Popular Post + Hiro Jones Posted March 14, 2024 Popular Post Posted March 14, 2024 This JP was wonderful in so many ways. From @Dekas getting all flustered or miming the cartoonishness of @Quentin Beck, to @Karrod Niac trying to keep his cool (only somewhat successfully), I had a really fun time with this 2-parter. Here are both parts, combined for your reading pleasure: Quote ((Captain’s Ready Room, Deck 3, USS Ronin)) Dekas didn’t know why he’d been called to the Captain’s office. He couldn’t recall anything in particular he’d done that was above the norm, or very far below it. And it almost felt a little awkward at that moment if only because he was out of uniform during his off hours, and his choice in fashion did lean a little bit into athleisure, and crop top territory. One of the few times he’d chosen pants instead of a skirt out of uniform. Still. Not the most professional when going to talk to the Captain. Dekas: ::quietly to himself:: I wonder if this is because of my slightly excessive use of the replicator for that many pillows and blankets earlier this week? It was a little weird to call him to the office for, yet he couldn’t think of anything else it would be. But he didn’t think the amount of comfort items replicated was that ludicrous this time. Those thoughts stopped as he stepped into the room, and the door slid shut behind him. Was that a bouquet of… millet on captain’s desk? Fancy millet by the looks of it. In the shape of a heart. He’d long since learned that, in general, most adult humanoids considered hearts as a means to suggest that they didn’t just like you, they like liked you. He looked back and forth between the bouquet and Karrod for a few seconds. Completely misunderstanding its presence in the first moment or two. A brief feeling of confusion mixed with maybe flattery? Or at the very least some show of an interesting sense of humor from the Captain. A sense of humor based on recent stressors and very weird coping mechanisms, possibly, but a sense of humor nonetheless. It was a sense of humor he could easily meet. Dekas: ::he clicked his beak in amusement:: Oh, Karrod, if I’d known this was how you felt I would have changed into something classier. You caught me in the clothes I wear to chase people around the Catamaran to get them to show up for counseling. I’ve never seen a Vulcan run so fast in my life. You know how they are. ::he shook his head:: I fear the day that Vulcan might be Alieth. He shrugged casually as if that were a normal conversation topic. Though he was mostly kidding. (Mostly.) Karrod was deeply confused by how his day was going. When he decided to swing by his office on the way back from the officers gym he hadn’t expected to find a profession of romance written out on his desk where a much overdue crew evaluation report was supposed to be. He certainly hadn’t understood why anyone would go to the trouble of making it in the first place or why that unnamed suitor had decided to craft it out of what the computer told him was, in effect, fancy bird food. He’d called Counselor Dekas to his office to ask about his insights into the crew and who among them may have done this…and why. But, as he listened to the Counselor he felt his confusion growing even deeper. Niac: Ah, Counselor, I think there’s been a misunderstanding…uh…I didn’t arrange…::He extended an arm towards his desk::...this display. I had hoped you might have some insight into who did. Dekas: Ah, that makes more sense. ::he gave the millet bouquet a look over:: Well, it is clever whoever sent it. It is decently arranged, can’t fault them for the attempt. But it wasn’t me. Not that I wouldn’t do something like this. I just don’t think they did enough research on Aurelians. Karrod huffed out a small laugh through his nose. Niac: Points for artistry but not for accuracy, Counselor? Pretty much rules out our science team. Although you never can quite be sure with Vulcans sometimes. Out of curiosity, what would it have looked like if you put it together? I have to admit, my own knowledge of Aurelians is pretty limited. Dekas: Well, if I’d sent something it wouldn’t have been heart-shaped. While we have half-adopted the symbol from terrans for certain things, it’s not what we typically use for romantic courting gifts. I would have gone for something more personal, there would have been a nice letter… and it would have been a lot prettier. Maybe involve some angel hair vines, and baby’s breath. Or something even nicer. Because someone with your charming good looks deserves something beautiful. ::a pause, somehow thoughtful:: What’s your favorite color, I’ll definitely send you something beautiful… Karrod had begun to walk up the short stairs to the replicator in the small sitting area above his desk but came to a complete and abrupt halt at ‘charming good looks,’ his confusion and incredulity competing for the lionshare of his attention. Within, Niac was strangely delighted by this turn of events and Karrod sensed a profound impression of amusement. The feathers around his beak suddenly fluffed up with mild embarrassment, considering that sending a beautiful thing to him was connected to the phrase “romantic courting gifts”. He immediately knew it was awkward so he kept talking, and truly digging himself an even more awkward grave where he stood. Dekas: ::with a voice crack, almost unsure::…Platonically? ::he cleared his throat, and with forced certainty:: Platonically. Obviously. Professional working relationship. And besides I’d never send you something in that way. ::he should have stopped there, but it felt somehow rude and somehow disingenuous to end the sentiment like that:: Or well, I would, because Captain, you’re a catch. I’m-I’m sure you know that. If someone hasn’t told you that, they should. We-we barely know each other. I.. but I wouldn’t… send something like that without having asked you to dinner first. I just… ::slight laughter as he kept on digging, and talking faster:: I mean do you want to grab dinner some time, actually? I’m sure it would be nice. Or not! I don’t know why I said that. Karrod wondered if Counselor Dekas realized he was speaking faster and louder with each word, or if he noticed that his…plumage had lofted out quite so much. Karrod pretended not to notice and knew he was failing to do so convincingly. oO Well, Karrod does have pretty eyes, and Trill spots are always nice. Mm… ::mental record scratch noise:: No, no! Back up. Absolutely not. Quick, think counselor thoughts! Uh… alright and how do you feel about that? Wow. You better hope the Captain likes ‘em stupid. Why are you the counselor again? Ahh! Oo God help any passing telepaths with their guard down. Clearing his throat loudly in the hopes of breaking the Counselor out of whatever fugue state he’d fallen into, Karrod gestured towards his now artfully rearranged desk. The millet now bore a surprisingly accurate resemblance to the Counselors features, a remarkable feat considering the medium and how quickly he’d done it. Niac: Counselor…uh…Commander…uh….Dekas. ::He huffed out a breath and tried to start over.:: I’m…flattered, but I think we’ve gotten a bit off topic. Since you’ve made a compelling case for why you didn’t do this, do you have any idea who might have? And more importantly, why? As much as I’d like to blame her, this doesn’t quite feel like Ensign Vailani’s style to me. She strikes me more as a ‘photon grenade in the sonic shower’ sort of prankster. To Karrod’s credit it did break him out of his mortified fugue state with sudden snort. Dekas: Well now I have to go through the list of ensigns in my head. Let’s see… there is the one doctor. Beck? He strikes me as oddly mischievous, has a certain glint in his eye, and he isn’t the biggest fan of me so there would be a motive to perhaps embarrass me a bit? But in his defense… he is also terribly allergic to me. I’m pretty sure the last time I passed him in a corridor on accident he sneezed so hard his mustache flew a full three inches off his face before he noticed it flying away and smacked it back on. Dekas then proceeded to pantomime the smack and subsequent ‘stunned stumble backward’, struggling in the process not to laugh. Karrod attempted to maintain his air of Captain’s dignity but failed entirely at the animated display of projectile facial hair and, much to his chagrin, snorted loudly. And it took everything in Dekas not to show the deep and inherent satisfaction he got out of making the Captain laugh even if only slightly. What could he say? It felt nice to put a smile on people’s faces. The fact Karrod was also beautiful was just a bonus. Niac: Remind me to write you a recommendation to Starfleet Intelligence, they’d appreciate a keen insight into a person like that. And those stiffcollars could use a bit of levity in their ranks. Dekas: Oh, the retaliation of literally just sending me over to sickbay to say hi would be too real. Too easy. So I’m not sure he’d actually risk it. Niac: Hmm fair enough. I wouldn’t put something like this past Alieth but I have a hard time seeing her working in birdseed…unless that’s exactly why she did it? Those Vulcans, don’t buy that logic act for a minute, Counselor. They’re a wonderful, frighteningly intelligent and quietly mischievous lot in my experience. But if not her, who else? Dekas hadn’t even considered Alieth as a possibility. But maybe… No. She presumably had a classier way of doing things like this if she even did. Dekas: I’ve heard there’s a strange gossip circle in the lower decks. I have no idea how far that extends, but I’m sure that means there’s an unexpected number of possibilities. And that’s if they let you in on it. I don’t know why they’d go further than just casual gossip, but maybe a few of the stranger people got assigned here by accident. I’m pretty sure a few of those are on every ship if you look closely enough. Niac: Well I suppose the more alarming prospect is that there’s more than one suspect. A conspiracy aboard ship. We’ll have to get a tribunal started right away, full on drumhead. Do you know any classically attractive older legal minds we could bring aboard to administer it by any chance? Now it was his turn to snort. Dekas: That would be convenient. But alas. Unless you have specific experience in law. ::a beat, followed by a flattering if slightly impulsive thought:: Although, even if you did, I’d say you’re more the ruggedly attractive sort. Terribly handsome, certainly, but maybe not quite what you’re looking for. Niac: Damn, it was a long shot anyway. Besides, I don’t want to have to spend the next week pretending I remember all the basic interstellar law courses