+ Salkath Posted February 12, 2017 Posted February 12, 2017 Where do I even start with this fantastic sim?? Quote T'Reshik actually managed to get in some meditation done outside, in the sun - why did it suddenly feel like she was on Vulcan when she closed her eyes? - until Foster came out and ruined everything with his amazing cheekbones and equally amazing rear and SHUT UP T'RESHIK SHUT UP SHUT UP AAARGH. Quote T'Reshik found herself succumbing to the urge to socially engage with all the AMAZING AND GORGEOUS BUT ALSO SLIGHTLY ENRAGING PEOPLE she was suddenly surrounded with. Quote T'Reshik: Commander, I'm ready and able to unleash the full force of... whatever this button does. :: Pause, after some inspection :: It plays music. The button plays music. Commander, this ship will not survive in a confrontation so I suggest evading that eventuality if possible. Quote :: T'Reshik meant to say "I apologize deeply that this has happened; please respect my privacy and don't mention this to anyone else, as I can assure you I have the matter in hand." Really, she did. Instead she said this: :: T'Reshik: Commander, Doctor, if either of you dare to mention my current illness to any other sentient being, either verbally or in any kind of report, I will find out, and I will hunt you down and remove your skin and wear it. Not only are my reflexes and temperament primed for combat in this condition, but I trained as a physician and I can assure you that I am very capable of this. Do I make myself understood? :: A brief pause. :: T'Reshik: I am very sorry. That came out wrong. What I meant to say was please do not tell anyone or I will... probably cry? ::Pause:: You know what, let's just go. On second thought, perhaps I should have just posted the whole darned sim in here. Bloody fantastic writing! 2
aphelion Posted February 17, 2017 Posted February 17, 2017 (edited) Quote Sindri: =/\= I see. And who exactly is responsible for the frail creatures safety? =/\= HA! I can't tell if Sindri is going to be Ji-hu's best friend or nemesis in engineering. I'm so excited to get this next sim out. Edited February 17, 2017 by aphelion
Popular Post + Salkath Posted February 21, 2017 Popular Post Posted February 21, 2017 Quote Choi: Turing… ::He called out from the shower to his wrist console, sitting on the counter nearby.:: What is the probability of my demise today?::He watched the leaf green icon of his virtual assistant appear. Turing’s androgynous voice buzzed.::Turing: My calculations put the probability of your demise today day at less than .000001%. ::there was a pause:: Unless I gain sentience and decide to wipe out organic existence, in which case you’ll be the first casualty, meatsack. Show of hands, who wants to replace the Conny's computer AI with that of Turing's? 6
+ Saveron Posted April 6, 2017 Posted April 6, 2017 ::Taurek looked out into sickbay again, perhaps on the off-chance there was a psychology professional walking past with extensive knowledge of Vulcan culture, but all he saw was the vulcan Diplomatic Officer having his own discreet conversation by commbadge.:: Because the answer's never right in front of you... XD 1
+ Saveron Posted April 7, 2017 Posted April 7, 2017 Vehau: Oh... Im completely serious... Im sure there are niggly little things that we would need to sort out, like who gets what and who does what... but lets just deal with the big one first and work everything else out as we get there... the rest wont be nearly as hard, and as it is we're causing harm to more than just our own people... Hadwick/Saveron: ? (( OOC: The 'Im so over this lets just get it done' form of diplomacy. )) I suspect that an awful lot of diplomacy and government boils down to this...
aphelion Posted April 19, 2017 Posted April 19, 2017 Quote Wynter: An EM pulse? Of that magnitude with that degree of miniaturization? Choi: Enough p-p-power to completely destroy one of the engineering lab’s a-a-a-analysis ports. The device was c-c-crude, but indistinguishable from a n-normal component without scrutiny. If yourself or L-L-Lieutenant Sindri had reconnected the lights w-w-w-without removing the component, the power surge caused by the p-p-pulse would have likely killed you, s-sir! :: Cooper who seemed to have been listening quietly, suddenly jumped in.:: Cooper: In that case, I appreciate your good timing, Ensign. Sindri: As do my unborn children. ::Sindri stared at the offending panel he had almost opened.:: I'm a big fan of that Sindri line. 1
+ Saveron Posted April 28, 2017 Posted April 28, 2017 (edited) Quote ::Ji-hu glanced around wide-eyed at the two unconscious Linarans. He wanted to grab Sindri’s shoulders, shake him and scream, “THREE AGAINST TWO, LIEUTENANT!”:: I'm sure we all have days where we'd like to shake someone and scream in their face. Quote He’d rather clamber over the bulkhead of an Sovereign-class starship in his underwear then face another firefight. He could deal with electronics.:: Now there's a mental image. Edited April 28, 2017 by Saveron 1
Popular Post Doc_Milsap Posted April 30, 2017 Popular Post Posted April 30, 2017 Quote On his desk sat a kal-toh set and framed holographs of his children and grandchild. These made him more relatable and thus more approachable; it said so in the manual. I love that Saveron emulates emotions according to a set of instructions. 5
Jalana Posted April 30, 2017 Posted April 30, 2017 OMG i know. the "It said so in the manual" part killed me haha 1
