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"That's supposed to be on fire" - And other stuff you can hear on the USS Thor


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Sobok: Do they know Sirok's condition? It is a very difficult situation for the chosen one. :: Part of the reason why such an agreement had not really been sought until now. ::

T’Lil: In this instance, his deficiency will not be a detriment to the union.  Your intended is one of our long separated Romulan cousins and her expectations are already quite low.  


I seriously want to smack T'Lil


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@Sirok dropping vulcan bombs



Sirok: Good morning Captain.


Kells: response


Sirok: Captain, due to ship's regulations I have to ask your permission for my wife to stay on the ship when we leave.


Kells: response


Sirok: Since 15 hours ago Captain.


Kells: response


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This got a snort of laughter out of me.



Katsim: Oh!  It’s you!

Jehe: I could hardly be anyone other than myself.


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Routiancet glanced towards Anton and Glass, expecting a reaction, Anton did his best to portray a confident look, with a slight smug, just incase Brodie was joking. Is that the inevitable future of a Star Fleet officer? Being eaten by some type of alien creature? Anton pondered as he stared at a painting depicting the gruesome death of a Vulcan politican. 

This introspection from Richards really resonated with me for some reason, particularly the comment about being eaten. 😄  

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Katsim: I suppose.  ::There was a pause, and then she spoke again.:: Computer, who on the ship owns a form of arachnid as a pet?

There was that characteristic chime and the computer responded.

Computer: There are fifty three persons aboard who match that parameter.  

The full Bajoran just stared at the ceiling in disgust.

Jehe: Why would 53 people... Never mind. I don't think I want to know. ::Turning to Peri.:: Any chance this one's been tagged, do you think?

@Brutus' sim gave me a good chuckle at this.

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From the narrative of @Quen Deena:

After five hours, two physicals, one infected decorative piercing in a rather inconvenient location, and the careful extraction of a small toy from a nose,

Careful extractions of items from a nose.  Oh boy, do I have experience with this!

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From the narrative of @Quen Deena:

And Greaves. Of course it was Greaves… There was another candidate for a frequent-visitor card. 

And he's dragging Peri along with him.

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Quen: I wish I could say this is an uncommon occurrence, but wrecking shuttles seems to be a popular hobby around here…

Peri didn't do it!

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Malak waved his arms in another muted "what the...?!?!?"

I couldn't help but envision this:




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Greaves: In that case, sir, you can count on me. Marine Det, Security, and Tactical. I’ll be your one stop shop if you need something broken.

Arms.  Wrists.  Shuttles...

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Greaves: (Slight smile) Got it, sir. This’ll be much easier now that I know you won’t realize it when I’m screwing up.

This made me laugh!  If only I could get away with that!

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I expect nothing less from @Geoffrey Teller



Geoff ignored the pistols and the smaller knives, immediately donning the half cloak over one shoulder.  It swished agreeably as he pantomimed a few movements.  


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I HATE I've been reading this with EXACTLY that expression  XD



Teller: ::To his right, the foil:: Stabby sword.  To his left, the rapier:: Stabbier sword.   


Geoff wasn’t sure what he was expecting, but the Counselors expression mirrored that of many teachers, doctors and counselors he’d known over the years.  It was a unique combination of bewilderment and mild disappointment science had come to call ‘The Teller Effect’.  


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Okay, okay, one more from this JP. It's just too good!



Master At Arms: Prepare to repel boarders, ya dogs!  No pay for any man who doesn’t carry a weapon.  And you!  ::The man pointed directly to Teller:: Shut that slack gob and ready your steel, halfstack!  

Geoff’s hand went to the hilt of his sword but his face screwed up in a scowl.  

Teller:  Hey who you calling halfstack, you photonic…


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Alieth: And you... do not even consider perishing without receiving an reprimand from my behalf

No one can die without Alieth's permission.  Especially @Wes Greaves.

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Richards: We.. We could steal the lunch.

Okay, Thor ppl, we have to keep an eye on this one.

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Broide: Lieutenant Commander Brodie…blah…blah…blah…consolidation of manufacture…diddly-doo…diddly-doo…difficulties with coding for additional replicator patterns…skip to the end…blue replaces teal for all medical and counselling personnel. Fine.

@Alex Brodie made me giggle.

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Anton double-checked, he was pretty sure they ended up in sickbay. 

About 75% sure? 😄


From the narrative of Alieth: 

It had seemed like a good idea. The crystals were intended for use with Vulcan minds and given the important part a human was going to play in all this, it made sense that a human (more so! A brilliant engineer trained at Starfleet Academy) could come up with some kind of enhancement, some kind of catalyst to facilitate the ritual.


Then, when it was just too late, she had realized that she had given it to Geoffrey John "Good Job Guarantee" Teller.


The whole thing could end in disaster.

It is probably a general rule that Teller just invites disaster.

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Not for the first time in the course of all that trouble, Alieth wondered if it was really worth all the effort to try to save Commander Teller. While certainly Sern would be lost in the process, maybe the galaxy would be better and more organized without him.

I think we've all wondered this from time to time.

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Alieth: Commander, I presume you are aware that you are wearing a priestess's regalia. While not unprecedented, it is... rather unorthodox.

The words were calm and measured, but the glint in her eyes belied these facts.

Teller: Priestess...robes? Phew….now I’m really glad I didn’t wear the hat. 


*Just laughs and laughs*

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Saveron: Is Sern’s reluctance to leave Commander Teller, or to return to yourself? ::He asked, pointedly.::


Alieth: Both. ::The faintest hint of an expression crossed her face briefly before she specified:: Yet mostly the latter.

Did Alieth just get BURNED?  

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Saveron listened with a mixture of interest and mild horror.

That's a pretty standard reaction to Teller.

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Teller: I decided to look at the problem like I would with a computer core - Sern’s a subroutine I want to save, but there’s a lot of data corruption, right? This…::Geoff nodded over::...is a katric data recovery system. As you guide Sern into the ark, it’ll be scanning through my brain, finding all the little bits of him that have gotten tangled up and making sure they get transcribed over to the ark. If it works right, he’ll be back to his old self and better than ever. 

Saveron didn’t think anyone had looked at the problem in quite this way. Mind you, usually there wasn’t this problem in the first place. 

One of the components sparked and started smoldering. Geoff swatted at it with the hem of his robe.

Teller: That’s fine, just...warming up. Speaking of, there is just a...tiny bit of radiation. Not enough to get worried about, but we should probably get some hyronalin shots later...today. 

You know, standard precaution.

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Form the narrative of Alieth:

The young woman's eyebrows furrowed slightly and, for a moment, she paused in her efforts to untangle a pile of wire from a shiny thing she could not define as anything other than a "thing" from another.... "thing" that had begun to hum faintly. At least it wasn't on fire. If it wasn't supposed to be.

That's supposed to be on fire.

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