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I Don't Know Whether To Laugh Or Cry -- Memorable Moments Aboard the USS Chintoka

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

And this is why I absolutely love reading sims from @Valin Dermont ... 😂 The internal monologue and his snark are just so funny to me....


oO Oh, lookie, I'll need ta make sure the plasma conduits are properly calibrated. The feedback o' tying the tractor beam straight inta the core...power's gonna be shootin' all over the place.  No issues about life inside o' stars concernin' this 'ere engineer... Oo

and this one...


Dermont did snort a bit at that comment.  As if anyone on board was going to be able to rest for the next four days.

and yet another in the same sim ...



He glanced over at Ral's station.  The lad had multiple screens going, likely running all sorts of mathematical computations about probes and tractor outputs and warp core detonations.  He and Levinson...a pair of geniuses, really.

oO I'd say they only let geniuses join Starfleet but they let me in, eh?  So evidence ta the contrary! Oo


and yet one more...



This should be interesting.  They had graduated from not knowing for sure anything is possible, to definitely knowing some things just weren't possible.  And maybe some certain things might be possible.  Maybe.  

oO Captain should be thrilled. Oo



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  • 1 year later...

Time to revive this thread along with the relaunch of the ship. This one comes from @Daniel McGillian Jr, our tactical officer, who is none to thrilled with Serala's plan to go out with guns blazing...



Serala: Right. I may be Starfleet, but I am also Romulan. And Romulans never surrender. We’re not going down without a fight. If we die today, we die with honor. Let’s give them one hell of a fight and let the name Chin’toka be remembered for more than just a battle site in the Dominion War.

McGillian: oO I'd really rather not repeat "The Alamo" here. Oo


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@Serala My only disappointment is that you didn't use, "Never give up!  Never surrender!"

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1 hour ago, Alora DeVeau said:

My only disappointment is that you didn't use, "Never give up!  Never surrender

OMG! Why didn't I think of that? Lol. And I love that movie...

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Is'Kah bit Borg @TAma and she didn't take it well



She aimed carefully. This time she would eliminate the unassimilated. Pain bit literally into her shoulder and she was knocked forward, causing her shot to go wild. She whirled with the fun sized Vulcan hanging on to her shoulder like an angry chihuahua and slammed her backwards into the wall trying to shake her off.


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Is’Kah: T’Ama, you’re stronger than this. Fight them, or I will keep biting you until morale improves.

You heard her, folks. The biting will continue until morale improves.

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And now their trajectory was changing…. Unto most likely certain death. To say that the Enterprise-F outclassed them, was equivalent to comparing an injured mantis shrimp to a great white shark. They needed a bigger boat.

Or a 7 meter mantis shrimp.

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Mental note, don't upset Borg @TAma if you don't want to become pesto



An angry Vulcan only half disconnected from the Collective that’s urging violence doesn’t have a whole lot of self control when targets align. Quick as a flash T’Ama struck Is’Kah, slapping her so hard in the face her jaw was canted alarmingly to the side, no longer lining up with the rest of her face.

The blood rushed loudly in her ears, drowning out the cacophony of voices in her mind. Screw this Collective. Her vision, already physically missing on her right side, narrowed even further. There was but one goal now: beat Is’Kah until she was a green paste indistinguishable from pesto.


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Introductions made and deep-seated psychological trauma suppressed until another day, Alex looked between the two physicians.

Brodie really knows his potential clients, I see!

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@TAma's delirium is delightful


T’Ama: ::crescendoing in song:: But I’m up at night thinking I just might lose it aaaaa-aaaaaa-AAAALLLL!!!


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And along with all the other singing posts, our new Doc had some fun with it too!



Edrei: ::singing:: Your turn away with a sigh.


T’Ama / Doucet / Brodie: Responses


Looking up, Leenaya noticed they’d caused somewhat of a scene in Sickbay and were getting quite the looks from passing people. She had trouble determining if it was due to T’Ama’s loud chanting or the fact that they’d joined her in her shenanigans. In any case, Lee decided she couldn’t care less about it. It felt weirdly cathartic to sing in such a dire situation, and stress she didn’t know she had left her body.


Edrei: ::singing:: You said you felt patronized.


T’Ama / Doucet / Brodie: Responses


The singing slowly died down, and the absurd but magical moment they’d shared lingered as the sedative really took hold of T’Ama.


Edrei: Well, that was fun.



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I love quotes like this from one of the better Star Trek movies ever by @Serala



Serala: Never give up. Never surrender.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Every time I read a sim from or including Rox from now on, I am going to be picturing Bugs Bunny...


Rox:  ::loudly::  Eh what's up doc?



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And then there's this part from the same sim with V'Len Kel and Rox:


The pair began to eat and for a few minutes no words passed between them.  Then Rox paused in her consumption of the Tandoori chicken before her.

Rox: So what's six inches long, two inches wide and makes everyone go crazy.

V'Len was caught off guard by her complete nonchalance with a question that in his mind only had one answer.  His cheeks warmed and his antennae twitched.  

Kel:  Is that really an appropriate question for a superior officer?

Rox:  It's a strip of latinum, Kel.  Get your mind out of the gutter.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Brodie so serious until suddenly he's not.


Alex leaned back on the console and it made a noise of complaint as he, essentially, tried to butt-dial a galactic map.


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Shevon: Good, because this sucks.

Kel: ::shifting his antenna::  I'm not sensing a region of lower pressure.

Dad jokes, he got'em!

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  • 3 weeks later...

M. Skyfire: Hold still or I’ll tell mom and you won’t get any cake at the reception.

@Lael Rosek-Skyfire I've played this card.

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