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((Transporter Room 1 - USS Atlantis)) TRANSPORTER CHIEF: Nope. ::Ren tried not to whine. How could he not have made it in time for the beamout?:: REN: Can you tell me when the next beamdown is? TRANSPORTER CHIEF: Nuh uh. Don't know. ::Ren grumbled, but nodded his thanks. Who else would know, or be able to assign him to a landing party?:: ((Bridge - USS Atlantis)) ENSIGN YZA: Nope. ::The Bolian helm officer gave Ren a scowl. He kept taking all the good jobs from her, leaving her to stand on the side of the bridge and wait for hours at a time. Such was the fate of a relief officer. Now she huddled protectively over the helm console, not about to let him take it from her again. Ren held up his hands surrenderingly.:: RENNYN: Hey, I'm just trying to get off the ship. You have no idea if Commander Dickens went with the captain? YZA: I don't know anything. I'm just watching the orbit. Have fun on your leave, and remember me sitting here. Just watching it spin... ::Ren made a hasty exit. Yza didn't seem to like him whether he stayed or left. He scanned the room for Mitchell, but didn't see anyone he recognized. Was it too awkward to ask the backup to the backup to the backup command officer to beam him down? Anyway, he had another idea.:: ((Shuttlebay - USS Atlantis)) DECK CHIEF: Nope. RENNYN: Why not? I don't want to take one myself. I just want to tag along if anyone else is going down by shuttle. DECK CHIEF: Helm officer or not, you can't have one of my shuttles, Ensign. Not without higher clearance. You can try going through the command chain, but most of them didn't miss the first beamout. RENNYN: I didn't miss th-- Okay, how did you know I missed the first beamout? DECK CHIEF: Happens every time... ((Poseidon's Lounge - USS Atlantis)) LITTLE KID: Nope. ::The kid stole Ren's fork and ran away into the crowded PL.:: REN: What th-- Nope, what? ::One time, back in Arnmere, Ren's family had packed into dad's old passenger shuttle to leave for a vacation to the Tenaran ice cliffs. Some of the cousins were there, so the typically high headcount of the nine Rennyn siblings was even higher. Mom and Dad both miscounted. As the hatch closed and they prepared for takeoff, a strange sound was heard from the house, like muffled cries of a wounded baby animal, or maybe a very distant siren and some hammers. Dad raised the hatch again and ran out of the shuttle back towards the house. He opened the door, and there, pounding from the inside and screaming at the top of her little lungs, was Ren's little sister Nila. She'd thought they were leaving her behind. She'd almost been right. She was too little to have access to the door controls yet. Their parents were horrified, and counted again very carefully before taking off.:: ::Ren was beginning to feel he'd been left behind on the ship.:: CREWMAN: Hey Ren! Are you beaming down? The captain opened up the planet now that he and the first team completed the formal mumbo-jumbo. A bunch of us are going. Want to join? RENNYN: ::jumping up from his seat.:: Heck yeah! ((Transporter Room 1 - USS Atlantis)) ::Ren stepped on the transporter pad with the other crew. Now he knew how Nila felt when their dad opened the front door. They all settled and the transporter chief began to key in the sequence. Something flashed in the corner of Ren's eye and he turned to see Rover streaming through a bulkhead. Quickly, before he could be beamed away, Ren stepped off the transporter pad. The rest of the team beamed away without him.:: TRANSPORTER CHIEF: Dios mio! RENNYN: It's okay. It's just Rover. Hey, buddy! Where have you been? ROVER: Learning. RENNYN: I'm going down to the planet. I'm going to see if it's okay for you to live there. ::Rover glowed a shade sadder.:: RENNYN: Do your kind like living with the Grenushi? Will they be okay with the Krayav? ROVER: Maybe. I don't know. I think so. RENNYN: Rover, do you want to live with the Krayav? ROVER: Nope. RENNYN: Do you want to stay here? With us? ::Rover glowed a few shades brighter, and Ren took that as a yes.:: ((((Veterans’ Square, Capital City Kuantan, Uzoka 4)) ::Ren beamed down alone into the windy grey city of Kuantan. It was bleak. A few remnants of the formal greeting showed there, a few extra flags, several soldiers packing up for the day. The party had obviously moved on. Ren approached one of the grey-uniformed soldiers near the grey pointed obelisk in the grey central square.:: RENNYN: Excuse me. Will you please help me find the Presidential Palace? SOLDIER: Yes. ::He pointed.:: See that building at the far end of this road that you can just barely see? The one with color on it. RENNYN: Looks like a long walk. SOLDIER: Yes. Your earlier beamdown parties were provided with ground transport. RENNYN: Oh. Guess I missed that. SOLDIER: Yes. ::The soldier was getting into his car, the last to leave the square.:: Perhaps we will meet again. I am headed to the Presidential Palace now. RENNYN: Oh! Any chance I can get a ride? SOLDIER: Nope. Ensign Rendal Rennyn Helm Officer USS Atlantis NCC-74682
((Deck 3 - USS Atlantis)) ::Ren Rennyn arrived outside his quarters to find a nervous Vulcan waiting for him.:: SOVAK: Ren. I... Hello. ::The look on Sovak's face said he was eager to talk. His body language said he was anxious to run away.:: RENNYN: Yeah, I Hello, too. ::Ren didn't know how to feel. He'd known Sovak since their first day at the Academy. They'd been roommates through thick and thin in some of the most stressful, intense, significant years of their lives, training to be officers and explorers of the galaxy. Sovak had been through a lot in his quest to become a better Vulcan, to reach the control of emotion that was like second nature to so many of his people back home. Ren had never thought to explore any feelings beyond friendship. He didn't know how to think about it now.:: ::The Trill did his best to always stay cool, to be laid-back and take things as they come. Not to get upset or bent out of shape. Sometimes, that could backfire.:: ::He opened the door and motioned to Sovak to follow him inside. They both stood and looked at the mess of flowers Sovak had put there, the romantic gesture of his temporary, mind-altered, space-cloud-affected insanity. Neither man knew what to say.:: ::Rover floated in behind them.:: RENNYN: Don't mind him, Sovak. Just my shadow. ::Ren walked further into the room. He found himself automatically following the track of crushed flowers he'd made earlier, not to destroy any more. It wasn't easy. He picked up a paloue blossom, native to Trill. They'd grown in wide, fragrant patches all around his home.:: ::For the first time since taking Ren's form, Rover billowed and swirled and became a cloud again, reducing in size and floating away to rest in a corner near the ceiling.:: RENNYN: Good boy. ::The Trill wished he could do the same about now.:: ::Sovak stepped forward and cleared his throat. He looked more awkward than ever before. He looked more confident than ever before.:: SOVAK: Ren. You got my flowers? ::Rennyn couldn't hate the attempt at humor. It was just the kind of thing he would say. He waited for more. Sovak swallowed hard and began.:: SOVAK: I am sorry I did not tell you sooner how I feel. It must be obvious now. On the advice of a friend, I am here to tell you directly, because I do not want to risk being unclear. Ren, if my struggles to control my emotions, to rise above them and live as other Vulcans do, have seemed to go poorly for me, it is because there are some feelings I do not think I wish to live without. The way I feel when I am with you, for example, is a feeling I cherish. It is my fervent hope that you could feel that way too. So. I am here. ::Ren was silent. He was very aware of the angry contortions on his own face, but he wasn't sure what he was angry about. Sovak for saying all this? Himself for not already knowing? Rover for being so danged colorful and innocent? He was so tired he could barely think. He picked an unreasonable place to start.:: RENNYN: And who exactly where you discussing me with? SOVAK: Lt. Ravenscroft. As a man partnered with a fellow Starfleet officer, his advice seemed appropriate to our situation. RENNYN: OUR situation? ::Ren was pacing back and forth now. He couldn't get his head clear. He couldn't think.:: SOVAK: I found I needed to discuss us with an external source. RENNYN: Us. US. US? You're working from a lot of assumptions here. ::Sovak blinked serenely.:: SOVAK: You must remain calm. ::Here it came. The backfire. The tantrum, welling up from deep within. Ren felt so angry, he could barely get a word out of his mouth.:: RENNYN: You d-- That f-- nnf-Guh--! SOVAK: Ren, please sit down. I am concerned for your blood pressure. RENNYN: My bl-- Fluh-- SOVAK: Are you hyperventilating? Shall I replicate a paper bag? RENNYN: AAAAUURGH!!! ::Ren exploded in one of his loudest tantrums yet. His face was a brighter red than his uniform, and smoke may have billowed from his ears. Sovak and his infuriatingly sideways logic!:: RENNYN: You wrong way, backwards-brained Vulcan! Just because some dang fool cut rate counselor lite with nothing but a psych degree by marriage and more mouth than sense told you to chuck