+ Saveron Posted November 24, 2017 Posted November 24, 2017 Quote What did he know, maybe Humans were the center of the universe and his opinion was completely invalid.:: Words cannot express how much I love Wyn and his internal monologue. 3
+ Saveron Posted November 25, 2017 Posted November 25, 2017 (edited) Quote Young: ::Mumbling to himself:: I'm gonna die on a holodeck on my first assignment Made me laugh. I can just hear the fear of an ignominious end in that thought. Quote Frag: Sparkles! I’m loving the ’do! Sent a pic to my dear old mother, she was MORTIFIED, it was exquisite! I love this mental image. Quote ::ESPO. The last time Maxwell had been in this office, it had been a shrine to the religion of chaos theory.There was a comfort in knowing that some things never change.:: Quote ::Looking over Frag's shoulder at her poster of the Tellarite Parrises Square team, and all that spandex defying all known laws of physics, Maxwell had a very hard time biting back a retort about inappropriate costumes and glass houses and rocks et al.:: I have missed Traenor's dry observations. Edited November 26, 2017 by Saveron 2 1
+ Saveron Posted November 30, 2017 Posted November 30, 2017 I know I'm spamming this thread, but I don't care. I am getting so much pleasure from everyone's amazing writing at the moment. Quote ::T'Reshik caught Vinfael giving her a look. T'Reshik attempted to stare him down. She hadn't yet devoted much attention to the injury on her side, not because sitting there on a horse with blood streaming down the side of her armour made her look like a total badass, but rather because her physician's instincts told her that it was fairly superficial. Looking like a badass was just an unexpected bonus.:: Not that Vulcans care about that sort of thing; right? Quote Georgio: Oh dear gods of the fashion challenged. There are other colours than red, in this galaxy darling. Because there are worse things than death. Quote Why hadn't he been like Georgio and opted for a multiple location emitter? He could be safely in his quarters by now. The downsides of trying to be more human was that it made him more... human. Aw. I love Mark. Quote Vehk: So it seems. ::He tensed his jaw.:: And it is likely best you not openly speculate about murdering a colleague. ::Who’d have thought he’d have to say that? One was free to think it, of course. He’d been contemplating murder in his head all afternoon. Loudly.:: I think we all have days like that. 3
Aitas Posted December 1, 2017 Posted December 1, 2017 Quote Foster: ::In a high pitched sarcastic tone:: Oh they're having so much fun dying in the holodeck and this has never ever happened before in the annals of Federation history. The snark we deserve. <3 3
Popular Post aphelion Posted December 1, 2017 Popular Post Posted December 1, 2017 Quote T'Seva: Watch out!::A bunch of sharp-eyes elves poked their heads up from the ridge and stared at the travelers menacingly, bows drawn.::Choi: They must be the guardians of these… wastes!Foster: That's great, they can have it back, this place is hideous. I actually laughed out loud, stopped shaving and ran to my computer to share this Wyn quote. Exquisite snarkiness. 5
Aitas Posted December 6, 2017 Posted December 6, 2017 Quote Computer: Negative. Due to safety concerns, access to a live-fire training exercise is restricted. Traenor: Live-fire exercise? What in the world does that mean? Well, at least the not space elves don't have guns? 3
+ Salkath Posted December 16, 2017 Posted December 16, 2017 @Doc_Milsap Quote Milsap: Wow. Even for this ship that's kinda bizarre. Truer words have not been spoken 2
+ Salkath Posted December 16, 2017 Posted December 16, 2017 @aphelion Quote Paku: =/\= Paku to ESPO! Paku to Tor… Paku to Frag? =/\=[datafrag]: ::crackling:: =/\= What is a tore and what is it for andWhat, my little sweetling, does a frag do?Are you one of the spirits in the landBeyond my own, among the stars? Speak true. =/\= When is a poem not a poem, And when does it form a sim; When Choi Ji-hu writes a wyrm And true master works begin. ( And yes, I know, I should leave the poetry to the masters ) 2
+ Saveron Posted December 23, 2017 Posted December 23, 2017 Quote Rajel: Not very surprising. ::As she stepped inside with the rest the interior was the first thing that pulled Jalana's attention to her. It was dark, gloomy, old and not very welcoming. It felt depressing but also fascinating in a way. She whispered.:: Make notes, Rue, I might want to redecorate the bridge. 1
+ catscatscats Posted December 23, 2017 Posted December 23, 2017 (edited) Lt Blackwell:: Plants Versus Zombies I loved this title! ::With Sindri covering the right, Teryn turned towards the shrieking, diminutive Janet, hesitating. A pity, really; a Queen deserved a more dignified death. Poison or an assassin’s dagger would have been much more polite - but then, it was never polite to kill your host. It went against the most basic laws of hospitality.:: A very illuminating insight into the way Vehk's mind works. ::I think beyond my world. There was a phrase to make the blood run cold and cause the heartrate to drop below 400 beats per minute.:: Vulcans <3 Edited December 23, 2017 by catscatscats 2
+ catscatscats Posted December 24, 2017 Posted December 24, 2017 Quote ::Traenor looked to Paku for an explanation.::Paku: ::wide-eyed, deadpan:: We’re all going to die. 1
Sal Taybrim Posted December 27, 2017 Posted December 27, 2017 Quote Young: ::Angry:: Oh you really are a helpful hologram, aren't you? Yes, the holodeck is *so* helpful lately 1
+ Saveron Posted December 28, 2017 Posted December 28, 2017 Quote Sindri: I’m sure I’ve seen this movie. ::He scratched his chin.:: That wonderful sense of a trope recognised.
