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Whale last won the day on May 17 2014

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About Whale

  • Birthday 12/18/1976

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    USS Gemini

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  1. Now also confirmed for FanExpo 2013: Gina Torres (Firefly)Zachary Quinto (Abrams Trek)
  2. Nichelle Nichols and Karl Urban now also confirmed!
  3. Whoops... Full details, including ticket sales and special hotel discount codes available at the website: http://www.fanexpocanada.com I'll be there both Saturday and Sunday and Lieutenant Commander Oliver Weston will be joining me on Sunday. Let us know if you intend to be there and we can arrange to meet up.
  4. Confirmed guests for FanExpo Canada this year... Trek Related: George TakeiJeffery Combs (Weyoun from DS9)Other Notables: Nathan Fillion (Firefly, Justice League: Doom)Morena Baccarin (Firefly, V)Norman Reedus (The Walking Dead, Boondock Saints)Michael Rooker (The Walking Dead, Call of Duty: Black Ops II)Richard Dean Anderson (Stargate SG1, Macguyver)Lena Heady (Game of Thrones, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles)Shawn Ashmore (X-Men, Animorphs)Aaron Ashmore (Smallville, Warehouse 13)David Hasselhoff (Baywatch, Knight Rider)Hulk Hogan (Rocky III, Gnomeo & Juliet)Dean Cain (Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman)Stan LeeJoe Dante (director of Gremlins, The Howling)KITT (yes, the car from Knight Rider - no word on whether he'll be signing autographs)Mike Mignola (creator of Hellboy, muse of Guillermo del Toro)Steve Niles (30 Days of Night)Bobby OrrJoe MontanaGordie HoweMartin BrodeurRicky HendersonRoberto AlomarJoe Sakic
  5. I wrote my thoughts on the film here: http://www.whalewriter.com/star-trek-into-darkness-a-spoiler-filled-sort-of-review/ Spoiler warning, obviously
  6. Welcome to the fleet, Ensigns.
  7. ((OOC: This sim establishes that the cozmozoa can communicate with "us" through our memories, and we can communicate by similarly recalling our own relevant memories. So, in the absence of an accepted nomenclature for speaking via memory fragment, examples of such in the sim below are denoted by "dialogue in quotes.")) =============================== (( Somewhere inside the Cozmozoan )) STENNES: Hello? HARALD STENNES: "Not like that, Didrik. Like this." ::The memory of Didrik's father teaching him to ski flashed before Didrik's mind.:: STENNES: Hello, is anyone there? ACADEMY PROFESSOR: "Cadet Stennes, you must first listen to my instructions before you can succeed at this assignment." ::Another memory. Fleeting, just like the last. Just long enough to place his mind in the moment, hearing the words, feeling the intent. Didrik felt strength in his limbs return enough to stand. His boots sunk slightly into the organic-looking pinkish surface on which he stood. He spoke again, to no one in particular.:: STENNES: My name is Didrik Stennes. I'm an officer in the Federation Starfleet. HERA GULDBRANDSEN: "I can't talk to you when you're like this, Didrik." STARFLEET BETAZOID COUNSELOR: "I can sense your uncertainty. Your confusion. I don't want to make this difficult for you, Cadet." ::How disorienting. Memories overlapping onto each other. He was at home in Tromsø, a hysterical child who'd just been injured by an older sibling, before being ripped away to a memory of Earth, and a psychological evaluation he underwent upon his readmission into the Academy. Given the context of the memories he was experiencing, Didrik assumed someone, or something, was attempting to contact him.:: STENNES: What are you trying to tell me? ELREM TIRO: "Our language is so unlike yours." ACADEMY TRAINING COMMANDANT: "You must try harder." ::Again, Didrik felt super-present in the moments of the memories that passed. Bajor, Tiro, the first man he'd ever loved warmly instructing him in the finer points of speaking Bajoran. The Academy, struggling to barely pass yet another tactical exam under the constant threat of being tossed out. Clearly, whoever was trying to contact him didn't use vocalisations.:: STENNES: oO Can you understand me now? Are you telepathic? Oo PIANO TEACHER: "You're getting closer." KATARINE STENNES: "The thought was--" ELREM TIRO: "Not genuine." KATARINE STENNES: "The thought was--" SCIENCE FAIR JUDGE: "Not authentic." KATARINE STENNES: "The thought was--" CLEANING LADY: "Too tidy." ::Didrik gripped his head and dropped back down to the spongy floor, his mind at its breaking point with memories forced into the forefront. Stringing the words together from the clips from his past, an understanding started to blossom.:: STENNES: Closer. Thoughts aren't genuine. Thoughts aren't authentic. Thoughts are too tidy? How is that any different from-- ::Projecting thoughts was getting closer, but still wasn't close enough. The thought wasn't authentic, but what could be more authentic than his own thoughts? As an experiment, Didrik conjured up a memory of his own from his childhood. He'd been dared to walk into a centuries old barn at night with nothing but a palm beacon.:: STENNES (MEMORY): "Hello, is anyone there?" ARON KELLS: "I'm here." SAKORRA REED: "Ensign, I'm reading you." ELREM TIRO: "Do you understand now?" ::The inclusion of Aron Kells in the onslaught of memory sentence fragments hit a little close to home. Undaunted, Didrik continued to "remember" bits and pieces to continue a conversation. He thought back to Null Space, when his shuttlecraft had crash landed on the surface of a planet.:: STENNES (MEMORY): "Where are we?" NORWEGIAN SEA CAPTAIN: "Far from home, are ya?" INTERVIEW WITH ADMIRAL JANEWAY: "In an uncharted part of the galaxy." CHURCH OF NORWAY PASTOR: "Inside the beast--" BABYSITTER: "--that lives in the sky!" ::To his credit, Didrik was handling the rapid shifts with increasing steadiness and comprehension. The pieces fit together well enough that he understood; he was inside the whale. Inside the cozmozoan.:: Lieutenant Didrik Stennes Helm Officer USS Drake
  8. TLea

    I wish you a very happy birfday Mr. Whale -- T'Lea, however, is indifferent on the subject. ;)

  9. Happy Birthday!

  10. Happy B'Day, Whale!!

  11. Happy Birthday, Sir!

    1. Segolene LeMarnix

      Segolene LeMarnix

      Wow, this is interesting - happy 4 years in the Fleet! ;)

  12. Congratulations Ensigns -- welcome to Starfleet.
  13. The other theory I've heard is that the reason we haven't seen Peter Weller's character (who is supposedly a mentor to Cumberbatch's character) is that we would immediately recognize who he was supposed to be. The theory is that Weller is Khan and Cumberbatch is Joachim... but I don't really buy it. You don't put a character like Khan in a supporting role.
  14. Here's what I think, hidden behind a spoiler warning just in case...
  15. Congratulations and welcome to the fleet (or welcome back for two of you).
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