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  1. Just.... just @Karrod Niachere for you, ladies and gentlemen. XD ((Officers Gymnasium, 0230 hours, Deck 5, USS Ronin)) Having sustained only injuries to his posterior and his pride Karrod dropped into tight fighting stance and began launching exploratory blows, trying to keep the viper quick Vulcan on the back foot. His already exhausted arms protested the fresh abuse as he tossed a series of jabs that were a lot slower than he'd hoped. He faded back from his assault a step and shook out his arms, trying to get blood where it needed to be in a hurry. Alieth: Tired already, Karrod? I would have expected a better performance. Outwardly Karrod scowled as he dropped into a deeper stance but within he felt strangely light. For the first time since coming to the gym he could feel himself relaxing, his mind settling as he put aside everything and focused solely on his opponent. Raga: Hmm. Speaking of performances. Am I judging a sparring match or a Vulcan dance off? He cast a sour glance in the direction of his soon to be former first officer. Niac: Isn't there some paddwork you should be doing? Karrod felt his muscles finally loosening and he dropped low, closing the distance to Alieth in a heartbeat. He fell back on experience and instead of wasting energy trying to connect with Alieth, he began directing her, closing off her avenues of escape with blow after blow until she found herself getting pushed back to the mats edge. In the moment her focus wavered between her guard and her footing, Karrod snuck in a left jab that connected with an iron hard cheekbone. She'd brought her hands up at the last moment and encircled his wrist but didn't try to grapple him, instead pressing fingers into the joint. Raga: I believe the challenge was to be pushed off the mat, or put on the mat. Not bludgeon each other. ::He smirked:: Especially when said hit pushes you off the mat. Point for the Captain. Alieth: A fair point, indeed. Karrod smiled and stepped back, drawing his left hand back but finding it strangely numb and unresponsive. The sensation radiated up along his arm until his entire forearm felt uncomfortably limp. He lifted his left arm with his right hand and when he released, it flopped back bonelessly against his side. Niac: I swear this never happens to me. The chuckle from his XO was entirely too amused for Karrod's taste as he fruitlessly rubbed his shoulder. Alieth: As I told you, V'Shan. :: That twinkle in her eye appeared again:: It includes a thorough use of the pressure points to target the opponent's nervous system. Worry not, in a few hours you will be able to close your hand again. Raga: On that note. ::He glanced up slightly:: =/\= Raga to Sickbay. Please have someone on standby. The Captain and Second Officer are sparring in the Gymnasium on Deck Five. =/\= Karrod felt himself breathing hard from the effort but kept a tight smile on his face and his eyes on Alieth. The small greenish welt that was forming on her cheek was little reward for a limp and useless arm but it was a small salve on his pride. Niac: Pfft, nothing to worry about Mr. Raga, I don't feel a thing. Literally. Alieth: Response Raga: One point a piece. Three rounds, remember Alieth? ::He smiled impishly:: Unless you’d like to concede? Karrod raised his one good arm and flexed his fingers. He lowered it and shifted his shoulders, his limp arm swinging like a meaty flail. Niac: I've got plenty to work with, Toryn. You're not getting out of this that easily Alieth. Alieth: Response Raga: Back to your sides then. ::He waited for several moments:: Begin. The two of them rushed forward and met in the center of the mat as Karrod twisted to keep his useless arm from getting in the way. He poured what little energy he had left into fending off her snaps and attempts to grab at him, ducking away at the last moment more than once as she went for a leg lock or another shoulder throw. His focus had narrowed so completely that he entirely missed Doctor Kel's arrival. What he didn't miss was the Doctor's entirely aggrieved tone. Kel: How long has this been going on? Raga: Response Sweating and breathing hard, Karrod dropped back a step and got his single useful arm back up. He kept his attention focused on Alieth and smirked. Niac: Starting to see how you ended up with a tattoo that says 'she-devil' in Klingon. Alieth: Response Niac: Oh, it's in your personnel file. ::Karrod settled deeper into his stance:: After you, boQDu'! Karrod had poked the bear and was instantly on the defense as Alieth snuck under his guard and slammed a shoulder into his ribcage, causing him to grunt and stagger back as he struggled for breath. Kel: ::throwing his hands up in the air, exasperated:: I just fixed those ribs!!! Karrod winced as he tried to cover his battered side with a useless arm and called out. Niac: You did a great job Doctor, they barely cracked this time. He was mostly kidding. Raga/Alieth: Response Karrod feinted back twice as if losing his balance but shifted his momentum at the last moment, drawing Alieth in so close she was off balance and momentarily vulnerable. He wrenched his shoulders as hard as he could and swung his limp arm like a great meaty flail, smacking Alieth full in the face with the totality of his limp forearm. She staggered back from the weighty blow with a small stream of green blood trickling from her nose. Kel: ::sighs, looks at Raga:: I went to great lengths to make sure her blood composition was perfect after she nearly disintegrated. Niac: Trust me Doc, her blood is fine. Maybe a little too good honestly. Next time try to slow her down a little. Raga/Alieth: Response Both fighters backed off, giving one another a small reprieve where they circled around the edge of the mat, preparing whatever final assault they could come up with. Karrod considered his options, having to admit that Alieth was younger, fitter, stronger and clearly had a formidable amount of talent. An ancient human turn of phrase sprang into his mind and he chuckled to himself. Niac: Alieth, have you ever heard of the greatest defense against youth and ability? Raga/Alieth: Response Kel: Oh no, this is for me. ::touches hypo to his neck:: I feel a headache coming on. Niac: Tell you? I'd rather show you. Raga/Alieth: Response Karrod darted in with the remainder of his strength and threw in a jab that was nearly identical to the one that had snuck through her defenses before. He wasn't surprised when she caught it easily and had in fact depended on it. While she was momentarily focused on disabling his other arm he pivoted, wrapping her in a bear hug and lifting her off before falling forward, using the totality of his weight to pin the wriggling Vulcan to the mat with a massive thud. He tried shifting to the side, suddenly worried the young woman would get smothered, and discovered that with two arms that were numb to the shoulders he had no leverage at all. Beneath him he could feel Alieth squirming and yelling into the mat in protest. Beck: Don't tell me - you're filming Rocky 5000 and you need someone to fill in as a cutter. Flopping like a beached cetacean Karrod called out to the growing crowd of onlookers. Niac: I hope one of you brought a crane because there's no way in hell I can get up. Raga/Alieth/Kel/Beck: response Karrod chuckled as the three of them wrestled him into a sitting position, his arms dangling uselessly by his sides. Niac: All things considered I think we can call that a draw, Alieth. That is, if the referee agrees. Raga/Alieth: response Niac: Well Doctor I suppose this will make an interesting update for your medical log. 'CO rendered armless in sparring match.' Kel/Beck: Response Tags/TBC! ((Only adding a few tags since this one is getting pretty long - great job everybody!)) ================================ Commander Karrod Niac Commanding Officer USS Ronin - NCC-34523 V239509GT0
