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SB118 Ops: Quotations of the Week!

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Galven: Well, the only other question I have is why is Taelon a civilian when he’s clearly meant to be an officer?
Taelon opened and closed his mouth, unsure how to answer; his position behind Taybrim gave him some reassurance, and before he could panic, Taybrim had cut in.
Taybrim: Taelon has been a Lt Commander and Chief Science Officer on this very base before.  However with some undercover missions his commission was revoked.  That said.  ::He turned towards Taelon:: We now have distance from Earth and I have the capability to reinstate your commission, if not your full rank, if you so choose.
Taelon: W-what?
Taelon gawked at Taybrim, shocked, but not unpleasantly so - his large eyes went wide, and he swallowed, blinking rapidly. They could - he could come back, completely?


@Taelon be like


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Luthas: What. Getting them mad enough to shoot themselves in their attempts to shoot us is a perfectly legitimate strategy. Especially if we’re outnumbered.

Clearly Luthas likes to live dangerously.

I dig it 😎


Taybrim: I must let you all know that the information we are about to discuss is sensitive and classified.  It is to remain confidential between those in this room and only others who are on a need to know basis.  If anyone has any objection to this please let me know, now and I will make sure you are safely reassigned to non-critical duties.

Maxwell: My turn tae stay behind and make the tea, aye?

Stendhal: I can help with the tea, I’m quite good and  I love tea!

Oh you guys... 😄



@Kudon: It is possible that our detection Breather might be able to pick up the gas in a flyover.  Not likely, but possible.

Galven: Relay the sensor grid with a… which was it.. A metaphasic sweep or a recalibration sweep?   

@Rustyy_Hael Nijil raised a brow at the Denobulan commander, but said nothing. Instead he let someone who very much knew what she was talking a

@Solaris: An oblique sweep should be fine, better than what we currently have anyway.

Galven: That’d work even better!


Clearly German has no idea how Klingon shuttlecrafts work 😂

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Casparian: oO Already?! Oo  A worried frown shot across Romy’s face. This is it. Everything up to now had been serious but also exciting as there had been time to think, plan and coordinate. From now on, she and her crewmates would no longer have that luxury. They’d have to think on their feet and most importantly of all, these were the moments is where seamless teamwork mattered.

Love this bit of coming of age narration!  <3

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Tiyra: You won’t need this ::she tried to take the phaser from the woman.::


Stendhal: Hey hey my friend, is better if we keep a good and reasonable social distance for now, ok?

Phasers: enforcing social distancing since 2397... 😂


Luthas resisted the urge to sigh.  Why did so many people miss his sarcasm? It was because he was a Vulcan wasn’t it.

Why yes,  That is exactly why!  😄


Gach’ah: You are not going anywhere, you filthy targ-headed ninney poos! ::hears the voices again, then turns and shoots::

You tell him you evil nasty doo-doo-head!

  • Haha 1
  • 2 weeks later...

The Bajoran wasn’t exactly having the time of his life. Day one out of the Academy and onto a starship, he was being fired upon by Klingons, outnumbered, amongst confusing circumstances, among new people he’d barely gotten the chance to get to know (boo) before having to work with them. Not exactly a first day other officers might’ve asked for. Maybe they’d ask for a little tour, meet a few people, make contacts and friedns. He’d had time to do absolutely none of those things…

But surprisingly, he found that he was fine with that. The Prophets willed everything to happen – tests were everywhere if one bothered to look. This one was ending, just barely it seemed, and it seemed that he and his shipmates were a proverbial inch away from passing. And that made him smile.

Welcome to Ops!  You'll fit right in!  😄

  • Haha 1

Galven: ::waves:: Greetings and salutations! ::chuckles:: I know we haven’t had the chance to really work or even hang out together, but… would you like to go with me to one of the drinking establishments and grab an intoxicating beverage?

This cannot end well...

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Galven: ::tilts his head:: The Captain? I’ve only drank with him once before and he was a real delight. I don’t think he would mind tagging along, but it’s best to ask before dragging him off or Security might think we’re up to something strange in the neighborhood. 


Maxwell: You give Sal a call, and I'll go find some pants.

Pants, Good idea.

