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Submitter Note: In Part 1, Major Parker was relieved by Colonel Waltas for the position of Chief of Marines. This did not go down well and after a few insults, this occurred. ((CIC Office, Embassy)) :: Hannibal unleashed a wild haymaker, designed to take off Waltas’ head, but barely missed, with Waltas’ guiding Hannibals’ momentum over the desk and smashing the mast holding the Marine Corps flag, scattering PADDS and other debris all over the floor. While Hannibal was getting up, Waltas began to taunt him..::: WALTAS: So far the only thing you're good at is breaking furniture, Marine. Maybe we could use you as a doorstop……. :: Hannibals’ response was a thunderous roar, and he closed on Waltas, unhinging another wild haymaker, this time with his left hand...Hannibal could feel the Colonels’ long hair fly past his fist as the Colonel once again redirected Hannibals’ attack, this time flipping him end over end in the small office. Hannibal was up quickly with the two exchanging blocks, their hands a blur, neither man gaining purchase.Hannibal figured the Colonel had several years of martial arts training,as he was able to keep the massive Marine at bay…:: :: Hannibal got his opening when Waltas, attempting a strike at Hannibals’ nose, missed. With Hannibal grabbing his hand with his right, he slammed a left hand into Waltas’ solar plexus, then uncorked a right hand which blasted Waltas back..and through...the doors of CIC, smashing the doors and destroying the glass within. With Waltas lying on top of the broken doors, the fight was now out in the open, and several Marines stood, transfixed by the sight of the Colonel lying on what was once the CIC doors…::: ::Toni had followed them, trying desperately to get them to stop. They reminded her of two rutting rams beating their heads together mindlessly, and the last place anyone with half a mind would want to be was between them, trying to break them up.:: :: Despite the protests coming from behind him from Captain Turner, Hannibal now was stalking the Colonel who was getting up from the floor, broken glass crunching under his feet. Waltas was up, with the voices of several Marines yelling in the background. He was up now, in a fighting stance, swiveling his hips in anticipating for Hannibals’ next move..not waiting for the massive Marine to attack again, Waltas leaned back and tried to kick Hannibal in the face..but Hannibal sidestepped the move and caught the foot in mid- air, twisted it, and spun the colonel to the ground...with him landing hard with a solid thump…::: ::Tyr had focused his attacks on not being hit, but when he finally was struck it felt like he'd run head-first into a bulkhead. Crashing through the doors he winced as a sharp pain in his ribcage raced through him. Spotting Parker coming after him he waited for him to close within striking distance, knipped up and landed a hard spinning back-fist to the Major's jaw, sending even the hardened Marine reeling. By this time the commotion had roused most of the off-duty Marines and they were watching, open-mouthed, as their former and current CO's went at each other like rabid wolverines. Dropping to a crouch he swept Parker's feet out from under him and sent him crashing to the floor, then drove his heel hard into the Major's chest before rolling backward and neatly to his feet. He figured he had a few moments to recover but found Parker howling in rage, already on his feet and charging him. Only partially able to get out of the way his right knee took a hard shot as the major's momentum carried him to the reception desk which was promptly destroyed. Tyr found purchase on a remnant of a chair and launched himself at the recovering Parker in a vicious kick, but to his amazement his extended foot was grabbed and he was thrown bodily through the main doors of the CIC office and landed unceremoniously in the mud. By this time the Marines were cheering on the major as he emerged, a black, blurry shadow against the lights of the office, and closed on him. Tyr, bloodied and hurting, got to his feet and snapped into a Tiger position, his right palm extended towards his prey. Parker, bearing plenty of wounds himself, was noticeably keeping his right arm back, while Tyr protected his injured right leg. With a swing that he could barely block, Parker's left arm was caught in the Tiger's jaws, and he was spun around to reveal the injured right arm. Slamming a knee into the Major's ribcage the Ba'ku gripped the right arm and brought it down over his shoulder, and even the Major couldn't help but grunt in pain. Parker's left arm, free, proceeded to slam into Tyr's jaw, knocking him to the muddy ground and sending stars across his field of vision. The Ba'ku struggled to his feet and turned to face his opponent through the darkness, hiding the fact that his infravision had Parker painted in the darkness. A faint to his right failed to trick Tyr and, foregoing all skill the Colonel simply hauled off and decked Parker, a right hand slamming into his jaw.:: :: Hannibal took the hit, a solid right to the jaw, but it was Hannibals’ time to return the favor. Pain was something he had learned to block out, thanks to the mental training by his former Vulcan ops partner T’Sol. That didn’t mean he could use his right arm as effectively as he wanted, and the cut on his cheek and over his left eye was bleeding freely. He followed up with a left hook to the colonels’ solar plexus, which doubled him over, then a double-fisted hammer shot right between the shoulder blades. The colonel dropped to one knee, but Hannibal picked him upright with his still very well functioning left hand, then blocking out the screaming pain in his right shoulder, picked up the colonel over his head, then with a mighty roar, slammed him down into the mud with a sickening thud, the Marines screaming “BOOM” as the colonel landed…::: :: Wiping some of the blood away from his eye, Hannibal kneeled down to the prone colonel, his breath coming in wheezes..and Hannibal wasn’t breathing much better. It was over…:: Parker: Go home, Colonel Penguin. Get back to your rocking chair. It's over, Ba'ku..go home.... WALTAS::Between gasps:: Frak…...that…! :: With that, Waltas reached up and grabbed Hannibals’ injured right arm, pulled him down while crossing his leg, then locking his hands behind Hannibals’ head..with Waltas’ leg on the front of his throat, the other on his back, and Waltas using all his available strength to try to choke out the much bigger Parker. Tears streamed from his eyes as he recognized the move Waltas had made..the classic triangle choke hold, designed to deprive an opponent of air, and the will to fight, quickly. Hannibal knew there was only one way to break the triangle choke, and he had about fifteen seconds before breaking it would become a mute issue...he would be unconscious. Relaxing against the pressure, allowing Waltas to momentarily to tighten his already python-like grip, Hannibal gathered his legs under him. Pulling his upper body back while raising Waltas out of the mud, Hannibal began to stand up..with Waltas now expending even more effort to hold his grip, which was beginning to slip. Hannibal then dropped forward, slamming Waltas’ head back into the ground…::: :: Gasping for air, Hannibal rolled away from Waltas, raising himself on his knees, trying to gain some needed air. There were surrounded by cheering Marines, but the fight was not yet over. The two men bear crawled towards each other, neither man able to stand. The two bloodied, battered warriors stared at each other...neither one should be conscious, much less still fighting...but Hannibal would not yield, and to prove that point, his left hand uncoiled a punch into Waltas’ jaw...Waltas returned the punch, neither man had enough energy to put up a defense. Hannibal rocked under Waltas’ blow, then Hannibal returned the punch with his injured right arm, which still rolled Waltas’ eyes back in his head. The two traded punches until one last hit from each of them..two devastating punches which laid both men over in the mud...Hannibal at Waltas’ feet, and Waltas at Hannibals’. Both men were face down,until Hannibal rolled over and was looking up, until he heard the voice of Martinez cutting through all the voices…::: Martinez: MARINES! AS YOU WERE! BACK OFF! Then another voice cut through the air…::: Turner: DAMMIT! I SAID STOP! :: Hannibal had never heard the captain that mad before, but all he heard was the echo of her voice…::: Parker: Oo Mom’s [...]ed...Oo :: Hannibal was now up on one knee, and so was Waltas. With the beating the Colonel took, it should have killed him. This former starship captain had a lot of guts, and he was still showing it as the both of them stood, both of them waving off assistance. If the two men were starships, they would be limping away on thrusters, with empty torpedo tubes and burnt out phaser coils. Glaring at each other, the two men backed away from each other, then at a respectable distance, Hannibal turned his back on his opponent, a final insult, daring Waltas to attack him from behind...but no attack was forthcoming. Someone had given him a olive green kerchief to staunch the flow of blood from above his eye, and he spit blood into the dark mud. He was deliberately still defiant, walking directly away from Medical until he heard the voice of Captain Turner…::: Turner: ::calming her voice, hoping it would also calm them.:: I'm not having any more of this! :: There was no longer an option….at least, he could say he wasn’t the first to seek Medical treatment…..Tyr was still ready to fight, even though he couldn’t even pull together the strength for another punch. Holding his ribcage and limping noticeably, he too turned in the direction of the medical unit. He paused, waiting for Parker to catch up to him, insisting that he not be the first to enter the tent. It turned out that both stopped, glaring sidelong at each other, each stubbornly refusing to be the first to appear weak, and Hannibal growled in defiance... Then Captain Turner settled it for them.:: Turner: I SAID, I'M NOT HAVING ANY MORE OF THIS! ::Her voice was followed closely by the sound of heavy stun from her phaser, effectively stopping them cold.:: Turner: ::standing over the two unconscious men:: Martinez, have these men taken to the brig, then call your medic to check them over, and report back to me. No one else is to talk to them or see them until I say so. Understood? Martinez:: Nodding:: Completely understood, Captain…Is there anything else? Turner: Yes, no one is to be allowed to clean up their mess either. They made it, and they’ll fix it… ~end~ Fleet Captain Toni Turner Commanding Officer Duronis II Embassy / USS Thunder -and- Major Hannibal Parker Second Officer Duronis II Embassy / USS Thunder -and- Colonel Tyr Waltas Marine CO Duronis II Embassy / USS Thunder
jan/feb January & February Responses and Winners
Dizmim ChNilmani replied to Tony, aka Rouiancet's topic in 2014
Yes, congratulations to the winner and runner ups! You're stories were awesome! -
nov/dec November & December Responses & Winners
Dizmim ChNilmani replied to Tony, aka Rouiancet's topic in 2013
Congratulations to the winner and to all of you who were able to submit a story. That's a success in itself. -
academy 1 Graduating Class of 239012.13
Dizmim ChNilmani replied to Rykel Rior's topic in Graduation Hall
Congratulations and welcome to the fleet! Trust me, you'll enjoy it here! -
round 23 Major Hannibal Tiberious Parker, " That @#$#%# Gorn"
Dizmim ChNilmani posted a topic in 2013
(( Parkers’ Quarters, Marine Barracks )) :: After the night of dealing with Doctor Adan, they were fortunate to get back just before the twin suns rose that morning. It was too early to go to bed..they still had some work to do, and their quarters was the best place to do it at the moment. Others were enjoying their shore leave, but they were knee deep in finding out more about this secret organization the doomed doctor referred to. After a leisurely breakfast, which did more to make them both feel more tired, they decided to call it a day...or was it night...and get a little sleep...they had had precious little of it since the bluegill invasion and Tallis Rhuls’ funeral, and sleep quickly came to them...:: (( Later that afternoon, Marine CO’s office )) :: Now refreshed from their nap, Hannibal and Kamela went down to the Marine CO’s office to try to find a little more information. Once he opened the door to his office, Kamela was the first to comment on what was missing...:: Allison: Ty....where is your furniture? :: Which was a good question. The last time he was in his office, it was fully furnished, with a new desk and chairs...now...they were all missing...:: Parker: They were here when I left...I wonder what the hell happened to them? Allison: Was anybody supposed to be in here? Parker: No... : This was truly a predicament he was not expecting, and a mystery he would soon see the bottom of. Tapping his commbadge, he contacted the Quartermaster...:: Parker: =/\= Major Parker to Quartermaster.=/\= Franks: =/\= Lieutenant Franks here, Major. What can I do for you?=/\= Parker: =/\= My new chairs and desk are missing..=/\= Franks:=/\= Let me check on that Major...=/\= :: Over the open line, Hannibal could hear the Quartermaster entering a query on the computer, and he quickly came back with an answer...:: Franks:=/\= Major...did you finish filling out the requisition form for your furniture? =/\= :: Hannibal had to think for a minute...Starfleet was like any military, in that the paperwork had to be in proper form and submitted, something Hannibal had been a little bit busy to keep up with it all, and the departed Lt. Martinez may have overlooked it. Such things were usually not a problem, but now, it seemed to be a huge one...:: Parker: =/\= Lieutenant...my desk and chairs are missing from my office..and I’m sure the proper trail can be dealt with...but right now...I’M STANDING IN MY OFFICE WITH NO FURNITURE!!!!!=/\= Franks: =/\= Major, without the proper paperwork, the desk and chairs were appropriated by someone who had filled out the proper forms....=/\= :: Hannibal had had enough of this...:: Parker: =/\= Where is my furniture?=/\= Franks: =/\= Major...=/\= Parker: =/\= WHERE?????!!!!!!=/\= :: Even with Kamela trying in vain to calm him down Hannibal was not happy...and the Quartermaster was getting an earful...:: Franks: =/\= Your furniture was appropriated by.....Commander Nugra..=/\= :: Hannibal was on the verge of going to the Quartermasters’ office and tearing him to shreds, but it was that walking briefcase he was really mad at...but the hapless Lieutenant was currently in his sights...:: Parker:=/\= Lieutenant...you have exactly TEN minutes to get me a new desk and chairs, the same ones which were here. If they are not here by then, your life will become...very uncomfortable. NOW MOVE!!!!=/\= Franks: =/\= Aye, Sir, we’ll get it right over. Don’t worry about the paperwork. Franks out.=/\= :: After the channel closed, Hannibal began to curse in Klingon, but before he got really inventive, Kamela tried to calm his nerves....:: Allison: It’s just a minor issue, Ty... Parker: Oh no it’s not. Godzilla is testing me.... Allison: God...you mean Commander Nugra? Parker: Oh yes...that dishonorable, cold blooded... Allison: Allright Hannibal...let’s just go back to our quarters and wait...we are on shore leave, you know..and it will give you a chance to calm down... :: Hannibal followed Kamela back out, where they walked to their quarters. Upon entering, he sat at the terminal, having already though about the revenge he would extract on the Gorn. Accessing the life support controls, he ordered the temperature in Nugras’ quarters lowered to 10 degrees Celsius, then encrypted a code which could not be altered in any way, and erased it the computer. For the next week at the Embassy, the Gorn was going to be quite sluggish in the morning.Kamela saw what he was doing, but she didn’t stop him...what was going on between Hannibal and the Gorn was personal, and she knew it was going to get worse...: Allison: Are you sure you want to do this? Parker:: with a wicked smile:: Revenge is a dish served cold...and his quarters will be very, very cold.... Major Hannibal Tiberious Parker2nd Officer/Marine Commander/Chief Of Strategic OperationsUSS Thunder-A/ Duronis II Embassy -