  2. Love this from @Oddas Aria. So wholesome. 😊 ((Ijo House, Hathon, Bajor)) oO You fly a starship halfway across the galaxy, manage a city, and can rebuild most things with your bare hands - but you cannot remember there are different timezones. Oo It was dark on the street, very late at night or very early in the morning depending on your perspective, and she was considered turning away. The stone steps in front of her leading up half a flight to the front door were not well illuminated at this hour, but she knew them as well as or better than her childhood home. In fact, after a point, she spent more time here than she did the other several blocks over. From her vantage, she could look up and see the window that was Alea's, who's smiling expectant face she still expected to see peering down at her. Aria pulled out a PADD and was about to send a note, letting the Ijos know she had gone to the restaurant in the market which catered to early risers, when there was shuffling inside - just behind the large circular door. Aria returned the PADD to her jacket pocket, and adjusted her duffel, preparing for what was next. Ijo (Cada): Aria! The woman's high, sweet voice pierced the morning before the officer could react, and before she could fully prepare for the embraced that ensued. She was several centimeters shorter than her husband, but the ferocity of the gesture was unmatched - knocking Aria back several centimeters. Aria, not one for physical affection, found herself for the second time in two days, by the same family, feeling like she had come home. Oddas: Cada! I'm sorry, I didn't realize it was so late, I can come back later. Cada: And I can beat you with a stick. The woman laughed and took Aria by the hand, dragging her in through the door. The smell of food, cooking, wafted through. Aria never cooked, but Cada did - Alea did - and there was nothing that reminded the Bajoran of happiness and being home than being in a kitchen and cooking. Cada had told Alea to teach Aria to cook when things had looked like they were going to start a family, but, that had been cut short. oO Or you're just feeling nostalgic. Oo Aria dragged her bag through the doorway and was heading for the stairs when Cada spoke up again, motioning for the small table in the kitchen reserved for snacks, breakfasts, and gossip. Cada: Leave that there! Teevin can get it when he wakes up. Oddas: ::rolling her eyes:: He's retired now, you know. For that matter, so are you. Cada slid a plate of food in front of her - pastry, fruit, and some sausage - with coffee. Cada: What do you think housewives do when they retire? The older woman said it with a smirk, Aria for her part shook her head. Cada was anything but a simple 'housewife', and though Aria could never get quite a straight answer directly from her, the discreet inquiries she had made in the intelligence circles were always met with a bit of professional discretion. Oddas: ::snorting:: Is this real Columbian coffee? You really shouldn't have gone through the trouble. Cada, who had been moving about in the kitchen and gathering her own plate, stopped and gave the younger woman a playful look. Cada: Trouble? To find your favorite coffee and ship it in? ::chuckle:: Next, ask me about the Vulcan Spring Tea and the spicey plomeek soup. Aria had been about to cut the sausage in front of her, stopping to look at Cada sternly for as long as she could before shaking her head. Oddas: Subtle. Cada: Not give her the day off? The Ijos had met Stelek, of course they had, on Aria's previous visit home. Aria had introduced them as a 'friend' as much as because she was afraid to admit anything was happening, as she was to admit anything to Katya. If Aria was no good at being social, she was horrible at being a parent. Oddas: Stelek needed another day to finish up some work on the Eagle, she'll come down soon. It was true. It was also true that as the Commanding Officer, Aria could have pulled whatever rank she wanted to in order to move the Vulcan up in the rotation, but she was trying to be extra careful. Cada: Well, we have plenty of room for her, and I know Teevin was looking forward to seeing her. Aria looked on questioningly. Cada: I have no idea. Oddas: Whatever this ::pointing toward the meat:: is, more of it, please. She stuffed more into her mouth - Cada smiling all the while and piling more on her plate. Cada: Poli with Andorian northern spice. It's new. From upstairs, there was the muffled sound of a door opening and closing. Oddas: ::raising her fork in the general direction:: Katya? Cada: Teevin - he got in late from the station and, well, we're old. I wouldn't expect Katya up until noon. Aria took a deep breath, and a break from the plate of food in front of her. She leaned back and drank half a cup, screwing up the courage to ask what she needed to. Oddas: How is she? How's she getting along? Cada: ::smirking:: Let me fill up your cup. TBC Commodore Oddas Aria Commanding Officer Denali Station E239305OA0
  3. Hilarious stuff from @Korras. For some context - wonderbots are small, furry robots, similar to furbies. 😂 ((Starbase 118 Ops – Commercial sector - Qo’nos district)) Another day, another day of preaching against the weakness of the Empire as it was, and against that false emperor on Qo'noS. They had dared to even name him Kahless. He was a clone, and nothing more. to Tu’var, it signified the depth to which the empire had fallen. They should be conquering this station, and not just place a city here. As he walked over to his regular spot, the monk of the Cult of Kahless was already loudly speaking his lines. Tu’var: The time for weakness is over! Take up your arms against the enemies of the empire! He had been arrested before for suggesting his flock attack the federation. So now, he was careful not to name them specifically, and instead refer to ‘enemies’. He knew his words resonated with the younger generation, who were tired of the weak state of the empire. Klingons were warriors, they should be fighting, and not resting on their laurels. There were plenty of targets, the region inhabited by the old Romulan empire was ripe for picking, for example. The sounds of mayhem started reaching him. He frowned. It was a mix of yells, children’s laughter, and electronic sounds. And then he saw it. Tribbles! Tu’var: ABOMINATION! ::pointing at a bright neon colored wonderbot:: THAT THING IS AN ABOMINATION TO EVERYTHING WE STAND FOR! KILL IT! He saw several Klingons take up blades, and start attacking the things. To him, all was as it should be: Klingons, fighting their enemies. Tu’var: The Dahar Master Koloth himself has decreed these creatures to be an abomination to be exterminated! And yet, here they are. Take up your arms, brothers and sisters, and let us do as he told. Mechanical or not, they are all abominations! There were a lot of the things, though. Dozens, probably hundreds, were on the loose. Clearly, not everyone was doing their part. He was about to yell more encouragement, but as he stuck his D’k Tahg into one of the electronic abominations, the sunlight went extremely bright for a moment, before plunging the whole sector into darkness. It only took Tu’var a moment to realize what was happening, as the lights in the city turned on. It was eerily silent for a moment, before he yelled. Tu’Var: The abominations are the heralds of darkness! Fight them, fight them all, before they truly usher in chenmoHMogh, the day of doom! As has been foretold, The enemy would appear, and bring with him great darkness. It is up to us to defeat them, or all will be lost! It helped. More and more Klingons took up their weapons. The streets turned into a battlefield, as the rage took over more and more of his kin. He just hoped they would be fast enough, killing their enemy, before worse would happen. Even if this was ‘Just’ a space station, the portents were true. ** Tu’Var Monk of the cult of Kahless ***** Ensign Korras Ops Officer Starbase 118 Ops O240010K12
  4. great first sim @Quentin Beck! keep the bar high! ((Deck 10 - Sickbay - USS Ronin)) Nervous. There was no need to be nervous. According to Starfleet Command, as of three days ago, Ensign Quentin Beck was absolutely, one-hundred percent qualified to be standing in the Sickbay on the USS Ronin, NCC-34523. They wouldn't have let him board the ship on Deep Space Thirty-Three in the first place if that wasn't true, right? Clenching his eyes shut, taking in a deep breath, he held it for a moment and clutched the PADD with his orders between both hands, his knuckles whitening. It was a helluva time for Imposter Syndrome to kick in. He let out that breath after a moment and opened his eyes only to see a fresh-faced young crewman waiting impatiently for him to get out of the doorway so he could leave. Quentin offered a lop-sided, apologetic smile before stepping to the side of the main entrance and out of their way. Raising his hand, he brushed his thumb over the round pip on his collar. He didn't feel like an Ensign yet. Maybe that would come with time. There was quite a lot of hubbub going on, that was for sure. Although he'd been on the ship a few days, his official orders had been put on hold as the entire Command crew was a bit too busy with whatever insanity had been happening to follow the usual protocol. So he'd holed himself up with some of the other new lower deckers and had spent time studying what he could about the ship, its mission and crew, and what he would be expected to do while on board. He hadn't really thought about being assigned to Medical at the Academy, but considering his specialty, it made sense over a general Science posting. Neurochemistry was a highly regarded field, even if he'd kind of stumbled into it accidentally. His intention hadn't really been to become a doctor of any kind, but... the more he thought about it, the more he liked the idea. Beck: oO Okay, bud. How long have you been standing here now? Long enough to have at least one crewman give you the stinkeye. Go report in, you doofus. Oo Sighing and running his tongue over his lower lip, he took a step forward. Then another. Then a few more, his eyes scanning Sickbay until he spotted someone who looked like they knew what they were doing. Approaching Lieutenant Kel, he cleared his throat and stood at attention. He was a bit taller than the Trilldorian, at six foot one, with short brown hair and a well-trimmed mustache that ended at either corner of his mouth. Beck: Lieutenant Kel. Ensign Quentin Beck, reporting for duty. Quentin offered him the PADD. Then he just kind of... stared, for a moment. Kel: Response Beck: Err... sorry. I've just never seen a hybrid like you before. No disrespect intended. Kel: Response ---- Ensign Quentin Beck Medical Officer USS Ronin NCC-34523 Writer ID Pending