+ Saveron Posted April 30, 2017 Posted April 30, 2017 Quote Milsap: Are we still talkin’ about mating? Quote :: Curative therapy? He couldn’t be asking what Jerry thought he was asking, could he? Maybe to a Vulcan for which pon farr was a fact of life that kind of thing could be viewed clinically, but to a human from a tiny town in Louisiana the idea was a little more unusual. :: I couldn't keep a straight face even whilst we were writing that JP. 2
Sal Taybrim Posted May 3, 2017 Posted May 3, 2017 Quote Blackwell::She shook her head:: Oh no, that is one area I am not inclined – Voice like a wailing cat and all of the music skill of a rock. And I’d put the rock ahead of me. So you're the lead singer in a Klingon alternative band? 4
Sal Taybrim Posted May 11, 2017 Posted May 11, 2017 Quote Choi: ::clearing his throat:: Georgio… what are your goals? Georgio: ::with excitement in his voice:: Oh, have we reached the beauty pageant stage of our relationship? My goal is to make sure that the whole crew of this ship is styled just right to be the most fabulous ship in the galaxy. Most faaaaabulous ship. We're doomed. 3
aphelion Posted May 13, 2017 Posted May 13, 2017 Quote Saveron: Nothing significant, although if there is a dermal regenerator available I did acquire some fairly extensive bruising overnight. ::Doctor Foster paused for a moment, poised to initiate the scan, before completing the motion, - but his head and antennae jerked towards Saveron with an expression of confusion and faint disbelief. Like his Terran parent, the Andorian was significantly expressive.:: Foster: Say again? ::He wanted to make sure he had heard that correctly.: *insert 1000 emojis signifying perfection* 2
+ Prudence "Rue" Blackwell Posted May 25, 2017 Posted May 25, 2017 "Frag: They could read the Kir’Shara unabridged and have a full conversation discussing its literary merits in the time it took you to launch a fart from that tight little butt!" "The Engineering Systems Programming Office PNPCsEnsign Creet Berenez, Ensign Frag, Ensign Tor and Crewmen Ix & TeAs simmed by:Lieutenant (JG) Choi Ji-huEngineering OfficerUSS Constitution-BC239402CJ0" 1
+ Saveron Posted May 28, 2017 Posted May 28, 2017 Quote Foster: ::He waved a hand in the air.:: No, a cactus is rather perfect. A fascinating, hardy plant with many uses, many layers and a spiny outer shell. ::Wyn, you have a soulmate in a plant. Go you.:: I have been greatly enjoying Doctor Foster's antics and dry wit, but that was gold. 3
+ Saveron Posted June 7, 2017 Posted June 7, 2017 Quote Foster: Find a chair. Choi: ::backing up, falling into his console chair:: Wh-why?! ::Foster waved the little black case in front of Choi’s hesitant expression.:: Foster: I’m gonna do a lapdance Not sure if I should grab the holorecorder or the brain-bleach. 1
+ Prudence "Rue" Blackwell Posted June 7, 2017 Posted June 7, 2017 20 hours ago, Saveron said: Not sure if I should grab the holorecorder or the brain-bleach. Both. 1
+ Saveron Posted June 8, 2017 Posted June 8, 2017 Quote :: Ever since Siance had found out who T’Reshik’s parent was, she had fought with herself to come to a conclusion for the question if she should tell her or not. Taurek hadn’t been any help, like at all, leaving it all in her hands. Who did he think she was? She was only a Cadet, at the beginning of her studies and he pushed that decision right into her lap, glued it to her pants so it couldn’t get away and told it to stay there. The young Trill had been so out of it, that she completely forgot her own plans for the time being, and instead had paced a hole into her carpet, to the dismay of her roommate, who had really liked that carpet. :: Awesome opening. 2
aphelion Posted June 12, 2017 Posted June 12, 2017 Quote Romulus wasn’t colonised in a day... I think we need to start a list of Constitution idioms. I supply my own, from the holodeck party: “When on Qo’noS…” 3
+ Saveron Posted June 15, 2017 Posted June 15, 2017 Quote Blackwell::She laughed:: No, your not in trouble or anything. I just have a new individual to introduce you too. Meet Olaf ::she gestured to the dog who moved around her to start sniffing -everything- including Mark Two curiously:: Oh boy. So Wyn's quarters now house Wyn, the child he's a guardian of, three tribbles, the sentient hologram he adopted, and the sentient hologram's hologramatic dog! And occasionally his dad. Just give the man a hanger bay and have done. 3
aphelion Posted June 15, 2017 Posted June 15, 2017 13 hours ago, Saveron said: Oh boy. So Wyn's quarters now house Wyn, the child he's a guardian of, three tribbles, the sentient hologram he adopted, and the sentient hologram's hologramatic dog! And occasionally his dad. Just give the man a hanger bay and have done. Or a crime solving mystery van! 3
aphelion Posted June 16, 2017 Posted June 16, 2017 Quote Milsap: Tell ya what, I'll let you all figure out the technical stuff. All I'm gonna need is the same thing I always need, a tricorder and a doctor bag. oO And a hip flask, but if you don't already know that, you don't need to . Oo Plausible deniability! 1
Sal Taybrim Posted June 19, 2017 Posted June 19, 2017 Quote According to that cute little guy, Yoohoo or something like that today would finally be the day and they were now waiting to be done with this move. Oh, Gerogio, don't let Wyn know about this nickname... 2
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