round 22 Major Hannibal Tiberious Parker, " Tough Conversation"
Dizmim ChNilmani posted a topic in 2013
(( Marine CO’s Office, Duronis Embassy )) :: Hannah was nervous. After leaving the Somers sisters on board the Thunder, she wondered exactly how she was going to tell Hannibal she had been recruited by Lt. Commander Nugra to join his new strike team. It was a wonderful opportunity, but it was fraught with problems. Hannibal had been nothing but good to her since she joined him, saving her career. Would he view this as betrayal after all he did for her? Was she being used as a pawn by the Gorn commander to needle Hannibal in their simmering feud? The Gorn, after all, had been trying to nail Hannibal for some misdeed or another, and now...well, she just didn’t know. The Gorn could force her hand one way or another, but the final decision was hers. Once she left for the Academy, she would have time to sort it out. Hannibal even made sure she would follow the Marine accelerated program at Twenty Nine Palms. Nervously, she knocked on his door..:: :: Hannibal had not spent much time in his planetside office, so it still smelled mostly new, and the big chair squeaked a little. The walls were still mostly bare, as decorating them had not been a priority..but he would change that soon. Firing up his LCARS terminal, he began to wade through the tons of messages, requisitions, and Fleet information...until...he saw it. A transfer request, generated by no other than Lt. Commander Nugra....the anger began to boil against the hated Gorn...it wasn’t difficult. Accusing Hannibal of a crime when no crime existed, then sending a Security detail to HIS Marine deck not only was against protocol, but also dishonorable. Putting four of his then minions in Sick Bay was quite enjoyable. He and the Gorn had been too busy fighting bluegill to worry about fighting each other, but that day was coming when he was going to tame Godzilla and educate him on the finer points of Starfleet decorum. His thoughts of deconstructing a Gorn were broken by a knock on the door...::: Parker: COME! :: Hannah walked into the office to see the massive Marine sitting behind his deck. He was not smiling, which either meant that something had really [...]ed him off, or the paperwork was frustrating him. Either way, she learned the best way to deal with Hannibal was straight on. He ushered her in with a sweep of his arm, and motioned for her to have a seat..:: Martinez: Oo Oh God, please let me the first to tell him...Oo :: Having just saw what he did, Hannibal was not happy, and he was hoping that Hannah was here to tell him about the pending transfer...he would speak to the Gorn about it later in rather forceful tones..:: Parker: You all ready to leave the nest for awhile? Martinez: I am..I’ll get a chance to go to Arizona and see my brothers again, if they are in the system...but that’s not why I wanted to talk to you.... :: Leaning back in his chair, Hannibal waited for her to start...:: Parker: Go ahead...you know you can speak your mind with me... ::Hannah gulped hard..and for a fleeting moment, she wondered what it would be like to “christen” the Majors’ desk..the thought made her inwardly smile, but those days were over...and the blond [...] most likely would before too long anyway....:: Martinez: Hannibal....before the invasion, Commander Nugra came to me..and wants me to be part of a rapid reaction force made up of Marines and Security personnel, similar to your classified unit, except we would be perform assignments such as rescues, interdictions, and the like. We don’t have one, and it would be a real asset to the Thunder and the Embassy to have that capability. :: Hannah did have a point. Hannibals’ unit was more of a clandestine outfit, operating in the shadows and usually under “plausible deniability”, which meant if they were caught, they were on their own. A unit such as the one the Gorn was putting together could absolutely be useful on sanctioned operations. Looking in Hannahs’ eyes, he knew she was struggling with telling him about this, and his anger towards the Gorn was still present, but he was determined not to let it show..:: Parker: It would be a good tool to have in the toolbox for those occasions where we might have a touchy situation out here... Martinez: I know, Hannibal...but...I haven’t accepted the job..... Parker: Why not? Martinez: Because....I didn’t want to hurt you. This extra duty would be great for my career, but I didn’t want to do anything behind your back. I can still serve as your First Officer, as this would not be a full-time thing.::smiling: You can’t get rid of me that easily, Sir... :: Hannibal was happy to hear that. Loyalty was something that Hannibal valued, and even though the transfer request was on his screen, he knew the extra training would be helpful to him as well..:: Parker: Hannah....you are my First Officer as long as you want to be, but I want you to understand that you will have to make the final decision. You are a capable officer, and even though I cannot stand that cold blooded, sharp toothed, grating voiced walking suitcase, his idea has merit.... :: Hannah was relieved, and she blew out a sign of relief. Once again, Hannibal surprised her, but this time, nothing was blown up or disemboweled...yet......:: Martinez: Hannibal...I don’t know what to say... Parker: Say nothing until you are ready. You are going to be one hell of an officer, Hannah.... Martinez: It’s all because you believed in me.... :: Standing up behind the desk, Hannibal walked around it to face a now- standing Hannah. He embraced her, the hug conveying what the two of them could not say. Hannah felt protected, armored...and it was all she could do to keep from crying as he released her. Holding her out at arms’ length, Hannibal smiled..the first time he had smiled all day..:: Parker: When you get to Twenty Nine Palms, watch out for Major Charlie Houston..she runs the escape and evasion class there. She is sneaky, but good... Martinez: I will, Sir. Parker: If you have any problems there or at the Academy, let me know. Martinez: I’ll be fine, Sir. Just tell Hella I want my flight lessons when I get back. Parker: Done. :: Hannah took a step back, looking at the Major, thinking again about the desk, then looking back at him..:: Martinez: Permission to leave the Embassy to make my transport? Parker:: nodding and shaking her hand:: Permission granted...and good luck. I’ll see you back here soon..Semper Fi, Lieutenant.. Martinez: Hoorah, Major.... :: Smartly, Hannah turned on her heel and left Hannibals’ office. She didn’t dare look back, and she knew she was opening a new chapter in her life, and the one man who could have destroyed it all gave her more than what she had ever wanted...hope...and a chance. She would not fail him at the Academy, nor with the Marines, and she would be the best she could possibly be, even better than she ever thought possible, and she had Hannibal to thank for it..:: :: Hannibal watched her go, and she knew this was a big step for her. She would come back to him a better officer, a better warrior...a razor with an even finer edge. He sat back down at his desk, and although knowing he could not prevent Hannah from joining Nugras’ team, he decided to write the lizard a little note... LCARS INTERNAL MESSAGING TO: LTCMDER NUGRA FROM: MAJ HT PARKER RE: MARTINEZ EXTRA DUTY RESPONSE TEAM I CANNOT FLAG SUCH A REQUEST, BUT STARFLEET REGULATIONS ALLOW ME TO RESPOND TO SUCH A REQUEST FROM THE ORIGINATING OFFICER. MY RESPONSE....:: :: Hannibal wrote the rest of it in Klingon, questioning the Gorns’ parentage and lizardhood and wondered why he didn’t have the balls...or was it eggs...to tell him about it face to face and that such deceitfullnes was worthy of a Romulan. Smiling again, he hit send. He would love to see the Gorns’ face when he read the message...:: TBC Lt. j.g Hannah MartinezWeapons Specialist/Marine First OfficerUSS Thunder-A/Duronis II Embassy and Major Hannibal Tiberious Parker2nd Officer/Marine Commander/Chief Of Strategic OperationsUSS Thunder-A/ Duronis II Embassy -
(( Counselor’s Office - USS Thunder-A )) :: Counselors. It was a word that not only made him irritated, but resigned to the fact that they were an integral part of Star Fleet. The human capacity to care for their people both mentally, physically, and emotionally was impressive; Nugra felt that it was sometimes too much. :: :: Now he stood in front of the counselor’s door for the dreaded annual appointment which he had to attend. The one back on Starbase 118 while applying to join Star Fleet a third time was as painful as a poisoned Vss’Kot blade. :: :: Ringing the bell on the side of the door, he awaited for entry. :: :: Inside the office, Ashley had prepped for his sessions of the day already, and was relaxing over his second cup of tea for the morning. Camomile, caffeine free. Except his cup was a coffee mug... a bit larger and heavier than a tea cup, and easier to handle. Far less unsteadiness as he set it atop his desk, sliding his hands behind his back in that formal way he tended to, a casual smile lightening the severity of the posture. :: Yael: It’s open. :: Stepping inside, Nugra nodded. :: Nugra: Lieutenant Commander Nugra here for the 0930 appointment. :: He handed the PADD to him. :: Nugra: If you could sign the clearance, I can get back to my duties. :: Taking the PADD offered to him... making certain to have several inches space between his hand and the one holding the PADD... he held it in hand for a moment, smiling with the slightest amusement at the very direct attempt to circumvent the session Nugra was here for, and set the PADD unsigned atop the desk. :: :: Nugra watched as the PADD got set down and his eyes narrowed. It continued to prove that counselors all counselors were annoying. :: :: Purple eyes lifted and settled on the silver-eyed Gorn, who stood a good deal taller than himself. In fact, Lieutenant Commander Nugra outweighed him drastically as well, and cut what normally would have been an intimidating figure. But being small of stature did not mean being a pushover, and Ashley kept his casual smile in place. :: Yael: Lieutenant Ashley Yael. ::pause:: Please, Commander. Make yourself comfortable. Nugra: oO Comfortable? I’m in a mind bender’s office Oo :: He sat down without a vocal word. :: Yael: ::sitting, remaining straight up, opening Nugra’s file on his computer:: I’ve been going over your records. Overall, you appear to be a straight-laced, dependable officer. :: He kept eyes on Nugra, watching for any response the Gorn might have. Species such as his were far harder to read directly, but it was not impossible when one knew what to look for. :: :: He listened carefully to the man’s words. Overall, was the operative one here. Was Yael suggesting something else? He hated these mind games. :: Nugra: I pride myself on that. Yael: You’re a fan of the martial arts, isn’t that right? Nugra: I do enjoy a bout or two. I am fluent in quite a few different forms from over the galaxy. :: That was a point of pride for him. Able to defend the ship from weapons to bare claws. :: Yael: And what do you do when you are *not* on duty, or otherwise training? :: What was the man up too? Nugra shifted ever so slightly in his chair. :: Nugra: I focus on logic training through chess, use my holodeck program to improve my reaction time, and sleep. :: Ashley was aware that the answers weren’t exactly deep introspection, but the Gorn appeared to be rather stern, or at the least unwilling to expand on the conversation. This in itself told the counselor a few things. But that wouldn’t cut it if Nugra wanted his signature on that data padd. So he dove into something a touch closer to home. :: Yael: And your family? How are you getting on with them? Or should I say, how are you doing aboard... especially as you are the only member of your species aboard. Nugra: They’re dead. Yael: ::eyebrows pushing upward:: Oh...? I’m sorry. ::beat:: If you don’t mind my asking? :: The question was clear. :: Nugra: My brother was killed in Star Fleet, my family has disowned me and so by Gorn law and tradition they are dead. ::It was difficult to keep the bitterness out of his voice. :: Yael: That is quite... unfortunate. There were problems, I take it, within the family? :: The Denobulan certainly wasn’t giving up at the sudden turn toward the mans tragedy. He could hear the bitterness behind the words... it was still raw territory. The fact that it had come out so easily and so early in their session meant it was at the least