  5. I LOVE baby @LuxaLoranabefore she turned into a nuisance good job! great first mission in the ronnin! (just don't murder anything small and feeble XD) ((OOC - this is a little time jump for me to end the mission for Luxa as I imagine that Luxa was unconscious during the implementation of the plan outlined in previous sims)) ((Dream state - The Lorana Preservation Jungle, Draivon, Cait)) In this dream, she'd hear words that had lost meaning to her. The cub had not learned what they meant. Transporters. Buffers. Sencha. Radiation. They were spoken in panicked tones, and they'd blow through the trees in the jungle. She knew that somehow she was supposed to listen to them. She wanted to care about them, except she had more important things to do. A young cub was on the prowl. She had assumed a position on all fours, and she stalked her prey. Her bright, amber eyes had locked on to the winged, furred creature that leapt from a tree branch to a spattering of flowers that grew from the jungle's undergrowth. More of those words whispered from the trees. Familiar names. Alieth. Kel. Niac. Ronin. This time the creature looked up to the streams of light that pushed through from the tops of the trees. Luxa followed its gaze and there was something up there. Clouds that looked like faces. She knew them. Or at least she thought that she did. They spoke to her but she couldn't understand the words, it was a language lost to the dream. The creature flew from the flowers to a log, mere inches from this little cub. Luxa was completely still in that moment as the little creature crawled along the log towards her, unaware of the danger it would face. One more step … Luxa grasped at it, its little body jerked and scrambled against her paw. It was too late. She'd ensured that its wings could not flutter against the soft pads, and her claws kept it imprisoned. Its tiny gold rimmed eyes looked out to her. Wide with fear, and still with a sad, panting resignation of its soon to be fate. Death. ((Deck 10 - Sickbay - USS Ronin)) Luxa's felinoid eyes opened and she was no longer in the jungle. Her prey vanished. Above her the concerned faces of Doctor Kel, the nurse and the medical team. She knew them now. She knew herself again. Kel/Any: Responses Luxa opened her mouth, and found that only a low shrill whine came out. She coughed and tried again. Lorana: Did you reverse the effects of the radiation? :: attempts to spring up, alarmed :: Commander Alieth?! Luxa looked around the room. She couldn't see the CSO and her eyes looked upon the crew intently. Her heart broke in a thousand pieces. Was it too late? It was all her fault. Kel/Any: Responses It took several seconds for their words to sink in. oO she's okay Oo Lorana: Where is she? Kel/Any: Responses Luxa flipped her legs over the sides of the biobed, at first she felt a little lightheaded, her vision blurred and she leaned on Doctor Kel for support. Lorana: I should get back to work. I need to review that data. Kel/Any: Response Lorana: :: unhappy :: If you insist Doctor Kel but I'd rather rest in my quarters :: lower so that only he can hear :: I don't like Sickbay. It's the scents. It lingers. Kel/Any: Response Luxa allowed the doctor to administer a hypospray and then with assistance got to her feet. She felt her strength return quickly. Lorana: Thank you doctor. Then she, with care, exited the Sickbay and made the slow trek back to her quarters where she'd fall into a deep and immediate sleep. She dreamt of her jungle, and a small, fragile creature trapped in a cage of claws. Her claws. End of Act Three/Mission for Luxa Lorana
  6. ((Captain’s Ready Room, Deck 1, USS Arrow,)) Nibar: ::nodding:: On that PADD is a formal request from Starfleet for your consent to accept assignment of one Ensign Imogen Lacy onto your roster. She also goes by “Ginny.” As a matter of procedure and law, sir, you’re well within your rights to reject this request, and Starfleet would be likely to honor your refusal. Cayden’s eyes settled on the captain. Dukul’s eyes did the same. Adyr: I suppose Command has reason to believe that there are redeeming factors involved. Nibar took it as a question, which was, to his mind, an opportunity. The Captain seemed less likely to say “No” than have a stroke. Shayne: Are they high? There was no way Dukul was touching that one. Nibar: She's ranked fourth in her Academy class. Her aptitude tests make her an ideal command track officer, and perfectly suitable for any department. Adyr: When are they wanting to onboard her? Nibar: She's currently completing a multidiscipline rotation on DS33. You've got twenty-four hours to respond from the time I file my report of this meeting. I can drag my feet on that. So… call it thirty-six hours. Shayne: Are they drunk? Adyr: Seems a bit last minute. Shayne: Are they out of their skulls? There was only so long a Lieutenant Junior Grade could ignore the protestations of a Captain. A little bit longer when the Captain in question wasn't in the Lieutenant's direct chain of command, but always a limit in any event. Dukul sympathized with the man, but the sympathy didn't change anything for either of them. Nibar: Starfleet's official position is that the Libris catastrophe was a failure of judgment at every level. And given the number of officers—Captains included—required to get it as far and as wrong as it went, it's hard to place the blame on cadets. And, of course, Admiralty rarely blames itself. ::beat:: Unofficially, they want to sweep it under the rug, and drumming a wunderkind out of the ranks after everything else that's happened would raise too many questions. Adyr: Response Dukul nodded to the Commander, and searched the Captain's eyes as the man processed everything said so far. He'd given the Shayne a day and a half, but on ships like the Arrow it was Lieutenant Nibar’s experience that the men and women who occupied the “big chair” weren't often given to prolonged philosophical musings. That sort of thing was reserved for the Enterprises and the Sovereigns—flying cities with room for long pensive strolls, not a vicious little destroyer like this. Shayne: Can you tell us why Starfleet wants to assign her to Arrow? I can’t think of a greater conflict of interest. Nibar: No, sir. They haven't given me that information, just that it was “determined” to be in the best interests of the fleet. Adyr/Shayne: Response Dukul grimaced and nodded. Nibar: Best guess, it's a promise. They want to sweep things under a rug, but if they can't manage that, they'll need a scapegoat from this ship. Two, actually. Shayne/Adyr: Response Nibar: Dewitt is the second. There's a colorable, if not totally compelling, charge of Sabotage they'll lean into. Shayne/Adyr: Response Cardassians weren't known for getting flustered, and Dukul was no exception. But he was known for being forthright, both relative to his species and his profession. And this JAG officer wasn't about to shy away from an uncomfortable truth, especially when it already came with considerable ethical questions. Nibar: That... would be me, sirs. I was assigned to report on theories for criminal culpability, based on the facts as I had them. ::beat:: I also strongly urged Starfleet to leave the matter be. I felt the case would be a challenge to prove, with minimal deterrent effect even if it were successful. Shayne/Adyr: Response TAGS/TBC ——— Lieutenant Junior Grade Dukul Nibar JAG Officer Deep Space Thirty-Three as simmed by Lieutenant Junior Grade Nolen Hobart Engineering Officer USS Arrow (NCC-69829) A240001NH3
