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Marty Tucker

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Everything posted by Marty Tucker

  1. @Alyndra Syrex This made me snort.
  2. The Doc, saying Doc things. @Quentin Beck
  3. See I was spelling it T'Ama...and the tag wasn't coming up. Sorry @TAma!
  4. I love this sim from @Quentin Beck & T'Ama is fantastic.
  5. @Quentin Beckalways ready with the finger guns.
  6. More @Ian OConnor love.
  7. @Hiro Jones making me almost spit coffee on my laptop.
  8. Welcome to the Fleet!! Enjoy your postings!
  9. This passage made the hair on my arms stand on end, thank you @LuxaLorana
  10. Hahaha, the jokes just write themselves sometimes @Karrod Niac
  11. @Karrod Niac I literally laughed out loud, people looking at me like I'm some sort of loon. lol
  12. I love the New Frontier series!
  13. I'd be down. Currently reading the USS Titan Series. Just about done with book 1.
  14. Thank you! So far everyone seems very welcoming!
  15. Thank you! Looking forward to rolling my sleeves up and get ready to roll!
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