+ Saveron Posted December 28, 2017 Posted December 28, 2017 (edited) Quote ::The speed with which the corpses went up in flames suggested to T'Reshik that they had either been treated with flammable substances or, perhaps, dried out too much during the embalming process - either way it was a clear weakness. :: No one likes sloppy workmanship. Edited January 1, 2018 by Saveron 2
+ Salkath Posted December 30, 2017 Posted December 30, 2017 Quote Rajel: Let's go kill a dragon. I want my Vulcan back. ...Vulcan back Vulcan back Vulcan back... RIBS! 2 1
+ Salkath Posted December 30, 2017 Posted December 30, 2017 Quote ::Before she could answer a huge green and bloated head hovered in, and Rue quirked a brow:: Rajel: Am I crazy or does he look like Maxwell? Blackwell:: …Maxwell after a really terrible drinking binge…. Soooo... about normal, then? 4
+ Saveron Posted January 19, 2018 Posted January 19, 2018 Quote ::The others dispersed. He stood there. He finally watched T'Reshik wheel herself out. Wyn still stood there, his frown digging so deeply into his expression that it threatened to tear his lips off his face. He started moving before she could question him, casting one last glance towards her. He was sure Ji-hu wasn't inside her brain either. No. He was quite sure the Ji-hu he knew was dead. There was only T'Reshik and T'Choi now. Served him right for trying to care for someone. Wyn, you stupid fool. What did you learn from all this? People are selfish and think only of themselves. He turned, the last one out of the holodeck and he flipped the fading black and yellow grid a hate-filled middle finger.:: OMG the feels! Poor Wyn! *cries* 2
+ Saveron Posted March 30, 2018 Posted March 30, 2018 Quote Foster: Hey, if there’s one thing a warrior culture values, it’s people who can put broken warriors back together again. So maybe this won’t be so bad. Spears: Why Doctor Foster, I think that’s the most optimism I’ve heard from you yet! ::Foster slung the supplied he had packed over his shoulder and headed out, waiting for Ed to gather his things.:: Foster: Well, I’ve worked triage in some pretty bad situations. So I’m hoping this sickbay will only be moderately irritating to work in. Spears: And there’s the Doctor Foster I’ve come to expect! You had me worried for a minute... I love Dr Spears already. 1 1
Dave 'Raven' Young Posted April 12, 2018 Posted April 12, 2018 I'd just like to draw attention to Doctor Spears recent rendition of Mr Picardo. "Well there was only one thing for it. Ed stepped closer to the Klingon and, with no other tools to hand, decided to improvise.:: Spears: oO I can’t believe I’m about to say this… Oo Please state the nature of your medical emergency." 1 1
+ Saveron Posted April 28, 2018 Posted April 28, 2018 Quote T’Seva: :: firmly :: She is not to be harmed or played with. Klingon: You… T’Seva: Alright, you can taunt her. A little. Quote Horne: I can't wait to shed this Klingon look and anything having to do with this mission. I want to get back to Conny-normal. As opposed to actual normal, which I think we've forgotten what it looks like. 1
Dave 'Raven' Young Posted April 30, 2018 Posted April 30, 2018 Quote Foster: Raven, ruminate on this as you have a nice relaxing nap. Part of becoming an officer is growing up to trust your fellow crewmates. If you can’t trust them to handle things without you when you are injured, then you can’t progress and become a leader. Especially if you’re putting your life on the line. This one will stick with Raven for a while. Some awesome tough love there 1
Sal Taybrim Posted May 4, 2018 Posted May 4, 2018 Quote Young: Oh well, I'm sure Doctor Spears will sort that out. Ain't he a brain surgeon or something? Yito: That is Doctor Foster. Spears is a neuro something :: She didn’t really care at this moment. :: Y'all do medicine... and stuff... 1 2
+ Saveron Posted May 4, 2018 Posted May 4, 2018 Quote Rajel: If Starfleet believes that this piece of glorified junk - that had no place in being developed in the first place - is more important than the lives of over twenty officers it can kiss my spots! This made my day. 1
+ Saveron Posted May 5, 2018 Posted May 5, 2018 Quote Malyz: ::shouting out:: Mark, it's your girlfriend! Truth in labelling. Quote Georgio: What better time than the present, sweetcheeks. ::A huge grin on his face he opened the bag hanging to his side, made from the same long haired fur as his skirt, just in hot pink, and pulled out another sparkly shirt. He unfolded it and held it out to Mark, showing him the sparkly "Superstar" on the front:: For you. So thoughtful. 1
Dave 'Raven' Young Posted May 5, 2018 Posted May 5, 2018 (edited) Quote Taylor: Ooh, exploration! ::laughing:: Sounds like a date! ::She paused then, realizing what she had just said, and sucked in her breath in shock. It hadn't been her intent to casually ask out a commissioned officer, it was just a turn of phrase! Hopefully he didn't hold her poor choice of words against her... But life was too short for worrying about foolish misunderstandings. With just the slightest of blushes to signify her [...] pas, she nudged an elbow into Raven's side and beckoned him to follow her.:: *Follows her* Edited May 5, 2018 by Dave 'Raven' Young 1
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