I took at the Academy. I swear, it’s like the JAG corp doesn’t even exist. Dekas: ::with a deeply amused sigh:: Unfortunately for us, this isn’t one of those overly specific episode plot points that they’d show up for. Not enough moral quandary. Dekas looked to the side and gave a quick wink to an invisible audience. Glancing behind himself along the Counselors line of sight Karrod could find no one for him to wink at beyond the viewport, shrugged, and moved on with his speculation. Niac: I’ve got a tricorder around here somewhere but that seems too much like cheating. I feel like between the two of us we can figure this out. Karrod had to admit to himself he hadn’t yet completely removed the Counselor from his list of suspects. The confusion and surprise Dekas displayed could’ve simply been the perfect cover. Dekas: Honestly, I’m surprised that they chose millet of all things. It is extremely specific to birds as a choice. I’d maybe say it was Om-Zora, except he’d never send me something like this on purpose and he’s known me for many years, let alone the Captain of a ship that he doesn’t even know at all beyond maybe passing glances at best. And he has no reason to engage in hijinks. He’s too serious. Always has been. ::using a very serious, and somehow mocking deeper monotone:: It would be “illogical”. Chuckling as he moved towards his replicator, Karrod summoned himself a Gavalin tea that had long been a favorite of Rostil’s without consciously considering it. When the beverage whirred into existence and Karrod took his first sniff, his nose crinkled disdainfully at the overwhelmingly aromatic bouquet. Niac: Ugh…now I know what would happen if I put a bunch of flowers in a blender. Anyway…who does that leave us with? Breen infiltrator? Changeling? Maybe it’s the Suliban. They haven’t been heard from in ages…could’ve been playing the long game on us. Dekas: Do you think it’s JOPA? I don’t know much about it generally, but I have heard they do pranks sometimes. This one might be a bit strange even for them, though. I don’t know who’s even part of it, really. ::it was about then that he really noticed the odd resemblance to himself in the millet:: And I don’t know if any of them have looked this closely at me before. oO Should I be concerned about someone with a secret obsession, actually??? No, it’s probably fine. Probably. Oo Taking his barely palatable drink with him back to his desk Karrod sat, stood, brushed some loose millet off his chair and uniform pants, then sat again. Niac: JOPA? Oh, I wouldn’t know about that Counselor. How is the Captain supposed to know about a secret organization of junior officers aboard his own ship? It’s a secret, or so I may have heard. Perhaps you’ll have to ask around a bit…but keep it subtle. Don’t want the crew thinking you’re informing on them. He’d apparently done well enough at that, considering he was already in the know that someone had plans for the Captain. Not that he was going to tell him that. What was said in a counseling session was left there. Dekas: ::with amusement:: Of course. I can be subtle. The irony of how unsubtly colorful and talkative he could be, was not lost on him. Niac: That said if you find the culprit please let them know I’m quite flattered, mildly alarmed and that the straightest route to my heart is found at the bottom of a bottle of Aldebran whiskey. I expect all shrines and or effigies of me in the future to contain at least one good bottle, otherwise what’s even the point? Dekas: If they admit to the deed, I will inform them of such. ::a beat, and a shockingly straight face:: And hey, I’ll make sure my own future shrines to you include one. Maybe even two. Karrod let out a genuine laugh as he brushed aside some of the millet to get at a stray padd. Niac: The burdens of command, Counselor, come in many forms. Although this may hold the distinction of being the strangest one this ship has seen. Thank you for taking the time to investigate. Speaking of…do you, uh…want…::He gestured with his padd towards the increasingly haphazard pile::...this? I suppose you could replicate a bucket… Dekas: For sure. I’ll find the next person’s doorstep to put this on. Confuse them even more. Anything else? Karrod laughed again and leaned back in his chair, carefully putting his feet up to avoid disrupting the unusual shipboard art installation. Niac: Oh, I think that’ll be all for now, Counselor. Dekas: Marvelous! Hopefully the next time we see each other it’s a lot less weird. Or weirder, I wouldn’t mind. ::a wink and a click of the beak:: Have a good rest of your day, Karrod. [End] — Lt. Commander Dekas Chief Counselor USS Ronin J239802D12 Pronouns: They/she (player), He/him (character) & Commander Karrod Niac Commanding Officer USS Ronin - NCC-34523 V239509GT0 5 1
Dekas Posted March 14, 2024 Posted March 14, 2024 Yeah Dekas is aiming HIGH with his flirts at the Captain even though the start of them was an accident 🤣 2 2
Popular Post + Gila Sadar Posted March 14, 2024 Popular Post Posted March 14, 2024 This is sus 🤨 What did you put in the replicator, @Karrod Niac? 1 4
Karrod Niac Posted March 14, 2024 Posted March 14, 2024 4 hours ago, Gila Sadar said: This is sus 🤨 What did you put in the replicator, @Karrod Niac? Niac: Computer, Rizz, Hot! 3
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