher her scanners.:: Captain, it would appear that the lower right quadrant of the rift is rotating..... ::The Mirror St Vitus Dance plowed through the outskirts of the wormhole alongside the Tiger. In seconds, the rift closed behind them leaving behind nothing but the debris of the Independence and the attacking ships. All in all, nothing no bigger than a tin can lid could be found.....:: (Regular Universe) (Year 1959) (Atchafalaya Swamp, Central Louisiana, Planet Earth) Carl: Its a weird feeling tonight, Jay. ::he added as the truck bounced down the dirt road:: Don't really know where we are going. Jay: Great. ::steadying himself as the truck bounced violently:: We left the road hours ago. Should have turned back before the sun went down. Carl: Don't remind me. See if you can get in contact with base? ::Jay reached forward for the radio mounted on the dashboard:: Jay: This is unit two calling base. ::sound of garbled chatter:: Unit two to base, do you copy? ::annoyed:: Great. We must be out of range. ::The two explorers from Odyssey Petroleum were lost. Darkness pressed in against the truck from all sides as they plowed deeper and deeper in the swamp. Their destination? A remote area hidden deep within the Atchafalaya, where only days earlier geologists had marked as a possible source of oil and natural gas.:: Carl: ::struggling to steer:: You know my old man told us that haints are bad to stir on a night like this. Jay: ::annoyed:: Shut up. ::Jay looked out the passenger window as the darkness of the swamp seemed to press in further against them. Casually, he reached for his pack of Chesterfields. The flame from his lighter erected a ghostly reflection of his face in the truck's side window.:: Jay: ::looking up suddenly:: WATCH IT! ::Carl slammed on the brakes as the truck ran out of dirt road and straight into a tributary of the Atchafalaya River.Tree branches slammed both sides of the vehicle hard before it came to a splashing halt.:: Jay: GREAT! JUST GREAT! Carl: Don't get your dandruff up. Maybe we can back out. ::As Carl put it in reverse, the sound of the truck tire spinning echoed loudly through the surrounding vegetation like a giant mechanical insect.:: Carl: ::turning around and sighing:: Okay. ::Opening the door carefully, the two men stepped down into knee deep water. Carl clung tightly to the side of the truck as he made his way back to the bank. The truck's headlights shown downward into the water like a giant leviathan searching for its prey. Jay reached for the radio as the water began to soak through his boots.:: Carl: ::as Jay picked up the mic:: Don't say anything about this, we won't live it down. Jay: This is mobile two, copy base. ::The garbled voice on the radio momentarily cleared.:: Radio: This is base. Go ahead two. Jay: You are not going to believe this, but we are lost on a back road just north of the river in section forty one. ::he added much to Carl's disgust:: Looks like we won't be joining you for poker and beer tonight. Radio: Copy that two. You are really deep within the basin. ::pausing:: The old man won't be sending another unit out until dawn. Jay: Uhh... copy that base. ::looking down at the tire mired in mud:: It would appear that we are going to be here for the night anyway. Our truck has run..... ::in disgust:: oh never mind. Radio: Copy that two. ::garbled:: We will send a truck out in your direction come morning. Jay: Roger that. ::straining to see in the darkness:: This road will be hell to retrace, even in daylight. See in the morning. Radio: Copy that two.... good luck. You will need it out there all alone. ::Jay mumbled obscenities to himself as the channel cleared. He looked up at Carl who was busy scanning the pitch black surrounding with his flashlight.:: Carl: Do you think anyone lives nearby? Maybe they can help us. ::looking down at the truck:: We are never going to live this down. Jay: Well, ::choosing his words carefully:: I wasn't the one who made the wrong turn. Nor was I the one who drove off the road. So it is more of the case of.... YOU are never going to live this down. ::taking another puff on his Chesterfield:: Besides, I doubt anyone lives this far... m-Lightfoot: Good evening. ::The monotone voice startled the two men. Turning swiftly, their flashlights struck the figure of the Indian woman who stood motionless on the bank just across the river.:: Jay: Good... good