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Evan Ross

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Everything posted by Evan Ross

  1. Friends of @Corey Wethern live dangerously... @Madison Marsh @Korras - bring it! 😎
  2. There are colleagues who reassure that the horrible life-threatening incident in the holo-deck wasn't your fault. And then there's Tito 🫠😂 @Vitor S. Silveira
  3. Two favourites from recent sims: A brilliant and hilarious insight from our newest recruit. Made me cackle, very Lower Decks @Samuel Woolheater Then of course, @Corey Wethern never disappoints: I got that reference!
  4. Ross definitely owes him a drink 🫡😂
  5. @Mister_Wake is onto us 👀
  6. @Rustyy_Hael & @Korras Looking forward to your first meet-up in Shore Leave Sounds like there are a few things to sort out
  7. A bit of self-flattery from @Corey Wethern never disappoints 🫡
  8. This heart-wrenching sim from @Sasch Kreshkova really got me good. Watching such a loved & bright member of the crew being turned really puts the Borg-horror on a new level. Excellent sim! 👏👏
  9. Not @Sal Taybrim defining my whole character arc in one sentence 👀 Thanks for that awesome intro!
  10. Awesome entrance from our guest simmer Theo Whittaker aka @Margaret Walker - I feel he brings the right kind of mindset to Frontier Day 😂
  11. Can't believe I missed that one! Lots of Doctor Who References on Ops lately, love every single bit ❤️
  12. I don't even know where to begin - not only is this a wonderfully written sim, but it's also such a great idea to support the ongoing plot by giving us an NPC's perspective. I really appreciate the effort and thought that went into this great post from our new Ensign @Eliana Darius ! I can't wait to read more from you
  13. Being leader of a colony is fun until they go rampage 😅 Thanks for the shoutout
  14. Congratulations everyone!! I'm so happy and flattered, huge shoutout to my fellow Opsians, there's no crew I'd rather be intelligent for, hehe ❤️
  15. I'm appalled this hasn't been sent to the Ops mailing list yet, so thanks for posting it here! Wonderful read ❤️
  16. ##BREAKING## Rumour has it on 118 Ops that Lt JG Ross, who notoriously attends every official ceremony in the same black button-down, has acquired another piece of formal clothing; namely, an equally exciting black coat. This timeless attire has been designed by a nameless Ferengi in the San Francisco district, who closed the deal after hours of tiring and high-volume negotiation, finally settling on half the original price. Ross has been reported to be taking several days off after the exhausting ordeal of shopping, allegedly initiated by a Vulcan colleague of his, who deemed the size of his wardrobe illogical.
  17. Oh boy, I didn't see this coming - thanks so much, I'm a little lost for words right now, but this really means a lot to me! It's one of my first full stories written in English and there were so many amazing competitors, huge shoutout to this community and all its wonderful writers! And of course I raise my hat to @Jovenan, your story absolutely blew me away. It was such an intense and moving read, and a totally deserved win! I loved participating and reading all the entries, thanks to the staff and jury for making this possible!
  18. @Corey Wethern also having some thoughts on Korras' fit Cruel! ...but I'm wheezing 😂 This awards ceremony just hits different.
  19. ❤️ they'd kill for each other, and most days they also want to kill each other
  20. an ESC worthy entrance for sure. Loved it!! (Do we get the magic show we deserve this year??)
  21. Please intervene, Gogi Wan Kenobi, or you might have to cut off his legs one day 👀🙃
  22. ...slowly turning this into a Best-Of @Corey Wethern Thread, but that one made me chuckle.
  23. ...my love language, actually! 😌😂
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