  7. I really love @LuxaLorana's voice here, and the little flashbacks abour her cubhood. Great work! ((OOC - I wanted to make 'Luxa, No!' canon.)) ((Cockpit, USS Rhine, Olidra System)) It was A LOT. The scent, the noise, the fear. A whole lot. Luxa’s claws dug into the console as the Rhine shook, spun and thrust it's way back into the Ronin. That wasn't the end of it. As they entered, consoles exploded and there was the horror of metal on metal screaming that threatened to destroy her advanced auditory processors. She let out a terrified howl as she fully expected the Rhine to explode in the shuttlebay and take the Ronin with them. Except it didn't. It went still, with one final lurch to the side. It all ended as abruptly as it began. Luxa didn't want to believe that she was safe, instead she remained still. Eyes wide, ears twisted and pinpointed each noise and movement. There was alerts and lights screaming for attention, yet she remained. Each movements she recognised, every breath from the other officers she registered, the slight groan of the Rhine as she settled, felt under her paws. Her body was one with the environment, her senses activated by a primal and ancient instinct, fighting against her knowledge, teachings and academy training. Then the thud came, an unspecified but obviously sizable piece of their outer hull fell to the deck. Luxa turned to the source, her eyes wild and her body prepared to attack. oO Luxa! No! Oo The voice was her mother's. For a second she was in the jungle of the Lorana Preservation. A young cub, barely out of the den she shared with her littermates. In her paws, a small creature wriggled, grappling for life, encased in a cage of her claws. Alieth: What is your condition, Ensigns? Alieth’s voice brought her back and she looked at the Vulcan, dazed. She almost asked who she was before her senses returned to her. Lorana: Uhm .. I'm alive… I think. O’Connor: response Alieth gave a weak nod. Luxa noticed that she didn't look well, her parlour was the ring shade and her skin was clammy. She unstrapped herself from the restraints of the chair. She realised she was still in her undershirt, which was now covered in dark stains and charred tears from the exploding consoles. Her silver hair had come loose from its braids and knot that had kept it out of her face and tumbled around her face, wild and curled. She looked like a beast from the nightmares of Betazoid children. Outside; muffled, unintelligible voices could be heard. The Rhine's lights finally faded, and the cabin plunged into a frigid penumbra. Alieth: It is better than nothing. :: she closed her eyes for a moment, as her face paled another degree:: Miss Lorana, I will need you to go to my lab and complete the download of the data we obtained from the superstructure. Commence the analysis immediately and report back to the bridge as soon as you get anything that they might need. Lorana: :: nodded, almost in a growl :: Yes. She wanted to make the Tholian and Sheliak pay. She had felt hatred before. Deep, guttural hatred that had consumed her very being. She had been running from it ever since. Now, it came back. Only a sliver, yet if a Tholian or Sheliak had came upon this particular Caitian, then she'd have done what she could to destroy them. She'd have eradicated them from the universe. oO Luxa! No! Oo Her mother again, faded now, nothing but a memory. Luxa leaned into it, she wanted to tether herself to the anchor of her mother's stern. She needed too, or else who or what would she be? Who would Luxa Lorana become if she didn't tether herself to something? Outside; there was a new sound, a plasma torch being activated and began to work on the battered duranium. The Rhine's rear end lit up faintly as the door gaskets heated to red-hot. Alieth: Mister O'Connor, I need you to download the Rhine's navigational memory, it is possible that the scans picked up some extra data on the spatio-temporal fractures that might be of use to us. :: The Vulcan's mind wandered over the portion of the Crew Manifest she had been able to study before arriving at the Rhine, in search of someone who might be of assistance:: Contact Ensign Tucker to help you. O’Connor: response Finally, the petite Vulcan turned to the Caitian hybrid, leaning dangerously forward. Alieth: Miss Hopkins, you will take our guests to… As Alieth knees collapsed into themselves, Luxa didn't hesitate and moved with a deft quickness to catch the small Vulcan in her forearms. Lorana: I've got you. O’Connor: response Alieth: ...to the sick bay Her voice nothing but a whisper, before she began to cough. She didn't even register the scent of her blood, all she wanted was to see this formidable force of nature restored to health. Lorana: :: looks to the others, fierce determination glowed in her eyes :: You have your orders. /O’Connor: response Alieth: ...I… Lorana: It's okay. You're safe now, we'll take care of it. O’Connor: response There was the sound of the collapsing door and the deck crew stood peering in. Luxa felt like she was in a dream. She could hear her own voice calling out for medical, except it didn't seem real at all. It seemed like an eternity, Luxa looked to Alieth and cradled her in her arms. Then, a nurse was there, she appeared to be a human. Luxa could scent something on her. Something different. She couldn't place it but it was a question for another time. Lorana: She's been bleeding for a long time. Also we've both been exposed to massive amounts of Sencha radiation. Rox/O'Connor: Response As the nurse bent down, Luxa felt a small growl come out from nowhere. A protective urge to keep others away from the injured. Lorana: :: oops :: Sorry! Luxa moved aside, gently allowing the nurse to care for the CSO. Rox/O'Connor: Response [[Tag! /TBC]] Ensign Luxa Lorana Science Officer USS Ronin A240004LL2
  8. I really loved this sim from @VLen Kel. It shows the bond of long serving crew wonderfully.
  9. @Jacin Ayemet, writing to @Kirsty L. Carpenter's past life, making me feel feelings, all on a Sunday afternoon:
  10. @Karrod Niac has created a need in me to have Bail as a recurring nuisance for Ronin and the Alpha Islands. And his flask. It is just great. Great job! Part 1:
  11. Loving this intro sim for @Karen Stendhal 's latest villain. Looking forward to reading more! 😈 (( Miranda VII - Dodgy bar )) In the sultry underworld of Miranda VII, bathed in the flickering glow of neon lights, Zara Saan, a cunning Orion woman, prepared to embark on a dangerous mission for the Saan family. Miranda VII, once under the firm grip of the Saan's dominion, now danced to the tune of independent factions that scorned Saan authority, leaving the family frustrated and seeking retribution. Draped in an enticing disguise, Zara entered a dimly lit bar, the rhythmic beats of music weaving through the air. The stage beckoned, and Zara, with emerald-green skin that sparkled under the neon lights, transformed herself into a pole dancer. Her mission: to eliminate Jaxon Marik, a key figure in the independent factions that now controlled Miranda VII. As Zara's mesmerizing dance unfolded, a dialogue of suspense unfolded in the shadows. Zara: Tonight, Marik's reign ends. She whispered to herself. The patrons, unaware of Zara's true intent, watched in captivation. The tension thickened as Zara swirled around the pole, her eyes locking onto Marik. Marik: Enjoying the show, Saan? He said, smirking at her. Zara: Just getting started. She smiled. The stage was set for the deadly encounter, but just as Zara prepared to make her move, a mysterious voice interrupted. Voice: Zara Saan, a dance to remember. Zara turned, dagger concealed, to find a cloaked figure in the shadows, the glint of disruptor catching her eye. Cloaked Figure: Killing Marik won't bring back what you've lost. Zara: I'm not here for your counsel. Stay out of my way. Cloaked Figure: There are alternatives, Saan. A path that doesn't lead to more bloodshed. He said intrigued. Zara: (snarling) Bloodshed is the Saan way. The tension in the air reached its zenith, but just as the confrontation seemed inevitable, the bar door swung open, revealing the silhouette of a new player. Unknown Figure: Zara Saan! Starfleet's on the way. We've got to move! Zara's eyes widened. She had no intention of tangling with Starfleet. The Orion woman had to think quickly. Zara: Change of plans. We're leaving. Marik and the cloaked figure exchanged confused glances as Zara swiftly disengaged from her dance, leaving the stage and making her way toward the exit. Marik: You think you can escape, Saan? He shouted. Zara: Watch me. She said disappearing with a smirk. As chaos erupted in the bar, Zara, the unknown figure, and the cloaked stranger disappeared into the shadows, leaving behind a trail of uncertainty and unfinished business. Zara Saan slipped away into the cosmic unknown, her fate entwined with the shadows that concealed her family's legacy. -- Zara Saan - Member of the criminal Saan Family from Orion. as simmed by ================================= Lt Jg Karen Trisha Stendhal Counselor SB 118 ID: C239604KS0 =================================
  12. Alright, starting up a thread for the Denali Invitational specifically. See a quote or five that you want to appreciate during the Invitational? This is just the place for it. I'll go first. Really loving the sponsor slogan on @Connor Dewitt and @Nolen Hobart's little ship. I gott a little giggle out of it.
