+ Saveron Posted June 19, 2017 Posted June 19, 2017 Quote Besides, if he looked too strange he could always reset himself for the next work shift.:: If only we all had that luxury.
+ Saveron Posted June 19, 2017 Posted June 19, 2017 On 6/13/2017 at 2:46 AM, aphelion said: I think we need to start a list of Constitution idioms. I supply my own, from the holodeck party: “When on Qo’noS…” Sav also recently used 'A cold night in Vulcan's Forge' (as in, 'it'll be a cold night in Vulcan's Forge before...').
aphelion Posted June 21, 2017 Posted June 21, 2017 Quote PNPC Tad Cooper - Pet Project Honestly, I haven't even read this sim yet, and the pun wins already. Well played, sir. Well played.
+ Saveron Posted June 28, 2017 Posted June 28, 2017 Quote Foster: I'm the doctor. And I'm sure you've been waiting for a chance to say that. 3
+ catscatscats Posted June 29, 2017 Posted June 29, 2017 [sb118-constitution] Lieutenant (JG) Choi Ji-hu - Time to Bring Out the Big Puns YASSSS 1
aphelion Posted July 5, 2017 Posted July 5, 2017 Quote : Drajev made 'gun fingers' at each of them as he repeated their names.:: Drajev: Prudence. Atan. Ink Man. Emceepeeo. Got it. So, what, you're all just going to... leave these supplies here and then allow us the freedom to distribute them? No, I kid, you're obviously not going to do that. I'm gonna start the Drajev Flamespeaker fan club. I'm making t-shirts that say, "Diplomatize This" with an arrow pointing down. 2
+ Salkath Posted July 5, 2017 Posted July 5, 2017 Quote I honestly don't feel like haulin' some froze-up glam hobbit through the jungle Froze-up Glam Hobbit. My new favorite insult. Thanks for that! 3
+ catscatscats Posted July 9, 2017 Posted July 9, 2017 Maxwell Traenor said: ::Because she was ill. Socially toxic and unable to control her obsessive tendencies. She needed counseling. If only there was a Vulcan counselor willing to message her several times, with increasing urgency, to get her to attend her mandatory counseling sessions.:: Bahahahahahaha
+ Saveron Posted July 10, 2017 Posted July 10, 2017 On 16/06/2017 at 5:48 AM, aphelion said: Or a crime solving mystery van! How about Jerry's Ambulance? 4
aphelion Posted July 10, 2017 Posted July 10, 2017 (edited) 17 hours ago, Saveron said: How about Jerry's Ambulance? OMG THIS IS TOO CUTE! Wyn is OVER it! Edited July 10, 2017 by aphelion 2
+ Saveron Posted July 21, 2017 Posted July 21, 2017 Quote ::Ji-hu sighed, wondering if he’d spend the rest of his days in a monk’s robes eating non-replicated food and never seeing the net again.:: One man's paradise is another man's hell.
aphelion Posted August 1, 2017 Posted August 1, 2017 (edited) Quote Saveron: So said my PhD mentor, Professor Ramsey Bakewell, who devised the original version. ::The Vulcan observed dryly.:: His words were ‘Don’t be rude, don’t be a d*ck, don’t go looking for trouble’. This needs to go on a plaque somewhere on the Conny. Edited August 1, 2017 by aphelion 2
aphelion Posted August 17, 2017 Posted August 17, 2017 Quote Then decidedly unlike any normal cat the ombro abruptly turned into a tall naked man who, as if he hadn't noticed the change, continued to rub his head against Jerry's arm. Jerry's eyes went as wide as saucers. He slowly turned his head to glance at the now humanoid ombro , then slowly turned it toward Sol. ::Milsap: I'm gonna leave this part outta the mission report. A line that could sum up the survey away team's entire mission. Bless you, Dr. Milsap. 3
Doc_Milsap Posted August 27, 2017 Posted August 27, 2017 (edited) Time for a Dag edition. Quote Sindri: ::Standing up:: So clearly you’re not delivering my sweepstakes winnings.. I assume from your happiness that you are new? I like the idea that you can tell how long someone has been in engineering by how beaten down their spirit is. Quote Sindri: =/\= Indeed. 2 to 4 on 6 in say,.. 10? =/\= I can't decide if this reminds me more of Laurel and Hardy, the Mark Brothers or the Three Stooges. Quote Luckily though he had still not as yet tried to greet the pot plant that someone had stuck a Starfleet insignia on. I choose to believe it's not actually supposed to be a "potted" plant, and a lot of things have just been explained. Quote Sindri: ::Smiling Broadly.:: Well I think you two may just have the flavour this pot is missing. Yup, confirmed. Edited August 27, 2017 by Doc_Milsap 1
Sal Taybrim Posted September 2, 2017 Posted September 2, 2017 Quote Ombro: Blessings to you, large male. Hunt well, make many kittens. yassss! 4
+ Saveron Posted September 5, 2017 Posted September 5, 2017 Quote Foster: ::with a hint of his normal humor, just a hint:: No, they're a pretty terrible mix. Like a peanut butter and tribble [...] sandwich. Keeping it classy Wyn. 1
+ Saveron Posted September 5, 2017 Posted September 5, 2017 (edited) Managed to double-post somehow. Edited September 5, 2017 by Saveron
+ Saveron Posted September 16, 2017 Posted September 16, 2017 Quote "Vehk:. If you find my presence here so objectionable, you are free to speak to the Captain about it. " Or the First Officer. OMG, pleeeeeease speak to the First Officer about it. Go on, I dare you.