on the Gorn’s mind, and something simmering that hot had a tendency to impact behavior. :: Nugra: Difference in opinion with the Gorn Civil War. :: He was not going to volunteer anymore as it was his personal business. :: Yael: I take it your family was involved in the War. ::sensing an icy reaction to his further probing:: But there’s no need to worry, Commander. I don’t need you to tell me your life story. We’ll just start with your childhood and go from there. :: A slight smile, though he doubted he’d get one from the Gorn. :: Nugra: My culture considers our private lives just that. Private. May I ask what this has to do with the Annual? I had one in Star Fleet medical when I re-joined. They found me fit for duty though with a tendency to be to official. Yael: ::failing to be impressed, but still smiling casually:: Yes, the annual exams do tend to come around now and then. Just about once a year. ::pausing:: I do not require you to tell me anything you do not *want* to tell me, Nugra. But aside the formality, I’m just trying to get to know you a little better. It makes my job infinitely more pleasant, and may well lessen your burden in the matter as well. :: Lifting the mug of tea, Ashley took a slight drink, holding the mug in both hands carefully. He was having a good day, technically speaking... but it still shook ever so slightly. Almost imperceptibly, before he set it down again. :: Yael: Though, from the little information I have, it seems you’ve become quite isolated. From your family and your culture. How are you handling that? :: Nugra listened quietly as he spoke. Out of all the counselors that he had met, Yael was good at dancing around, making him sound like he had a choice, and then bringing the question right back around. Nugra: Fine. :: It was unhelpful and it came out before he thought about it. :: Nugra: oO Krr’Mkk. He’s getting to me. Oo :: The smile spread slightly as he took in the one word response. If Nugra was anything, he was direct. Perhaps not giving in his answers, but there was no indication of deception, from what Ashley could tell of the Gorns expressions. What few he had. This would be an interesting challenge, figuring out what made this man function. But there was time for that... this was a simple introduction. :: Yael: That’s good to hear. ::taking a moment:: Then I suppose it’s going to be chess. :: He nodded affirmatively, as if he’d made a decision just then. :: Nugra: Excuse me? Yael: I need a partner. Terribly difficult to find anyone of late who plays. Nugra: Then you’re decent at it? Yael: ::leaning forward slightly:: Oh... I’m decent. Three tiered or flat plain? Nugra: Either. I prefer flat plain as it’s easier to carry around. Three tiered is a newer variant of the ancient game. Yael: A very steady officer, focused, highly trained. I imagine you’d make a marvelous opponent. In a game of chess or in the field. And you have seen action, most recently the Klingon invasion. Why don’t you tell me about your experience then? Nugra: Why? Yael: Why not? Nugra: I don’t see how my actions in the Klingon Invasion have bearing on this line of questioning. Yael: I didn’t ask about your actions, Nugra. I asked about your experience. I assume you joined the fight? :: Nugra’s mind went back to his first arrival to Duronis II with the Klingon invasion in full swing and the dead ships in orbit. :: Nugra: Yes, I was part of a team that participated in liberating the embassy from the Klingons and Orions. :: Nugra thought about to that action and decided he might as well give the Counselor something. :: Nugra: I do sometimes get concerned on the... :: he didn’t know how to phrase it without sounding like a monster. :: ...ease and efficiency killing came to me. Yael: ::nodding:: Anyone involved in such a violent action is bound to wonder, concerning their actions, their behavior. Why they did what they did, how they did it. Would you say your actions there were perhaps... more extreme, than you might have normally taken? The situation was quite dire, I realize. Nugra: It wasn’t method, but the ease that concerns me. ::Sinking without hesitation into his next question. :: Yael: And how many did you kill? Nugra: Six. Yael: Yet, every one of them was done out of necessity. :: He kept keen purple eyes on the Gorn, watching for hints of distress or other reactions as he continued. :: Yael: And because of your actions, you saved the lives of others. Didn’t you? Nugra: Of course. Yael: So for all the downfalls of your battles, you could say they were... if still violent... but they were honorable pursuits, am I right? :: Something strange, coming from the mouth of a pacifist. :: Nugra: Killing isn’t honorable as more duty. The people needed protecting and that is what I have sworn to do. My concern is how it is becoming easy for me to kill. My report does mention the War of the Singularity. Yael: I’m not familiar with that conflict. :: This was said in a tone that was hopeful Nugra would explain more to him. That was about the first thing the Gorn had offered up without a verbal battle, so it was clearly important. … as if the impact of *any* war wasn’t important... :: Nugra: It was a battle in a temporal anomaly around the planet Dekthos on the edge of Gorn space in the unexplored regions. My fleet was trapped for 200 years with an enemy fleet. We fought to the last man with no quarter and no mercy. Yael: That... sounds absolutely dreadful. oO Even for a skilled fighter, who survives that sort of situation... intact? Oo Nugra: My estimate in how many I killed for Star Fleet’s report was...conservative...It wasn’t a dozen as I mentioned. :: The number was something he hated. He wished he could lose count. :: Nugra: I killed four hundred and fifty eight in single combat, many more in ship to ship combat. :: Four hundred, fifty eight, and then some. Plus six more. So the Klingon invasion was just a dash in the mix. :: Yael: It appears you are a Gorn with many secrets. ::pausing:: That’s okay, we’ve all got ours... but... these things are massive. You’ve been in several extremely serious, life threatening events. You don’t have to harbor them alone. :: Nugra wanted to let out a sardonic chuckle. Life threatening events. Yes, he had been through quite a few. Traveling to the mirror universe, being attacked by an alien probe when he first joined the Gorn Fleet, facing war of 200 years. They were becoming almost expected now. :: Nugra: It is my issue, my actions. I do not see the need to involve anyone else in it. Yael: I understand the instinct. To keep it to yourself, to not involve others. It’s cleaner that way. At least, for a while. But then you realize, maybe not all at once, that it’s impacting you still. A dream here. A flash of memory there. One thing leads to another, and suddenly you’re living each day with those events on the edge of your mind. Becoming a perpetual threat to your mind, now that it’s no longer a threat to your life. Nugra: I see...and what do you suggest is the remedy for so many nightmares? oO I bet it’s something pansy and human like. Oo :: It wasn’t exactly a full admission, but Nugra’s interest and reference to nightmares... whereas he had said dreams, the Gorn had advanced it to nightmares... led him to believe he was on the right track, so he dove into it. Though, he kept a keen eye on the Gorns responses, just in case he was pushing too far. :: Yael: To begin with, I would suggest a full round of memory-engram treatment, via sickbay. It is a series of hypos over a few weeks duration that can help aid with disconnecting the fear from the events in your memory. It’s hormonally based, I believe... it is not remedy in and of itself, but it can aid the process of breaking down the roots that have grown. It can help to curb the nightmares. Nugra: Interesting choice, though most engram therapy I am familiar with is designed for mammals. The Federation does not have that many reptilian species in their membership. Yael: The process works well for mammalian species. I don’t know that it’s been adapted for Gorn, but there’s no reason we can’t ask Doctor Derrida to try and adapt it to your physiology. Nugra: And after that? Yael: After the series... assuming you agree to them of course... we begin other methods, as you see fit. ::pausing:: The one thing we do *not* do, Nugra... is ignore it. Let it fester. Believe me, the sound of treatment may seem annoying and intrusive, but no more so than the breaking down of your ability to function in the future. Which, if you *are* suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, you may well be heading toward. Beyond that, there are several means we can try via psychotherapy, which would be my specialty. Nugra: You have some interesting suggestions. Yael: I suggest nothing more than taking it by the horns and wrestling it to the ground, as you would any other enemy. You would not ignore a man with a weapon standing behind you, waiting for an opportunity to strike. Do not ignore this. Nugra: I am listening to you, Counselor. Your plans are a good idea though we might have to skip the memory engram part of it. Yael: Oh? And why is that? :: There was no hostility to the question, just curiosity. :: Nugra: Well, one of my many “exciting” life moments was when I was a Senior Ensign in the Gorn Space Navy, I was attacked by an alien probe. It was trying to remove all my memories. Yael: ::an eyebrow rising:: And no doubt you are now more protective of such things. Nugra: Our doctor designed a substance based on a narcotic that would lock my memories in place. It worked and saved my mind from being drained, but it rendered all engram memory modifications impossible. I remember everything now. So, we’ll probably have to handle this the old fashion way. Yael: I see. More protective than I thought. ::smiling lightly:: Then the engram treatment will have to go to the wayside. But I’m glad to see you’re willing to explore the process. The old fashioned way takes more time, but can be just as effective, so long as you take it seriously. Nugra: No promises, but I’m willing to give it a shot. Yael: All that in mind, I’d have to call this a productive annual evaluation. ::his smile returned to him:: It will be my pleasure to help you however I can, Commander. If you do find yourself having trouble, I am “on call,” so to speak. Denobulans don’t need a lot of sleep, so consider it 26-7. Nugra: I will remember that, I usually only need four hours myself. :: Ashley set dual fingertips to the data PADD sitting before him on his desk, giving his approval and applying it to Nugra’s formal file. :: Yael: I’ve given you the go-ahead. Consider yourself approved for duty. :: The gorn nodded taking the PADD and he made his way to the door. :: :: Ashley stood as Nugra stood, and he set his hands behind his back, standing straight. There was one last thing to cover before they parted ways... something Nugra might not expect, but needed to be said. :: Yael: Before you go, one last thing, Commander... Nugra: Yes? Yael: When I take an officer off duty, I do so for very specific... and vital... reasons. I have that authority, as ships counselor. ::pausing just slightly:: When I do this, it is not done lightly or without serious consideration for all parties involved, and that includes the senior staffs need for all posts to remain filled and active during our endeavors. :: Nugra waited silently as the man continued. :: Yael: When you put Mc Ghee on light duty, you negated my authorization in the matter... and to my knowledge, without a full understanding of the situation concerning his removal from duty. ::pausing again, letting it sink in:: Though I understand you found his involvement necessary, if you negate my authority in such a manner a second time, I will find it necessary to file a formal complaint with the chain of command. :: The entirety of this last comment was said without an ounce of hostility or ire. It was simply what he would have to do. It was only that he hoped Nugra would take his comment on the matter to heart, and not repeat the maneuver a second time, saving them any formal strife. It was his way of asserting his authority in the matter without being aggressive. :: Nugra: Lieutenant, I understand your words, but you should realize that one, you were not stationed here when i relieved him of duty hence your authority was never challenged. Two, there are quite a number of capable people who have and did perform in his shoes while he was absent, and three, I’d rather have the ship without an engineer than commanded by a man who chose to abandon his post and his crewmates. :: Nugra turned to the door and then stopped. :: Nugra: oh, and my actions were approved by the captain when I presented the evidence and last I remembered, your authority stops when the captain makes her decision. Yael: Commander, the Captain left the ship before I could report to her concerning Mc Ghee’s status. Her being out of reach does not negate my authority. And if you’ll recall, I am one of the few people on this ship that has the authority to take even the *Captain* off duty. ::pausing:: But I’m not interested in debating the issue. I am simply informing you of the slight, and my actions should it occur again. My authority in the chain of command is not a matter of discussion, and I expect you to abide by that chain of command, as I expect of the entire senior staff. :: There was still an absolute lacking of any hostility. They clearly disagreed on the boundaries of their stations, but Ashley wouldn’t let that professional disagreement become a personal one. But the fact that Nugra had no idea the danger he’d put them... and the Romulans... in by ignoring the counselors authority couldn’t be an argument he used aloud. Not if he wanted to maintain Jaxon’s medical privacy. :: Yael: Aside that, feel free to disagree as you please. :: No doubt the crews time without a counselor had led them to believe his post was not necessary... or that it was necessary to respect it. That would be a flock of birds he recaged from free-flight, crewman by crewman if need be. :: :: War with every crewman wasn’t necessary and the Gorn decided to bow out of this fight until he knew more about the counselor's position. :: Nugra: I will heed you for now, Lieutenant. :: With that, he left. :: Lt Cmdr NugraDeck OfficerUSS Thunder-AEmbassy, Duronis II & Lt. Ashley Deneve YaelCounselorUSS Thunder-AEmbassy, Duronis II
round 18 Major Parker - The Road to kal'Hyah is not Paved...
