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FltCapt. Sidney Riley

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Everything posted by FltCapt. Sidney Riley

  1. This is an area for members of this training class to keep in touch with each other. DATES: The class began on December 28, 2007, and ended on January 1, 2008. LIST: sb118-academy4 COMMANDING OFFICER: Lt Hugh Barnes FIRST OFFICER: LtCmdr. David Cody CLASS MEMBERS: - Telemachus Jeremy Remo Congratulations to you all, and welcome to our fleet!
  2. This is an area for members of this training class to keep in touch with each other. DATES: The class began on November 19, 2007, and ended on November 26, 2007. LIST: sb118-academy2 COMMANDING OFFICER: Lt Commander David Cody FIRST OFFICER: Lt. Hugh Barnes CLASS MEMBERS: - Robert Long Congratulations to you all, and welcome to our fleet!
  3. This is an area for members of this training class to keep in touch with each other. DATES: The class began on October 21, 2007, and ended on October 28, 2007. LIST: sb118-academy2 COMMANDING OFFICER: Lt Commander Sidney Riley FIRST OFFICER: Lt. Commander Toni Turner CLASS MEMBERS: - Kel Mage - William Adams Congratulations to you all, and welcome to our fleet!
  4. This is an area for members of this training class to keep in touch with each other. DATES: The class began on October 08, 2007, and ended on October 16, 2007. LIST: sb118-academy1 COMMANDING OFFICER: Lt. David Cody FIRST OFFICER: Lt. Commander Toni Turner CLASS MEMBERS: -Jarak Congratulations to you all, and welcome to our fleet!
  5. This is an area for members of this training class to keep in touch with each other. DATES: The class began on September 25, 2007, and ended on October 02, 2007. LIST: sb118-academy2 COMMANDING OFFICER: Lt. David Cody FIRST OFFICER: Lt. Commander Sidney Riley CLASS MEMBERS: -V'Eran Arais -Karynn Ehlanii -Gwendalyn Hilzarie -Justin Whiteard Congratulations to you all, and welcome to our fleet!
  6. This is an area for members of this training class to keep in touch with each other. DATES: The class began on September 12, 2007, and ended on September 19, 2007. LIST: sb118-academy1 COMMANDING OFFICER: Lt. Commander Cura A. Stone FIRST OFFICER: Lt. Commander Takashi Chen CLASS MEMBERS: - Mike Weller - Seph 647 Congratulations to you all, and welcome to our fleet!
  7. This is an area for members of this training class to keep in touch with each other. DATES: The class began on August 16, 2007, and ended on August 26, 2007. LIST: sb118-academy2 COMMANDING OFFICER: LtCmdr. Eskyys FIRST OFFICER: LtCmdr. Vincent D'Onofrio CLASS MEMBERS: -Johnny Bravo Congratulations to you all, and welcome to our fleet!
  8. This is an area for members of this training class to keep in touch with each other. DATES: The class began on August 01, 2007, and ended on August 10, 2007. LIST: sb118-academy3 COMMANDING OFFICER: LtCmdr. Sidney Riley FIRST OFFICER: LtCmdr. Eskyys CLASS MEMBERS: -Jeremy Dusseldorf -D'Vor -Ti'Brus Congratulations to you all, and welcome to our fleet!
  9. This is an area for members of this training class to keep in touch with each other. DATES: The class began on July 16, 2007, and ended on July 27, 2007. LIST: sb118-academy2 COMMANDING OFFICER: LtCmdr. Ben Walker FIRST OFFICER: LtCmdr. Eskyys CLASS MEMBERS: -William Owen "Will" Hart Congratulations to you all, and welcome to our fleet!
  10. This is an area for members of this training class to keep in touch with each other. DATES: The class began on June 27, 2007, and ended on July 08, 2007. LIST: sb118-academy4 COMMANDING OFFICER: LtCmdr. Sidney Riley FIRST OFFICER: Lt. David Cody CLASS MEMBERS: - Driana - Devon Mikaels Congratulations to you all, and welcome to our fleet!
  11. This is an area for members of this training class to keep in touch with each other. DATES: The class began on June 1, 2007, and ended on June 13, 2007. LIST: sb118-academy3 COMMANDING OFFICER: LtCmdr. Julia Harden FIRST OFFICER: Lt. Kwame Alexander CLASS MEMBERS: - Marshall Kinston Congratulations to you all, and welcome to our fleet!
