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Josh Herrick

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Everything posted by Josh Herrick

  1. Congratulations! It was a pleasure writing with you as Qartok!
  2. Congratulations and welcome to the fleet, it was a pleasure writing with you as Qartok!
  3. Congratulations and welcome!
  4. Congratulations @Elor Letek. I enjoyed writing with you!
  5. Welcome to the fleet; glad to have you here!
  6. It was fun writing with you! Congratulations and welcome to the fleet!
  7. Congratulations and well done in your academy run! It was fun writing with you!
  8. @Morro Caras Feeling pretty care free about limbs on the OEB; particularly when we had 2 severed ones already last month.
  9. @Arturo Maxwell I can always count on Max, and his writer, to give me a good IRL LOL.
  10. What is this delicious sounding noodle incident @Jania Nis 😂
  11. Really enjoy the scene setting here; great descriptive text and really gets me inside the mindset of what counselors think during their first app @Sevantha!
  12. @Jania Nis helping me pass my Klingon biology like:
  13. Loving this gem commentary from our CO @Tony, aka Rouiancet.
  14. A little bit overdue, but I want to recognize this first MSNPC from one of our newer writers @Morro Caras. Absolutely fantastic first showing that let us get to know who this MSNPC was and what she was all about. ❤️ ---- ((Grand bedroom, Palace,The Treasure moon)) Sbadni got up and looked at herself in the reflection of the priceless mirror from one of her greatest “deals”. Sbadni: By the stars, I'm still alive? She looked like hell. another night, another party. Though she was pretty sure the last one was three days ago. Had it lasted three days? It didn’t matter. There were new people coming to the moon tonight. Ones she could impress. Maybe they would be novel enough for her.Maybe they would have some kind of desire that wasn’t just “love” or “power” or a love for power. She’d know once she gave them “the tickle”. She had spent most of her career avoiding and antagonizing the Emerald chain. Those were the glory days. Everything was novel back then, and the smuggling and the dealing was good. Now left with no one to challenge, no one to harass or sell to in this sector; She hoped to attract novel people. She had a handful of rare items she was excited to put on display, maybe word would spread and she’d actually find someone worth her time. Sbadni flipped open their little retro communicator. They thought it was cute. Sbadni: =/\= D’viiii :stretching out to a whine:: Bring me my flask and then make sure the rare items in the exhibition hall are ready for tonight. I want to make sure that we impress tonight’s guests. That we draw them in and tickle their fancy =/\= In the next room D’vina winced, the boss finally was up. She hated when Sbadni called her that. It infantilized her. D’vina: =/\= Right away boss =/\= It would still be many hours until the party was ready, and the grand reveal of the “priceless” artifacts wasn’t until the “climax” of the party. The boss always wanted the biggest reaction out of people. Best D’vina could do was bring her the flask first and try to cover up her annoyance. The boss could sense it. D’vina stepped in with a full flask of the drink that could knock a full blooded Orion off their feet. But Sbadni had grown very tolerant. Sbadni’s empathic nature allowed her to sense her handmaiden’s annoyance with her. Sbadni: Don’t be such a mudling.::taking the flask::. Be a dear, hand me the guest list. D’vina handed over a logging device. Sbadni: Interesting, very interesting. Anymore information on these? She pointed out a few listings on the list of slots that were taken. D’vina: No, that was all that was gathered. Something stirred in Sbadni, a twinge of excitement. Finally something that might be interesting. She might have to get to know these “strangers” [end of scene] --- Former Dread Captain Sbadni, Wielder of Khrysaros Blade, Usurper of the Fourteenth House of Betazed O240106MC1 She/They (Character) he/him/his (player)
  15. I'm always a fan of particularly strong narration, but I love how this also let me learn more about both character's history in a particularly heart warming moment. It is indeed a small world! @Alora DeVeau and @Arturo Maxwell
  16. Josh Herrick--the Hanged Man--checking in "Don't let be perfection be the enemy of great — The hanged man speaks to the need for patience, sacrifice, and letting go of old ways of thinking to move forward with renewed purpose."
  17. I thought this was a really cute personification of the ship's computer; was a delight to read! @Alora DeVeau
  18. @Alora DeVeau This speaks to my high social anxiety; exactly what I would do and think!
  19. @Kimonzi Lahl , this isn't some Akira-refit you can go tearing up she's brand new! 🤣
  20. There are a few things I really enjoy about @Lhandon_Nilsen's post here. First, I enjoyed this flash forward of a scene post mission, done with @Alora DeVeau's PNPC Nesre Salo, giving a unique reflective view of the character's mind set after the action had settled down. Second is the ability to weave bite sized character development in via narration — sometimes we get so caught up with the mission that we neglect this until shore leave. And, lastly, having his character's limits and frustrations be present while still being able to advance the plot. ❤️
  21. First, I love that "Sashay Away" made it into the 2400s, and of course it would be for the similarly styled brother of this guy.
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