Dizmim ChNilmani posted a topic in 2013
(( Holodeck, Duronis II Embassy )) :: Hannibal stood with his wedding party, standing in the mouth of a cave, which was lit with torches going deep into its interior The six humans, and one massive Klingon prepared to make a quasi- perilous journey together, one undertaken by countless Klingons and a few humans. The journey would test them all, as it was designed to do, and test their endurance. Ha'Rouque stood before them, with a knowing glance between Hannibal and him. The journey was about to begin... :: :: After receiving the invitation to this very Klingon ritual and considering what had occurred during the invasion, Jaxon had been reserved about taking Joel along with him. Even so, as Hannibal had said, Joel was more a man than lad and so the Welshman had sought his son's opinion on joining them. He wasn't really surprised that Joel had been eager, almost proud that his uncle chose him worthy to join the other adults for this ceremony. Jaxon did however notice that upon entering the holodeck, some of this eagerness seemed to evaporate as Joel saw the large Klingon warrior standing with Hannibal. He wasn't sure if other noticed, all the same Jaxon casually maneuvered himself next to his son and gave his shoulder a fatherly squeeze. Two pairs of blue eyes caught for a moment, conveying more than words could have in twice the time. :: Ha'Rouque: Today is a new beginning. We travel a road in celebration of the union of a member of our house. It will be difficult, and will test your courage in ways you have not imagined. We share its difficulties together, and we celebrate in song. Each of you will find something unique on your journey, but once finished, it is an experience which you will keep with you the rest of your lives. Prepare yourselves for the journey...:: :: Hannibal looked at the ones he had chosen to make the journey with him, and they all looked back at him...:: Parker: Thank you all for coming. I know this will not be easy, which means much to me. I am in your debt... ::Rhul shook his head; whether or not this was easy or difficult, it was for Hannibal and he was prepared to go to whatever lengths were necessary to see them through to the end of the ceremony.:: Tallis: Not at all, Hannibal. No debt necessary. ::Diego wasn't entirely sure he shared the Bajoran ambassador's gung-ho approach, but he was certainly prepared to endure the road to kal' Hyah for a friend. Not only that, but his competitive side was telling him that failing to make the cut just wasn't an option.:: Herrera: ::Looking at Tallis:: Hey, you can write it off if you want, Ambassador, but I intend to collect a bottle or two of blood wine once this is all said and done. :: Jaxon looked to his son and still seeing the faint signs of tension only a parent could read, chose to answer for both of them. :: Mc Ghee: I think I can speak for us both :: indicating to Joel :: by saying it is an honor to walk this path with you. :: Joel looked to his adoptive uncle and nodded in silent consent. :: Vess: Of course Ah'd be here. :: The cave was hot, humid as they began their descent deeper into the cave. HaRouque and Hannibal began to sing as they travelled to their first challenge...:: :: Ha'Rouque and Hannibal sang the song twice, and as they started for the third time, everyone was getting into the act. Following the two giant men into the cave, Jaxon and Joel quickly picked up the words and joined in. Having Welsh roots meant both had an appreciation for songs for the occasion; many Welshmen could still sang the ancient national anthem from 1856. :: :: They came to their second challenge..their first, deprivation, they were currently undergoing. Most of them had had no food or water in at least a day...with the second challenge facing them, they stopped in what appeared to be an open area, essentially a room with bare rock walls. Ha' Rouque gathered them all in a circle, and spoke to them...:: Ha'Rouque: This is a trial of blood. We shed blood to defeat our enemies, and we shed blood to bind ourselves together in brotherhood. Who shall be first to shed their blood to bind themselves to the other? :: Hannibal was first to step forward:: Parker:: In a loud, proud voice:: I shall be first to bind ourselves together.... :: Drawing his dak' tar, Ha'Rouque took Hannibals' outstretched hand, and made a cut, just deep enough for the blood to flow over the knife..:: Ha'Rouque: Our blood flows together to become one, united against our enemies. :: Looking at the rest of the contingent:: Who shall be next to join us? :: Rhul was next. He stepped forward proudly and offered his hand to Ha'Rouque.:: Tallis: I shall be second! ::He wasn't entirely sure if that was the appropriate response or wasn't. Jaxon stepped up right alongside him, ready to be next in line. He didn't flinch when the knife cut him; he had endured pain worse than that.:: ::Jaxon watched the ambassador let his palm be ritually cut before also offering his own hand to the large Klingon Warrior. The stabbing bite of the blades passing through his flesh brought memories of past knife-fights, but strangely enough not of the night on Duronis; S'Caan had always been the better fighter of the two Mc Ghee's.:: ::Joel felt the uneasiness in him rise the very moment he saw Hannibal willingly hold out his hand for the Klingon to cut into. Then another man did the same and so did his dad and none showed signs of hesitance. When the huge Klingon man came to Joel, the teenager looked up at the warrior and he knew ritual, friendship and family presence still couldn't wipe away his anger and slight fear at standing unarmed opposite an armed Klingon.:: Jaxon watched his son and his hesitance, resisting the urge to place a hand on his shoulder, certain the display of support wouldn't be appreciated. Joel held out a hand, its slight trembling vanishing as the Klingon grasped it tightly. Jaxon noted that Ha'Rouque performed the ritual more swiftly than with him or the others and suspected the Klingon was responding to Joel's reluctance. :: ::Each of them took their turns in the bloodletting, with Joel being initially resistant... his near- death experience with the Klingons not too long ago was clearly bothering him... one of the reasons Hannibal wanted him to come was to lose his fear..and to accept that not all Klingons were intent on killing him... Hannnibals' hand stung from where the knife cut him, but that was part of the trial...:: ::Alucard's hand stung slightly, and he glanced down at the slight cut across his palm. There was almost no blood. Already it was starting to close up, as the advanced platelets afforded to him by his genetically engineered heritage rapidly fought the intrusion into his body.:: Vess: ::Glancing around.:: oO What will these crazy Klingons come up with next?Oo ::Diego had ended up being last in the queue, more by virtue of physical position than by specific choice. The Klingons' propensity for swapping blood through used knives didn't strike him as particularly hygienic, but he was confident his immune system would be able to handle it. He held out his palm to take part in the ritual, feeling the bite of the knife and the sensation of his blood running down the edge of his palm.:: :: As each trial was undertaken, Hannibal was more than resolved to finish it. Having been through it once before was still not enough preparation for a second trial...it was the same, yet different. Each trial he and his shipmates undertook let him know above all else, he had friends who were more than able to stand the rigors, and even Joel bore up well to the multitude of discomforts being thrown at team. He was proud of them all..they were sweaty, dirty, and exhausted..but their eyes spoke their true spirit...they would not be broken. and they were persevere. Once they reached the end of their journey, Ha'Rouque saluted them all...:: Ha'Rouque: Congratulations! We have arrived at kal'Hyah! You have all done well. Now...we prepare to eat, drink, and enjoy the evenings' entertainment:: Looking at Hannibal:: I hope you have the strength left to enjoy the delights I have brought to you.... :: Without missing a beat, Hannibal spoke up.....:: Parker: A little bloodwine and I will be just fine! Bring on the evenings' entertainment... I might even be better able to enjoy... and sustain... :: Hannibals' Starfleet shipmates gave him a dubious look:: Herrera: Maybe some water, first? We're all pretty dehydrated and even if you do tick the box of colossus on your medical forms, blood wine in your current state is quite likely to knock you out, rather than spur you on. ::Diego didn't want to be a killjoy; the idea of Hannibal passing out part way through his bachelor party was something he was sure wouldn't be particularly palatable to the big man.:: Tallis: I have to say that I'm with Captain Herrera on this one. It's my job to make sure you stay in one piece for the wedding, right? ::Rhul still wasn't entirely sure what he made of Diego Herrera. He seemed awfully laid back and casual to be worthy of wearing four pips, but in this case he couldn't deny that he had a point.:: Vess: Ah'll make that a third. Drink some water. Parker: It will be fun....and also, another test.... Jaxon: Another test? Joel: I hope it will not be as hard as these were.... :: As they all left the holosuite, they knew it would soon be converted into the banquet hall for the “other†bachelor party..:: Parker: We be back here in an hour, gentlemen...prepare to enjoy yourselves! ::Rhul nodded. An hour would be enough time for him to prepare for the evening and check in with Toni. Diego, meanwhile, figured that an hour would be just enough time to rehydrate and check up on the work he had been doing before he started out on the path to kal' Hyah. He wished he could give Hannibal's wedding celebrations his full attention but had been glad he could take part so far.:: Parker: Don't drink too much water! We will have much more to consume!!!! JP by: Fleet Captain Diego HerreraUSS VigilantAmbassador Tallis Rhul Duronis II Embassy Ensign Jaxon Mc GheeEngineer, USS Thunder-A/ Duronis II Embassy Joel Mc GheeTeenager Commander Alcuard VessFirst Officer, USS Thunder-A/ Duronis II EmbassyMajor Hannibal Tiberious Parker 2nd Officer/ Marine Commander/ Chief Of Strategic Operations USS Thunder-A/Duronis II Embassy Ha'Rouque Adjutant to Chancellor Martok Imperial Klingon Empire -
OOC: The disagreement in this post is purely between the characters. The writers have full respect for each other. ~~~ (( Interrogation Room - USS Thunder-A )):: It was only a few hours ago since he had received the final pieces of his puzzle and it was time now to question the large, burly, human had been brought in by security and set down in the little white room with only the table and two chairs. Nugra was standing in a corner with his arms around his back running over everything in his head. There was evidence even though it was circumstantial and his conclusion took a lot of liberties with some of the missing data. Questioning Parker was not going to be easy, but if this man was violating Federation law, he would burn like the rest of the criminals. :: :: Hannibal was enraged. Knowing he had done nothing to warrant being summoned to the Security office and by not being asked nicely, it was only Kamela who saved the rest of the Security staff from being injured...even now they were at a discrete distance, knowing that if they tried to restrain him, they would join their brothers in Sick Bay. The Marines were buzzing, angry as bees at seeing their commander being escorted out. The harmony he was trying to create between the two forces had evaporated in a microsecond by their actions...:: Nugra: Good Afternoon, Major. Parker: ::seething:: What the hell makes you think it's a good goram afternoon, Commander? Nugra: You were officially summoned to give a deposition in to a case file. There was no need to resist Security as you were not under arrest. Parker: Really? So why did you send eight armed Security officers to the Marine barracks to bring me here, of which four of them are now in Sick Bay? Nugra: For the obvious reason that you just demonstrated. You have a right to a JAG lawyer. Do you wish one or are you going to waive that right for this meeting? :: Hannibal knew that he had done nothing wrong, but he also knew that having a JAG officer would help him defend himself in whatever circumstance he was now confronted with...currently, he was too mad to consider the ramifications of not having one...:: Parker: I have no need of one...now...what the hell do you want? You are making one hell of a mistake, Commander.... :: Hannibal was going to split Nugra in two when this was over...this dishonor would not go unchallenged...:: :: Nugra sat down and activated his PADD and fixed his cold reptilian eyes directly on to the brown ones filled with fury. It was amazing how much self control the marine lacked. It was amazing he didn't leap across the table and give the Gorn an excuse to put him down. :: Nugra: Please state your name, rank, and position for the record. Parker: Major Hannibal Tiberious Parker, Marine Commander, Kilo Company, 3rd Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment. :: The Gorn glanced down to his data and began his questioning. :: Nugra: On stardate 238703.11, you were stationed aboard the USS Challenger-A under the command of Commander Tal Tel-Ar. Is this correct? Parker: That is correct. Nugra: Are you familiar with a Crewman Hannah Martinez who presently serves aboard the USS Thunder-A? Who is now a Lieutenant JG? Parker: Lieutenant Hannah Martinez is the Weapons Specialist aboard the USS Thunder-A. What the frak is this all about, Commander? Nugra: It seems, I cannot find any data on how she got aboard the USS Challenger. Her files are sealed, but furthermore, I cannot find out how her transfer to the Thunder was so easily pushed through. It seems she has had a lot of help to get some nice assignments. Almost as if somebody helped bend a few rules to get her aboard. :: Hannibal did not like where this was headed, not one bit. Hannah had served with honor since she had come aboard. He had given her the chance she needed to rebuild her service record..and this lizard was not going to undo what he had done to help her...:: Parker: I don't like your tone, Commander. Lieutenant Martinez has served with distinction in every duty post she has held since she joined me on the Challenger-A, and every post she has had since then. recently she received a commendation for her actions during the Klingon invasion for her actions on board the USS Rodimus Prime.:: With a low and very angry voice::What the frak are you getting at, Commander? Nugra: I am not challenging her record, Major. Are you familiar with the Fraternization rule between officer and enlisted? It carries an admonishment from your commander if it is proven. In the Gorn Navy, you'd be thrown out as a criminal. Parker: This is not a Gorn ship...this is a Federation starship, and from what I have seen of the Gorm fleet over the years, they could do with some...shall we say...updated rules..now, cut to the chase so I can get back to work....and you can get your people out of Sick Bay.... Nugra: Okay, I'll be blunt. Did you or are you having a sexual relationship with Chief Martinez? :: So...that was it...a one time sexual dalliance between two consenting adults. He wondered if Hannah had told him, but he knew that if she had, she would have given him a heads up. He was not going to open up her history to this Gorn, or anyone else. It was going to stay sealed, and classified.....:: Parker: That is none of your business. Is that why you called me down here? To ask who has been in my bed? :: Slowly standing:: I would love for you to try to make me answer that question, or any other.... :: Nugra was hoping there would be a rile. He had been in a bad mood for so long. He stood and enunciated his words. :: Nugra: SIT. DOWN. Major! This is an official investigation in to the possibility