Popular Post Amelia Semara Posted January 26 Popular Post Posted January 26 Quote And then came eye to (clothed) nipple with a looming beech tree of a Medical Officer. Did the Kressari have nipples? Could a Kressari be milked? Disturbing questions he did not want answered. ...I'm sorry, what? The XO's done it this time. 5
Richard Matthews Posted January 27 Posted January 27 Quote Sparks: Uh...right, what he done said. We don't want this whole hallway crawlin' with some shrooms come mornin', glowin' or other. Forza: Okay I mean, I needed to, I’m sure I can find something ::waving his hands around;; somewhere. El’Heem: Check your sock drawer or something! Steal something from your posting! Marcus paused for a moment, oO Steal? Oo Surely the man was joking. Sparks: Beggin' your pardon and all, I don't believe that's the right message y'all higher ups should be givin' to folks like us...strictly speaking, sirs. oO Sirs? Plural? What did I do? Oo El’Heem: Right…don’t steal anything important from the bridge. ::turning to walk away but then walks back abruptly.:: Also if you go on record that I told you to steal something from the bridge, I’ll deny it. Sparks: Yuh...you got it, sir. Forza: Sir this is a bit much for mushrooms isn’t it? El’Heem: Ensign. We’re on shore leave. Lighten up a bit. Just going to grab quotes from everyone in this one scene and be like. Gold. Just gold. 1 2
Richard Matthews Posted January 28 Posted January 28 Quote Ras grinned internally. For once, he’d get to do an elective procedure that the patient was actually looking forward to. And he’d get to help a friend make one of the biggest moments of her life just a little bit more like she’d pictured. Jacin: There is err one more thing. Gotta be a little thing, right? El’Heem: I’m sure we can add some natural highlights or add some wavine- If he get's fired/demoted, whatever happens to doctors who encourage stealing, runs gambling rings, starts up a distillery. At least Ras has a fallback option as a hairdresser. 1 3
Richard Matthews Posted January 29 Posted January 29 Quote Shayne: Yes. Well. Part of the service and all that. It wasn’t as if we were thinking of finally getting marri- He stopped, eyes wide as saucers. He couldn’t have possibly just said that. Could he have? Semara: Response Shayne: You didn’t hear that. What was the bloody point of the inhibitor if he gave away all his thoughts through his mouth anyway?! Ooof okay three posts in a row quoting. Eh, not my fault, you're all awesome. But, huh, this is funny to learn about the captain considering he didn't really seem to keep his thoughts to himself. lol 2 1
Nolen Hobart Posted January 29 Author Posted January 29 From that same sim: Quote Semara: What about you, cap'n? Is there anything I can do for you or the crew? Shayne: oO Baked goods baked goods baked goods baked go- Oo Shayne: Other than continuing to acquaint yourself with the ship and your own duties, not at the moment; besides, don’t you think you you’ve exceeded expectations enough for someone who hasn’t even been aboard for a full mission yet? 1 2
Popular Post Amelia Semara Posted January 29 Popular Post Posted January 29 Everything about that sim is so good I had to come back twelve hours after reading it to make a third post in a row about how fun it is. To review: Shayne takes a telepathy blocker designed for interrogations, so Semara can't read him and know what he's thinking. Proceeds to feverishly think about baked goods, just in case it's not working (I guess)... Finally just blurts out what's on his mind anyway. Don't mind me. I'm just giggling over here. 5
Amelia Semara Posted January 31 Posted January 31 Quote The silence between them grew to an ocean. If just planning a poker game was this bad, he counted himself lucky he hadn’t got caught in the act in some sort of a racketeering raid. He could imagine it now. ((Ras’ imagination, An Unassuming Storage Room Housing Random Shapes, Deck 2, USS Khitomer)) Four Starfleet officers sat around a makeshift poker table. The room was dimly lit, and smoke hung heavily in the air. No one was smoking, the smoke was just there, for posterity reasons. Each officer looked between one another suspiciously. The silence felt palpable as they sized one another up, attempting to determine if any were bluffing. The table was stacked with varying piles of poker chips and gold plated latinum bars. Just as the bartender from the officer’s lounge dealt out the river, the door is kicked open abruptly. Forza freezes. Did Hobart hear about his attempt to revenge drug him? Zerva listed each Star Fleet policy they had violated in his head. He couldn’t help but think about poor Foxy being sent to the orphanage. Matthews clambered over the table, knocking the valuables across the floor and throwing Miss Dane to the ground. Where was he going? No one was sure. There was only one exit in this imagined dramatization. Ras immediately stood and put his hands up. He ran through every scenario in his head, the least of which is how they kicked open a sliding door. As Matthews scrambled to stand after rolling off the table, a faction of the security team who are not loyal to Zerva stormed into the room, phasers drawn. Two security officers rushed to pin him against the floor. The room turned silent except for Matthews’ struggling. Commander Hobart strode into the room, his hands behind his back and a stone face set upon his shoulders. He wore a red leather trench coat like a Soviet commissar, medals ceremoniously emblazoned on the lapel and down the coats breast. Hobart: We finally caught you dirtbags! You have committed crimes against the federation and it’s people. Send them to the gulag. The security officers began to escort each offending officer out of the room. Ras towered over both officers attempting to detain him. The doctor seized the moment. He shoved one away and attempted to make a break for it. Two more officers ran over and tackled him into the wall. El’Heem: Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest! Why did you do this to me? For what reason? What is the charge? Playing a game? A succulent Terran game? Those were the last words uttered in the room before each were carted off to be court martialed and relegated to the dustbin of Star Fleet history. ((Back in the moment, First Officer's Ready Room, Deck 1, USS Khitomer, Earth Orbit)) That was dramatic. He should write a holodrama. This was so unexpected and so fun to read this little mental digression. Holodramas, indeed! 1 3
+ Talia Ohnari Posted January 31 Posted January 31 Quote Lacy: She’s highly competent, and she knows this ship better than anyone else aboard. And she’s enlisted, Ensign. ::thump, thwack:: Be careful about… ::thump:: fraternization. D'aww...hate you a little less now. 🫶 2
Richard Matthews Posted February 1 Posted February 1 (edited) Quote Finally having a chance to get off of the Khitomer LOL! I know in universe, Forza would have been on the ship since they left deep space 9. But I read this and laughed and went, 'he hasn't been on the ship for a whole mission and he already wants off.' Edited February 3 by Richard Matthews 4
+ Talia Ohnari Posted February 5 Posted February 5 Quote LCDR Nolen Hobart — The Wreck of the Fibonacci Igloo Wasn't that the 40 minute all instrumental alt-folk ballad @Karrod Niac was workshopping...? 3
Karrod Niac Posted February 5 Posted February 5 19 minutes ago, Talia Ohnari said: Wasn't that the 40 minute all instrumental alt-folk ballad @Karrod Niac was workshopping...? No no that was the Pythagorean Threesome and after an unfortunate misunderstanding with one booking things got very awkward. 4
+ Talia Ohnari Posted February 5 Posted February 5 6 minutes ago, Karrod Niac said: No no that was the Pythagorean Threesome and after an unfortunate misunderstanding with one booking things got very awkward. Ooooh right.
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