Popular Post + Gila Sadar Posted April 8, 2024 Popular Post Posted April 8, 2024 Despite having the wiki to prove it, to newer Simmers such as me, it can be quite difficult to imagine just how long a history the fleet has, not to mention some of the wonderful writers that I now tell stories with on the USS Artemis. Similarly - like many Ensigns and Lieutenants on the installations we know and love from the Trek stories - the concept of a time where our Captains weren't the awe-inspiring and strong-willed people they are today is equally alien. @Addison MacKenzie's latest Sim definitely encapsulates that feeling of a storied background, both of an experienced writer who's dedicated YEARS of his life to writing amazing stories on various vessels, AND of a Captain who's seen so much, and is now trying her best to steer her crew through the many horrors their writers can come up with. Quote (( Captain’s Ready Room – Deck 1, USS Artemis-A )) Addison sat in her customary position: tucked behind the heavy mahogany desk that was the focal point of her office. While a far cry from standard issue, the beautifully carved reddish-brown desk had been a gift to her from one of her early mentors. Until assuming her role on the Artemis, the desk sat in storage on Earth – she never felt worthy of using it as a newly graduated physician and junior officer, and after the destruction of the Resolution, she was leery of bringing it aboard the Excalibur. Time, like the universe, was finite. Now that she had a command of her own, however, there had been a shift in the redheaded commanding officer… as if the fact that it was her behind in the center chair gave her more authority; more responsibility; more control. …More control… …as if she now experienced more control as the commanding officer of a starship with a crew of 350 than she had as a surgeon, as a teacher, as a first officer… More control over the universe and their place in it, as if she could control fate – manage it, manipulate it, so that the Artemis wouldn’t meet the same end as the Resolution had. …as if the presence of this piece of furniture somehow granted them immunity from the hostile forces of the galaxy – of which there was an immeasurable amount – and that time would spare them from the inevitable. The reality was anything but. From behind her desk, though, Addison sat perched staring out the window. From their position docked at Deep Space Nine, she could see the station’s command center – a place that had suffered its trespasses during the Dominion War – and occasionally behind it, the wonderous sight of the wormhole as a ship made its way through coming from or heading to the Gamma Quadrant, filling the ready room with a beautiful blueish-white light. As she embraced the beauty of the phenomenon, she also reflected on what those who served here had endured. The perils of war were not for the faint of heart, and even though the Dominion War had occurred nearly thirty years before when she was only a child, it was now very much a shared experience that her crew shared with this place. While they’d only encountered a brief snapshot of the war, the traumas that would result would be very real – visceral – regardless of how “real” their participation in the war was or was not. And those traumas would likely be enduring. Trauma had a way of following a person, making itself known in the least suspecting of moments… (( Begin Flashback )) (( Open-Air Courtyard, Betazed Prison Colony World, SD240103.22 )) Savel’s attempt to get information had resulted in a Betazoid woman scared out of her wits, and a Starfleet team with no more information now than when they started. As they worked to piece together the puzzle based on tiny bits they could glean from their surroundings, a set of jailors made their way into the compound. Unfortunately, they also weren’t in the business of providing answers. MacKenzie: Where are we? How did we get here? The lead jailer pulled back his fist and quickly landed a punch to her jaw that sent her to her knees. Her hand cradled her jaw and she spit out blood from where her teeth bit part of her cheek. She looked up to the others. MacKenzie: Getting information will likely be more difficult than we think… Gnai: Cap-! ::it stopped itself, recalling Ensign Savel's words earlier, suit speakers cutting out mid-word:: Savel: They certainly do not seem willing to share what they know. Salkath: If we comply, we may avoid further unnecessary violence. (( End Flashback )) Addison instinctively reached for her jaw, shifting it back and forth. There had been no permanent damage done, thankfully, and fortunately for her, it wasn’t the first time she’d escaped a similar circumstance with fewer physical injuries