all with basic dang thinking and rush on over here with your hot-blooded heart on your half-baked, feelings-ridden, passion-obsessed, illogical, headlong hobgoblin sleeve doesn't give you the right to lurk outside my quarters and come in here so infuriatingly calm and logical and talk sense to me like I'm the one pulling addle-brain, loon-crazy stunts like this! ::He threw the paloue blossom down for emphasis.:: SOVAK: You are being unreasonable. RENNYN: You bet I'm being reasonable! Oh, that's not what you said. Well dang it, Sovak, I'm right about this! SOVAK: There's no need to yell. ::The flashing white lights in the corner let Ren know he was upsetting Rover. He breathed and forced himself to calm down.:: RENNYN: You're right. I'm sorry. You don't deserve to be hollered at. You know my temper. I'm sorry. SOVAK: I find your tantrums charming. ::Ren immediately went back to yelling.:: RENNYN: You find my tantrums charming! What the - what? Guhhh--! Since when? That's what I want to know! Since when? ::He sat down, trying to find some calm. Sovak hadn't done anything wrong, but this was all so much to think about, Ren could hardly figure his way through it. He realized how many flowers he'd sat on and jumped back up again. They were all over him. He spun in a circle, brushing them off. Varieties of pollen stuck to his uniform. Rover swirled in a new pattern that might have been laughter or sympathy. When Ren stopped spinning and swatting at himself, he found Sovak looking miserable.:: SOVAK: Have I ruined our friendship? ::Ren stood very still a moment. He hadn't been fair. At the least he had to appreciate Sovak's honesty, and how difficult it must have been to come by it. He stepped forward and reached out, holding Sovak's shoulders in an uncertain grip. It was a first contact. It was at arm's length.:: RENNYN: This is a lot to think about. To reconsider. I need a little time. I don't want to put you through that, but it's how I feel. I'm exhausted from this mission, I'm tired. I've got heartburn from all that fried food. I've got this guy, this swirling space joker, over my shoulder every minute. I'm kind of loving him, but come on. He followed me into the shower. I've got -- ::He wanted to complain about the flowers all over everything, but they were beautiful. They were in the way, they were excessive, but they were beautiful. And he'd crushed enough of them for one day.:: RENNYN: Let me get my head down and sleep. Is that okay? ::Sovak backed away, breaking the touch. Squaring off to face the Trill outright, directly, he nodded. His apparently calm Vulcan demeanor had remained intact through most of the exchange. Ren knew this Vulcan well, or thought he did. That calmness meant he was particularly broken up inside.:: SOVAK: I am patient. ::A silence ensued that was very like Sovak, but very unlike Ren. Rover read the room and stayed dark. At last, having had enough of trying to read the Trill's face, the Vulcan moved again.:: SOVAK: I've provided you with access to my room. RENNYN: What the--? SOVAK: I mean nothing by it. I thought you could sleep. While you do, I'll clean up here. RENNYN: That... is very thoughtful of you. SOVAK: Rover can stay with me, so that you may be alone. RENNYN: Alright... SOVAK: And your room will be in order when you return. ::It was a good plan. It was considerate. Ren feared he was being unkind, letting Sovak say all that about his feelings, then yelling at him and running away. Then again, he'd been ambushed by this. He needed the space.:: ::To prove his intentions, Sovak began gathering some nearby flowers.:: RENNYN: Be good, Rover. ROVER: Good night. ::Ren was feeling alright now. Not so bad. The thought of laying a kiss on that sweet, goofy Vulcan wasn't entirely disagreeable. Afraid of that thought, he instead moved to the door, standing close enough to open it, exposing them to the corridor outside.:: ::He turned back to the Vulcan.:: RENNYN: You know what? Leave me a few of those flowers, okay? Some larkspur, alcenthas. The paloues are nice... ::He started to turn, scratched his head, turned again, and left before he said anything more. The door closed. On opposite sides, both men breathed deeply and tried not to panic.:: Ensign Rendal Rennyn Helm Officer USS Atlantis NCC-74682 & Ensign Sovak Ops simmed by Ren Rennyn
Congratulations and welcome to the Fleet!
Congratulations and welcome to the Fleet!
Congratulations and welcome to the Fleet!
((DyAmone Family Quarters ~ USS Atlantis)) ::Wanda returned to her quarters to get some rest before the reception. Talking to Kirosa reminded her of friends she made and lost since she joined Starfleet and deciding to seek them she first contacted one she haven’t seen the longest, James. She opened the com to USS Darwin, in her opinion truly strange looking vessel, but pretty in it’s strangeness. Atlantis’ position inside the corridor made the opening of the communication harder, but once the buoys made the path, the connection will be instantaneous and probably none of them will notice any problems. Hmm, it was James, engineer… he will notice.:: ((Main Engineering, Deck 9, USS Darwin-A)) :: As always, there was plenty to be getting on with in Main Engineering. That said, James was pleasantly surprised at how little of that was repair work - the last mission had been surprisingly light on ship damage all things considered and James was confident that the repair teams would soon deal with what little was left. So that meant that James was able to indulge himself in what was becoming his favorite tasks - benchmarking. The latest mission had given them lots of data for him to use in familiarising himself with the Darwin… He looked down at the con in his favorite alcove glancing the Engineering log, each one giving him a new insight… :: James: oO Hmm… it seems like the Bridge power grid was better behaved this time… Still, there *was* no firefight near it to mess with it… Oo :: James lifted his hand, about to switch to another set of logs when a notification popped up in the left corner informing him of a incoming subspace call. He wasn’t expecting anything but… He had time to disappear into his office for a while. :: ((James’ Office, Deck 9, USS Darwin-A/DyAmone Family Quarters ~ USS Atlantis)) :: James walked through the door and took his seat behind the desk and more importantly the desktop viewer on top of it. There where a few PADDS in front of it but he pushed those to the side taking a moment to look at the details of the call. It was coming from the Par'tha Expanse, where the USS Atlantis was stationed, so it was likely to be either Wanda or Commander Blueheart contacting him… He leaned forward and answered the call. :: DyAmone: Hello James. ::Hiding a trembling in her voice was possible though hard from a Vulcan/Terran, but even if she could hide it red eyes was impossible to hide. Otherwise, she was probably glowing.:: How are you? :: James couldn’t help but smile a little at the sight of his friend. She was looking well, much better than when they had last met on the CC on SB118 during the elemental crisis that hit the station. It wavered for a second thought when he took in her reddened eyes. :: James: Wanda, it is most agreeable to see you again. How are things? DyAmone: Me, I’m fine. I just… well miss you. ::She giggled.:: I’m CMO. ::She couldn’t keep her face from spreading into wide smile.:: I was surprised, since I’m just a JayGee… and look at you, Lieutenant Commander. I’m so happy for you. :: Certainly a most deserved appointment! When James first met her, she was ACMO and did a great job at that - he knew that she would make a great CMO. He just hoped that the Atlantis crew would remember to stay current with their medicals. As much for their sake as hers. :: James: Congratulations, I see that there will now be little worry over the state of the Atlantis crews health. DyAmone: I’ll make sure they don’t run… too far away from sickbay. ::She giggled.:: Your old Discovery crew is bad in that manner, you should warn me to get prepared. :: James’ eyes glazed over for a second, or so, from the influx of memories. That they certainly were. :: James: So how is Commander Blueheart as a Captain. He was an excellent First Officer, and I do believe that the skills are transferable. DyAmone: I met Blueheart. ::Wanda drifted to the morning meeting with Raj.:: He’s gentleman.. ha. ::She gasped and furrowed her brow seeking the words to explain her thoughts or rather emotions in this matter.:: He has resolve, so no matter the gentle nature I believe in him. ::Closing her eyes in a smile.:: He will be good Captain. :: James nodded. He had hoped as much. From Wanda’s description of him, James could tell that he was the same man he had met almost two years ago on the bridge of the Discovery. Two years, was it really that long? Well, 1 year and 9 months to be more precise but still far longer than it felt like. :: James: I’m... glad to hear it, ::James paused for a second:: If you get the chance, would you mind telling him that I am still willing to continue our lessons, if he is. DS-6 has excellent holo facilities. DyAmone: Your lessons? ::There was no need to delve into asking more than that, since her voice said it all.:: James: A little