  13. Top nocth work here in this action driven sim. Great work @Ian OConnor !! ((USS Rhine, Within the Barrier, Approaching the Array, Olidra System)) Ian adjusted the internal audio controls of the Rhine and cranked up the Klingon opera, yIruch, through the speakers. Things were uneventful for a few moments and Ian kept running through the upcoming sequence in his mind. The background vocals of the opera help him concentrate. If C’iri minded, she gave him no indication. Comms then lit up indicating a transmission from Lorana or Alieth. Lorana: =/\= O'Connor, be careful we don't know what security defenses they may have? =/\= Suddenly, several warning klaxons sounded overriding the opera music and automatically putting the runabout into a red alert status. O’Connor: =/\= I’m not sure either but think we’re about to find out. Are you two okay? ::not that Ian could do a darn thing about it if they weren’t:: I’m about to drop warp and well you know. Anyway, I’ll be back to grab you in no time. =/\= Alieth: Response The second officer’s voice cut off abruptly leaving Ian wondering if something happened to her and Luxa. However, he identified the issue fairly quickly. O’Connor: Well, I guess jamming is one of those defenses oO Damn. Oo Although really no one could have been sure that transmissions would have worked in the array structure anyway. The few minutes or so time seemed to slow. The Rhine dropped abruptly from warp cutting power to almost all systems. The small ship then glided its way along the array’s surface; thrusters and inertia providing the only propulsion. Ian deftly drifted the runabout along only engaging in microbursts when absolutely necessary. Meter by meter, they crept along until the target was finally in sight. oO Just a bit farther. Oo Ian adjusted pitch and yaw hitting a few more bursts on the thrusters. So far all was going according to the plan, at least the re-re-re-revised plan for this part. The Rhine continued to float and rotated slightly. Without sensors he couldn’t get a target lock so he was eyeballing it. He gave a quick glance to C’iri indicating he was ready and confirming she was as well. For as much of an eternity the last few moments lasted, the next few were a blur. Ian’s finger tapped only one control and the whole pre-programmed sequence initiated. The Rhine surged to life with power, the console bleeped warnings of several small craft, Ian felt a tingling that was way more intense than the previous times, all sorts of blinding lights emitted from the array, photons shot from the runabout… …and then nothing. oO Where’s the kaboom? There’s supposed to be an earth shattering kaboom! Oo Ian tried to sneak a quick look at the readings to see what happened. His console showed that the torpedoes were just floating right in front of the impact point in an out-of-phase state. A small bunch of strands forming an energy web was protecting that area. Seemingly anything that touched that web “phased out.” oO What the… Oo Ian had no time to finish the thought as one of the defensive craft cut off his path. He quickly adjusted and avoided the second incoming vessel. They were trying to box him in. Ian jerked the Rhine hard to port then rolled upward away. He’d free himself for a second giving him time to glance at the readings for the small energy web again. He noticed several emitters that formed the web in approximately a 15 meter radius around the target point. oO No time to think this through. Oo Ian angled the shuttle on a direct path straight on with the target point. He adjusted the phasers to a continuous fire aimed at one of the emitters then spun the Rhine counter-clockwise creating a circle of phaser fire destroying all the emitters. The photon torpedoes then phased back in impacting with the array. Ian immediately dove hard and leveled the runabout with the path of the wave that was beginning to emerge. He jumped abruptly to warp, pushing the Rhine way over several safety limits knowing he was only seconds ahead of the wave and needed those to retrieve Alieth and Luxa. Hopefully they were ready... Alieth/Lorana: Response Tags/TBC ((OOC: Who don’t love a good Marvin Martian quote from time to time?)) ___________________________ Ensign Ian O’Connor HCO USS Ronin NCC-34523 R240009IO4
  14. I'm a big fan of @Kirsty L. Carpenter writing from day one on the Ronin and this sim just displays why. The characterization and the building of tension just hits the spots here!
  15. I love Sm'uf so much. Good job @Toryn Raga ((Control Center, Cargo Freighter S.S. Sabrina's Delight, Somewhere in the Sunjat System)) This was it. This was going to be how they died. Slowly bleeding atmosphere into the void while ruminating on which system would fail first like some sick game of chance. At least the current climate within the Delight was favorable to the Andorian. Rather, it was tolerable to him for the moment. Sleep had come quickly and the benefit of slumber, even as light as it was, brought a form of escape. Bail: Before we die...I think you should know something. He glanced over at the obnoxiously reclined Human wrapped in an emergency blanket with an even look, though his antennae snapped towards Bail as if he’d insulted his mother. Sm'uf: Finally going to admit that you were wrong? There seemed to be a momentary consideration, very minute, before the Human rebuttled. Bail: Wrong? Me? No, of course not. I was going to tell you I've always hated you. The Andorian looked at him with a dry expression, though his antennae twitched in irritation. Sm'uf: That makes two of us. Now that we cleared that up, let me enjoy what peace I can, please. Bail made some kind of sound, or mix of sounds. Had he finally broken as much as his ship? Bail: Oh sure, you must be loving this, probably a damn...pleasant spring day on Andoria. Sm'uf: More like a mild summer. ::He said dryly:: Sm’uf watched him shift miserably and both antennae swayed in mirth. Bail: Well I hope your antenna freeze and.... Bail broke off abruptly as a loud clunk translated its way through the hull. That was an unexpected sound, but not the, ‘we’re all about to die’ sort or so he hoped. The Andorian sat up and his antennae turned in opposite directions and in a slightly upwards manner. Bail: Did that sound like...a good clunk? Or a bad clunk? Sm'uf: At this point does it matter? Bail snuffed and pulled his blankets tighter about himself. Bail: Well, I don't want it to be a bad clunk. We've had enough of those already. Go see to it, won't you? An antenna whipped in his direction shortly before the Andorian looked at him. Sm'uf: Sure, ice forbid you actually do anything productive when we’re hours away from death. Bail: Response The Andorian brushed off the Captain’s grumbling and stretched the slumber out of himself before he started to search the interior of the freighter. The clunk that had alerted them felt to him like something had touched the hull or maybe come off of it. Though, he could feel vibrations in the air coming from the bulkheads. Almost like when the ship was in a tractor beam. It wasn’t an overly large vessel and it didn’t take long before he saw the flash of a light source ahead. They’d been boarded. But by whom? Sm’uf side stepped to a locker and opened it as quietly as he could, despite the audible creak of cold metal. He pulled out a disruptor that was as old or older than the freighter. So, who knew if it still worked. It was likely as useless as the Captain. The Andorian moved back towards the source of the light. Kel: Hello? ::activating his wrist light and shining it around the room:: Hello is anyone here? Tucker: ::pulling out his engineering tricorder:: Power fluctuations on all decks, and engineering seems to be three decks straight down. Where do we want to start, commander? Raga: Priority is going to be… Kenmore: Response Sm'uf: You can start by stating your names and intent. ::He said evenly from the darkness, archaic disrupter pointed at the group:: The tall one that he’d cut off mid sentence spun around and seemed to be armed, but he didn’t draw his weapon. Raga: Lieutenant Commander Toryn Raga. First Officer of the USS Ronin. We detected signs of a recent battle and came to see if we could render assistance. ::He glanced about then added:: From the looks of it, we’re just in time. Kenmore/Kel/Tucker: Response The Andorian lowered the disruptor of questionable operation and stepped closer to look closer at the group. Starfleet. Say what you will about them, when you were this close to death’s icy embrace they seemed to have an impecable timing. Sm’uf: Starfleet. Good. Yes, the ship is falling apart. The Captain was taking bets on what would fail first, power, life support or shields. All of which are below ten percent functionality. Raga: Well then, we should see about stabilizing your power and life support. Our runabout’s shields have been extended around your freighter. So if yours fail we won’t instantly die. ::He smiled:: And you are? Kenmore/Kel/Tucker: Response Sm’uf: First Mate, Sm’uf. Kenmore/Raga/Kel/Tucker: Response Sm’uf: Right. This way. The Captain is in the Command Center impersonating a frozen vegetable. Kenmore/Raga/Kel/Tucker: Response A quick walk back to where he’d left the Human to sulk in misery and he announced in an alarmed tone. Sm’uf made sure he was a step or two ahead of the Federation team. Sm’uf: Captain, we’ve been boarded! Bail: Response Sm’uf: It’s fine, they’re Starfleet. Here to help. I just wanted to see if you were still capable of moving. There was no smile on his face but those antennae twitched in abject amusement. Bail: Response Kenmore/Raga/Kel/Tucker: Response ((ooc: Wanted to get this out first. I’ll fill the rest of Raga’s tags in my next sim.)) ============================= Sm’uf First Mate S.S. Sabrina’s Delight As simmed by Lieutenant Commander Toryn Raga First Officer USS Ronin NCC-34523 Writer ID: A239410TR0 https://wiki.starbase118.net/wiki/index.php?title=Toryn_Raga
