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Everything posted by TAma

  1. You keep your grubby paws off him!
  2. Let this be a lesson to everyone that they should lock their doors.
  3. I develop my characters completely independent of face claims. I don't want my characters to be based on other characters an actor has done, but I do want them to have the right vibe. So I develop them independently, get a feel for how I imagine them looking, and then spend quite a lot of time searching for a face claim. One thing I've learned is don't be married to a hairstyle. T'Ama as a character predates when I joined SB118 - she also predates Lower Decks too. For a long time she was just another character's teenage daughter in my head, and I aged her up to play in a Star Trek Adventures game and discovered she was not at all like how I thought she was. But I redeveloped her for SB118, and that original concept influenced her original face claim. I picked Jenna Ortega because I had seen Wednesday and that was kind of the vibe, and matched the description. But over time as I got going I realized Jenna Ortega did not really fit her well. She was too young, and while T'Ama is immature, she's going to mature quickly. So I spent really a long time marinating on who I should change her face claim to, and watching endless clips of Brooklyn 99 because I literally had not seen any of it when I landed on Stephanie Beatriz. I'm really very happy with who I changed it to. The PNPCs have been more variable in difficulty. I did try it out the other way for an MSNPC where I picked the face claim and the character basically is one they've done and I found it SO much harder to write. The face claim is literally not even shown anywhere but I stress about nailing the character like I don't even own it.
  4. Excuse me? What is happening over there???
  5. I don't know how @kimstapledon didn't die of embarrassment as a teenager because I sure would have if this happened to me. Great job on making me feel things, lmao.
  6. I've never wanted to be on a Borg cube more!
  7. I'm beginning to suspect Maki is up to something himself...
  8. I thought his worst day ever was when he was chased naked through the streets on Ferenginar pursued by bounty hunters and then tormented by nightmare holograms of his father and spiders. 🤔 Has he hit a new low?
  9. I'm going to share this whole entire scene as links to the four sims that make it up because the whole thing is absolutely stellar and deserves to be read with all its context. This is a scene where Luxa goes to hit on Beck after the Ronin's award ceremony only to have T'Ama be an absolute demon and (accidentally?) torpedo Beck's night of romance. Hell the whole relationship might have blown up. Thank you to @LuxaLorana and @Quentin Beck for this scene, it was delicious. It has been absolutely fantastic to join the Ronin for shore leave! Lt Luxa Lorana - Unfinished Experiment JP: Lieutenant JG T'Ama and Ensign Quentin Beck - Sending 'Em Off Lt Luxa Lorana - I Won't Be A Fool Ensign Quentin Beck - Try Me
  10. Help, I need an adult! An adultier adult! 💀💀 @Ian OConnor has slain me with this.
  11. Truly a sentiment for a Klingon greeting card.
  12. This is my favorite sim ever.
  13. To be fair, @Quentin Beck did a lot of the hard work assembling this from all the sims. (But thank you.)
  14. Yirah, the only sensible one who knows the rules of Faerie.
  15. I like how we got to the point where Kim is an engineering officer in Starfleet with a focus on programming and only just now realizing she was nerdy. 🤣
  16. @LuxaLorana The Discord invite has expired, so I can't join. (That's what I get for being busy Saturday.)
  17. I'm in EST (GMT -5). I regretfully work an office job so I can only do weekday evenings 7pm to midnight, or Sundays any time.
  18. I'm interested! I'm in EST and would need a game that's like a weekday after work, like 7pm. Weekends are out, too much other stuff competing.
  19. The context is Kim has been trying to fix the computer problems on the Enterprise and the screen flashed a mysterious message that said REMEMBER YOUR ROOTS. The master account with every privilege on any server is typically called root. I burst out laughing at this, but maybe it's only funny to tech people. 🤣
  20. It's gotta be SNW all the way for horror. Like every other episode is some horrible Alien remake with Gorn and Lost In Translation was genuinely spooky with poor zombie Hemmer.
  21. "I am the Pretty Guardian of Love and Logic! I'm Sailor Vulcan! And now in the name of Vulcan, I declare you illogical!" ~ Sailor Vulcan
  22. Congratulations! I know from experience elsewhere and professionally how much work something like the Sim Tracker would take to create and maintain and how much work it alleviates by existing. It's great to see that recognized! And congratulations to everyone else too!
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