of actions prejudice to good order, you are on record, and you are required by law to answer my questions. Parker: Well, in that case, perhaps when I kick your [...] you can make a real case out of this, instead of this wannabe kangaroo court you are trying to run.... :: There was nothing Hannibal wanted to do more right now than to turn Nugra into a pair of boots with matching belt...he knew he was not making things easier for himself, but he knew he had done nothing wrong...and he was not going to be led to slaughter by this man....Nugra: If you plan to strike me, you better be ready to be cashiered out of Star Fleet with a bad conduct discharge as I'm completely within my rights as Chief of Security. The law is on my side. Not yours. Parker: The law MAY be on your side, but it does not mean you are right.... :: Hannibal, still standing, had no plans to yield, his gaze matching the Gorns...neither one would blink as they continued to stare at each other. Hannibal knew the Gorn meant business, but so did he. He knew he would have his chance at the Gorn...one way or another, and he slowly began to lower himself back into his chair...:: :: Nugra waited for him to be sitting again. The Gorn lowered himself back in to his chair. :: Nugra: Now. Are you refusing to answer the question? Parker: Under the Starfleet Code Of Military Justice, I hereby request formal council to assist me with providing this officer with a positive defense. :: Hannibal knew Nugra knew he was stalling for time, and he still had a few tricks up is sleeve..the [...] was not going to get away with this... :: :: Nugra hid his grin. Hannibal wasn't as much of a dumb tank as he seemed to be. It seemed he had realized that this wasn't Nugra: You can have your lawyer. It just makes me think you're guilty anyhow. You are hereby instructed under Security section 32a that you are not to discuss this investigation with anyone except your lawyer and my security staff. We will reconvene this briefing once you have your lawyer present. Parker: You won't have to wait long, Commander. This witch hunt is going to end, and then you and I are going to have a serious discussion....about honor...Nugra: Yes and while we are at it we'll discuss the law. Things like striking security officers unprovoked who are doing their job, I think it'll be a VERY interesting discussion. :: Hannibal did not appreciate the rather aggressive stance the Security Department took on since Nugra had been given command...and their laying of hands on him would clear him of assault charges once the security feed was reviewed...but for now, he knew he needed help, and whatever quest Nugra was on, nipping it in the bud was now high on his list of things to do..:: Parker: Oh, that it will be...perhaps I will be the one filing charges against you and your men...or perhaps, you can take your departments' punishment for them.. :: Hannbal stood up, and never took his eyes off the Gorn.He had just made himself a very dangerous enemy, not only from a combat standpoint, but shipboard as well..:: Parker: oO How dare he insult me, attempt to dishonor me, in front of my men, in front of my command? This is far from over....you have just declared war...Oo :: Nugra did not say a word as the infuriated officer left the room. He quickly made a note in his notes. ::Nugra: oO Major shows immediately defense of Chief Martinez. Though the fraternization is unimportant in the grand scheme of things, there might be a case of abuse of power and using of rank to show preferential treatment. Look into Major Parker's career and anyone associated with him. Oo Lt Cmdr NugraDeck OfficerUSS Thunder-A &Major Hannibal Tiberious Parker 2nd Officer/Marine Commander/ Chief Of Strategic Operations USS Thunder-A/ Duronis II Embassy
(( Holosuite - Deck 2 - USS Thunder-A )) :: The holosuite had taken on an old earth look with the white marble floors, and polished wood seats, witness stand and judge’s bench. Nugra had spent a few hours going through different planet’s law rooms and decided on the human 21st century version. The only change he made sure to program was that the judges bench could sit three, the senior officers who would be judging the Captain’s Mast. :: :: It would begin in a few minutes and by his order, it would be a closed hearing except for the ones that Mc Ghee had invited. Nugra might not be the Chief Security Officer anymore, but by Gorn tradition this was his case and his case to prosecute. :: :: Jaxon Mc Ghee, an enigma in itself. The man who abandoned his crew and comrades in the middle of a fight and would not explain himself. There had been some things that had happened from what he heard through the ship’s grapevine, but nothing that would absolve him of the cardinal sin he committed. :: :: The minutes counted down slowly with the Gorn continually adjusting his PADD to make sure that it was absolutely perfect. It was exactly 1100 hours when the doors of the holosuite opened and the members of the court martial entered. Nugra stood quickly. :: :: Captain Turner, Commander Vess, and Major Parker all wore faces of solemnity as they took their seats and Jaxon Mc Ghee took his place on the defense side of the courtroom. Jaxon allowed his eyes to briefly rest at Hannibal’s person as he entered, knowing he could rely on his chosen brother to hold his word. The Vulcan hybrid suspected that had Hannibal known what he planned for his defence, that he would never so readily agreed to remain objective and silent regarding the true events of that fateful day. :: :: Hannibal hated proceedings like this, but he knew they were necessary. This was his first time heading a tribunal... usually he was on the other side, the one being judged. He especially hated the idea that his first tribunal involved his adopted brother. Hannibal knew well the events of that night, and he had done what he could to make provisions for what happened that night. He hoped it would be enough..:: ::As soon as the tribunal had settled in their seats, Toni looked to Hannibal and Alucard, and when she received their nods, she began.:: Turner: Lt. Commander Nugra, we're ready for you to proceed. Nugra: Yes, Ma’am. Case File 238912.22-Hash-2: Lieutenant Commander Jaxon Mc Ghee VS Starfleet Command. :: Placing his hands behind his back, Nugra began his speech. It was well rehearsed. Even T’Ana had gone over it a few times for effective wording. :: Nugra: On Stardate 238910.01, Lieutenant Commander Jaxon Mc Ghee willfully broke Article 99 section one, three, and five, Misbehavior before the Enemy. He willfully left the USS Thunder and her crew in a state of peril jeopardizing the lives aboard said ship. Article 92, Disobey a Direct Order, to stay at your post until properly relieved committing dereliction of duty and Article 133 Conduct unbecoming an Officer and a Gentleman. :: Hannibal wanted to cringe at the charges... he knew Jaxon was no coward but each charge was like a knife sticking into him... and he despised the Gorn who pompously dared to stand in judgement of a man he knew almost nothing about. :: :: The Gorn resisted the urge to pace. :: Nugra: These said charges are extremely serious and not to be taken lightly. His actions could have been responsible for more deaths in the final destruction of the Thunder than we could possibly know. His actions has shown he is unfit for the pips he wears. :: It was everything Hannibal could do to stay in his seat, his face impassive. Inside, be was boiling like a volcano, but he had to maintain control, no matter what. :: ::Even from the depths of his meditation induced serenity, Jaxon still felt a small glow of anger at the Gorn’s words. The man spoke insults with same ease as a mentor voicing advice to his pupil. Deep from within Jaxon knew there was some truth in this colorful description of his actions, as it was always easy to simply place blame on only one surface. He felt the urge to speak out the real reasons, quietly, soberly and with honesty that would disarm Nugra’s verbal lashes for good. It would also be so simple to explain away the complex states of affairs that had blinded his judgement and led to him abandoning his colleagues. But there also lay the problem, a full confession would also be too light a path, and one as dishonorable as his actions themselves.:: Turner: Lt. Commander Mc Ghee, having heard the charges brought against you, how do you plead? :: Before answering the Captain, the engineer reconsidered the charges the Gorn had brought up against him. Since Nugra had charged him in Hannibals cell, a lot of time had passed and he could have spent his spare time to study every jurisdictional event similar to his to prevent the disaster he expected as the outcome. However such a course would only be betraying those lost on the Thunder once more and thus, there was only one answer for the Captains question. Even though the Welshman had spent most of his time recently in deep meditation, Jaxon was still far more Human than Vulcan and now this fact shone through; he turned his blue eyes onto the Gorn officer to see his reaction, here he could also avoid Hannibal who was likely less than pleased at his words. :: Mc Ghee: :: steadily gazing at Nugra :: Guilty in all three charges, Ma’am. ::His words stung. Toni had expected the truth from him, but she also had expected him to explain the circumstances behind his actions. Had those reasons been the same reasons that had kept Counselor Yael from telling her the details of his sessions with him? Without giving away her feelings in her countenance, she watched the reactions of Hannibal, Vess and Nugra for anything that would give his plea creedance. :: ::Alucard had been taking a sip of his coffee when Mc Ghee accepted the charges against him. It made him pause with the cup to his lips, eyeing the engineer with some curiosity before finally putting it down. Surely he understood the gravity of the situation, and that his career, let alone his freedom, hung in the balance.:: :: Hannibal bit his lip...he didn’t expect Jaxon to fall on his sword, but now he was left vulnerable, subject to whatever punishment the tribunal decided to mete out. He wanted to stop his brother from doing this, but the quick look at him told him his mind was made up, and it was too late to change it now...:: :: Nugra was caught by surprise at the guilty plea that was introduced, but quickly looked at his notes to make sure he was correct. The Penalty Phase would begin immediately to decide the fate of the man across from him. :: :: In ways, Nugra felt that the law was being harsh on Jaxon. There was a secret that he was keeping and it seemed he was willing to sacrifice his whole career for the sake of that secret. The law was very plain. The human had threatened the safety of the Thunder, he had abandoned his post, and even though there might have be reasons to mitigate that, the damage had been done. :: Nugra: The Prosecution would only ask that the Tribunal consider what has happened since the destruction of the Thunder and what Commander Mc Ghee has truly done. We feel that is all the proof needed to show how horrible his choice was to his ship and to ship crewmates. :: Again there was a brief moment in which Jaxon felt the dull anger rise in him, this time stronger and sharper than before and yellow framed pupils dropped wordlessly to the floor in hurt contemplation as his mind left the courtroom and returned to the battlefield. The Gorn had a way of stating the obvious and in this case it was a painful truth that instantly caused a list of names to appear in the Welshman’s mind. After all the time that had passed, especially in those restless nights he still recalled everything, sometimes even cursing his mind with passion as it relentlessly displayed information he wished he could suppress with the same ease as his emotions. :: ::Alucard cleared his throat before glancing left to Turner, then right to Parker.:: ::Convinced that there was more to the story than what was being told, Toni withheld comment, passing it to the other members of the tribunal.:: Parker: No comment.... :: Hannibal tried to keep his voice even, unemotional... he wasn’t sure if he succeeded in the attempt...:: Vess: Thank yeh, Commander Nugra. Commander Mc Ghee, do yeh have anythin’ t’ say in yer defence? :: Nugra sat down and waited to see what Mc Ghee would say in his favor to mitigate the sentence that the Tribunal would be forced to put on him. Something in his gut was telling him this was not a simple cut and dry case like his report said it was. The reptile wanted to ignore the feeling, make Jaxon pay for abandoning his crew and move on. A memory of a lost Gorn ship in the war surfaced, but he quickly subdued it. :: Mc Ghee: :: Briefly looking at Hannibal :: There is nothing relevant to these charges or to my defence that I wish to add at this time. ::Alucard’s eyes narrowed sharply. A man who wouldn’t even defend himself was hiding something darker.:: :: Standing again, feeling like a kid’s toy the Gorn respectful bowed his head. :: Nugra: The prosecution has nothing further to say. Turner: Thank you, Commander. Parker: I have heard all I need to hear... :: Hannibal wasn’t going to endorse or indict Jaxon... his best bet was to say nothing. He held one card, one very big card, and soon, he might have to play it, to save his brothers’ career. :: Vess: Commander, now is the chance t’ explain yerself, t’ give yer reasons fer yer actions. Ah’m sure yeh can understand that yer career is in the balance here. If there’s anythin’ yeh feel would help yeh, say it now. :: During the many hours of his meditation, Jaxon had contemplated this eventuality and had already put together the answer. Just like his reports it also omitted certain aspects such as S’Caan’s appearance, or that both teens had only been saved and revived because of Chang’s help. Now the same information had to be relayed and presented to ensure justice would be served. :: Mc Ghee: I discovered that Cabrew, Joel and Bolt were still on the planet and with our battle group engaging the enemy far from the planet and the Thunder in such a state, there were no options to effectively locate and rescue them. I chose to abandon the ship in favor of searching for them personally. :: Nugra remained silent. This was not the time for him to speak as it was only Mc Ghee’s chance to salvage what was left of his career and dignity. :: Turner: And where was the Raven at that point? Mc Ghee: :: turning to look at Captain Turner:: The Raven was unable to directly scan the Embassy as she was needed to hold the Thunder in orbit, we would have lost the ship immediately otherwise. Instead I used her drones to scan the Embassy grounds and direct me in my search of the grounds. :: Jaxon looked briefly to Hannibal and hoped that he would forgive him for maneuvering him into a position from which he could not help him. While important passages were simply not told, so far everything was true enough. Considering any close range sensor logs had gone down with the Thunder and that the manipulation of the Raven’s logs was already complete, there was nothing that could point to Director Chang ever being in orbit, or to S’Caan’s malicious appearance and its outcome for the enemy. He could only hope that Hannibal had the sense to do the same, the Marine sense of honor was unpredictable at times. :: Nugra: The Prosecution would respectfully remind the Tribunal that these logs are not in evidence as they were destroyed along with the Thunder. :: Jaxon had to admire Nugra’s thoroughness, here he was not even trying to defend himself, however his prosecutor was still making sure protocol was being followed. :: Turner: ::turning her full attention to Alucard and Hannibal:: Commanders are you ready to pass judgement? :: Commander Vess silently nodded his head at the Captain’s question. :: :: Hannibal saw this as his one and only chance to save his brother...time to play that card..:: Hannibal: I move to sentence Commander Mc Ghee to time served. Any further testimony on the events of