+ catscatscats Posted September 18, 2017 Posted September 18, 2017 Saveron said: Saveron: You disappoint me, Ensign Frag. ::He said, and paused deliberately to let the tension ratchet up.:: I believe that it is customary to offer insult within your species, yet you appear to have only insulted yourself. ::Frag gave a lazy grunt, yawning theatrically as if she were bored.:: Frag: A Vulcan walking into a room is insult enough. I’d rather read LCARS alphabetically than carry on a conversation about logical stick-in-butt-ery. Saveron: I did not anticipate that you had mastered the skill of reading; your species progresses. I will defer to your expertise in the area of butts. ::He added, with a meaningful glance at the elastic in her hair.:: Frag: ::trying to suppress a smile:: Now on that subject, I’m a frakkin’ expert, Mr. Comedian. Saveron: No doubt your expertise encompasses all nether regions, bodily functions and the apparent humour inherent within. ::He replied mildly.:: Others have progressed to more refined forms of humour. I am curious however as to your real name. Frag: ::ears twitching, pretending disinterest:: What about it? It’s Frag. Saveron: One assumed it was recorded in error; your parents’ first word on viewing their new offspring. ::He replied in deceptively mild tones.:: Frag: Perhaps it comes from the state of your mother’s nether regions when I gave her Temple of Gol a good dusting. “Fragged.” A more logical conclusion, I’d say. ::And they were back to butts and body functions. That didn’t take long. The important thing with Tellarites was to remember that outlandish insults were appreciated, and never expected to be based on fact or experience. Forget that and lose control of one’s temper, and one lost the match. Of course, Vulcans had an unfair advantage.:: Saveron: I assure you that my mother’s ‘Temple of Gol’ does not have the opportunity to get dusty. ::He replied blandly.:: However, you may wish to borrow the industrial cleaning equipment for yourself, since I would not anticipate that such a decrepit temple as yours would attract many worshippers. Frag: ::aghast:: VULCANS AREN’T ALLOWED TO TALK ABOUT DECREPIT TEMPLES?! Where’d you learn your manners, Mr. Comedian?! You got some Tellarite in your blood?! ::As Frag lost her cool, Saveron knew he’d won this round.:: Saveron: On the contrary. All I had to do was walk onto this ship. ::He favoured Frag with a head tilt and slightly raised brows; a Vulcan mic-drop.:: I feel like this whole brilliant exchange deserves a mention here. Also I'm sorry MJ, I don't know how to quote it as two people 4
+ Saveron Posted October 3, 2017 Posted October 3, 2017 Quote T’Reshik: I see. ::She thought some more.:: I do not consider myself to have any significant unresolved affairs, although I would still ask that you credit my name on any ensuing papers. ::Another calm pause.:: Priorities Quote On one hand, he’d almost fainted from shock of her admission, on the other hand he had almost leapt across the operating table and strangled his Vulcan friend. You'll have to get in the queue, Choi. Actually, the whole T'Reshik/Choi/Wyn brain-bending sequence of sims has been amazing. A ripping good read! 2
+ Saveron Posted October 26, 2017 Posted October 26, 2017 Quote I will not bore you with the details, but will merely say that in our age of advanced replication abilities, it is inexcusable to use plastic palm trees as an interior decoration. I'm sure someone thought they were classy. Maybe Teryn would like to pick the next venue? 1
Aitas Posted November 13, 2017 Posted November 13, 2017 Quote ::Why did he have to date engineers that made holoprograms? Why? It was like hating your significant other's puppy.:: I'm sure Wyn has his reasons.
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