Alora DeVeau Posted April 11, 2021 Posted April 11, 2021 Quote Alieth: would not be preferable to do it… before? Saveron: Logical, certainly. Humans; what would they think of next? Don't ask questions you don't want answers to. 1
Alora DeVeau Posted April 11, 2021 Posted April 11, 2021 Quote Teller: Anyway, the ark itself slots into that cradle on the workbench. This’ll all run automatically, but if you hear anything start beep/beep/beep’ing three times we should probably get out of the room. ::Geoff coughed awkwardly:: Quickly. In fact, you might just want to run NOW. 1
Alora DeVeau Posted April 11, 2021 Posted April 11, 2021 Quote Certainly, all that process made sense in a wacky way. In a way that was bordering on lunacy, yet Alieth had learned, over the course of the last year, that unconventional solutions were sometimes not just the only possible option, but the most logical one, no matter how much she vehemently protested against them. Bordering? 1
Alora DeVeau Posted April 11, 2021 Posted April 11, 2021 Quote On the other hand, Saveron resisted the urge to pinch the bridge of his nose, and reminded himself that Commander Teller was understandably extremely nervous, and possibly being pushed by the katra they were trying to retrieve. Another common reaction to Teller. 1
Alora DeVeau Posted April 11, 2021 Posted April 11, 2021 Quote He gestured to the pile of… stuff. Which was humming, in a slightly worrying way. It was the kind of hum that indicated pent-up energy, just before something exploded. Obviously Saveron has not been around Teller enough. Teller = explosions. 1
Alora DeVeau Posted April 12, 2021 Posted April 12, 2021 Quote Teller: ~~I CAN HEAR YOUR THOUGHTS IN MY EYES~~ This made me laugh SO hard! 1 1
Alora DeVeau Posted April 12, 2021 Posted April 12, 2021 Quote From the narrative of Alieth in Teller's mind: She pushed lightly, and the tenuous walls to enter his mind cracked open wide, to that cacophony of an orchestra tuning up before a great fanfare that was the human mind. A confusion of brass and wind and string noises and for some strange reason, a duck. I am so glad I was not drinking anything while reading this. My computer would have been destroyed. 1
Alora DeVeau Posted April 12, 2021 Posted April 12, 2021 Quote It was only then that she could feel him. The warm familiarity. The long summers in the shade of the trees of his clan house. Hundreds of anodyne study afternoons, with hardly any words, just each other's company as they each focused on their subjects. The first hovercar race. Her first accident. HIS first crash. An escape to Vulcana Regar with a bet, three Orions, a Nausicaan and four broken ribs. Sern's, of course, not hers. Then, the day he confirmed her the news of his engagement. Her own wedding, not so long after it. And that last goodbye of her fingers on his. And just like that, I go from laughing to wanting to cry. 2
Alora DeVeau Posted April 12, 2021 Posted April 12, 2021 Quote Alieth: It has been a long time, my friend. There's a typo there. Don't you mean 'my love'? Be honest, now. 2
Alora DeVeau Posted April 12, 2021 Posted April 12, 2021 Quote Alieth: I loved you, you know... In some way I still do. No amount of emotional discipline could hide the look of surprise that shifted across his features. A greenish flush crept into his cheeks. Sern: I - uh…. I - I loved you, too. It's about time. 2
Alieth Posted April 17, 2021 Author Posted April 17, 2021 I hate that @Geoffrey Tellermake me laugh EVERY TIME he drops one of this lines out of the blue Quote Geoff couldn't help but agree with Dar. A salvage operation in a gravity well was difficult enough under ideal circumstances and a probably wrecked starship from the era of gogo boots and miniskirts was far from ideal. 1 1 1
Popular Post Wes Greaves Posted April 18, 2021 Popular Post Posted April 18, 2021 @Geoffrey Teller, you're literally KILLING me with these puns. For context, Gra'vel is a horta. Yes. A sentient tunneling rock creature is named Gra'vel. Quote Gra'vel: =/\= Gra'vel digs this idea. . . Cue collective groan. 1 4
Alora DeVeau Posted April 19, 2021 Posted April 19, 2021 Quote Sirok raised his eyebrow for a moment when he heard Greaves mispronounce Excalibur, perhaps he had a piece of food between his teeth. Might wanna go look in a mirror @Wes Greaves. 1
Wes Greaves Posted April 23, 2021 Posted April 23, 2021 Ouch! Talk about a burn! Quote Henderson: Really Snowball? I figured you'd just want to do barrel rolls around the system. Lia's eyes bugged at the mustachioed lieutenant for a moment. Even with the inertial dampeners, did he want them all to lose every little bit of their lunches? Singh: Please ignore Lt. Henderson, Commander. When he was four someone told him he was clever and he never let it go. 3