that night have been classified by Starfleet Intelligence. The defendant cannot be compelled to testify on classified matters unless ordered to do so directly by Starfleet Command, and only a flag officer can make such a request.... :: Hannibal had indeed had Chang classify his after-action report, something he routinely did after covert operations. Their actions that night...what he, Hella, and Kamela had done, Changs’ involvement...would never see the light of day. He hoped the Captain and Commander Vess understood the situation..especially the Captain. Kamela killed the double agent who was getting ready to kill her in the opening hours of the invasion. That report, too, was classified...:: :: Hannibals words caused Jaxon’s head to turn sharply towards the Major, a frown furrowing his brow, this approach surprised the Welshman completely. Of course he knew that Hannibal was trying to save him, however he didn’t want redemption as none would ever be enough. There was no words, actions or deeds that could excuse abandoning his colleagues in a time of such need. Regardless of his personal feelings, he had placed the lives of his son and Cabrew over that of men and women who were under his command, in essence Nugra was right. :: Vess: Ah dunna know if time served is enough here, given the extreme loss o’ life that resulted from Commander Mc Ghee’s actions. ::While Toni was inclined to agree with Hannibal, she felt there wasn't sufficient information to justify such a move. She had trusted Mc Ghee implicitly since the day he had come aboard, and he had never disappointed her, but without a word in his own defense, she had no choice in the matter than to investigate further. And Hannibal had given her the means to do just that.:: Turner: Commander Mc Ghee, I'll give you one more chance to redeem yourself. If you refuse, then I, as a flag officer, will be compelled to request that the full report of your actions of that night, to be declassified, and in doing so, anyone who aided you in them will be implicated. ::What she didn't say, but felt it was made clear enough to him, was if he didn't do it voluntarily, he would be endangering those he was evidently trying so desperately to protect.:: :: Hannibal had placed himself square in the crosshairs, believing that Captain Turner would indeed request that classified report... but he also knew that if she did, Chang would sanitize it as much as possible... which would place him even further in her debt. Captain Turner he trusted implicitly, but the seriousness of the situation meant that even her fairness would be taken to an extreme. Hannibal was ready to sacrifice himself to save Mc Ghee, Hella, and Kamela... and none of them would ever know what he was willing to give up to save them... :: :: The Welshman looked up and over the Tribunal, blue eyes briefly settling on Hannibal for a fraction of a second. Parker had been trying to help him, but now had possibly maneuvered himself into a situation where he could have caused harm to himself. Jaxon’s eyes settled back on the Captain, he didn’t want to lie to her but couldn’t allow Hannibal to take harm either. Careful wording would have to do here. :: Mc Ghee: Ma’am, I am guilty as charged. Defence where none is necessary is... :: frowns :: ... illogical. :: The Welshman pauses before continuing :: My choice to rank the life of only one person as more important than that of those under my command is something that is inexcusable. The fact that it was my son is irrelevant. :: A silence fell over the mock courtroom as Mc Ghee held himself out to the mercy of the court. Hannibal would never forget the glee Nugra showed as he crucified his brother. There was no doubt what he did was wrong, and he deserved punishment, but not destruction. Hannibal had given his advice, and now, Commander Vess and Captain Turner, who held the ultimate responsibility, had to make the decision. Hannibal found it hard to look anywhere but straight ahead, even to look at Mc Ghee. Finally, the tortuous silence was broken, and sentence would be pronounced....or not....:: ::The tribunal discussed the problem privately in hushed tones huddles at the table, and once Alucard had rendered his opinion, Toni would have to pass sentence.:: Vess: Ah believe we have our answer. ::Leaning back, they settled in their chairs, facing Mc Ghee.:: Turner: Lt. Commander Jaxon Mc Ghee, please stand for sentencing. :: Jaxon left his seat and stood up, fixing his eyes on the wall opposite the desk before him. Through his chosen silence he had left the tribunal with little to no choices and even though he had a rough idea of what was surely coming, his heart began beating faster as he awaited judgement. Inside his head, he felt a strange kind of pressure, on one side stood the seven and more years of work since enrolling at the academy, his learning to run department, half of which wasn’t even on the ship. All that stood vis-à-vis to this was some dark and swirling cloud, a huge kaleidoscope of guilt and shame, regret and anger over his actions and what had caused them. It was the third time in his life that S’Caan had influenced his actions and caused havoc. :: ::As he stood, Toni dreaded the job that Mc Ghee, himself, was forcing her to do.:: Turner: Jaxon Mc Ghee, with your guilty plea, you have left us no alternative but to find you guilty of breaking Article 99 section one,three, and five, Misbehavior before the Enemy when you willfully left the USS Thunder and her crew in a state of peril jeopardizing the lives aboard said ship; Article 92, Disobeyed Direct Order, to stay at your post until properly relieved committing dereliction of duty; and Article 133 Conduct unbecoming an Officer and a Gentleman. For those offenses, we strip you of the rank of Lt. Commander and status as Chief of Engineering. Hereafter you will assume the rank of Ensign, and remain in the Engineering department. Further, when not on duty, you will be considered under house arrest and be confined to your quarters whether it will be those on the USS Thunder - A or at the Embassy, unless otherwise specified. :: The Welshman’s blue eyes closed upon hearing the loss of Engineering, one of the few achievements he was truly proud of. Regardless of his imposed Vulcan serenity emotion flashed like lightning of a distant storm over his face while he listened. :: ::She stopped long enough to take a sip of water.:: Turner: However, we will not be closing your case. If at any time you feel you can offer a reasonable explanation for your actions, we will reconvene this tribunal for an extended hearing. Also, should it be necessary for you to attend the functions of the crew as a whole, you will be under obligation to attend, but will have to be accompanied by at least one of the following officers Lt. Commander Hannibal Parker, Commander Alucard Vess, Lt. Commander Nugra, or Counselor Ashley Yael. ::looking straight into his eyes.:: If you understand this sentence, please surrender the applicable pips, and return to your quarters at the Embassy. :: There …. it was done. Her judgment becoming a mirror to their from now on strained relationship; Captain Turner had placed trust in him very early on, surely seeing something within a freshman Ensign that he himself hadn’t known was there, while at the time oblivious to what was within him. Irony pure. Now this mirror lay in broken shards, a reflection of her trust in him as a person and officer. Jaxon turned his head smartly to Fleet Captain Turner and called on his composure. :: Mc Ghee: ::returning her gaze:: I understand Ma’am. I will prepare a final report for the new Chief Engineer. In the meantime I suggest either Commander Hendon or Chief Hopkins to oversee Engineering until a replacement arrives. :: The short Welshman reached up to his collar and removed the pips, his memory recalling the mission’s that had led to his earning them. Memories of quiet days in Engineering, controlling and checking the systems, of times when alarms wailed and orders had been screamed back and forth or when he stood shoulder to shoulder with Isaac fighting down the enemy while Marines fell alongside them. Sometimes the galaxy appeared to be as fragile as it was merciless. So much work and achievement undone by only one action. The newest Ensign to engineering silently set the one and one half pips on the desk, squared his broad shoulders and stood behind the defendant desk awaiting to be dismissed. :: Turner: This tribunal has come to a conclusion oO for now.Oo Everyone is dismissed. A JP by, Lt Cmdr. Jaxon Mc GheeChief Engineering OfficerUSS Thunder NCC 70605-AEmbassy Duronis II and Lt Cmdr. NugraDeck OfficerUSS Thunder NCC 70605-AEmbassy Duronis II and Major Hannibal Tiberious Parker2nd Officer/Marine CommanderUSS Thunder NCC 70605-AEmbassy Duronis II and Commander Alucard VessFirst OfficerUSS Thunder NCC 70605-AEmbassy Duronis II and Fleet Captain Toni TurnerCommanding OfficerUSS Thunder NCC 70605-AEmbassy Duronis II
((USS Thunder-A - Somers Homestead - Earth)) ::After their little adventure in the Sol system the Thunder had returned to earth, the ship was docked at Earth Station McKinley undergoing repairs, so the crew had time off. While Paul went to visit his Mother and Fathers Family and reacquaint himself with them, Alex spent sometime with her parents.:: Samuel Somers: ::giving his daughter a big hug and holding her at arms length as he looked at her:: Well back so soon, not that I am complaining of course, nasty business out at Hegemone, but that is business, how long are you home for and where is my new Son-in-law? ::Sam asked.:: A. Somers: I am back here till I am recalled as is Paul, but he has gone to visit his side of the family, this will be the first time in a long time that he would have been home for any length of time. So how is mom and where is she? S. Somers: Your mother is out visiting old colleagues, she will be back later ::Sam responded putting his arm around his daughters shoulder as her Sister Karyn and her partner entered, Alex looked puzzled, she knew her Sisters sexual orientation, but her partner was new.:: A. Somers: ::Giving her Sister a big hug:: So Sis you going to tell me who your new partner is? K. Somers: ::Hugging back then stepping back:: This is Danielle, we were just going out hiking, you want to join us? ::Karyn asked.:: A. Somers: No thanks Sis, you go enjoy yourself, pleased to meet you Danielle ::Alex said and the woman only smiled as both left the house, she looked back at her father:: That is what her fourth partner since leaving the Embassy? S. Somers: Its her sixth, but whose counting, she is a big enough girl and lets not go there. A. Somers: Agreed ::pause:: so what have you been doing with yourself since I left so soon after the wedding? S. Somers: Oh Starfleet Diplomatic Corps had Starfleet High Command reactivate my commission, I am still a Colonel but now I am officially the envoy to Kronos, it seems that the Klingon High Council wish now to only deal with a warrior and I am told you had a hand in my new appointment ::Sam said.:: ::Alex broke away and holding out both hands.:: A. Somers: Whoa dad! I did not speak to any Klingon envoy or even to the Chancellor, so how in Hades could I have assisted in your new appointment!? :she asked clearly puzzled.:: S. Somers: Easy there lass, I am not blaming you, but it seems on your Klingon held After Wedding party you got into a drinking contest with a group of Klingon's and apparently drunk all but one under the table and you and the last Klingon apparently collapsed at the same time. ::pause:: That Klingon was their Envoy to Earth and he was impressed at your cast iron constitution and ability in imbibe strong drink and remain coherent. ::beat:: So he put in a request to have the flame haired Terran Warriors Father as the Federation's Official Envoy to Kronos, so now I have a posh office at Starfleet Headquarters and two Advisors and an Aide plus a Secretary and I am missing the days where I was ducking Phaser fire and it is all thanks to you ::he said with a smile, to show he was not mad.:: A. Somers: Wow dad, I never knew getting blasted would get you assigned such a position, but if they had seen me when I returned to the Thunder-A, I do not think they would be too impressed. S. Somers: How so? A. Somers: First Off there was the Upchuck, then just as I thought I had finished I upchucked some more and by the time I had finished the ships Doctor had to replenish my vitals, Paul of course stood there like a pillar of stone totally emotionless, where I was concerned, but he did speak to the Doctor, I was too ill to pay any notice ::she responded.:: ::As the day wore on and her Mother came home and warmly greeted her Daughter and they talked, by 2300 hours the past few days had caught up with her, she yawned and excused herself saying she was retiring for the night so up to her room she went and got into her night-dress and went to sleep and in her sleep, she had the most weird dream, one that she would remember for the rest of her days.:: ((Alex Somers Bedroom - Somers Estate - 2300 hours)) ((Dreamscape)) ::This was one of her more€¦ Craziest dreams, but it would bring her to a revelation, one which she would share in knowledge like an old Historical Starfleet Officer.:: ((USS Yorktown - Personal Quarters - September 1 2421)) ::Alex was walking from one room into another, even though she knew it was a dream, it was surreal, she noticed she was wearing some kind of Marine Uniform, it was not recognisable but she looked in the mirror and gasped, she still had her Red hair, but now it was in a bob and liberally streaked with white, her features were that of and old woman. Then she noticed her rank which showed Colonel rank, she looked at her file and saw that she had recently turned 60.:: Somers: So I finally make it to Colonel but I am an old woman when I do, interesting, still I managed to keep my figure ::she said to herself suddenly she found herself sitting on the bridge which was unfamiliar to her as it was not set out like any ship she had served on before and it mostly had Marines on the bridge.:: ::The ship had just gone to Red Alert and was responding to a distress call from Betazed, with her, she knew, how she did not know, but she knew she had two other Ships on her left and right flanks respectively, she called up her ships name class and registry number and that of her companion ships.:: Somers: ::speaking to herself:: interesting USS Yorktown NCC 1941-C Achilles Class Refit, that is this ship, now what of my wingmen? ::she asked herself:: interesting, things must be bad for Starfleet if they have Marines commanding Starships ::suddenly she knew the Federation was once again at war with a powerful enemy and barely holding their own.:: So my wingmen are the USS Nimitz NCC 96318-A and the USS New Horizon NCC 89071-A, both are also Achilles class refit. ::pause:: [...] I have my own battle group ::she said in surprise, as even on a basic Achilles class; the ship had eight dorsal Micro Quantum torpedo launchers in addition to four forward firing and two rear firing standard size torpedo launchers add in a mix of Pulse Phaser Cannons and High graded Phaser arrays an Achilles Class ship was nothing to be sneered at, even alone it could hold its own in a battle with a much larger ship.:: ((Betazed Foothills - September 15 2421)) ::Now she was standing in a valley in the Betazed foothills, she looked behind and saw some fleeing refugees. She remembered that having lost her Wingmen in a space battle, and the Yorktown shortly after that she had escaped to the Planet with 299 Marines and a Fleet Medical Officer. She had assured the refugees that her 300 troops would hold the enemy at bay while they escaped, now she saw some portable automated Pulse Phaser and Torpedo turrets placed on the hills on the left and right sides of her dug in platoon, she tightened her combat webbing. It was now she realized she carried three types of bladed weapons, her Mek'Leth and Bat'Leth and on her right hip was her D'Tagh