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USS Invicta: Notable Quotables

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I've been refreshing gmail for this. Bahahahahahaha



T’Sara:  He funny.

:: The little girl found herself thoroughly amused, like she was watching a cartoon.::

T’Lea:  ::whispering:: He’s an idiot.


:: She helped T’Sara up the steps to the transporter pad, and they turned and took their place.::

T’Sara:  I likes him.  Can he come wiff us?

T’Lea:  No. 

T’Sara:  How comes?

T’Lea:  I’ll kill him.

T’Sara:  Oh.  ::pause::  But I could play dress up wiff him.

T’Lea:  He’ll stretch out all your clothes, trust me.

T’Sara:  Oh.  Dat true.  ::at King::  I likes your uni-dress, Mister.  You look nice.

The idiot line: yes! I'm really starting to conceive him as Steve Martin in "The Jerk."

Stretch out the clothes?!?! How dare you!!!!

Poor Rune, he's going to be pestering you constantly now... :P 

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10 minutes ago, Ryan King said:

I've been refreshing gmail for this. Bahahahahahaha


The idiot line: yes! I'm really starting to conceive him as Steve Martin in "The Jerk."

Stretch out the clothes?!?! How dare you!!!!

Poor Rune, he's going to be pestering you constantly now... :P 

Don't worry T'Lea. I'll take care of him <_< 

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Posted (edited)

The ship lurched, hissed and shimmied its way to warp 5. Academy presentations of old ship logs from this era had always seemed so overly dramatic, like the people had been coached to flail and fling themselves for dramatic purposes.

When King leans on the forth wall.

EDIT: Darn it, Ryan - this entire flipping post was one chuckle after another! Here's more.


Ryan took a moment and seriously considered the scenarios ability to get them the time they needed. If nothing else, he was sure such a diversion would win him a commendation for original thinking from Commander Core.


Viewscreens back in the 23rd century suffered from the same problem everything else suffered on the Venture, it was old. Had someone told him Jolara had gotten angry and flung a helping of spaghetti sauce against the screen, he would have shrugged his shoulders, believed them and told her that he had hoped she had brought enough for everyone. His stomach gurgled.


Edited by Sky Blake
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Jolara: ::raising an eyebrow:: oO You are a strange little man. Oo


And... who are you calling little?! B)

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Posted (edited)

Moonsong: I pretty much suck at science and quantum/temporal dust bunnies. But even if we did have the means to stop it, the alteration to the timeline could alter it enough to strand us here forever… no past or future.

::Raissa winced at her own words. All she needed was dramatic music /dun-dun-DUN!/ to punch the message home. She really needed to stop channeling Ensign King. Otherwise the next thing she would be doing would be using mid-twentieth century show tunes as the soundtrack of her life.::


Mama Mia?


Rahman and Blake?

Edited by Ryan King
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::Alora pondered, then wondered about suggesting a game of ‘I Spy’ when Core spoke up.::


DeVeau: Mev! ((Stop!))

::Alora shouted at the top of her lungs, hoping to catch the attention of the klingon that currently looked ready to slice King into itty bitty pieces.::


::Alora slowly moved so that she could be seen a little better, eyes locking with the klingon, that knife pressed close to a rather important artery.::

DeVeau: maH jup!  ((We are friends!)

I Spy on the trip back! (Hopefully)

And so awesome you used Klingon!

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On 10/5/2016 at 10:58 PM, Ryan King said:

I Spy on the trip back! (Hopefully)

And so awesome you used Klingon!

Heh, not sure I did it right, but I found a dictionary.  I think I'm missing  a verb...oh well, we'll pretend she did it properly. *G* 

Yes, I SPY!

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Pandora: I am about to make an attempt to restore function to my legs. Should that be successful, I will be more than happy to gather parts.

I don't know why, but I found this extremely funny. :-D

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:: Movement began to flicker in the compound, indistinct but definitely there.::

Jolara: ::quietly:: Commander, I believe we have company.

