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Torvi Ylvor

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About Torvi Ylvor

  • Birthday 04/24/1992

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  • Location
    Perth, Western Australia
  • Player's Pronouns
    He, him
  • Interests
    Science Fiction, Militaria, Design, Star Trek, Fatherhood

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Salt this, buddy!

Salt this, buddy! (6/28)



  1. LEGO Torvi: This is a serious investigation. Lets leave no brick unturned, we shall figure this out piece by piece.. ooh instructions.. (Checking in!)
  2. "The whole world must learn of our peaceful ways...by force!"
  3. @Genkos Adea that took me by surprise! 🀣
  4. I would be happy to recommend a few! Star Trek: Destiny is a fantastic trilogy, but now not exactly correct due to the Picard series.
  5. Congratulations to you both! Welcome to the Fleet, fellow Ensigns!
  6. Thank you for the warm welcome! Thank you for the training staff putting up with my questions at odd hours Everything tastes better with victory before it!
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