Knife and on her left was her collapsible quarterstaff. She also had her Phaser versions of her trusty Desert Eagle Pistols and a standard Mk 40 Pulse Phaser Auto-fire Rifle it resembled in size and style the rifles used in Picards time on the Enterprise-E, but it had more options and was somewhat more powerful. She looked to her left and right and noticed that all her troops carried an assortment of bladed weapons. Somers: So our enemy finds honour in bladed combat, ::it was then she noticed her units patch:: First Platoon 95th Rifle Regiment Starfleet Marine Corps ::pause:: dammit the Federation must be in an all out war if old units had been reformed ::she said to herself.:: ::There was one refugee who she held back so he could carry her last recording to her superiors on Earth, she sealed and coded the device and looked at the refugee.:: Somers: Give this to the First Starfleet Ship Captain or Klingon ship Captain you meet and tell them this ::beat:: This is the last report from Colonel Alexandria Lynne Somers Colonel in the 95th Rifle Regiment and we shall hold out for as long as we can, while we can, do you understand? ::she asked and the guy nodded.:: Good now get to your transport ::she said and watched him flee as sonic booms were heard as enemy drop ships made their decent.:: Raise the Regimental colours ::She said, knowing that one of her own crew would have picked up their battle Colours along with the Federation flag.:: ((USS Yorktown - Betazed Orbit - One day earlier)) ::The Trio of ships commanded by Alex arrived in the Betazed system and was immediately in combat, after years of fighting together these three crews reacted as one and their enemy found out just what the Achilles class was capable of, but despite early victories, they had numbers against them. The enemy had plenty, they were only three Elite ships, but they cut a good sized chunk into the enemy armada. They used their torpedoes sparingly after the first volleys, now the element of surprise had gone and the enemy ships began to cause damage to them, Alex was clinging to her chair as reports from her Comms Officer came in.:: 1st Lieutenant Lane: Captain, the New Horizon has just been lost a number of escape pods are heading for the Betazoid foothills and the Nimitz has gone out in traditional Klingon fashion and we have began to show some damage, we will not last much longer all torpedoes are spent we are only on Phasers now ::she reported.:: Somers: Okay we will take as many with us as we can, order all excess crew to abandon ship use every available shuttle and escape pods and head to the location of the Nimitz escape pods, I will remain with my XO and two Officers, I assume there is enough power to send a distress call and Emergency transporters? ::she asked.:: Officer: Yes Captain, also I have brought these for you, it would be a shame to leave them behind ::the Officer said handing Alex her prized weapons, the Twin Katanas she carried in the past were nowhere to be seen.:: Somers: ::Smiling:: Thank you now send off that distress call and get to an escape pod ::she said and watched as most of her crew left.:: Its bigger than a shuttle, but I think I can fly her ::she said sitting at the Helm, Triome take shields Keral weapons lets show them what riflemen can do shall we? ::she said as she swung her ship around and out to a safe distance and stopped.:: Lt. Col. Triome: Why are they not shooting? ::the Bolian first Officer asked.:: Somers: Well you have one badly beaten up Achilles class ship facing off over a thousand enemy ships, they enemy commander is probably thinking I am either insane, I am going to run or I am going to Kamikaze, if what intel files say about these Grivaan are correct the enemy Commander is either curious or shocked, but expect a communication from him soon, Keral how are those weapons looking? ::she asked her Klingon Second Officer.:: Major Keral: All weapons are functional, but I estimate we will last no more than ten minutes, fifteen if extremely lucky. Somers: ::Looking at the Klingon:: I would like to say today is a good day to die, but we will not be dying this day my friend ::she said and as predicted the enemy commander contacted her.:: Triome: Captain, we have the enemy Commander hailing Somers: Onscreen ::she said and the image of a Grivaan War Leader appeared.:: Who do I have the distinct honour of addressing? ::Alex asked, becoming formal:: oO Now to see if Starfleet Intelligence got something right Oo War Leader K'Faali: ::he puffed up with self-pride at the sudden formality given by this Soldier, he was of the old school, where; when one Officer addressed another, they obeyed a strict protocol; this Soldier bore authority about her and displayed some formality.:: you have the honour of addressing War Leader K'Faali Commander of this Fleet, and who am I speaking to? ::he asked just as formally.:: Somers: ::Stepping around the helm station and coming to Parade rest where she showed her unit patches and rank:: You Sir have the honour of addressing Colonel Alexandria Somers Commander of the USS Yorktown and a Senior Officer in the 95th Rifle Regiment Starfleet Marine Corps, we are one of the many Elite Spec Ops units in the Federation ::she responded.:: K'Faali: I am pleased to meet the commander of the trio of ships that has caused my fleet much damage, now as one warrior to another, I offer you a chance to surrender with honour, you will be shown every respect of a proven warrior. ::beat:: Before you reject my onetime offer think, your ship has no heavy weapons left only beam weapons, your ship is badly damaged and will not survive a short exchange with one of my frigates. So surrender with honour and I shall allow your troops on the planet and those still on your ship to go free, on this you will have my solemn oath ::he said.:: ::Alex looked at her First Officer and made a motion to cut audio as she turned and made her way back around to the helm station. With her back to the viewscreen and no audio going out she spoke.:: Somers: Well bless my cotton socks, Starfleet Intelligence got something right for once, I have set this ship on auto-pilot and it will hold out long enough for us to beam to the planet, get some weapons from your quarters quickly and beam down to the planet, I will join you directly, we have one final duty to perform on the planet, while I have one final duty up here, now go ::she said, both nodded and left the bridge.:: ::Turning back to the viewscreen as she sat, she saw the War Leaders curious look as to why this human had dismissed her visibly remaining crew, now pressing a button on her console she reopened audio.:: Somers: Apologies War Leader, final instructions to my Officers. K'Faali: You are going to surrender with honour? ::he asked hope edging his speech.:: Somers: No, your offer is most generous and I am truly honoured, but you have no idea on my Unit they were not called Somers Renegades for nothing. No Sir, we shall meet again in personal combat on the planet below, there the final result will be decided. Good day to you War Leader K'Faali I will see you on the fields below Qua'pla ::she said and closed the link.:: ::She programmed in an excellent and creative attack pattern and checked to see if her two remaining crew had gone, confirming they had, she set the ship on auto, stepped into the middle of the bridge and put her combat harness on with all her bladed weapons and her Phasers, she stood and looked around.:: Somers: We had some good time huh old friend, but we shall meet again ::she said to her ship:: Computer begin attack run and energize ::she said as she vanished from the bridge and the Yorktown attacked.:: ((Earth - Starfleet Headquarters September 20 2421)) ::Now Alex found herself observing a group of people, it was the CinC of Starfleet, the Intelligence Commander and some Admirals from the Security and external operations Departments. Standing in the middle was her husband Paul Sharpe, his hair was white and he was in Civilian clothes, but had the Kronos Ambassadorial sash on, next to him was the Klingon Chancellor and on his right were their two children, Marine Captain Samantha Lynne Somers and Lieutenant Paul Sharpe Junior plus to her surprise was the Romulan Proconsul. Her daughter was the image of a younger Alex. Now her consciousness watched these people watch her last report recording from her.:: Commander Thompson: Sirs ::an Aide came rushing in, with Paul Sharpe and his two children in tow, both had been told of events with the Yorktown.:: A refugee gave this to me with a direct message from Colonel Somers. Fleet Admiral Jennings: Out with it Commander Thompson: ::clearing his throat:: It reads This is the last report from Colonel Alexandria Lynne Somers Colonel in the 95th Rifle Regiment and we shall hold out for as long as we can, while we can.€ ::pause:: That is the message, also the refugee mentioned that the Starfleet surviving troops had erected their Battle Standard and the Federation flag as enemy drop ships were landing ::he said handing the recording to the Fleet Admiral.:: ::He took it and dismissed the Aide and placed the recording and the first images to greet them was the 95th Rifle Regiment 1st Battalion Flag.:: Somers: Stardate 242115.09 my trio of ships has fallen in orbit of Betazed, The USS Nimitz went with all hands, some survivors from the USS New Horizon landed safely on the planet, plus most of my crew from the USS Yorktown. Send a large Fleet you will need it; I have including myself only 299 Riflemen and one Fleet doctor, we have set up a defensive position at the foothills of Betazed, by the time you get this we will all be dead. My ships faced a large Grivaan Fleet and we accounted for half of that number, unfortunately all their fighter Carriers survived. As this is my last report, I have a few requests ::her recording said.:: Sharpe: 300 troops against thousands of enemy troops, It is a modern Battle of Thermopylae ::Paul said.:: Chancellor Torok: ::Looking at Sharpe:: What is this battle you are on about? Sharpe: ::Looks at the Chancellor:: I would ask Sir that you look up ancient Earth history, Greek Armies, search parameters Spartan Warrior or simply put in Battle of Thermopylae. This will tell you what I am on about, 300 Spartan troops against the Persian Empire, the troops held out for seven days three of which were battles. But considering today's weapons and tactics, Alex's assessment is correct they could hold out for three days max. ::pause:: But knowing Alex she will hold out for six, either way we will be too late getting there. ::As she was dreaming this, Alex wondered what the hell was going on, it was like she was connected to all areas where her mortal self was or recording were, plus watching things unfold as Paul comforted their Daughter and Son.:: Somers: ::Looking directly at the Chancellor, as if she knew he would be there sent a chill up all their spines.:: first request is to you Chancellor, I ask only that you hand my Bat'Leth, Mek'Leth and Dag'TagH to my Daughter, also she is to be put through Klingon bladed Combat training. Passing my weapons to her as they are hers by right of succession and it must be honoured ::she said and the Chancellor absently nodded.:: ::She looked directly at the Fleet Admiral of Starfleet.:: Somers: Any to you Fleet Admiral Sir I ask that our bodies are recovered and given full military honours funerals and that when a memorial is erected; you put on the following passage for the memorial, perhaps it will give our forces courage to overcome our foe, the inscription should read:- €œIf we do not live another Day, Then say this over our Pyre: They died like Riflemen Their Faces to the Fire€ ::The Fleet Admiral would grant this as it would sit well with the Klingon's who were essential in keeping the enemy at bay and the Colonel was correct, it would motivate Federation Alliance Forces.:: Proconsul P'tretil: A touching verse, it would motivate me to be better than those who died ::he said, in typical Romulan fashion.:: Sharpe: Exactly sir, that is what my wife intended ::Paul said and the Proconsul looked contrite.:: Somers: ::Now she looks directly at Paul Sharpe Senior:: and you Paul my love, I will see you again where no Shadows fall. ::she looks at her two children:: My logical little Paul, so inventive and who follows his father, my lovely daughter Samantha; remember that nothing is forgotten, nothing is ever forgotten, ::she looked back at her husband:: Paul on my grave I want the following text placed €œAlexandria Somers, she lived for as she died, in combat€ ::beat:: that the personal stuff out of the way, my report is as stands, until reinforcements arrive, Betazed is in enemy hands. This is Colonel Alexandria Somers signing off, Fly safe and true ::with that the recording ended.:: Jennings: Time to organise that taskforce, you coming Chancellor? Chancellor: Of course, Proconsul, can your people send a cloaked scout ship out and supply transports to carry their valiant dead back? ::the Klingon chancellor said.:: ::The Romulan only nodded and was about to leave as a member of Species 8472 walked into the room in its natural form draped in a cloak and using an injection changed shape to human and spoke.:: Species 8472: Could my troops join you on this, your Warrior was well known to us and treated us with fairness and honour, we wish to repay this. Jennings: By all means Ambassador, we would be honoured ::he replied and all left the room to get things done.:: ((Foothills - Betazed - Early morning September 16 2421)) ::Suddenly she was back in her older body and looked to her rear and there was the two flags fluttering in the breeze as over a thousand Grivaan Elite troops led by War Leader K'Faali, who advanced forward under a flag of truce as he looked admiringly at the elderly humans bladed weapon assortments.:: K'Faali: I offer you this final chance to surrender. Somers: ::Stepping out in front and looking up at the taller being but directly into his eyes:: We shall both die in the days to come War Leader and I must say that it has been my honour to fight a worthy opponent, if only we had met when I was younger, then I would be the only one standing out of both of us. K'Faali: Hmm€¦ Pride, bluster but both backed up by pure courage, I am also similarly honoured to have faced you in honourable combat ::he said and both Grivaan and Human returned to their lines.:: Somers: Truly an honourable warrior race, but I know the effect my death will have on my daughter and I pity any Grivaan that crosses her when she has come of age ::Alex said:: Okay Rifles lock and Load, aim and fire when you have a solid lock ::she said and suited action to words.:: ::Not exactly as predicted, It took five days before the Riflemen's ammunition was exhausted, by now there were craters all around her surviving troops, her flanking Phaser and torpedo turrets had expended their compliment of torpedoes and the Phaser Turrets had been destroyed, but only after taking a heavy toll on the Grivaan shock troops, now under a tattered Battle flag of her Battalion and the UFP flag the remaining Riflemen took out their Phaser Pistols, Alex her Desert Eagle Phaser Pistols and fired at the charging Grivaan. More enemy were cut down and they pulled back, but it was dawn on the sixth day as the surviving riflemen pulled out their bladed weapons, the Fleet Doctor had no such bladed weapon, so Alex loaned her Mek'Leth.:: Somers: Do you know how to use one of these? ::she asked.:: Fleet Doctor: Yes, but only at novice level. Somers: These are Grivaan to'ba; not Klingon Warriors ::Alex said as she looked down at the lifeless body of her Bolian First Officer.:: Commander Simmerson: Understood Colonel ::she replied taking the Mek'Leth.:: ::Alex like her troop stood atop their barrier various blades drawn and glinting in the sunrise, as the Grivaan charge with their bladed weapons drawn, she speaks loudly:: Somers: Okay people, fight and die well, for today is a good day to die ::she said and saw out of the corner of her eye her