  • Haha 1

Hopper: Is it boy trouble? ::a hint of sassiness - though not the disrespectful kind. More like the ‘oh this’ll be good’ kind.::


Blackwell: I’m not twelve or a teenager, and neither are you ::There was a bit of a shortness to that, and Rue knew it meant she was taking bait she shouldn’t::


Hopper: ::she turned back to her drink and picked it up with a smirk.:: It’s totally boy trouble - let me guess, he’s got baggage that makes him emotionally unavailable?

Oh, those troubles...

  • 2 weeks later...

No riding high speed lifts with drunk people!


Max thought about giving his pal in maintenance a shout, but considering German had already started drinking he decided against it. He wasn't convinced the others wanted to spend the night out covered in Denobulan yarf.


  • 3 weeks later...

I found this way too amusing...


He had a hunch.  A not good hunch.  A hunch that fallible people made a terrible mistake.

And from Lieutenant Stendhal:


((Ooc. A funny thing: at first I’ve read: “He had a Lunch. A not good Lunch. A Lunch that….” Lol))

You know when you have a bad lunch you get bad hunches... it's true!  <3

  • 3 weeks later...

Maybe he really was an asshat who smelled bad, because here he was completely alone, trying to hold down the fort until emergency medical transports came in.  With Bailey on the official away team, Harper rushing off after Galven and Munger up and disappearing Shar’Wyn Foster suddenly found himself quite alone save for the orderly staff bustling around in the background.

Foster: ::muttered to himself:: Maybe I should have run off chasing a crazy scientist too, seems that’s what all the cool kids are doing. 

I always did want to be one of the cool kids. 😄

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  • 2 weeks later...

Evansu Bellani was huffing and puffing, seriously thinking that she should have done more cardio and less reading of technical manuals over the last two years.  She had never felt her heart beating harder or the adrenaline pumping faster.

It made her feel lightheaded and slightly insane.  Maybe that was the head rush of still being alive while things were actively trying to kill you.  It was horrifying and yet vaguely addictive.  She was starting to see how people could join Starfleet.

Yep.  That's what we are - adrenaline junkies. 😄

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Bailey was brought back to the present when Nijil called out. She felt more clear headed now than ever. It was like she was given a new determination. She wasn’t mentally compromised in the least. The reaction was similar to the last mission but on a slightly more demanding level. 


Bailey: =/\= Meeks! You alright? =/\=


Meeks: ::Lowering the weapon:: =/\=We’re alright, Doc. Had to take care of a little problem. Nothing we couldn’t handle though.=/\=


She smiled at that. Just like her. Nothing she couldn’t handle. 

You go girl!

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Had the Captain not done it, Sol would have. She also likely would have knocked German on his butt, but since the Captain was already there, she settled for fixing German with a glare that had actually earned a reputation back at the academy during her classes in interrogation. It turned out that people didn't quite like being glared at by red eyes. The white hair didn't help, it made her look a bit like a demon from some ancient folk tale.

That is one evocative glare!

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:Luthas was starting to set detonators as precisely as he could, to cover their tracks, and she saw the pang of emotion across Sadger’s face:::

Blackwell:She murmured gently:: It’s a necessary precaution. ::and then slightly lighter:: Calling it a social distancing method...per persuasion.

Maybe we should employ this method IRL...

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McLaren: Andromeda survivors first, Max. Sickbay should be ready for them.

Maxwell: And here was me going tae beam over the ships cat first.

I'm sure that there is support for this very idea from some of our readers!  ;)

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I vote the ct goes first!

  • Thanks 1

Paradi beams the cat directly to sickbay?  Done. 😁

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Alora’s eyes closed as the familiar voice cut through the commlink.  He was alive.  He was alive.  He was alive.

He was dead. Oh he was _so_ dead.  When Alora got her hands on him…

How (not) to win friends and influence people...

  • Haha 1

Cutting it fine then. It was going to be hairy. And not in a warm and fuzzy way like Max's chin.

LOVE the analogy!

  • Thanks 1

::Nijil frowned deeply. He could hear the undertones. Something had happened. The voices were clear over the comms, it was like front row seats to audio drama.::

Tune in next time on how the assimilation turns...

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