than she should have… (( Begin Flashback )) ((Romulan Basecamp, Shielded Cave, Talsion Forest – SD 239702.19)) MacKenzie lie on the floor of the cave with her back pressed against the wall. Her eyes were still covered and her hands were bound, and out of the corner of her mouth she could feel where the blood had coagulated. Her mind started to race with potential options for escape, but what could she do? Run for it? Certainly not – she was in no shape. Fight them? Again, certainly not. Barter with them? Possibly, but she had nothing they wanted. Immunity, maybe? Pit them against each other? They’d been arguing since they took her hostage. It was clear that the one didn’t like his partner, which could be used to her advantage. Before she could devise a plan, footsteps approached. As her captors reached her side, one delivered a kick to her ribcage. MacKenzie sat up quickly and faced them, with her knees in front of her protecting her torso. MacKenzie: What do you want, qezhtihn? His voice had an unmistakable taunting tone when she suddenly realized he activated his translator. V'Tak: There is no need for language like that. We're all very civilized. Here, I've brought you some water - I'm certain you're thirsty. You humans are so fragile. The Romulan pulled down her blindfold so she could see them, putting their faces to the voices for the first time since she was taken hostage. MacKenzie: Civilized? You wouldn’t know civilized if it bit you in the ass. MacKenzie’s mind drifted to the murder case they’d solved on the Veritas only months earlier involving a xenophobic human bent on removing the Romulan settlers from Ketar V. She shook her head and focused on the water packet being held just slightly out of reach. V'Tak: But first, your name. I know your Starfleet has rules for such things - you are permitted to share your name, rank and ID number. What harm could that do? MacKenzie: I’m Lieutenant Commander Addison MacKenzie, chief medical officer of the Embassy on Duronis II. She watched as the Romulan grinned at her. He was clearly hoping for more of a fight, but she couldn’t be less interested at the moment. He handed over the water packet, and MacKenzie quickly consumed its contents, freeing her mouth from the metallic taste of her blood. V'Tak: See, when you communicate with us, good things happen. When you don't....::He locked eyes with the woman, then directed his gaze towards Sojot's disruptor::...well, I believe you know what happens when you don't. MacKenzie: ::shaking her head:: So you really are all ruthless swine, aren’t you? Sojot: Contrary to what propaganda you have been told, we aren't without mercy. Especially to those who demonstrate reason. V'Tak: Indeed. So tell me, Lieutenant Commander Addison MacKenzie, are you a reasonable person? MacKenzie: I think you’ll find that I’m an incredibly reasonable person… V'Tak grinned, but there was no warmth or humor behind his eyes. V'Tak: Excellent. Now that we've established that we're all reasonable beings, we should discuss our current...::V'Tak opened his arms wide, indicating the cave and forest around them::...situation. It seems your colleagues have already abandoned you, and we've got more than enough resources here to sit comfortably until we're retrieved. Sojot: We will manage quite well, given our situation, Lt. Commander. Addison smirked through her bruised jaw and blood-crusted lips. MacKenzie: So, how do we get out of here? V’Tak: "We," Lieutenant Commander? What makes you think we'd share the details of our exit strategy with you? Sojot: And we wouldn't tell you anyway. Why would we come without a plan to leave here? MacKenzie: Oh, I didn’t expect you to have a plan. I mean, I’m sure your superiors are going to be pretty upset when they find out you couldn’t hit your actual target and got stuck with a lowly doctor. …So, which one of you colossally screwed that one up?? V’tak moved in to kick her again, but she kicked him gently in the shin before he could get a strike in. MacKenzie: You’d better stop right there. I think we’re all going to need each other if we have any hope of getting out of this cave… And I think you know that. V’Tak: You worthless susse-thrai, how dare you strike a Romulan officer! Sojot - she is to receive no food or water from now on, is that clear?! Sojot: No food or water? If she dies, we lose our only way off this world. And I do want to get off this world. She rolled her eyes again. His attempt to maintain authority was growing quite tiresome. MacKenzie: We both know that’s not the best idea… V'Tak: And you - if you want to have any hope of getting out of this cave alive, you would be well served to remember who is in charge here! You are a prisoner, nothing more! In