Klingon Major puff up with pride, ready to die in battle.:: ::Next thing she knew she was watching her older self embed her blade deep into the War Leaders chest, while his blade went right through her heart and was sticking out of her back, with red blood dripping from it. As both warriors collapsed together, all their troops around them dead; both leaders look at each other and gave each other a grudging smile of mutual respect, as the life left the both of them. Somehow Alex who was watching this happen knew that a Federation Alliance Fleet had arrived and that no more enemy troops would be landing.:: Somers: ::Suddenly she knew what she had witnessed, it was her death:: so this is how I am to meet my end ::she said, her father had once told her that her ancestors always knew when they would die, when a certain path they walked had reached a fork and they all ended going down the same road, all her past family they all had a very vivid and profound dream, now Alex had just gotten hers.:: ::She found herself now standing alongside her husband and children on the hill over-looking the battlefield along with Torok, Jennings, P'tretil and Thompson; Jennings Aide. All looked down at the mix of Starfleet and Grivaan bodies and two of those were easily identifiable as both had blades sticking out of their chests and all were under a battle tattered Banner of the 1st Battalion of the 95th Rifle Regiment, the Federation flag had fallen majestically between the two dead leaders of the opposing troops as to signify what both armies had been fighting over. As the group got closer Alex found she floated along with them and all could see a small smile on their faces.:: Sharpe: I never understood it when she had that smile ::he said.:: ((End Dreamscape)) ((Alex Somers Bedroom - Somers Estate - 0800 hours)) ::Alex awoke in a cold sweat and screaming.:: A. Somers: ARRGH!! ::As her parents and sister all rushed in worried, she looked at them:: I hate those type of dreams ::she said realizing her hands were shaking.:: S. Somers: ::her father sat on the side of her bed and hugged her:: what is it sweetie? ::he asked.:: A. Somers: ::She looked at her father:: Dad remember you told me once about that dream few of my ancestors always had at a certain point in their lives? ::she said.:: S. Somers: Yes ::he said hesitantly knowing where this was going, as he too went through it around his daughters age.:: A. Somers: Well I had that dream, daddy, I know when and where I am going to die ::she said as she broke down in tears, not hearing the gasps of her Mother and sister as both had been told of such an event and like Alex all believed in such an occurrence.:: TBC Marine Captain Alexandria €˜Red Vixen' Somers (PNPC) Recon/Demolitions Duronis II Embassy/USS Thunder-A & Colonel (Ret) Samuel Somers Ambassador to Kronos/Father & Warrant Officer Karyn Somers(formerly PNPC) 1st Battalion 21st MACO Regiment Dreamscape Characters Commander Paul Sharpe Senior Ambassador to Kronos & Fleet Admiral Jennings(NPC) CinC Starfleet United Federation of Planets & Chancellor Torok(NPC) Klingon High Chancellor Klingon Empire & Proconsul P'tretil(NPC) Romulan Empire & Lt. Colonel Triome(NPC) First Officer 95th Rifles 1st bn SFMC USS Yorktown NCC 1941-C & Major Keral(NPC) Second Officer/Klingon Exchange Officer 95th Rifles 1st bn SFMC USS Yorktown NCC 1941-C & Commander Simmerson(NPC) Chief Medical Officer USS Yorktown NCC 1941-C & Commander Thompson(NPC) Aide to CinC Starfleet & Unnamed Ambassador(NPC) Species 8472 Envoy & War Leader K'Faali(NPC) Grivaan Fleet Commander 1st Grivaan Expeditionary Fleet Simmed by Lieutenant Paul Sharpe ACTO USS Thunder-A/Duronis II Embassy
academy 3 Graduating Class of 239001.15
Dizmim ChNilmani replied to FltCapt. Sidney Riley's topic in Graduation Hall
That's what I'm here for. -
academy 3 Graduating Class of 239001.15
Dizmim ChNilmani replied to FltCapt. Sidney Riley's topic in Graduation Hall
That's alright. If you need any help you know my email address. -
academy 4 Graduating Class of 238912.23
Dizmim ChNilmani replied to Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf's topic in Graduation Hall
Welcome to the fleet! -
((Earth – Scotland – Castle of Mey – Side Room)) :: The lot of them continued to talk and eat, with each of them taking turns spinning space stories. Each of them had a few stories to tell, although Kamela was at a distinct disadvantage....almost from the time she entered Starfleet, she had been in Intelligence, so her stories were limited...but she did have the story of how she met Hannibal on Starbase 375...which seemed to delight everyone at the table. finally, with their bellies stuffed and lubricated with an array of intoxicating liquors, the two of them bid goodnight to the rest of them and they made their way to the guest quarters, which were situated high above in the castle. The room they were shown to was huge, with it's own fireplace and decorative rugs covering the stone floor. A large window opened out to the sea, and the fireplace crackled as Hannibal stoked the fire. The both of them were stripped out of their dress uniforms, with Hannibal in a pair of shorts and a black exercise shirt, emblazoned with SFMC on the chest, his bare feet making no sound as he moved across the floor. She was dressed in a simple blue camisole, and her feet were also bare, her long, curly blond locks freely flowing down her back. What she had to do next was either going to send her out into the cold, or bind her to him forever...The two sat before the huge window, looking out towards the sea, unseen in the darkness but audible as the waves crashed into the rocks below. They sat in silence for awhile with both of them nursing a cup of coffee. She turned to look at the massive Marine, who knew all along this conversation was coming, and she knew he had steeled himself for it, just as he would have for combat..but this was combat he had never before experienced, a battle not fought with weapons or hand to hand, or mental tactics to gain an advantage over an enemy....this was a battle for his heart, and to win, she had to come at him with everything she had.....:: Allison: Hannibal.....do you love me? :: The big Marine, still looking out over the water, bit his lip....he knew this day would come, but he had hoped he could hold off on it as long as possible.Kamela was not going to give him a choice now...:: Parker: You know the answer to that question.... Allison: No Hannibal...I don't..... :: Still maintaining his cool dimeanor, Hannibal spoke again...:: Parker: You know I would do anything in the galaxy for you... Allison: Anything but say "I love you?" :: His face, now turned back towards the sea, responded: Parker: I would kill for you, Kamela. I would risk everything for you if I had to, just to make sure you were safe.... Allison: How long have we done this dance, Hannibal? Four years? Five? All that time, I have known I have loved you. When Hella and I rescued you from that pier, I would have done anything to trade places with you, just so you would not have had to go through that pain. While you were lying in Hellas' cave I prayed that you would live, that you would not leave me that way. I knew then that life without you would not be worth living, and dammit, I wanted to have a life with you...as your wife..... :: Hannibal turned to her and spoke, his voice tinged with anger..as much as he cared about her, she was still standing into forbidden territory...:: Parker: I...never asked you to love me...I never asked you to care..... :: Hannibal didn't want to go down this road..she was pushing him hard..too hard.....For the first time in his life, he reined in attacking someone who was attacking him...:: Allison: Well, Hannibal, it's too late for that...so...exactly what am I to you? Someone you can conveniently frak whenever you feel like it? Is that it? I'm just like all the others you have slept with through the years? I am the same as Maya Gemini? Sky Blake? Hanna Martinez? Is that all I am to you? :: Hannibal had made no secret over the years of his many lovers he had, and her throwing out the names of some of them was going against the rules they had set so long ago. .especially since he didn't know how she knew about Chief Martinez since they had never talked about her....his father often said a woman knows, and over the years, his advice had been true....buthis anger continued to build as Kamela bore in..:: :: Kamela knew the anger was building within him, an anger towards her that she had never seen...but she had to press on...:: Parker:: tight lipped:: Kamela....you are nothing like any of those other women. You mean more to me than that.... Allison: pressing the point:: Do I? Really? Hannibal...you are the only man I have ever met that says what he means, then does it, no matter the consequences, no matter the risk. Enemies fear you. Marines respect you. Tell me, Hannibal, why does the great warrior who can walk through the Great Hall on Qo' noS and have the respect of Chancellor Martok and be a member of his House be afraid of three little words? He would laugh at you...... :: Kamela knew she had crossed the line as Hannibal got up, the fire clearly visible in his eyes. Her blood ran cold, as she had seen the look in his eyes before. She knew he would never lay a hand on her, but he could do something far worse to her...abandon her..and she had no place to go.....Instead, he angrily turned and flung his coffee mug into the fireplace, the shards falling into the fire.... The room was deathly silent, as the fate of their relationship hung on a wire. Tears rimmed her eyes as she watched him in the firelight, his gaze only for the fireplace.When he turned back towards her, he stood in front of the fireplace, his face not completely visible. She knew in that moment, she had given her all, and now she was completely vulnerable, like a ship with its shields down in the sights of a powerful enemy. If Hannibal attacked her now, he would destroy her, but her love for him made her take that chance....When Hannibal spoke, his voice was low...even..... Parker: You want to know why I don't say those words, Kamela? I will tell you why. Everyone with one exception I have told that to is DEAD! My father...my mother...my uncle...all gone! My sister I have not told her that since the Dominion War, but she accepts that. Why can't you? [...] it all! You know that I do! And this marriage thing? Kamela...our enemies are still out there. We both have prices on our heads.... Allison: And you think by marrying me that is going to change? Hannibal...together we are stronger than we are apart. Let them come,Ty.... :: Hannibal was furious with her, and in the firelight, he could see her eyes rimmed with tears...at that moment, he saw Kamela not as the trained killer and Intelligence operative she was. Now, she was a woman who risked his wrath to tell him how she felt...and where she wanted him to truly fit into his life.Slowly, as she approached him, his anger began to melt away, and for the first time in his life, he was vulnerable to another human being.... :: She walked slowly over to him, and placed a hand on his massive chest, right over his heart...:: Parker:: softly:: I do not want to lose you......I ....am...... :: She had him. She had done what no enemy could have done. She had his heart....the only [...] in his formidable armor was the woman who now stood before him. How ironic, he thought...they were in a castle, a very worthy fortress, and the only way to take a fortress like this without heavy losses was from the inside out...just as she had done...:: Allison: Yes,Ty? Parker: I am not easy to get along with..... Allison: I know....... Parker: I drink..I fight...I smoke cigars....... Allison: I know...and as long as you don't dally with any of those women you dance with.... Parker: I haven't..... Allison:: Just setting the ground rules.... Parker: And you know I will still take on any mission and any enemy...... Allison: And you know I will as well.... Parker: This will not be easy for you... Allison: Are you proposing to me Hannibal? :: Hannibal was now holding her close, the fire gone from his eyes, replaced by something else...love...:: Parker: It would seem so..... Allison: [...]ing her head slightly:: Hannibal..... :: He held her even more tightly, then lightly kissed her lips.....:: Parker: There is no other woman who is worthy to stand by my side. You have seen me at my worst..and perhaps...it is time for you to see me at my best...I ...love you, Kamela.::beat:: And I have for a long time...... :: For the first time in a great while, Kamela felt she could breathe. She had risked it all confronting Hannibal, and now she was silently thanking God he felt the same way about her. She felt his hands come up and deftly move the straps of her camisole down her shoulders, until it was lying on the floor.She kissed him, hungrily, as he picked her up and put her on the bed..:: Allison: So...are we consumating the engagement? Parker:: smiling:: I have not heard you say yes to the......engagement.....or marriage..... :: Now Hannibal was playing coy...:: Allison:: also smiling:: Yes.... to both.....now shut up and ravage me.... post by Major Hannibal Tiberious Parker2ndOfficer/Marine Commander/Chief Of Strategic OperationsEmbassy, Duronis II
How can we improve this contest for 2013?
Dizmim ChNilmani replied to Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf's topic in 2013
LOL. Let people rant long enough you'll see a pattern begin to emerge. Thanks for allowing us to give the input, Admiral. -
How can we improve this contest for 2013?
Dizmim ChNilmani replied to Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf's topic in 2013
Another thing that might need to be done if it is so hard to generate interest is to just get rid of the Top Sims contest all together if people are just truly not interested in helping out. It is one thing to submit a story, it's another to get the participation to vote for it. So, here is what I see as possible choices: 1) Drop the top sims all together. 2) get someone, maybe a LtCmdr or an up and coming Lt, to monthly remind their crew mates on the OOC group of their ship to participate in the voting. 3) create some type of incentive to help out? Don't know what or how it's the only other basic thoughts I have. -
How can we improve this contest for 2013?
Dizmim ChNilmani replied to Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf's topic in 2013
An inherent problem with the top sims contest is a lot of times the sims are removed from a storyline in progress or a mission and the reader has trouble connecting with its they feel like they missed a whole bunch of other things. I mean, why would I read about a character having a problem and I don't know who this person is? I don't know how to fix this except maybe having a OOC description of the situation and a link to the character bio? -
academy 1 Graduating Class of 238912.23
Dizmim ChNilmani replied to Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf's topic in Graduation Hall
Welcome! May you enjoy it as much as I have! -
Where's the best Star Trek fan art?
Dizmim ChNilmani replied to Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf's topic in Trek Discussion
This is more funny, but I do love this one. http://browse.deviantart.com/?q=Star+Trek+Gorn#/d2a3hep -
academy 2 Graduating Class of 238910.19
Dizmim ChNilmani replied to Rykel Rior's topic in Graduation Hall
Welcome! Welcome! -
Gah! It's followed me from Facebook! Get away from me Klingon style. ROFLOL
academy 2 Graduating Class of 238909.24
Dizmim ChNilmani replied to FltCapt. Sidney Riley's topic in Graduation Hall
Can't get rid of me, Captain! It's been awhile, but I'm back! -
academy 2 Graduating Class of 238909.24
Dizmim ChNilmani replied to FltCapt. Sidney Riley's topic in Graduation Hall
Three week notice. How are all my graduate friends doing? -
academy 3 Graduating Class of 238909.29
Dizmim ChNilmani replied to FltCapt. Sidney Riley's topic in Graduation Hall
Congrats you all!