Wes Greaves Posted April 23, 2021 Posted April 23, 2021 (edited) Ugh. These rock puns will be the death of me. Quote Gra'vel: That should make accessing the uplink port a little easier, Lieutenant Johnson! Johnson: Gneiss job, Gra’vel. And again..,.. Quote Gra'vel: Soil and stone are not an issue, Chief. Gra'vel can clear the way. The danger, especially for all of you, is collapse. All of this is...::Gra'vel struggled to find the right word::...sandy. Loose. Shale. Move the wrong stone and many more will move. Johnson: Don’t want the Rolling Stones? Edited April 23, 2021 by Wes Greaves 1
Alora DeVeau Posted April 26, 2021 Posted April 26, 2021 Quote Richards: It sure is quiet. Deena shot him a look that probably could have been used to melt down iron. Not the q-word. Anything but the q-word... Quen: Ahh - feel like tempting fate, do ya? We're Starfleet. It's what we DO. 1
Alieth Posted April 26, 2021 Author Posted April 26, 2021 There is a story here @Alex Brodie Quote The group rematerialised on the surface of the planet and Alex was immediately struck by both the warmth of the environment and the smell – like rotten eggs or Cardassian Ale gone bad…or well brewed, depending on your tastes.
Alieth Posted April 26, 2021 Author Posted April 26, 2021 Quote Geoff tucked himself into a narrow fissure and tried to think small. It wasn't particularly difficult for him. I..... i shouldn't have laugh so much with this 🙈 1 2
Alieth Posted May 1, 2021 Author Posted May 1, 2021 Quote Gra'vel: Deck five is accessible, Captain Greaves. The air here is very stale but Gra'vel thinks its breathable. Humans like argon, right? Gra'vel: humanoid specialist XD 2
Alieth Posted May 1, 2021 Author Posted May 1, 2021 @Sirok Sobok, former captain, nap connoisseur. Quote He crossed the bridge again, which brought back many memories. He looked at the Captain's chair for a moment and continued walking in the direction of the turbolift. He needed to take a nap. 1
Alieth Posted May 1, 2021 Author Posted May 1, 2021 Quote Geoff shifted himself out of cover and used the totality of his skill in camouflage and stealth to effectively cover less than a meter before he was spotted. As it turned out, even ash covered pale white skin tended to contrast against black volcanic stone. Our intrepid leader in motion 🤣🙈 1
Alieth Posted May 1, 2021 Author Posted May 1, 2021 Sirok approaching healthcare as an engineer XD Quote The Vulcan searched through the debris that had fallen for something useful and picked up a couple of small pieces. He then removed a panel that was in pretty good shape. He pulled out his phaser and set the beam to cut through the panel and generate several metallic slats. ... Wes followed the woman to the edge and took another look. The metal was worn and rusted, likely brittle. They had no climbing equipment, and it was an unnecessary risk. For a moment he listened to the engineers discuss their options. Sirok kept working on splinting his leg. He put several of the splints together and with the phaser welded them together to give them some extra thickness and strength. He took off his uniform jacket and started tearing to get strips of cloth. With the slats he tied the slats around his leg and used the smaller pieces to keep them from moving. 1
Wes Greaves Posted May 4, 2021 Posted May 4, 2021 I got a good laugh outa this one @Anton Richards Quote De Scheppes: (slight smile) You have better eyes than I do. Anton took the compliment in “strides” Richards: It’s in my nature, I’ve always been super observant. As he said this Anton briefly stumbled, tripping over what he “observed” to be a large rock. 2 2
Alieth Posted May 7, 2021 Author Posted May 7, 2021 Quote Sirok finally arrived at his destination, in the meeting room a sort of generator had been set up. It was ingenious although it did not comply with any Starfleet regulations, although the Vulcan understood that in such a situation it was difficult to follow the regulations. I could see the angry vulcan noises from a quadrant afar facing that lack of comply to regulations 1
Alieth Posted May 7, 2021 Author Posted May 7, 2021 Quote Gra'vel was immediately in awe of the wildly non-standard engineering and the haphazard nature of the components. It was an example of a phrase she'd heard in engineering many times, but never truly understood until now; 'If it looks stupid and it works, it's not stupid.' Gra'vel: philosopher. 1 1
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