while back, then Lt. Commander, Blueheart came to me asking for lessons on Vulcan meditation to help him sleep. They were most enjoyable and we always said we would have to do another. DyAmone: That... is…interesting. Fascinating when at that. ::Wanda was almost expected to find out Raj mastered the technique in the meantime, he was kinda cool.:: Tell me more about Blueheart, mind that I did read his records, tell me things like this that are not in them. :: Hmm… Now that was an interesting question, particularly considering he hadn’t read the mans records… :: James: Hmm… He can be somewhat… playful, when the mood takes him. I would watch out and expect it. DyAmone: So, you ended your first mission, how is it behaving. I saw the Darwin, interesting concept, ship is even pretty in it’s… ::Wanda blushed giggling.:: Strangeness. Sorry, but you must admit it looks unusual. :: That it was, James liked it though. Every facet of its design was aimed at getting the most out of it, suiting it to its mission type perfectly. Of course, James also had to admit that it was not uncommon for a ships CE to see it rather rose tinted light… :: James: We just finished our second actually, but the Darwin is behaving admirably. There are a few teething problems but… Starfleet has to give us Engineers *something* to do. DyAmone: Did you use that… ball thing? ::Wanda bowed her head chuckling.:: James: Indeed, the sphere section has already come in use during both of our missions. There are some rather inventive uses for it, in our latest mission we even used it to store an Antares class freighter while we searched it’s hold. DyAmone: Wow. You know, your ship may be quite an asset in exploration and examination of Jenatris cloud. Though from what we know even you may be in danger. ::She rose her eyebrows.:: Maybe it would be interesting to share readings with you, or you may join us for the mission or two? James: That could, indeed, be enjoyable and productive. Unfortunately the decision to do that is in neither of our hands, but it is worth considering. :: James paused again, enjoying the comfortable silence. He was still somewhat concerned by the dilation of the blood vessels in her eyes, which was usually indicative of crying. James made few friends and those that he did manage to make he prefered to see happy or at least in an emotional state pleasing to them. James knew Wanda and knew that not just anything made her upset. The only things he had seen make her like that was when she thought she was going to be arrested for temporal crimes and when her Mother was in a coma. :: James: Wanda… If you don’t mind me asking, are you alright… I noticed a dilation of your retinal artery and… DyAmone: This launch… it was not easy, we had some teething problems and … I never had a real chance to mourn Dantin. I wanted to go and visit Vera, but once my father decided to leave SB118 it was now or never and… ::She sobbed tears falling down her cheeks.:: How did it happen, James? :: Ah. Doctor Vex. In truth memories of him and… it, had been quite pervasive during this mission, even if he did suppress them. It was being on a freighter again, he guessed. :: James: There was a… weapon aboard a small ship. He transported over and overloaded the ships fusion coil and… Did no one ever tell you about it? :: James knew that the bulk of the crews concern fell on Vera Anderson-Vex, his wife… But he was surprised that no one had told her… :: DyAmone: All I know it was heroic death, he sacrificed to saved lives… he was a Doctor, something expected from him, but no… not really! Why? ::She gasped.:: Why Dantin? :: James leaned back in his seat, trying to think of something, anything to say. James differed greatly from the Vulcan norm, but still held on to a significant portion of the Vulcan belief system concerning Death. He was also aware that it was not the most comforting of systems. :: James: He believed it to be right. For him, the only course of action was to do as he did. DyAmone: I feel guilty. Because I think if I was there it would not happen, he would be with Vera and kids. ::She listened to the explanation still crying, but it was obvious all she needed to can say goodbye to a mentor and a friend was a closure, an explanation.:: :: Sentiments that James could agree with. Dr. Vex’s Death at that point was not, in James’ opinion, logical. There were other ways, but James was not about to criticise him for it. He did what he thought was best, and really that was all that mattered in that situation. Besides, James had always taken the stance that the best way to live was to not regret anything, to always see a situation from its positive points. :: James: His last words to us where, “The lives of many outweight the few”. He died trying to preserve his Wife and their Children… and ultimately he did. I can see no other way of this situation ending, not with Dr. Vex. Not if his family was at risk. DyAmone: Thank you. That mission of yours was covered in a web of lies and cover up’s and it was impossible to find out what really happened. ::She smiled.:: He was so good to me. You know he wanted to change department so I can be Chief. ::Shaking her head.:: I know Pandora would not do that for you, but I still think we were both blessed with fantastic mentors in our Chiefs above us when we were starting. :: James nodded. He remembered him trying to change departments and the resulting ‘raised discussion’ it caused between the two. This actually made him smile as he remembered how awkward it was for Captain Rogers and himself while they were at it. Wanda was right though, they had truly been, as she put it ‘blessed’ with their chiefs. :: James: Indeed we where, I learned a lot of how to run a department of Lt. Pandora. Although I’ll agree that she would not have changed departments, nor would I have wanted her too. She, like Dr. Vex, was best where they were. :: Another silence hung for a second. James was beginning to think that most of his conversations where really just bursts of talk followed by pauses. Wanda watched his smiling. Just smiling in silence, it was always good to have somebody you can do that with, enjoy a moments of silence.:: DyAmone: oOHe grew up.Oo DyAmone: Oh camon, you know you miss her. ::Wanda burst in laughter.:: I miss Pandora with her dry humor and poking of Rogers. There was something between them, something deeper than just friendship, otherwise even she would not have freedom to do that. I think he loved her. :: Now here was something gossip related that he finally knew that Wanda didn’t! He did have to admit that he did miss her though, and for mostly the same reasons. He missed most of the Drake crew and the Discovery crew, that he had met, if he where to be honest. That didn’t stop him from enjoying the present and his current crew though. :: James: Actually, they had apparently gone on a few dates before he became the Captain. I’m not sure why it stopped, but apparently that is where the majority of her ammunition in teasing him came from… So, do you have any news of any other Drake alumni. I’m quite curious who else you’ve spoken too. DyAmone: Except you, you mean? ::Wanda winked.:: Hey, whom do you call when you are sad, but the person you miss the most? There was not even a moment of wondering whom I’m gonna call. So who would it be if I didn’t reach you? ::Wanda leaned her head furrowing her brow.:: Sinda, I’d call Sinda Essen next. :: Ah yes, Lt. Sinda. James Tac Officer friend, Ezri Otner, had always spoken highly of her. James’ only real memories of her where her having him arrested thinking he had hijacked a shuttle (because of how bad his flying was) and seeing her consumed with flame during his last mission… and coming back from it. :: James: It is most gratifying to know that I am your first choice for contact… Wanda, if you ever need or want to talk… One of the benefits of being CE is that I can usually choose my own jobs. Hence, I should be able to have a free moment whenever. DyAmone: Lucky you, only benefit of being CMO is you are on duty 24/7. ::She laughed happily.:: It was great talking to you. I will call you… ::She didn’t really know when it will be possible so she couldn’t say when, but she was sure she will.:: I will… I have reception in 6 hours I must attend and since we misplaced our CEO at the launch I had sleepless night, so have to catch some sleep. James: Belive me, the CE is on duty 24/7 as well… May I ask how exactly you lost your CE? ::James thought back to the Haliian Engineer.:: DyAmone: I’ll tell you about that next time we will have a chance to talk.It would take too long. ::She was giggling all the way through saying it.:: :: James raised his eyebrow, looking forward to hearing *that* explanation. :: James: Well then, it was nice seeing you again Wanda but I also have things to be getting on with… I will talk to you later. DyAmone: Be careful, James. :: James smiled, somewhat unwilling to hang up. :: James: You too… Wanda, you too. DyAmone: I will. ::She kissed her fingers and stick the kiss to his cheek, then closed the comm. with a wink.:: Fin... Lt. Commander James Chief Engineer USS Darwin-A and LtJG Wanda DyAmone Chief Medical Officer USS ATLANTIS NCC-74682
Congratulations and welcome!