  16. Karen/Stefania shared this with me and I knew I had to share it here. I love the creativity, of order and logic through music which, especially with certain styles, is very orderly and logical. I found it a fascinating idea and felt it deserved to be here. **** ((OCC. inspired by the awesome Aly's Haukea music description 😉 I had to do something about Vulcan music and about a Vulcan ritual to find the pure logic trough music : The Vulahar. )) ((Little Risa - On a secluded beach - Starbase 118)) T'Paun, a youthful Vulcan musician and composer at the age of 63, served as an apprentice to the deputy priestess of the Vulahar temple on Vulcan. Notably, she possessed a striking beauty that even surpassed human standards. Over the course of several years, T'Paun dedicated herself to intense preparation and the nomination process for the revered Vulahar ritual." The Vulahar is a Vulcan ritual and a mental discipline that aims to harmonize the mind and the body with the universal order through musical expression. It is not common for all Vulcans, but only for those who have a natural affinity for music and seek to transcend their individuality. The Vulahar can take several decades of study and practice, and it is usually performed at the Temple of Vulahar in the Vulcan's province of ShiKahr. The final ritual involves a musical performance with a Vulcan master, who evaluates the candidate’s musical skill and logical purity. If successful, the candidate receives The Vulahar medallion as a symbol of their achievement. T'Paun's candidacy was repeatedly rejected in accordance with Vulcan tradition. In fact, throughout Vulcan history, acceptance had never come easily to anyone. For some, their applications were perpetually declined, and it was customary to attempt up to 99 times without ever achieving success; 99 was indeed the maximum acceptable limit, even for a Vulcan. Even the founder of the ancient discipline, the esteemed priest Svok, nearly a millennium ago, restrained himself by refusing 98 times before ultimately awarding himself the medallion of the Vulahar. In the final ritual, Svok performed the flawless musical composition in complete solitude. At that time, he was the sole follower, the only priest, and the exclusive master of the Vulahar. On Earth, he might have been deemed a misunderstood and forgotten individual, but on Vulcan, over the centuries, he had earned recognition as a highly acclaimed master of logic and musical purity. His composition, "Gok'shiv n'pana", is still played and repeated with each candidacy, serving as a test of purity to separate the less dedicated. ((OCC "Gok'shiv n'pana." = "The Flock's Starling.")) The Tradition had nearly faded into obscurity, surviving only through the sparse notes of a few monotonous songs and rare melodies carried on the winds of the desert plains of ShiKahr. It had only been rediscovered almost 200 years prior and had finally gained acknowledgement and respect from the Vulcan Music Academy, ranking second only to the realm of science—perhaps even higher, some might argue. After T'Paun's fourth application was rejected, she spent nearly two years deliberating over the perfect instrument, torn between the harp and the Vulcan flute. Ultimately, she chose The Vulcan Flute. It is a wind instrument made of metal, with a cylindrical body and a conical mouthpiece. It has six finger holes and a thumb hole, which allow the player to produce different pitches and tones. The Vulcan flute has a range of two octaves, and can produce both soft and loud sounds. The sound of the Vulcan flute is clear and pure, with a slight metallic timbre. It is often used to express the inner thoughts and feelings of the player, in a subtle and refined way. The Vulcan flute is considered a difficult instrument to master, as it requires precise breath control and finger coordination. Following her fifth rejection, in accordance with tradition, she opted for self-exile, leaving behind the familiar comforts of her home planet, Vulcan. Thus, she found herself at starbase 118, seeking solace in a place far removed from Vulcan's temptations and distractions. Here, she sought refuge in the unfamiliar, drawing inspiration from the chaos that surrounded her, ultimately discovering inner peace through the stark contrast. She began to play a monotonous, detached melody, a tune devoid of emotion—a painfully dull composition. Could this, at last, be the solution she had longed for? The sought-after goal? Surprisingly, the melody possessed a poignant quality, although it remained true to the typical monotony and flatness associated with Vulcan music. Its purpose was to clear the listener's mind, inducing a state of deep meditation, effectively lulling them into a state of profound boredom. At a considerable distance from the vibrant center of the festival, on a secluded and isolated beach, T'Paun found herself playing her instrument in an atmosphere of profound solitude. Only a handful of Vulcans stood as her audience. With a few deft touches on the panel , the instrument seamlessly continued the melody on its own, creating a repetitive loop that provided a steady backdrop. This allowed T'Paun to transition seamlessly into her own vocal performance, her voice weaving effortlessly through the recurring notes, enriching the musical tapestry with her hauntingly beautiful vocals. Wuh eshikh panu. (The Desert World) This is the world where we belong. A world of sand and stone. A world of harsh and dry A world of strength and will. This is the world where we survive. A world of challenge and struggle. A world of danger and risk. A world of skill and wisdom. This is the world where we thrive. A world of order and harmony. A world of logic and reason. A world of peace and balance. This is the world where we meditate. A world of silence and calm. A world of no emotion and no distraction. A world of mind and soul. This is the song of the desert world. A song of flat and steady. A song of no melody and no rhythm. A song that only we can hear. The song concluded with a jarring, discordant final note, reminiscent of the abrupt sound of an alarm clock or a burglar alarm. This disruptive noise served as a mechanism to snap the listener back to reality, occasionally jolting them awake in a rather unsettling manner. -- ================================= Apprentice Priestess of the Vulahar Temple T'Paun SB 118 ID: C239604KS0 =================================
  17. There are many reasons you should all be aware of LtJG @Jovenan. The thought that goes into developing not only her character, but the periphery details that make the character and her developmental process so incredibly believable are astounding to me at times. I'm often struck first in awe, followed by inspiration and aspiration by these sims. In the sim linked below, she uses the Edo language to flesh out a particularly tangled bit of plot while pulling us readers deeper into the richness of the universe being built here. Not for my sake or even hers, but for your own, give it a read. You're a freaking legend, Jo. ❤️ https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-artemis/c/Q_AcRthh46Q/m/RZq8BhflBQAJ
  18. I'd like to highlight @Alora DeVeau and @Etan Iljor; 2 outstanding simmers: They have a great ability to write out descriptive and immersive scenes that get me 'perpetually refreshing' my inbox waiting for the next one They advance the plot line and leave enough room for any simmer to take it in the next step Masters of 'yes, and' Excellent canon use I also think in general, the arc I think also nicely highlights how we can interweave 2 separate story lines, while keeping them distinct. Without further ado: &
  19. In this sim, @Alessandro Ferrucci treats us to a wonderful blend of narration and dialogue as the USS Kahnrah makes its tricky descent down onto Sargasso V. All in all, really enjoying Ensign Ferrucci's contributions to his away team so far 👏 Ensign Alessandro Ferrucci - Dive into the unknown (google.com)
  20. This one from @Gogigobo Fairhug made me cringe and laugh in all the right ways - Ross trying to hint that the game is rigged and Gogi being the absolute best. That's why it's important to learn your vocabs, kids! 🤓
