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Gila Sadar

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Everything posted by Gila Sadar

  1. 🤣🤣 @Salkath is a master at that internal Vulcan delivery!
  2. Ye Gods! Gila's speech pattern is contagious!😨 (In all seriousness, anyone else enjoying the awkward courting phase as much as I am!? 🍿)
  3. A thousand welcomes to the best looney bin this side of the Saggitarius Reach! 🥳 Can't wait to see you around and see what amazing stories you have to tell!
  4. Gotta admit, this is a baller description of the USS Excalibur - my senior officers’ favorite Ship - arriving and reading it, I could hear the collective cheers of the Artemis’ crew behind me 😆
  5. 👀 ::pulls out Ship List?::
  6. Oh man oh man oh man , that’s so exciting 🤩 HUGE kudos to everyone involved!!
  7. I just spent some twenty minutes dissecting this Sim as only an English teacher can, but I'll do the same here 🤣 @Vitor S. Silveira consistently sims everyone's favorite Tactical Chief as a wise and emotionally intelligent character, always ready to brighten everyone's spirits with a witty quip and a crooked smile. As one of the few truly deeply emotional characters on the USS Artemis-A, it's no surprise that he's also one of the most romantic, and we've been treated to a wonderful storyline of Vitor having a whirlwind romance with an alternate universe's version of Jovenan, only to lose her soon after. Vitor is still an incredibly flawed character this long into his run, with a history for impulsive and spontaneous decisions, and doesn't always stop to think what repercussions his actions might have on those around him. In this SIM, Bruno perfectly maneuvers Vitor into a negative spiral as he struggles to overcome that flaw, and as a result, falls right back into it in the most emotional and impulsive way possible. I think, as writers, we tend to think of our characters' flaws as boxes on a checklist: there until a significant character event has occurred, and then it's cleared. Bruno's writing of Vitor Silveira, however, is an excellent case study in how - even when you're aware of a mistake and actively work to address it - you'll usually end up doing the exact thing you were trying to avoid. Excellent SIM, Bruno! ❤️
  8. THE JOVEIRA SHIP HAS LEFT DRYDOCK! REPEAT, JOVEIRA HAS LEFT DRYDOCK 🥳 (Except, now we're going to be going through the most interesting period - the one where they struggle with the whole 'I dated you in an alternate universe, and that's awkward'-phase 🤣 I CANNOT wait. If anyone on this boat is gonna knock that kind of storyline out of the park, it's @Jovenan and @Vitor S. Silveira!)
  9. Never for long, eh @Addison MacKenzie? How long must @Talos Dakora slave away before the new window of the Ready Room is forgiven and forgotten? 😆
  10. Welcome to the best loony bin on the World Wide Web 🤪 Can’t wait to see what kind of shenanigans you all get up to!
  11. We don't do many Officer's Logs over on the Artemis - unfortunately - but every once in a while, someone decides to do one to really hammer home a poignant moment. This is one of those moments, as our beloved - and usually quite light-hearted - First Officer grapples with reality after Frontier Day, with our Captain off-Ship being a Medical Officer in a time where that's more useful than Starship Captains. A lot of Sims in the coming months will deal intimately with the sense of loss and despair that permeates Starfleet after the destruction during Frontier Day, and I think the Artemis' Command Staff has put down strong openers for the rest of us to follow!! Excellent SIM, @Talos Dakora!
  12. @Jovenan!!! 😍 What a beautiful end to the mission!!
  13. That feeling when you deeply sympathize with a robotic exoskeleton controlled by the Borg Collective 🤣 What indeed, @Gnai!
  14. @Toryn Raga When I say I did a spit take, I am NOT joking 🤣
  15. I agree with @Toryn Raga - the wisest thing the universe ever did, was give @Alieth a handicap to limit her power.
  16. @Niev Galanis casually nailing what we know to be true of individual Drones when cut off from the Collective: practically docile and infantilized 👍 A beautiful parallel to the pandemonium taking place everywhere else! ❤️
  17. Wait, @Addison MacKenzie, MERCIFUL!? 😧 This really is the apocalypse...
  18. I love her!! I am officially spearheading the petition for Jane to be the first Changeling Officer 💯
  19. Wait, another realistic one to comment on the sheer lunacy of the senior crew they serve with!? We're growing!!
  20. More fresh meat, I mean, ENSIGNS! Welcome to the community! I can't wait to see what delightful stories you're going to tell 😄 And, if I may - as another Alien Alien player - wonderful species choices, both of you!
  21. Oh yeah, peak confidence there, @Vitor S. Silveira 🤣
  22. @Robin Hopper - it would be really funny though 🤣
  23. I am enlisting warrior hopefuls for our Crusade of Vengeance for destroying the cutest Ship on the USS Khitomer.
  24. Thank you for the award. I will accept it with reluctance, but if I had to receive awards, I'm very proud to be given the Quark's Bar 😭 Congratulations to all winners, and fellow nominees! Everyone's had an amazing year, and I can't wait for another year in the Fleet!
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