fact, starting now you will have no name. You will be referred to as prisoner, and you are not to speak unless it is to answer our questions - do you understand? MacKenzie: No – no, I do not understand. I don’t understand why you haven’t accepted the fact that there’s only one way out of this, and it doesn’t end well for you if I’m dead. Another nerve. V'Tak could feel his anger crystallizing into something cold and dangerous. As his heartrate slowed, his false smile returned. There's was to be a battle of wills and he would not be defeated and shamed again in this hateful forest. V'Tak: If you do not quickly make yourself an asset to us, Prisoner, you will die...screaming. Consider that until we speak again. Oh, and let this be a reminder. Without warning, he pulled his disruptor, adjusted the setting and shot at her leg. It immediately singed the flesh, and she shrieked in pain while retreating away from him. She avoided the temptation to look at the wound, but as the adrenaline began to course through her as she managed to stand on her good leg as she positioned herself to shout at him. Sojot: V'Tak!!! What are you doing???? MacKenzie: ::sneering:: You actually shot me! What do you think is going to happen to you when my marine friends get here?! You’re going to have a lot more to worry about than a simple doctor when they see the shape I’m in. Sojot: ::looking at the wound:: Third degree burn to your calf. ::takes a hypo out of a first aid kit:: V'Tak: Do not waste our resources treating the wound. She is a Doctor, perhaps she can find a way to mend it herself. MacKenzie’s brow narrowed until her eyes were small slits. Had her gaze been capable of shooting daggers, her captors would be dead. Nonetheless, she was now at a significant disadvantage. She pivoted on her good leg to attempt to reason with the other Romulan. MacKenzie: ::holding her bad leg:: You know I’m right – your trigger-happy friend is going to get you both killed, especially when the marines get here. It’s in everyone’s best interest for you to patch me up. Sojot: And what makes you think we can't handle your 'Marines' ? MacKenzie: You’re a reasonable man! Certainly it makes sense to you what I’m saying! V’Tak: Don't you dare listen to her, you are a Romulan officer and she is the enemy! MacKenzie shook her head as she cradled her leg. MacKenzie: ::glaring at Sojot:: Fix. My. Leg. (( End Flashback )) She certainly hadn’t joined Starfleet thinking that it would be filled with traumatic events like terrorism and war, but the universe was a traumatic place, and it had a way of inflicting its traumas on Addison MacKenzie. Over time, she’d done the work to heal from her past experiences, and the members of her crew would be required to do the same as a result of their latest run-in with CloQ. Like any good commanding officer, she’d racked up the experience to shepherd them through what would likely be a difficult healing process for some of them, even if she didn’t always talk about the depth of traumas she had endured in service to the Federation… An excellent Sim - as always - Captain, and thank you for the close-to-1-year of service you and your staff has shepherded me through 🫡 Couldn't have wished for a better starting vessel! 7 1 1
Karrod Niac Posted April 8, 2024 Posted April 8, 2024 55 minutes ago, Gila Sadar said: Despite having the wiki to prove it, to newer Simmers such as me, it can be quite difficult to imagine just how long a history the fleet has, not to mention some of the wonderful writers that I now tell stories with on the USS Artemis. Similarly - like many Ensigns and Lieutenants on the installations we know and love from the Trek stories - the concept of a time where our Captains weren't the awe-inspiring and strong-willed people they are today is equally alien. @Addison MacKenzie's latest Sim definitely encapsulates that feeling of a storied background, both of an experienced writer who's dedicated YEARS of his life to writing amazing stories on various vessels, AND of a Captain who's seen so much, and is now trying her best to steer her crew through the many horrors their writers can come up with. An excellent Sim - as always - Captain, and thank you for the close-to-1-year of service you and your staff has shepherded me through 🫡 Couldn't have wished for a better starting vessel! Jeeze you torture someone in a cave one time and you never hear the end of it Great sim @Addison MacKenzie - reminds me of simpler days gone by. 2
Alieth Posted April 8, 2024 Posted April 8, 2024 And i want to remind @Addison MacKenziethat she didn't allow alieth to erase the romulan-provided scars, since she is this stubborn! Illogical (miss you boss!) 1
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