  21. ((Interior. Deep Space 33, The Arboretum.)) Quentin Collins felt a stabbing sensation. Something he had never experienced before this very second, seeing the bright and vibrant faces of his Arrow family directly after their latest awards ceremony (where they all had been richly and deservedly rewarded for their recent honourable works across the Alpha Isles). He felt cowardice. The people he loved the most, the people he wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of his life with were just across the way. They were talking and laughing and drinking and living. And Quentin couldn't bear to make himself a part of it. Because he knew, he knew deeper than anything he had never known in his life, that he would ruin it. That his life and existence with these beautiful, talented, kind, and loving people he had served and bled and toiled and gained a place in the universe with would come back around full circle and he would be the dark cloud over them all that he always secretly knew he was. It was total tripe, of course, and had Quentin the fortitude (and surety in his own ability to not immediately burst into tears as soon as anyone talked to him) to ask any one of them...they would tell him the same. But something else Quentin Collins knew was that self-loathing and doubt were some helluva things and better people than him have succumbed to it. That didn't stop him not-so-secretly hating himself for not simply walking the few feet it would take to actually TELL them goodbye. To tell them face to face just how much they all meant to him. How much they will continue to mean to him even back in Maine. How much he will think about them and worry after them and take a burning heart in the fact that they will still be out here in the Alpha Isles, fighting the good fight and continuing to bear the standard of the United Federation of Planets in a way that only they and they alone could. He could certainly say all these things. He had the words, the ability. The deep well of pathos and near idolization of his crew and superiors to back it further. And yet...still he stood back. A scared little boy in a too-big suit strapped with a bag of books that he thought of as his REAL friends. It was almost horrifying to him in the moment how cyclical life sometimes was. How cruelly recursive. He had come to space to find himself and then, for his sins, he had... Now it was throwing him backwards through time. Back to that red-headed scarecrow he was before Starfleet. With all the insecurities and self-doubts of that man-child to boot. The million-watt energy from the crew in the compartment beyond pulled him back from the dangerous brink. He took in their faces, their smiles, their anima in turn as he gazed longingly at their faces through a veil of gathering tears. Trying to store it like a battery in his soul for the long, tedious journey back home. Thinking their names like a litany as he gripped the strap of his knapsack for dear life. Shayne. Ash. Chloe. Ayemet and Connor. Serinus. Zabi and Zenno and Dr. Ohnari and Nol. Lana Morgenstern. Cassie. Reba Kester. Starrana and Stelok and the wonderful minds of the Science Departments of three ships. Captain Oddas. Irina Pavlova, Hal Mika, Professor Sotia Dano, Kayla Drex. An alert chimed on his comm. His shuttle was ready. Of course it was. He gave the crew...his real family one last look. A rueful, nearly cracking smile on his lips. oO Don't forget me, Arrow. Because I certainly won't forget you...Oo His smile widened. Thinking momentarily of the last thing he would leave them with, sitting comfortably in the Living History Annex. Then...Quentin Jaimson Collins, Third of his Name, turned and walked into the next phase of his life. Hopeful in the possibility that he could one day return to them all, once everything was done... ((U.S.S. Arrow, The Living History Annex.)) Standing, carefully placed and fully extended, was the sword of Chief Science Officer Quentin Collins. A note pinned to the top of the blade, addressed to the whole of the Arrow crew. "I love you all. Be extraordinary. -Q.C.III" -- Never The End. ((OOC: Thank you all for everything. My experience with the 118 has been so much richer and fuller having known and worked with you all. It's been...everything, really.)) -- Lieutenant Commander Quentin Collins III Chief Science Officer -- U.S.S. ARROW NCC-69829 ID: E239512QC0
  22. I really enjoyed this comparison between life on the Santa Maria with Christopher Columbus and life on a starship. Well written!! ((Holodeck, USS Astraeus)) Shore leave is coming to an end, which means that life is returning to the rhythm Slav is used to. After organising the cooking competition, he was completely exhausted mentally and spiritually. He needed to rest. On the bright side, he got to know many of the crew members and made himself known in such a good way. Along with the return of his regular watch schedule, the need for rest has also increased. This is exactly what he was doing now. The holodeck again. Today, he doesn't have much free time, so he chose the shortest and most interesting programme available to him (after all, service comes first). Shewytch: Computer. Run the programme HistoryShewytch020 It immediately became dark and cloudy. The ground began to sway to one side and then to the other. Well, how to say the ground, the wooden floor. And if you look around, you can see that Slav was on a ship, an old Earth ship. oO I don't really like the app because of this wobble. Oo That's why he didn't run this programme often, or to be more precise, he ran it only once, before he was sent to the ship. Maybe he was superstitious then? After all, he was also going to new worlds, new territories, just like Columbus' Santa Maria. Yes, this programme was a programme about the "great" geographical discoveries, well, they cannot be compared to the discoveries made after breaking the speed of light, but it nevertheless had a great impact on history. Slav walked around the deck and turned to the man who seemed to be the most important of all the people around him. He had spoken to him only once before he had come here to Astraeus. He needed to hear some words of encouragement, or just what he wanted to hear. Because it was not a real person, but just a set of algorithms. Shewytch: Captain, I'm leaving soon on a research vessel. :: pause :: As part of your squadron. And I'd like to ask you a question, if you don't mind. How can you go to a place where you're not even sure if the land exists or not? NPC hologram of Columbus: ::Turning away from the map table:: Well, young man. The only thing you need to understand is that the land is ::he jumped up:: where the ship is. oO That time, he said the same thing. Oo At this point, it finished playing the programme for the last time. But today he was in the mood to continue. Shewytch: But this ship ::he nodded towards the water:: floats. That is, there is still something under the ship, and it is a hulk of water. What if there is nothing, not even water, beyond the horizon? The sailor was thinking. Columbus: Hmm, an interesting thought. Will the ship be able to sail in this "nothing"? Because if you pick up water in your hands, it is also nothing. He demonstrated how water flows out through his fingers if you pour it into your hands. Columbus: Do you see? But if there is a lot of water, then even my carrack holds on, does not sink. Maybe "nothing" will be enough? oO The ships that travel through the void of space do the same. Oo Shewytch: You're right, I agree. Everyone must believe in their ship and in the crew that will take it through everything. That was enough for him. He heard everything he wanted to hear. Indeed, he was on a spaceship precisely to go somewhere where there were no other ships, and to explore it all. At some points, you forget about it, the routine. But at such moments, the thirst to see something new increases. But before he left, he decided to see what would happen next, and of course he skipped it. The weather changed, the air changed, it was noticeable. The ships were in a line. And he was on one of them. And suddenly he heard a shout. Stranger: Land! oO They have found their destination. Now it's my turn. Oo After closing the program, he left the holodeck in the direction of the scientific laboratories. Now he needs somewhere to put his great reserves of enthusiasm. ----- Ensign Slav Shewytch, Junior Science Officer USS Astraeus, NCC-70652 A240008SS2
  23. Loving this scene from @Ksivi-Sava and @Corey Wethern. So much fun! ((Maintenance Airlock 17 - Starbase 118)) A tinge of nervousness crept in on Ksivi-Sava as the EVA suit sealed itself with an audible hiss. Not that he had reason to assume anything might be wrong with his suit—or Corey’s, for that matter. Those were likely meticulously maintained and perfectly safe. There wasn’t anything terribly unsettling about the idea of stepping out into the near-perfect vacuum of interstellar space, either. In fact, Ksivi-Sava appreciated any opportunity to experience free fall—if only in scientific terms, as the magnetic boots would reliably prevent anything remotely resembling a layperson’s conception of a “fall”. The everyday experiences of a Starfleet officer, pilot or not, were virtually sanitized by artificial gravity and inertial dampeners. Opportunities to bodily experience classical physics in all their beauty were rare, and usually limited the EVA training. But this was no EVA training, and therein lay the gist of Ksivi-Sava’s flurry. It was the sheer audacity of their project that worried him. Sure, the slim chance of getting caught doing something moderately unwise (and having lied about it) was unsettling enough. Yet, that wasn’t the worst thing. What Ksivi-Sava found himself most seriously brooding over was the notion that he might be losing his focus on the essential. Losing himself in frivolous petty indulgences