academy 4 Graduating class of 239102.16
Blueheart replied to Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf's topic in Graduation Hall
Congratulations and welcome! -
Congratulations and welcome!
Congratulations and welcome!
(Flyer class shuttle “Stinger”) ::Since he was traveling alone, Mitchell had a plotted a different course from any other ship making the journey. Instead of a least time course, instead he had set out in the general direction of the tunnel to DS-26. Which just happened to take him in the direction of Sol. But Earth was not his intended destination. Instead, midway through the journey he adjusted course for a much more historical destination. Since just off the computed course lay Wolf 359, site of the original battle to stop the Borg. :: oO I’ve never been to see it, so why not now? Oo ::As he neared the system, the computer picked up the automated warning beacons that marked the battle site as a historical area, and was not be entered. He dropped the Stinger from warp and entered the system on impulse. As he approached the beacons, he slowed to thrusters then stopped, floating in space just outside the designated battle zone.:: oO There’s still debris out there, even now. Oo ::He sat in silence, staring out the front “windscreen”. This place marked one of the worst disasters in Starfleet’s history. One of their own had been turned against them, and ten thousand plus had paid the price to try and stop it.:: oO Did Hebron get forced to turn against us like Picard did? Was there someone out there pulling the strings like a puppet like that Borg Queen did then? Oo :: He let his thoughts roam over all that had happened. As he did, he found himself thinking of Captain Sisko from DS9. His first ship, the Saratoga, had died out there in this system. Yet Sisko had found a way to go on. Becoming the CO of DS9 and doing all that he had done with that station, and the Defiant, all that fighting in the Dominion War. :: oO Somehow he found a way to go on with his career. He didn’t just take his son and disappear into history. He grieved but then went on to make history. Oo ::Now Mitchell had to find a way to go on. To find a new path aboard a new ship, with a new crew.:: oO Its not going to be easy. Oo ::Both of the two men he called his best friends were now gone. Vannini was back in Sol, raising his kids and working on ships at Utopia Plantia. Now Tyr was gone back to Ba’ku, probably never to leave again. Another friend and mentor, Steve McCall was who knows where in the universe. The last time he had heard from him, he was helping to Rei to raise their daughter, having given up the sneaky world of Intelligence. He had never been close to anyone else in the crew, except for competing with Eskyys from time to time. Also, in the entire time he had served aboard the Discovery B and C, he couldn’t remember ever making anything more than useless chit chat with Raj outside of the needs of a mission or the requirements of duty:: oO Except for that one time. But not supposed to talk or even think about that anymore. Pulling a phaser on the XO wasn’t exactly smart. But least the judge let me use the same rational they let Will Riker that time. Oo ::Plus now with the Discovery gone, he had lost the home had had known the longest. So he had to settle into a new ship, with a new crew and a new routine, under a new Captain.:: oO Not going to be easy to not compare how Blueheart does everything against what Tyr would have done. But I have to give him the chance. They have completely different styles. Tyr was always the bird of prey, circling, looking for action, a time to pounce, while Raj seems to be more passive, much more inclined to talk through things. Oo ::The Intrepid class was a hot design when it came out, but it was a still a light cruiser design, more set up for science and scouting missions than heavy combat. It just seemed weird to be serving on such a ship after so long on ships set up for more militaristic duties such as the Akira, or the Sovereign.:: oO Now the Bellerophon did a pretty decent job as Admiral Ross’ flagship during the war, so an Intrepid can hold her own. Just not quite armed enough for my tastes. Oo ::His thoughts were interrupted by the computer detecting a sensor contact approaching.:: oO Who else would be out here? Oo ::He turned his attention to check the contact, and it’s codes revealed it to be a Starfleet Sabre class light cruiser/destroyer named the USS Kverkjoll. And it was closing on him fairly fast.:: oO Wonder what they want? Oo KVERKFJOLL: =/\= This is the USS Kverkfjoll to unidentified shuttle near Wolf 359. This area is off limits. Identify yourself. =/\= oO Their definitely looking at me. Must be a security patrol or something…Oo MITCHELL: ::Activating the com:: =/\= Shuttlecraft Stinger to Kverkfjoll. Commander Rode Mitchell. I’m just here to pay my respects. =/\= KVERKFJOLL: =/\= Stinger, remain in position. We are enroute for verification. =/\= ::He waited for the Sabre class ship to arrive and drop out of warp.:: oO Must have been nearby. That couldn’t have been more than warp 2 they dropped in from. Oo KVERKFJOLL: =/\= Stinger, this area is off limits. Its classified as a memorial site. No one trespassing allowed. =/\= MITCHELL: =/\= Roger Kverkfjoll. Understood. I wasn’t planning on going inside the designated zone. I just wanted to come pay my respects enroute. I just lost my last ship and am enroute to join my new one. =/\= KVERKFJOLL: =/\= Understood Stinger. My CO says that is acceptable, but we have orders as well. Time to leave. =/\= MITCHELL: =/\= Understood. Very well. I’ll get going. =/\= KVERKFJOLL: =/\= We will be tracking you until you clear out sensors. Kverkfjoll out. =/\= ::The ship closed the channel and hung there in space, as if daring him to do something.:: oO Ok, its time to make my peace and get moving. Oo ::He closed his eyes, summing up all that had happened, then took a deep breathe, holding it for a minute, then exhaled and opened his eyes, watching his breathe impact the windscreen, and pretended it could let his troubles, pains, memories, pass right through.:: oO Guess I should go. Oo ::He activated the thrusters and swung the shuttle around, then went to one quarter impulse, heading out of the system. And like expected the Kverkfjoll paced him, as if they thought he might double back on them.:: oO I may be a lot of things, but I would never desecrate a site like this where so many gave their lives. Oo ::When he was clear of the zone, he switched to warp, and left the system. The Sabre hung with him for a bit, before altering course to return to her patrol. So with them gone, he altered his own course, heading for this Jentaris Corridor.:: tbc Commander Rode Mitchell Chief Tactical Officer USS Atlantis
((U.S.S. Odyssey, bridge)) :: So, it was over. Slowly systems were getting online again, power returning. Flying was no longer needed, for the Odyssey had come to a complete stop. Now crew were standing down from battle stations and returning to their emergency duties. An evacuation would take place in stages, if it took place, ensuring the amount of available crew per ship was maximized. :: DICKENS: Ok people, you heard it. Ensign Price, I'll need you to coordinate the three ships, the rest of you try to assemble your people for transport and see if there's anyone in an area potentially difficult for transport and report any missing crew. AP RHYS: Yes, sir. :: It was only moments before she could indicate the first of the crew to start moving out. The Discovery had taken a position relative to the ships so she could support both. The OPS Officer on board the Discovery made short work of the groups as they transported over. She moved the patients and medical staff first, allowing the Discovery to arrange site-to-site transport of any injured. She then moved out those who would be least missed and last the Engineers that would not remain. There was order now, simple organisation of movement. This was what she had trained for all those years. The touch of buttons and the power of her voice making sure that all went according to plan. :: :: While the crew was slowly beaming on board the Discovery and she kept track of progress, she also took the time to consider the situation. This finally