evening. ::trying to calm his nerves after quite a fright:: We are doing good. Yourself? Carl: ::to Jay:: Look at her, I told you there were haints around here. Jay: We seem to.... m-Lightfoot: You are on private property. ::emotionless:: You must leave. Jay: Our truck is stuck and we are lost. ::The woman just remained motionless at the comment.:: Jay: We weren't aware that we were trespassing. This area is so remote, we didn't know anyone lived here. ::Two others emerged from behind the woman as Jay spoke.:: m-Morningstar: What is your business here? Jay: Look we are from.... ::break:: We are land surveying. m-Lightfoot: Land surveying? Jay: ::sarcastically:: Perhaps we should speak to the owner first. ::A strange figure emerged from behind Lightfoot.:: m-Clack: You are speaking to the owner. ::looking down at the truck:: You will join my family for a fine dinner. ::inhaling on his cigar:: Jay: ::nervously:: Thank you, sir. Carl: ::whispering to Jay:: Does that mean he is going to feed us or eat us? Jay: Would you rather stay in the truck all night? Carl: No. ::reluctantly:: ::As the two men waded across toward Clack and his people, Lightfoot grabbed him by the arm.:: m-Lightfoot: Are you sure about this? They must never be allowed to leave. m-Clack: ::brushing off her hand as his eyes flashed red:: This may be just the break we are looking for. m-Lightfoot: Others will surely come. Our colony will be discovered. m-Clack: They must be aware of the deposits nearby ::exhaling smoke as his eyes burned red eye once again:: Deposits, they are willing to pay credits for. m-Lightfoot: We don't need them or their credits. We have seen what their world is like. Katherine told me...... m-Clack: No, ::looking at the two men as they arrived on the bank:: maybe it is time, they we be part of this world. (Time Warp) (Present Time) (Deep Space 17, Temporary Quarters of Petty Officer Shoodi Lightfoot) ::Cocheta woke suddenly with fleeting images that only seconds earlier, had been crystal clear in her mind. Sitting up in her bed, she took a deep breath as any recollection to the dream had faded. Looking out the port window, the USS Tiger was docked as it was preparing for its maiden voyage. Rising to her feet, she began to dress for what would prove to be a most unusual day.:: tbc PNPC PO 3rd Class Shoodi Cocheta Lightfoot Engineer USS Tiger-A and Mirror Shoodi Cocheta Lightfoot and Mirror Darius Clack as simmed by: LtCmdr. Darius Clack First officer USS Tiger-A
  16. This vote is to choose this year's Top Sim. Please choose one of the 3 sims, and remember that this vote is based on MERIT, not the fact that someone is your crewmate. Any crews found "stuffing the ballots" or ratings, will be disqualified PERMANENTLY - yes, that means the whole crew. This is NOT a popularity contest! This is a vote to find the BEST SIM in our fleet, which will then be lauded by our group on our website! The order and selection of the sims was determined by the Top Sims Contest "end of year" procedure. Sim links, to read the sims: Ensign Blackwood and PNCP York: Fun JP - Ehlanii, Brice, Mar, Riley & Walker "Love is a Temporary Madness" LtCmdr. T'Lea "Eating It"
  17. Dates: The class began on November 14, 2011 and ended on November 21, 2011. List: Starbase 118 Academy 1 COMMANDING OFFICER: LtCmdr. David Whale FIRST OFFICER: Captain Della Vetri GRADUATES: - Colt Daniels - Michael Johnson - S'Lone i-Ra'thleifl tr'Khellian - Suvek - Heracles Whiet
  18. This vote is to choose a sim to proceed to the final round of the contest. Please choose one of the 7 sims, and remember that this vote is based on MERIT, not the fact that someone is your crewmate. Any crews found "stuffing the ballots" or ratings, will be disqualified PERMANENTLY - yes, that means the whole crew. This is NOT a popularity contest! This is a vote to find the BEST SIM in our fleet, which will then be lauded by our group on our website! The order and selection of the sims was determined by the Top Sims Contest "end of year" procedure. Sim links, to read the sims: LtCmdr. Karynn Ehlanii and FltCapt. Sidney Riley "Informal Friendship" Lt. JG Ashely Yael and Commander Tallis Rhul LtJG Jaxon McGhee and 1st Lt. Lex Menar: So Cmdr Vetri & Lt Cmdr T'Lea - Discussions and Distractions Ensign Blackwood and PNCP York: Fun Cmdr Della Vetri & LtCmdr T'Lea - A quick time-out Captain Waltas and Ensign Nickels: The Sticking Point JP