Pandora: Indeed. ::louder, toward the compound::  naDev SuvwI' may' Dun nejqangqa' ghaH. vay' Daj?

:: Roughly translated, ”We’re looking for people to fight something huge. Any takers?”::

And she thinks she doesn't know how to make friends...

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Core: Tell me, Klingon; where is the honour in battling an un-armed, weak Starfleet scum? Or, while you go through with your plan of glorifying suicide for the sake of four Starfleet, you plan to leave a broken Starfleet ship out in a nebula, of which has a crew of around twenty surviving officers, just sitting there.

DeVeau/King/Tuk: Response?

DeVeau/King/Tuk/Venture Crew:



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  • 2 weeks later...


:: Luna reviewed the data coming down.  The dilithium that the Klingons were likely to have used was going to be a challenging fit, but something that compared to everything else, would be a piece of cake.  The idea of slowing the Planet Killer was insane.  Even if they had a fleet, literally slowing it was out of the question.. the mass ratios were all wrong.  And even if they had a spare Starship... then they'd kill it.. not Captain Kirk.. the metaphorical butterflies wings potentially causing a tornado or worse when they got back.

Which meant she'd need to damage it... enough to get away... but not so much that it didn't attack the Enterprise at the future/past date.   Which was obviously impossible, and had never stopped her before.





:: On the plus side, she had a range to work from now.  Apparently the explosive force was roughly equivalent to 11 quantums.  And they had 20.  The challenge was going to be how to do so in a means that wouldn't damage the timeline.. or kill it or them. ::


Twenty quantums?! She brought aboard twenty for a parade?!

Rahman: oO Note to self, do not let Walker get involved with planning of Taz's 16th birthday party next month. Oo

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Ahem.. a parade.. that ended up with us in the past.. and NEEDING 11.. :)  


The real question is how many she'd bring if she thought we were going into combat.. ;)

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This in from Gotham...


" T’Dara: As I was saying! To the transporter Room! "


errr.. Batcave!


(Yep.. that's where my head went when I read it.. :) )

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Walker: Danni.  You keep me together.  You balance my crazy with yours.  I breath easier whenever you are near me, and look forward to the moments we can steal between us.  I love your laugh, your pranks, :: she laughed nervously:: heck, I even love the fact you keep trying to dump your reports into my work.   I don't want to ever be apart from you again.  And now.. this transfer notice.. I realized something .

:: The confusion and likely embarrassment for what she was doing was obvious on Danni's face.  A confusion that obviously deepened for a moment as she got down on one knee. She opened her hand to the ring that she'd just created for them. :: 
Walker: I've had this design in my head for some time.  The heart on the ring is mixed emeralds and rubies. Representing my blood and yours.. pumping through one heart.  The diamond in the center represents how perfect everything seems clear and unblemished when we are together.  So, here, before any orders are officially dealt. In a witnessed setting... which would mean that Starfleet would need to recognize that separating us is never ever going to happen?  And making me the happiest and craziest half Romulan Chief on the ship...  Will you marry me?

Washington on the inside:



Washington on the outside:

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Blueheart: Commander Jolara might be able to help. ::arching an eyebrow:: But you would have to ask her. I’ve seen her look disapprovingly at me a few times. Almost in a sort of creepy kind of way.. 


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Carrero: The difference is, I still remember to smile.
Washington: I smile all the time. I'm smiling right now. ::beat:: On the inside.

That's okay, Washington. I'm smiling for you.

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Posted (edited)

I wish Pandora narrated my life...

:: The doors opened again to the lounge, and the short Kriosian captain of the Syracuse rushed in.::
Rahman: Wait, you said you wouldn't start without me!
:: Washington was plainly amused.::
Washington: Did I now?
Rahman: Grrr... 
:: Not a sound that Humanoids tended to make, in Pandora’s experience, but Rahman did it justice to the android’s ear.::
Core: ?
Rahman: Besides, I'm the one with the actual ribbons, you geniuses.
:: Ah. So that was what was in the little box she’d carried in along with her frustrated indignation.::
Edited by Roshanara Rahman
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