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This is an area for members of this training class to keep in touch with each other.

DATES: The class began on September 1, 2009, and ended on September 5, 2009.

LIST: sb118-academy2

COMMANDING OFFICER: Lt. Commander Cara Maria-Mil

FIRST OFFICER: Commander Toni Turner


- Anora Manar

- Jassa Lenari

- Kyara Zh'Kynes

- Kaziarl


Hey everyone,

I was posted as Engineering Officer on the Resolution, priviledged enough to serve once more under our former XO Toni Turner. Where did you all end up and how are you enjoying your ships so far?

Ensign Anora

( PS: Thanks Captain Riley :) ))


And we are very glad to have you on the Resolution! :blink1: (Especially Dr. Devonshire) LOL


Hehe, I never noticed :P

I;d like to know how everyone's enjoying themselves. Tactical Officer Kaziarl's over on the Discovery and Jassa's on the Ronin's science team (Lt Cmdr Maria is also on that ship), but I can't find our last graduate on the rosters. I hope she's still around. Everyone was so talented in my class, if I'm allowed to say so myself.


Kyara went to the Resolution but then decided that the simming format was not for him and thus left UFOP, sad, but if he didn't enjoy it, we wouldn't make him stay.

Also, does it still say Maria-Mil in the logs? she disowned her father long before Starfleet.

  • 4 months later...

Found the last of the newest Roninities - Archer aside -

Jassa, how are you enjoying your time on the ship? I always love reading your 'keep out of my head Prox' style character thoughts ;)

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