  12. This is an area for members of this training class to keep in touch with each other. DATES: The class began on May 14, 2007, and ended on May 23, 2007. LIST: sb118-academy2 COMMANDING OFFICER: LtCmdr. Sidney Riley FIRST OFFICER: LtCmdr. Cura A. Stone CLASS MEMBERS: - Alex Swift Congratulations to you all, and welcome to our fleet!
  13. This is an area for members of this training class to keep in touch with each other. DATES: The class began on April 26, 2007, and ended on May 4, 2007. LIST: sb118-academy3 COMMANDING OFFICER: LtCmdr. Toni Turner FIRST OFFICER: Lt. Kwame Alexander CLASS MEMBERS: - Nyellan - Montana Orenda - Tal Tel-ar - Zachery Winters Congratulations to you all, and welcome to our fleet!
  14. This is an area for members of this training class to keep in touch with each other. DATES: The class began on April 4, 2007, and ended on April 8, 2007. LIST: sb118-academy4 COMMANDING OFFICER: LtCmdr. Eden Redstone FIRST OFFICER: LtCmdr. Toni Turner CLASS MEMBERS: - Morgan Avery - Angelina De Costa - Tildaen Ethelwin - Keln Sabdok - Satoc - Delinda Sharee Congratulations to you all, and welcome to our fleet!
  15. This is an area for members of this training class to keep in touch with each other. DATES: The class began on March 26, 2007, and ended on April 3, 2007. LIST: sb118-academy3 COMMANDING OFFICER: LtCmdr. Julia Harden FIRST OFFICER: Lt. Aresee Ventu CLASS MEMBERS: - Alex James Hunter -Kelly Anne Markham Congratulations to you all, and welcome to our fleet!
  16. This is an area for members of this training class to keep in touch with each other. DATES: The class began on February 26, 2007, and ended on March 9, 2007. LIST: sb118-academy2 COMMANDING OFFICER: Lt. Marcus Dickens FIRST OFFICER: LtCmdr. Toni Turner CLASS MEMBERS: - Calysta Pembie - Russel James Heston Jr. Congratulations to you all, and welcome to our fleet!
  17. This is an area for members of this training class to keep in touch with each other. DATES: The class began on February 15, 2007, and ended on February 23, 2007. LIST: sb118-academy4 COMMANDING OFFICER: LtCmdr. Toni Turner FIRST OFFICER: LtCmdr. Samal Frazier CLASS MEMBERS: - Vojana Minerva Satscher - Michael Valentino Congratulations to you all, and welcome to our fleet!
  18. This is an area for members of this training class to keep in touch with each other. DATES: The class began on February 1, 2007, and ended on February 10, 2007. LIST: sb118-academy2 COMMANDING OFFICER: Lt. Marcus Dickens FIRST OFFICER: LtCmdr. Toni Turner CLASS MEMBERS: - Jackford Benjamin Kolk - Ro Falcon - Trix Congratulations to you all, and welcome to our fleet!