felt real, but with more and more internal sensor coming online she started to get the sense that everything had been a close call. There was a gaping hole in the U.S.S. Odyssey, an engineer reported damage to the slipstream drive and there were multiple bodies in the mortuary. Indeed, the Vayreg was still floating around as well, heavily damage and in pieces. Unceremoniously thrown at the Consitution as a piece of scrap metal, rather than a Captain’s love and care. :: :: The thought Captain Waltas made her heart sink. She had absolutely blown it with both her commanders. Of course, she had the right to speak her mind, but she could have considered WHEN to do it. But she hadn’t. Instead, she had rambled on and on. There was going to be hell to pay and she had herself to thank for it. With luck, she could remain in Starfleet for a while yet, but she would not be surprised if she would spend many hours regretting ever opening her mouth. It was better just to shut up, tell any superior officer ‘Yes sir’ and leave it at that. :: ((OOC: Next part is very much Kaerae’s thoughts J, not mine )) :: Then again, the man had been a fool. Rather than sending a highly-trained multi-man attack team to arrest who-ever this Nekkar guy was, he had gone over personally and almost managed to get himself killed. Under most circumstances she was all for a personal touch, but going in alone was dumb. She wasn’t going to argue about it, but she wondered how many of the crew shared her thoughts.:: :: So the score was settled: three Starfleet vessels had been heavily damaged over the course of hours, a number of people had died, even more had been injured and would suffer from PTSS for the coming weeks (if not years) and some kind of deadly virus had been contained. For what? Petty revenge? A [...]ing contest between a few men about something that happened a long time ago? She was, of course, no experienced member of Starfleet yet, but she felt that some of the superiors of this region would be less than pleased. :: :: She checked her console. The evacuation was going according to plan and she would need to transfer to the next ship in order to complete the process. Rising from her chair, she noticed dust falling from her lap. The whole place surrounding her was covered in debris and even specks of blood. It was an incredible mess. Saying goodbye to her console, she walked out of the bridge to head to the next ship of her career – the U.S.S. Discovery.:: ((OFF)) Ensign Kaerae ap Rhys Operations Officer U.S.S. Discovery-C
Congratulations and welcome!
((Monitor Launching Berth, USS Odyssey)) ::He walked with the practiced ease of someone who had been in combat many times. His feet barely made a sound, even in the boots of the Federation uniform he was wearing. He was conscious, barely, of the four pips on his collar-what they represented, and what he was undertaking. He knew, as a Captain, that he should be on the bridge taking care of his ship in a time of crisis such as this. He also knew that Nekkar, as a Captain himself, would expect this. He trusted his Security personnel completely, but Nekkar was a scheming coward, and he refused to let him victimize anyone else. He had crippled the Odyssey, revealed himself as a traitor to his own Captain, and above all, endangered the lives of the people under Tyr’s command. Walking the length of the docking berth, the Ba’ku discarded all doubt, leaving it in his wake. The berth was quiet, in spite of the chaos of a ship that had just suffered an attack. He was armed only with his hand phaser, and if Nekkar was still the same man he once knew, he wouldn’t need that, either.:: ::Then, he was there. Hunched over the launching panel, attempting to override the security protocols and launch the damaged Monitor to get away. Beside him was a small duffel bag with a large medkit sticking out of it.:: o O The virus. O o ::Tyr purposefully shuffled his feet, and the Talarian’s movements stopped. His hand slid to his phaser.:: WALTAS: Nekkar. You’re under arrest. ::The Talarian turned, slowly, his hands in view and revealing a clutched phaser in his left one.:: NEKKAR: So you’ve come to stop me, Ba’ku? Where are the rest of your forces? WALTAS: They’re attempting to clean up the swath of destruction you and Hebron have carved through the Federation. And I don’t need anyone else to stop you. NEKKAR::Wicked smile:: Is that so? Hebron is an old fool, but he was useful to get what I needed. Once I kill you and escape I’ll take this to my real target and make the statement the Brikar was unwilling to make. ::Tyr stepped forward, training his phaser on the Talarian, which drew an amused chuckle from his former mentor.:: NEKKAR: So it appears with your youth you also left your courage in the past. You’re going to just blast me into oblivion? You’re not going to face me like a man? ::It was the Ba’ku’s turn to chuckle.:: WALTAS: No, Nekkar, I’m not going to shoot you. That would be too easy. ::He brought the phaser to bear, not on Nekkar but on the bag at his feet. Sensing his intentions Nekkar aimed and fired, striking him with a glancing shot in his shoulder. With his right arm numb his aim failed and the blast missed the bag. Clutching his wounded shoulder Tyr dragged himself behind a console, gritting his teeth in pain.:: NEKKAR::Teasingly:: Oh, Tyr I’m disappointed. Years ago you would have hit that shot and still had time to shoot me as well. You ARE getting old, Ba’ku. WALTAS::Cursing under his breath:: You’re tough with a phaser in your hand Nekkar. If age has taken away my aim it’s taken away your skill as well? NEKKAR: Stand up and find out, Ba’ku! WALTAS: Drop the phaser and I will. ::There was a long pause, then the sound of a phaser skidding across the deck was clearly heard. Tyr cautiously stood, seeing Nekkar disarmed, and he tossed the phaser aside as well.:: WALTAS::Closing on his former mentor:: You just made a fatal mistake. ::He saw Nekkar snap into a fighting stance. The Ba’ku just kept walking forward. Now in the light at close range, Tyr could see that age had gotten the better of his former CO. Fortunately, ego had also gotten the better of him.:: NEKKAR::Moving quickly to a frontal kick:: DIE Ba’ku! ::The Talarian’s foot was caught in mid air. Tyr twisted the ankle, hearing a distinct snap and a cry of pain from Nekkar. He swept the remaining leg out from under him, sending him crashing to the deck. With a feral snarl that called upon his Talarian strength through the pain, Nekkar launched himself from the deck directly into Tyr’s midsection, sending him crashing to the deck as well and slammed the Ba’ku’s head into the deckplates. Tyr vision filled with haze as the Talarian moved to repeat the attack, but his training took over. Catching the Talarian’s hands in a triangle chokehold. Squeezing as hard as he could he could hear the air escaping Nekkar’s lungs and the strength leaving him. All the rage, the hate and the frustration poured into the hold, the monster inside him growing, craving to hear the Talarian breathe his last. He squeezed harder, driving his knee into Nekkar’s throat, staring into his quickly-fading eyes with all the rage that came from a father defending his child and a Captain defending his crew. He hated this man. He wanted him to die. For all that he had betrayed. For all that he had done. For all the death that he had dealt. And ultimately, for the betrayal of the Ba’ku himself. Nekkar had been a personal hero of his, and watching him turn into the monster that he was now strangling to death was enough to make him listen for the last gasp.:: ::Feebly, Nekkar reached up and touched the Ba’ku’s cheek, almost in a fatherly, affectionate way. Looking into his eyes again the Ba’ku didn’t see the monster-he saw the reflection of one.:: ::He released the hold, dropping Nekkar gasping to the deck. Rising to his feet, clutching his ribcage, the Ba’ku walked unsteadily over to one of the dropped phasers. Picking it up, he aimed at the bag once again and fired, disintegrating the bag and the virus within.:: NEKKAR::Hoarsely:: NO! ::The Ba’ku turned just in time to see that Nekkar had not only recovered, but picked up a stray piece of duranium piping that had broken loose from the hull. The pipe slammed into the Ba’ku’s ribs, and the Captain could not resist crying out in pain. He dropped to his knees and looked up just in time to see the pipe slam into the side of his head, sending him to the deck. The loud clang of a metal pipe dropping to the deck was all he could hear other than the ringing in his ears.:: NEKKAR: You [...]