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Toxin Arlill

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Everything posted by Toxin Arlill

  1. HENRI has been an evolving character that was honestly created off the cuff with no planning and has, with the influence and ideas of my fellow crew writers evolved into the being it is today. Now, of course, I have a plan for them and hope to continue to keep the fascination that is HENRI alive.
  2. Toxin Arlill - The Ace of Cups - Checkin in. "The Ace of Cups flows with boundless emotion and intuition. It teaches that true power emerges not from what is grasped, but from the love and understanding that you allow to pour forth. In its essence, the heart finds renewal and the soul begins again."
  3. I want to thank Tom for this amazing feedback. When I joined SB 118 it was just a fun thing to feed my imagination, but honestly I was ready to give it a break... until Tom joined, then things came to life! I met this amazing writer and creative imagineer who's ideas often build on my stories and ideas. His sim in the gymnasium, after they have their falling out, was fuel that fired my creativity and may have generated a few tears as well! https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-butler/c/rUogIrireik
  4. Congratulations to everyone for the amazing recognitions, and thank you for the nominations and recognition, this really means a lot to me. I do want to take a moment to recognize my right hand Lhandon Nilsen (Tom) for being there to support and build the Operations Center on the Oumuamua and OEB with me. Tom is such an inspirational person, always supportive, continuously creative, and a downright amazing individual. I'm not sure the OEB's operation "department" would be much more than a console on the bridge if it weren't for his support and drive. Thank you again for this recognition.
  5. Was I sent a formal invite when I responded and completely miss it?
  6. This was a definite share. Not only did @Arturo Maxwell paint a picture, he did it with Picasso like precision! My character began to build a scene and what he did with it was a beautiful glorious thing. Full SIM: https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-butler/c/vb5sHL50VkE
  7. Intriguing, I like the idea, I'm game.
  8. Lieutenant JG Toxin Arlill, Checkin In “You Have Clearly Lost Your Tiny Mind!"
  9. I know this is an older topic, but as an Eagle Scout, I can't help but comment. I love to think about what scouting might look like in the future and @FltAdml. Wolf's ideas really make me think. I'd love to be on a ship in SB118 where maybe families exist and part of an officer's duties (volunteer of course) might be a scout leader or merit badge counselor for the youth on board, could make some fun sims and possibly exciting away missions gone wrong.
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