  19. This vote is to choose a sim to proceed to the final round of the contest. Please choose one of the 7 sims, and remember that this vote is based on MERIT, not the fact that someone is your crewmate. Any crews found "stuffing the ballots" or ratings, will be disqualified PERMANENTLY - yes, that means the whole crew. This is NOT a popularity contest! This is a vote to find the BEST SIM in our fleet, which will then be lauded by our group on our website! The order and selection of the sims was determined by the Top Sims Contest "end of year" procedure. Sim links, to read the sims: Doctor Saveron - Through the desert of truth LtCmdr. T'Lea "Eating It" Lt.(JG) Saveron & Lt.(JG) Ashley Yael: Cruel to be Kind FltCapt. Sidney Riley: Metamorphosis Ash MacKenna & Radi Rais - Fireflies Ens. Velana and Ens. Zinna: Tell Me About Your Childhood LtCmdr. Whale and Doctor Shelley: Bleak Horizon
  20. This vote is to choose a sim to proceed to the final round of the contest. Please choose one of the 7 sims, and remember that this vote is based on MERIT, not the fact that someone is your crewmate. Any crews found "stuffing the ballots" or ratings, will be disqualified PERMANENTLY - yes, that means the whole crew. This is NOT a popularity contest! This is a vote to find the BEST SIM in our fleet, which will then be lauded by our group on our website! The order and selection of the sims was determined by the Top Sims Contest "end of year" procedure. Sim links, to read the sims: LtCmdr Townson & LtJG Shryker: Inner Demons At Play Cmdr. Jaxx and LtCmdr. Townson " Voice from Another Place" Tressa and Cmdr. Jaxx: Pivitol Moments PNPCs davies and DeCosta: Going Viral LtCmdr. David Whale as Dr. Fiona Shelley: "A Why to..." Lt. Commander Ethan Brice and Lt. Commander Karynn Brice: The Risk of Being Reasonable... JP - Ehlanii, Brice, Mar, Riley & Walker "Love is a Temporary Madness"
  21. Hello Everyone! Round 20 was the LAST SUBMISSION PERIOD of the year! Here's some information about how the end of year stuff is going to work. Run Off Round 1 Voting Thurs 11-10 Through Wed 11-30 Run Off Round 2 Voting Thurs 11-10 Through Wed 11-30 Run Off Round 3 Voting Thurs 11-10 Through Wed 11-30 FINAL ROUND Voting Thurs 12-1 Through Sat 12-31 What about submissions through the end of the year? Submissions may be submitted through the end of the year, but they will not be voted on until the first two weeks of next year. The sims will remain in the Tops Sims Forum until January 1. We'll cull down the list to 10 sims, (Through run offs if necessary) and then vote on them in the first two weeks of the year. How will run-offs work? Since there are 21 sims and three run off rounds, we will divide 21/3 which is 7. There will be seven sims chosen at random in each of the runoff rounds. What I will do is list all the sims that have moved into the runoff phase. I will give each of them a number, with the first sim to win this year being #1, and the last sim to win being #20. I will then use the Random.org tool to choose a number between 1 and 20. This sim will be the first option in the first runoff round poll. I'll continue this way until we have seven sims in runoff round 1. If a number is selected twice by the random number generator, I'll simply request another number until a new number is chosen. Links will be provided to each sim. Everyone will then vote on the best sim. The winning sim then advances to the final round. For runoff round 2 and 3, I will re-number the remaining sims as #1 through #7. I will again use the Random.org tool to choose a number between 1 and 7. This sim will be the first sim in the second runoff round. I will continue this way until the order of the remaining five sims have been chosen. (Doing this to ensure there is no bias in the way the sims are placed in the poll.) Again, these five sims will be posted in a poll. Everyone will vote, and the winning sim then advances to the final round. How will the final round work? In the final round, there will simply be three sims posted in a poll. Voters will have the whole month of December to vote on the final three sims.
  22. Dates: The class began on October 31, 2011 and ended on November 07, 2011. List: Starbase 118 Academy 3 COMMANDING OFFICER: LtCmdr. William Rogers FIRST OFFICER: Lieutenant T'Rella GRADUATES: - Aribeth Hawke - Momiji Seelowe
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