  19. What a great topic! I hope I can get something together before the deadline.
  20. The colors, which danced across the viewscreen, were beautiful; pinks, purples and a series of opalescent whites displayed themselves in a frenzied manner. If the circumstances had been different it would have been beautiful. Not to mention an exciting opportunity for scientific study. But, the circumstances were not. The multicolor cloud-like entity still encased the small craft and was still draining its power. Lt. Ryan Aidan Riley stared at the multicolored viewscreen and the reading of how much power remained, barely enough to power minimal life support. The tired engineer tried to relax his tense muscles by sitting down, as he did his gaze shifted to the back of the ship. His eyes focused on the small child sleeping on the floor, his Shannon. Ryan silently thanked the powers that be that his six-year-old daughter had drifted to sleep about twenty minutes after they had first encountered the entity. At least she was being spared the knowledge of what was happening. She would not be afraid. Ryan ran through the situation again in his mind trying to find a solution. Perhaps if he were smarter or had followed a different course this would not have happened. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. He still had so much to accomplish. Ryan ran his hand through his sweat soaked hair, pushing the stray strands from his eyes. He bent over and rested his head in his hands; it wasn’t supposed to be like this. It had been a routine visit. Well, routine ever since Cheyenne had wanted the divorce. He had never wanted it. He loved her and their twins. The twins, Shannon and Sidney, they had been inseparable, until the divorce. Cheyenne had left for Vulcan to continue her research and get remarried. She had taken Shannon and he had Sidney. Ryan sighed. The negotiated agreement had included a visit or swap for one week once every two months. It was a routine visit; in fact he and Shannon were on their way back to Vulcan. Shannon had been excited about returning home and he had been excited about picking up Sidney. Sidney, what would she do without him? They were father and daughter, but they were also the best of buddies. Ryan was lifted out of his thoughts as the ship rocked slightly but suddenly to the left. Almost instinctively he looked to the screen to see the multicolor still dancing across it. Ryan took a deep breath and then slowly exhaled. He watched a small cloud form as he did. Ryan walked around, pulled out another blanket, laid it over Shannon and then returned to the console. He checked the automated distress call. It had been running for two hours. It was the only thing running except life support. Why had someone not responded? Where was Starfleet, or anyone else for that matter? They were still in the Alpha Quadrant. Ryan hit his fist on the console. Things like this just weren’t supposed to happen. He had nothing to work with. ((One Hour Later)) Ryan looked down at his blue tinted hands. He didn’t know how much longer they would be able to last; he was an engineer not a medical officer. He really wished he had a doctor there, but it would have been one more person trapped. He pulled his hands into his uniform sleeves and glanced towards Shannon. She was still sleeping and he was thankful. ((23 Minutes Later)) Ryan awoke with a start. He thought he heard something. His joints were stiff and he had a hard time getting up and moving to the console. Ryan stared at the console in disbelief. Someone was there, a way out. Ryan decided to break the silence, “Who is there?” A gruff voice answered his call, “Who we are is not important Starfleet. You require assistance?” “Yes. The entity has drained most of the power from this vessel and we are losing life support and request assistance.” There was a pause and then the voice continued, “If we get too close the entity will also attack us. However, we can beam one of you over to our vessel.” Ryan paused and looked at his sleeping daughter. Who these people were he did not know, but he did know he did not want his daughter to die this way. “My daughter can you take her to the nearest Starbase?” Another pause greeted his question, “We could.” Ryan did not hesitate. He grabbed Shannon’s bag from the back and gently woke her. “Shannon? Wake up.” He gently put his hand on her shoulder. Shannon opened her eyes slowly. “Daddy?” Shannon stretched, “It’s cold.” “I know Shannon. I need you to listen; our ship is broken and there are some people here who are going to give us a ride to a Starbase.” Ryan watched Shannon; she still appeared to be half asleep. “It’s cold, Daddy.” “Shannon, I need you to listen carefully. It won’t be cold soon.” He watched as Shannon shivered. Ryan did everything he could to control his demeanor and tone of voice. “When you get to the Starbase tell them who you are and give them this.” Ryan placed a tricorder and a small case in the pink bag. Shannon pulled at her dress. “OK” “And when you get back to Vulcan I want you to promise to give this to Sidney.” He placed another case into the small pink bag now bulging at the seams. “Can you remember that Shannon?” “Yes, Daddy.” Shannon took the bag from her father. “It’s very important that you remember this Shannon. It is your mission. Shannon,” he paused, “I love you.” Ryan threw his arms around his daughter and hugged her. He didn’t want to let her go. Shannon squirmed, “You squeeze too hard.” Ryan loosened his arms. “I’m sorry. They’re going to beam you over first and then I will be right behind you,” he lied. “Always remember I love you.” Ryan signaled the other vessel. “She’s ready to beam over.” He watched as she shimmered out of sight. Ryan picked up the blankets on the floor and wrapped them around himself as he slumped to the floor leaning against the wall. He stared across the ship at nothing. His voice was a mere whisper, “I love you Sidney.” It had been a long day and he was tired. He closed his eyes and let the darkness surround him.
  21. My vote is for Captain Picard
  22. Dr. Mc Coy definitely had the best catch phrases!
  23. Thanks Devlin! It is a lot of fun. ::looks around the room:: So has anyone seen Sasha Ice? Just wondering how things were going where Ice is posted?
  24. ::Dancing around to music provided by Devlin, stops and goes up to bar:: Alright! Music and a Bar! I guess it was just good luck getting assigned to the Wallace. So far things are going Great!
  25. Hello Everyone! Alright! A new place to move the party!
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