Popular Post Nolen Hobart Posted May 6, 2023 Popular Post Posted May 6, 2023 (edited) In this, @Talia Ohnari has landed upon the formula to winning me over in a sim. Plausible technobabble? Self doubt overcome by abject professionalism? RELEVANT BACKSTORY?! Love it! Quote ((USS Arrow, Deck 3, Sickbay, Surgical Bay 1)) Talia was finally looking at what had previously been the Commander's intact foot. Now...? Meat. It was just....meat. No, it was not. It was tissue, ligaments and....carpet fuzz? This was going to be interesting. oO Just the Captain's Fiancee, love of his life, and a commanding officer...No pressure there Tali...Oo Talia grumbled at her inner thoughts. They were not invited to this party. Now, she was finally back on the Arrow, she wasn't surrounded by a possibly living ship run by two unhinged cadets hellbent on doing...whatever they had planned. She was in the surgical bay. Commander MacKenna was prepped and before her was what she had been charged to fix. First, the slow task of separating what remained of the Starfleet issued footwear, from the Starfleet Officer's foot had been the first hurdle. The steady biometric readings were a soothing sound as she debated where to begin. This was...messy. She could see foreign material, bits of the carpeting and shards from exploded consoles intermingled with what was left of the tendon and bone. The poor Commander's skin had been shredded in the process. Bits of it were probably still aboard the Libris. Above her was the holoprojection, enhanced 30x, and she could see what gave her heart a little leap of joy: The probe she had been using flashed green. The nerves themselves were still emitting signals. This meant she could save the foot. Setting aside the little tool, she tapped a few commands into the PADD, activating the small little device set about removing any foreign matter. ((OOC ~ I totally picture this grumpy guy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iiMFRMoxxEI )) With each area cleared of any bits of the Libris, or the shoe, Talia was there to clip any leaking vessels. Step by agonizingly slow step, she was now left with an anatomical puzzle. Some of the bones, tendons, and ligaments had been damaged beyond repair, however, with immense precision, Talia activated a nano-sized osteo-generator. Her plan was to have the nanites stimulate bone growth in the delicate, partially missing bones of the foot, and once completed, Talia could graft the necessary tissues. To keep the area sterile while the micro-docs did their microscopic things, she encased the Commander's leg from the shin down in Styrolite. Normally used to contain infections, this would be a barrier to prevent them. It had been hours, and her back was protesting, but...it was a success. She thanked the little nanobots as the Commander was moved to temporary recovery. She could see the weird looks from her colleagues, but ignored them. Her 16th eldest brother Ja'Karr, had always told her to be nice and polite to the machines, that way, when they took over, she would be spared. He...wasn't well, mentally. PTSD and an undiagnosed mental condition would do that to a person. It went undiagnosed, because aside from her mother and herself, he refused to be seen by any doctors. And they were not psychologists. Still, he was mostly harmless, living in his self made bunker on the property, coming out for dinners and her birthday. Always giving her advice that had yet to actually be useful, but it was stored in her brain along with her fondness for Ja'Karr. ((Sickbay Recovery Suites ~ Several hours later)) After surgery, Talia was able to grab a shower and a change of uniform. Both Dr. Seesh and Counselor R'Ariel had been just as busy treating their own patients, and neither had a chance to talk much. Still, she popped her head into the shared CMO office just to find it empty. Leaving again, she made her way to the recovery suite just as R'Ariel had arrived. oO Talk about timing Oo R'Ariel: How are we all doing? MacKenna: We're here, we've survived. You tell us the rest of the story. Jacin: Well, we’re in sickbay so… Talia just barely managed to stifle the snort. These were her kind of people. With a grin, Talia went to the Commander's semi-transparent encased foot, pleased to see the nano's still hard at work. Ohnari: Looking good here, Commander. Although you'll have to stay with us a few days, I am decidedly confident you will have full range of motion available to you. MacKenna: Response? R'Ariel: Lt Ayemet, I dare say you had us all very worried. What have I told you about ending up on the casualty list? With that, Talia winced. She didn't look forward to updating that particular report... Jacin :trying to sound casual: Sorry to have let you down sir. Ohnari: ::softly:: No one is let down, we're happy you returned, and are working on recovering. She gave a soft smile, but with a tinge of worry. Since arriving, she'd noticed that the Lieutenant seemed to have the worst sort of luck. R'Ariel: I think you and I are going to have a really good talk about what you sensed over there. That would be a conversation for sure. And a deeply interesting one at that. Jacin: Yes sir. It seems like I won’t be going anywhere. R'Ariel: Looks like you got this. Ensign Zabi, have you been looked at yet? Zabi: Response? Satisfied with Commander MacKenna's progress, Talia glanced over at Seesh, she'd been so absorbed with the Commander she hadn't noticed his arrival. Ohnari: Commander is stable, once the osteo-generators finish, I'll be able to begin the dermal grafting. Seesh: Response? Ohnari: ::lowering her voice:: I hadn't had a chance to check the chart yet, how extensive was the damage? Any impact to the spinal column? Seesh: Response? --------------------------------------------- Ensign Talia Ohnari, MD USS Arrow C239205ME0 Edited May 6, 2023 by Nolen Hobart 4 1
+ Talia Ohnari Posted May 6, 2023 Posted May 6, 2023 Shoutout to Ensign @Hiro Jones for workshopping the use of Styrolite ❤️ 4
+ Hiro Jones Posted May 11, 2023 Posted May 11, 2023 On 5/6/2023 at 4:08 PM, Talia Ohnari said: Shoutout to Ensign @Hiro Jones for workshopping the use of Styrolite ❤️ Gotta give some credit to @Yalu. We recently wrote a JP where Hiro had to encase him in the stuff to rid him of a weird Da'al tick enzyme that was threatening his host-symbiont connection. (Resulted in a really fun acid trip dream quest) But yeah, he put the idea in my head. 3
Popular Post Kalianna Nicholotti Posted May 12, 2023 Popular Post Posted May 12, 2023 Love how things just seem to connect us all. ❤️ 4 1
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