. You self-righteous [...]. You honestly think this is about you and me? You still don’t realize who is really at work here, ::slamming a foot into his ribcage:: DO YOU?! ::All he could do was crawl, attempt to regain his breath, which came in ragged gasps. Blood flowed from his mouth, mingled with the air his body fought to bring in. He knew he was hurt badly, and all he could do was crawl. Another kick sent him rolling onto his back, his vision clearing from the burst of pain that ripped through him. Nekkar had walked away to pick up the phaser. He knew he had to rise…one more time…for those whom he swore to protect. For his crew and his family.:: ::The Ba’ku got to his feet.:: ::The computer signaled Nekkar’s efforts had been successful, and the bay doors leading to the Monitor opened. He bent down to pick up the phaser to finish his protégé off, only to have it kicked away from him.:: ::Saying nothing, the Ba’ku launched a furious serious of attacks, drawn from the pain and betrayal he felt. Palm strikes hit the damaged throat. Kicks slammed into the ribs. Punches slammed into the jaw. A back kick sent him sprawling over the console, giving the Ba’ku time to pick up the piece of pipe that had so damaged him. He raised the pipe, ready to finish things. Once and for all, he would finish them. Death loomed over the two, teacher and student, Captain and Captain, betrayer and betrayed. His grip tightened as he aimed to bring the pipe crashing down on the Talarian’s skull.:: NEKKAR::Weakly:: Do it. End it. ::He raised the pipe, summoning the last of his strength. As he looked down on the broken body of his mentor, his former friend, the words of his crewmates came to his mind. About fighting the darkness without becoming it. About seeking peace instead of war. About how vengeance darkens every soul.:: ::The pipe dropped to the ground.:: NEKKAR: Frakking coward. You never were able to make the big..ULP! ::The Ba’ku’s hand was around his throat.:: WALTAS: I’m a Starfleet officer. A father, a Captain and a man. And you’re under arrest you son of a [...]. ::A final punch landed squarely on Nekkar’s jaw, sending his eyes rolling into the back of his head and the body slumping to the ground. The Ba’ku soon followed, dropping to his knees. He coughed, splaying blood across the front of his uniform. He weakly reached up and tapped his comm badge.:: WALTAS::Wheezing:: =/\= Waltas….t…sickbay..cas..casual….ties.. =/\= ::Everything went black.:: Captain Tyr Waltas Commanding Officer USS Odyssey
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Academy 4 Graduating Class of 239012.30
Blueheart replied to Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf's topic in Graduation Hall
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academy 3 Graduating Class of 239012.25
Blueheart replied to Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf's topic in Graduation Hall
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((StarBase 118 - Promenade)) ::As the others went off to eat, Tracey considered joining them, but they all seemed still like strangers to her and she didn't feel so hungry as of yet. So she strode through the shopping district of this massive starbase almost aimlessly as her thoughts turned to her adopted Romulan infant still on DS 285, wishing she could return to his side, and soon.:: ::As she walked, she passed by an open doorway where a distinct sound could be heard coming from within. Pausing, she looked into the darkened lounge and could see the silhouette of the massive instrument standing in the center of the lounge. In curiosity, Tracey entered and could now more clearly see the lines of the large instrument, and the person sitting there playing single keystrokes with his index finger. The simple tune was in sharp contrast to what Tracey would think to be the powerful sound that should be coming from such a large instrument, with its top opened at an angle.:: ::As the simple tune would repeated, and Tracey came even closer, she noticed the black and white keys sprawled across the apparent playing surface as each time one was pressed down, a new tone was emitted, and just above these keys, in the center read the name "Steinway" in a gold script. As she came closer, she noticed the young man sitting and playing the simple tune wore a uniform of a Cadet.:: ::Tracey stopped not far behind the young man and clasped her hands behind her back as memories of the simple tune flooded back into her. It was the same simple lullaby her father from a universe that now only existed in her mind, used to sing to her when she was a child, and she closed he eyes and began to mouth the lyrics.:: ::Suddenly, perhaps due to the proximity of Tracey to the young maestro, the music abruptly stopped. Tracey opened her eyes and the young man was standing at attention.:: CADET: ::noting the pips on her collar:: Commander. TOWNSON: ::with a look of surprise:: No...no...Please. Cadet...as you were. CADET: ::with a curt nod:: Yes Commander. ::And with that, the Cadet sat back down and continued playing the single keystrokes on the large instrument. After awhile, and as he continued, he turned to look back. Tracey stood immobile as her eyes fluttered closed again and she continued to mouth the lyrics. Feeling the weight of the Cadet's stare, Tracey opened her eyes and felt somewhat embarrassed. The darkness of the room kept the flushing of her face from view, however.:: CADET: You know it, Commander? ::as he continued playing now without looking and using all fingers in his right hand.:: TOWNSON: ::nodding slowly as she twirled her long black hair in her fingers as she did when she was a child:: Yes. It is a beautiful sound. Thank you, Cadet. CADET: You have never heard the sound of a piano, Commander? TOWNSON: Only recordings. ::looking around the room before moving towards the piano.:: In this room, it just sounds so much more...vibrant. ::smiling:: CADET: ::smiling:: I am happy you enjoy, Commander. ::tapping the piano stool next to him.::Please...sit. It is very simple. I could teach you if you would like? ::Tracey's smile turned to a grin, and without thinking, took the young Cadet up on his offer and sat. The Cadet stopped playing and the two looked at each other for a moment.:: CADET: This particular piano was built in the 19th century and was re-furbished last year. There are only ten known left in the galaxy, and only two on earth. I was lucky to find one here. ::putting out his hand to shake hers:: My name is Steven. TOWNSON: ::taking his hand in her right prosthetic hand:: Tracey. CADET: OK then, Commander Tracey... TOWNSON: No...just Tracey. CADET: OK Tracey. there is no need to be nervous. I noticed your hand is very cold. TOWNSON: I am not nervous, Steven. The hand is not real. CADET: ::with a look of concern:: I am sorry to hear, Tracey. TOWNSON: ::nodding and gesturing towards the piano:: Please? CADET: Of course. ::And with that, the Cadet showed Tracey how to play the simple tune. After about a half hour, Tracey had the keystrokes ingrained in her memory and as the two played the simple melody in different octaves, Tracey grinned like a schoolgirl until her com-badge sounded. Tracey then stopped and looked at the Cadet.:: TOWNSON: Duty calls. CADET: ::nodding:: I too must be getting back. TOWNSON: Thank you, Cadet....? CADET: Bance...and you Commander? TOWNSON: Townson. CADET: Pleased to meet you, Commander Townson. TOWNSON: And you as well, Cadet Bance. If you'll excuse me. ::standing:: ::And with that, Tracey spun on heels and headed out of the lounge as the young Cadet watched her leave knowing full well he probably will never see the woman ever again..:: -TBC- Lt. Commander Tracey Townson Chief of Operations USS Discovery-C/USS Odyssey
academy 4 Graduating Class of 239012.10
Blueheart replied to Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf's topic in Graduation Hall
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Congratulations and welcome guys!