with no regard for their net utility… and possibly enjoying it. Wethern: Ksivi-Sava can you hear me? comm check. Ksivi-Sava: Reading you loud and clear. I suppose this would be our last chance to reconsider. Corey dismissed the concern with a vivid wave of his hand before he picked up their case of decidedly non-regulation equipment. Wethern: Relax this is a rite of passage and if anyone asks I've logged this as part of our EVA hours competency. While no serious reconsideration had been expected, Ksivi-Sava still raised his eyebrows in mild surprise. It wasn’t readily apparent to him why viewing this as a juvenile rite of passage would be preferable to viewing it as a juvenile petty indulgence. Then again, his contact with human cultural sensibilities had been as high-intensity as it had been brief, so there were still plenty of blind spots left to uncover. Well, as far as Ksivi-Sava was concerned, leaving it at a petty indulgence and the mildest suggestion of a shrug was perfectly fine for now. When Corey opened the outer bulkheads, the view certainly reimbursed Ksivi-Sava for suffering through that minor intercultural headache. Barely noticeably did the hull of Starbase 118 curve away from them in the distance, reflecting the pitch-blackness of interstellar space as if physically soaked in it. Rhythmic flashes of navigation lights broke up the darkness over a timidly gleaming artificial horizon. Out here, light years from the nearest sun, it took a keen eye to reveal the faint hulls of all the different craft and starships between their blinking beacons, glowing engines and sprinklings of windows. Ksivi-Sava’s steps along the metallic ground were weightless and inert. A lack of external forces, not contaminated by the flurry of sensory stimuli that humanoid bodies had evolved to suffer through and make sense of. Very much an artificial environment, and yet so close to the being the most natural of them all; a visceral experience of raw nature that not even the sound of their breaths and the clanking of their boots could truly spoil. Wethern: Here we are this is the right point we can get to work. Ksivi-Sava: ::faintly smiling at the horizon:: This is very much the right point to be, indeed. But alas, they weren’t here to enjoy the experience. In a way, it was with rather admirable efficiency that Corey turned his attention to the matter at hand and revealed the 10 bowling pins out of the equipment case. Wethern: Aren't they beautiful? Ksivi-Sava: Not to be a… how might one say… “party pooper”, if you pardon my Terran, there, but this environment feels almost inappropriate for something as trivially indulgent as this. Wethern: Relax they all have short range transported chips, at the push of a button they lock onto the suit wearer and beam back. Well, as a medic, Corey had never made any secret of his hands-on approach to problem-solving, so he very much seemed his proper self as he walked out to set up the bowling pins right away. Wethern: I think you should be the one to kick start our Ensigns Bingo. First to 30 points? Ksivi-Sava accepted the bowling ball presented to him in a rather significant-looking gesture. It also didn’t escape his attention how eagerly Corey seemed to cross an item off the list he had brought. Ksivi-Sava: It shall be my pleasure. Judging by the hull plates, Ksivi-Sava positioned himself at an appropriate distance before he wound up ever so slightly and took aim at the arrow formation of pins in the distance. He kept taking aim for a while longer, before inquiring: Ksivi-Sava: Does it say anything about having to actually hit any of the pins? It still qualifies as a successful Bingo activity either way, correct? Wethern: Response Ksivi-Sava: Well, that goes without saying. Once again, Ksivi-Sava focussed his attention on the pins, wound up to feel the inertia of the projectile, then focussed his attention back on the pins. Wethern: Response Ksivi-Sava: I am. I very much am. Finally, Ksivi-Sava swung his arm forward in slow motion, releasing the ball at what he felt would be an appropriate moment for launch. Inertia carried it onward on a trajectory subject to such little gravity from the Starbase below their feet, it was indistinguishable from a straight line. Beyond that, it was also very slow. Ksivi-Sava: ::shifting his position and squinting at the slowly drifting ball:: I predict it will hit at least some of the pins. Wethern: Response Ksivi-Sava: Nonsense, we are looking at no more than a few seconds, now. With no inertia or gravity to worry about, precision should certainly be prioritized over velocity. See, there it is, closing in on the targets. Any moment now… Aaany moment. A few moments later, the ball grazed and dislodged two pins just insistently enough to knock a third one off its miniscule magnetic link with the hull. Once clear from the target area, both the projectile and its triplet of targets were beamed back into the their case, leaving a total of seven pins unscathed. Ksivi-Sava: ::arms crossed, rather pleased:: See? So, one pin is equivalent to… how many points, again? tags/tbc -- ============== Ensign Ksivi-Sava Helm Officer Starbase 118 Ops O240007KS4 ==============
  24. This was beautifully and elegantly written @Lt Aine Olive Sherlock. A stunning piece of prose! -- ((Sherlock's Quarters, Deck 4, USS 'Oumuamua)) How many times in the last few years did she say to herself, "This is home now?" Although just a handful, there was no point in counting anymore. Nonetheless, each time, it was the truth. And the 'Oumuamua was home now. After the awards ceremony Aine had made her way back to her quarters. It wasn't an event for her so much as the crew that was there before her. She'd done her part to show her support, but she left before there was any further celebration. Coming back to her barren quarters, it appeared that Operations had received a crate of her belongings that was deposited into the center of the room. When she left 118 it was on fairly short notice. She'd had less than 24 hours to get her affairs in order. And there were many. She'd seen Talar to tell him that their...arrangement...had to change. But she wasn't even sure what they were at that point. She had to set a plan in motion for her sister, Shevon. Currently an enlisted technician in Engineering who was taking classes at the remote campus on 118 to become an officer, but now choosing to test out and take her credits to work on becoming a Warrant Officer. She wasn't sure when she'd get to see Shevon again, but she left her the apartment and everything in it, only asking her to pack up some personal things of Aine's and send it to her. And now here it was. She reached behind her and unzipped the small zipper on the back of the neck of her uniform's jacket so she could pull it over her head. She tossed it to the nearest chair before going over to the crate. When she popped the top she looked down and it was as if the past was looking up at her. A couple holo-photos lay there in their frames. Both of her as a cadet, one with Madison and the other of her and Mel. She picked them up and set them on the table. Next was one of her old uniforms. Though it was only weeks ago, the grey shouldered uniform seemed old already. A past that was now just images in her mind like a video-holo she'd once watched. And packed between the uniform and some of her civvies, a pair of knives. One was an antique ceremonial knife from Cardassia that Sil had given her shortly after he'd arrived on the Resolution. That and a Bajoran earring were what he had given her after the crew vacationed on Bajor during the Gratitude Festival. The knife was the only possession of hers that had survived the destruction of the Resolution. Her friend, Meidra, had been running past Aine's office during the evacuation and ran in to see if there was anything she could save, and that was it. The other was a traditional Romulan honor blade. One that had been in Talar's family for countless generations, as he told it anyways. He had gifted it to her shortly after they had moved their friendship to a level just above being friends. As she looked down on them, she got almost a sinking feeling. One she'd felt before. That feeling was one she hated. It was more the idea of living in the past. Ever since she'd left home, she always wanted to be moving forward, but sometimes the past sunk its claws in, dragging itself along for the ride. She snapped out of that frozen moment and put the top back on the crate. Picking up her PADD from the nearby table which lay next to the pictures she'd setup, she searched the database for her playlist of music, mostly traditionals, and queued it up. The one thing she did like about deep space explorers was the creature comforts, especially the fact that senior officers quarters had the most luxurious of those comforts, a water bath. Sherlock: Computer, illumination to thirty percent. The lights dimmed. The crate could wait. And a nice hot soak seemed the perfect first step forward into her new future. fin Lieutenant Aine Sherlock Security Officer U.S.S. Oumuamua R239712AS0
  25. I've been a massive fan of @Alieth for a while and hope to keep learning and growing from her! This sim brilliantly showcases her ability to truly embody her character, even when a lot is going on! I am humbled!
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