((Temporary Quarters, DS-285)) ::His possessions had been beamed over to the temporary quarters that Captain Samuelson had assigned to him, and for the first time in a long time, the Ba'ku was alone.:: ::And it was killing him.:: ::All of the items remained packed, with the Captain knowing that he was headed for another starship soon. There was no point, and the quarters served as little more than a storage space and a bed for the night. All packed, except for one thing: His prized guitar. An ancient acoustic guitar made of the Bhavir wood with a mahogany neck that he had had specially shipped from Earth to Ba'ku when contact had been made with the Federation. The strings were hand-made by one of the best metalsmiths on Ba'ku, and the deep, resonant tone spoke of the loving craftsmanship and care Tyr had applied when he assembled it. It now sat on his knee, his experienced and talented hands gripping the neck and ready to pluck the strings. It was here, alone, with his music, that the Ba'ku sought solace. Shelter from the storm of Sanuye's rage, of Tye's fierce loyalty to his brother, and from the stinging loss of both of his sons. He could blame it on the mission, true, and the chaos that followed, but in truth, it was his fault. He could no longer blame anyone else, and he didn't try.:: ::He struck a G chord, allowing the sound to resonate out of the opening in the guitar and dance across the room, resounding off the walls with a surprisingly good resonance. He searched his mind, through the catalog of songs he'd learned and memorized, for the right one. For the one that matched the mood and the message, and, after several more strums in the key of G, he found it. Taking a deep breath (and, although he would never admit it, wiping away a stray tear), the Ba'ku tapped record on the PADD. When they were infants (which, truly, was not that long ago), music had always been the way to get them to sleep, or stop crying. He hoped that that still held true, and that they would listen, preferably together, to the message from a father trying desperately to maintain a connection with his sons. He strummed the guitar once more, then looked into the PADD and spoke.:: WALTAS: Tye. Sanuye. I know that things have been strained between us, and that I am responsible. I should have been there for you, and I have no excuse. I could blame my duty, my ship or the mission, but I won't do that. I failed in my ultimate duty-the one I have to both of you. I hope that you can forgive me some day, and that we can, at the very least, maintain contact. Wherever you go, I will be with you, and it's my hope that you live full and rich lives. ::Pausing:: I'm leaving on another mission tomorrow, and it's one I may not come back from. I just wanted.. ::His voice broke and he paused, collecting his emotions:: I just wanted to leave you with this..if it's all you'll take from me, it's enough. ::He struck the guitar and slid slowly into the rhythm of the song, his fingers moving across the frets and pressing the strings down to produce the chords. Soon his voice filled the room.:: OOC: http:\\youtu.be\zXwr0JGUCFI ::With the finished notes resonating through his quarters, he ended the transmission and his finger hovered over the send button. After a moments' hesitation, he tapped the PADD, sending a father's hope to two boys who may never listen to it.:: =========================== Captain Tyr Waltas Commanding Officer USS Discovery
Congratulations and welcome!
((DS 285)) ::In her white dress uniform and the hover-stroller in tow, Tracey exited the airlock and found herself on the station with her adoptive child. With the station bustling with activity, Tracey stopped for a moment to get her bearings, for she had never been to this station in all her career. It was at that moment she overheard a couple of people talking about the upcoming memorial. Tracey made her way towards them and politely interrupted their conversation.:: TOWNSON: Pardon me, but would you happen to know where the "atrium" is? ::As one of the two pointed out the directions for Tracey the other looked into the stroller.:: PERSON 2: Oh my, what a lovely...::noticing the child was Romulan:: child. ::looking up at Tracey:: Is it...yours? TOWNSON: ::without breaking the stare:: Yes he is. ::to the one who gave her directions:: Thank you. Now if you'll excuse me. ::And with that, Tracey quickly spun on her heels and vacated the area and left the two to gossip about something else entirely other than what they were gossiping about earlier.:: ::Once Tracey found the room she was to enter, she almost stopped at the doorway as old habits came flooding back into her psyche. To her, standard procedure was to have blood tests before entering any room with high ranking officers of the fleet to be certain one was not a changeling. But in this universe, the war was long over and so, coming back to reality, she just paused and then continued on into the room.:: ::Once inside, she couldn't help but notice the amount of people from all different backgrounds. As she made her way through the crowd, a woman and a man approached in hooded Vulcan robes and as the woman slowly lowered her hood, Tracey stopped dead in her tracks and her heart started beating in her chest frantically..:: CYNTHIA TOWNSON: ::almost a whisper:: Tracey. ::Tracey looked at the woman now standing in front of her, then up to Sorel, then back to her mother.:: TOWNSON: Mother. ::hoping the woman would not protest the use of the word:: My apologies. CYNTHIA TOWNSON: No apology necessary. It has been a long time. TOWNSON: ::looking towards the hover stroller then back to her mother:: I am happy to be out of the hospital on Earth. ::It was Sorel who spoke next as he too lowered his hood and revealed his Vulcan heritage in full.:: SOREL: We have been following your career from afar. TOWNSON: ::once again looking up to Sorel then back down to her mother:: I see. Then what brings you so close? CYNTHIA TOWNSON: We were led to believe the Discovery was lost. ::gesturing to the room a a whole:: Part of this was designed as a memorial service to those who were lost. TOWNSON: ::looking past her mother momentarily:: And your husband? CYNTHIA TOWNSON: Too ill to travel. It is the reason I came with Sorel. ::looking towards the stroller and changing the subject.:: You have a child. TOWNSON: ::following the older woman's gaze then looked back towards her.:: In a way. He is not mine by blood. He was discovered abandoned on Bilire IV. He is Romulan of origin. I felt obliged to take him into my care. CYNTHIA TOWNSON: ::leaning over the stroller to take a closer look and smiling slightly:: My...he is...what is his name? TOWNSON: Hvaid...named after an old...colleague. ((Time-Warp - City of Solius - Romulus - Otherverse - Years Ago)) TAL'AURA: Beautiful evening, isn't it? ::Tracey had just finished work at the office and she was sitting at an outdoor terrasse at a Romulan version of a cafe. All day, Tracey had seen the sunlight beat in through her office window, and she knew that after her day of work, she wanted to relax. The Romulan Cafe was just on the ground level of the offices she worked at. Tracey was sitting, enjoying the setting sun of this alien planet as the Romulan soldiers patrolled the streets. This was a bustling, military city, where 90 percent of the soldiers were Romulan. The other 10 percent was made up of a mix of different alien species, with her being one of them. Humans who were assigned to Romulus were dispersed all over the planet. Since her arrival, Tracey only counted a handful of humans assigned to the city of Solius. And only about three times that amount who were members of starfleet.:: ::Looking up from her PADD, Tracey squinted through the setting sun over the man's back. Placing her hand over her brow to protect her eyes, Tracey looked up and smiled.:: TOWNSON: Why yes it is. ::gesturing towards a seat opposite from her:: Would you care to join me, Commander? TAL'AURA: Why thank you Cadet. ::pulling out the chair and sitting down:: ::Tal'Aura ordered a drink and when it arrived, he took a sip.:: TAL'AURA: Still working I see. ::gesturing towards Tracey's PADD:: TOWNSON: Just studying, Commander. ::Tracey watched as the well-built Romulan sitting across from her took another sip. Tracey found him to be quite handsome, and if her situation would have been different, if Tracey was not with Jaxx, Tracey would have probably tried her luck. But She also knew it was completely inappropriate to think the way she did. But her loneliness of being away from her Betazoid boyfriend for so long, and the lack of any relationships in her environment, Tracey found herself to be flirting with her superior officer. To Tracey, it was as if there was an internal battle between her brain and her body. And up until today, her brain had won out. But all that was about to change.:: TAL'AURA: Very good, Cadet. I am very proud of your progress thus far. TOWNSON: Thank you, Commander. TAL'AURA: Please, Cadet. In there, ::referring to the office building they both worked in:: my name is Commander Tal'Aura. Out here, my name is Hvaid. ::smiling:: TOWNSON: ::placing her PADD on the table in front of her and looking at the Romulan with a mischievous smile:: Thats very unprofessional of you, Commander. TAL'AURA: ::feigning a broken heart by holding his hands to his chest:: My, my. Are you going to report me, Cadet? TOWNSON: ::smiling:: Only to say that you are one of the best teachers I've ever had. And only if you stop calling me Cadet. TAL'AURA: ::taking one last sip then putting his empty glass on the small round table.:: Then we have an agreement. We call each other by our first names. ::Tal'Aura looked around the landscape of the city before returning his gaze on Tracey.:: TAL'AURA: Have you had the chance to tour this city, yet, Tracey? TOWNSON: ::nodding:: I took the primary tour upon arrival and I have walked around the center core near my place. Why do you ask? TAL'AURA: Well I know this city very well. My grandmother used to live here. I used to visit quite often as a child. I know places here the tour guides would never show you. TOWNSON: Is that so, Hvaid. TAL'AURA: Would you like me to show you? TOWNSON: ::smiling:: Yes. Since I've come to Romulus I find it all to be quite enchanting. I would very much like to see the rest of the city. ::And with that, the two stood up and left the little table at the cafe and walked. The two walked for hours throughout the evening, as soldiers wound past them at every turn. They went into various shops and tried different local treats. Tracey practiced her Romulan with each shop they'd enter and look around in. The two laughed and spoke the whole evening through, despite the ever present backdrop of the familiar war-zone they both lived in. Several hours later, the two found themselves on top of a mountain on the edge of the city, looking down at the city lights, while sitting on a bench.:: TOWNSON: Thats it! ::pointing to building in the distance:: TAL'AURA: No, no! Thats it! ::pointing to another building close to the one Tracey was pointing to:: I'll bet you dinner thats it. TOWNSON: No...Look at the markings on the roof. Thats our office building. TAL'AURA: Oh...yeah. I guess you are right. ::smiling and looking at Tracey.:: It looks like I owe you dinner. TOWNSON: ::looking up at Tal'Aura and smiling:: You sly individual. Yes you do. ::On the bench next to theirs, a young Romulan couple were embrasing one another.:: TAL'AURA: Young love. TOWNSON: ::looking towards the shadowed couple then back to the city lights:: Yes. TAL'AURA: How is Jaxx? TOWNSON: ::without averting her eyes from the lights below:: Far away. TAL'AURA: You miss him. ::Tracey just nodded.:: TOWNSON: I hate this war. TAL'AURA: Don't we all. It makes us all very lonely, and who knows what tomorrow brings. TOWNSON: ::turning to look at Tal'Aura:: Is there someone special in your life, Hvaid? TAL'AURA: ::shaking his head and looking down to the ground:: I have placed all my efforts into the military. I had no time for much else. I had to work hard to earn the rank of Commander at such a young age. Plus with the war...::trailing off:: TOWNSON: I know. ::The couple at the opposite bench stood up and walked away hand in hand as Tracey and Tal'Aura watched them leave. Tal'Aura turned to look at Tracey and their eyes locked for a minute. Tal'Aura gently took Tracey's hands in hers and Tracey didn't pull back. She knew what would happen next, and for the first time in years, Tracey allowed her body to overrun what was going on in her head. Tracey took a deep breath, and the two embraced.:: ((Later)) ::A light misty rain was coming down over the city of Solius, as Tracey an Tal'Aura were walking down a laneway, hand in hand, leading to Tracey's temporary home. When they arrived, the two stopped.:: TOWNSON: Thank you...for a wonderful evening Hvaid. TAL'AURA: And thank you too, Tracey. ::pause:: Back to work tomorrow. Townson: Yes. Back to work tomorrow. ::The two kissed one last time, and then Tal'Aura started walking away. Tracey watched as the man became a shadow under the lights and then a message came through her PADD that drew her attention. Tracey quickly scanned the message which said she was being recalled from Romulus in the morning. Tracey looked up at the retreating Tal'Aura in the distance and opened her mouth to shout something. But before she did, she closed it and watched the man disappear into the night of this alien city. Tracey never saw Commander Tal'Aura again.:: ((Present - Atrium - DS 285)) SOREL: ::looking over at the two women near the stroller:: There is an odd serenity emanating from the child. TOWNSON: ::looking up at the Vulcan:: Your empathic skills are still sharp, Mr. Sorel. The child's emotional centers are not connected to his brain. SOREL: Fascinating. Have you considered getting assistance from anyone? TOWNSON: ::nodding:: Both the Romulan and Vulcan hierarchy want nothing to do with the child. I fear I am on my own. CYNTHIA TOWNSON: ::standing back straight up and looking at Tracey:: Should you need any...help... TOWNSON: Thank you. ::after a moment of awkward silence:: Keep the faith that one day she will return to you. SOREL: Faith? TOWNSON: ::turning to Sorel:: Something unheard of in your philosophy, but something real to us humans. ::to her mother:: I came to terms with the death of you and father years ago when I buried the two of you on the plains of Ishmatel on Orelian II, in a universe that now only exists here. ::pointing to her head:: It is as if you are a ghost to me. I couldn't bear dealing with that pain and sorrow again, for once is more than enough. CYNTHIA TOWNSON: Of that I am well aware of child, but...my husband...your father would like to see you one last time. ::Tracey looked down in thought then over to the stroller before returning her yellow eyed gaze back towards the one who resembled her mother.:: TOWNSON: As duty calls, my ability to get to Earth is limited. But I promise, when I am there next, you can count on my visit.... In the meantime...there is something I wish to give to you. Something to keep the memory of your daughter alive. ::tapping her com-badge:: =/\= Townson to Discovery. lock onto the contents of the closet in my quarters and transport to my location, except for the black dress, shoes and any uniform. =/\= ::In seconds, the shimmering of the transporter left a bag with contents next to the trio. A pair of downhill skis and poles were visible protruding out of the bag.:: TOWNSON: ::gesturing towards the bag:: These were hers. I think...I think she'd want you to have them. And if it makes you feel any better, I never opened that bag. ::As tears started to flow in the older woman's eyes, she went over to the bag. Looked at the skis then dropped to her knees and held the bag in her arms. She then turned to Tracey.:: CYNTHIA TOWNSON: Thank you. I...I thought there was nothing left. I now know how you feel Tracey. Today taught me that losing someone once is hard. Losing them twice is gut-wrenching. ::standing back up and moving towards Tracey, she held out her arms and Tracey fell into them and the older woman whispered:: You too will always be my daughter and I am proud. ::The two just remained in each others arms, and with fellow StarFleet officers all around her, she held back her tears as she was so well trained to do from her universe of origin, but she swallowed hard and whispered back in her mother's ear.:: TOWNSON: I love you, and tell father the same. CYNTHIA TOWNSON: I will. ::The two let go of each other and Tracey stepped back.:: CYNTHIA TOWNSON: Safe travels, Tracey. TOWNSON: You too, mother. ::Tracey then turned towards the Vulcan and looked up and gave the man the Vulcan "V" greeting using her right prosthetic hand.:: TOWNSON: Peace and long life. ::Sorel did the same.:: SOREL: Live long and prosper, Commander. ::And with that, the Vulcan picked up the bag and Tracey watched as the two departed as she held tightly onto the stroller in front of her.:: -Fin- Lt. Commander Tracey Townson Chief of Operations USS Discovery-C