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SB118 Ops: Quotations of the Week!

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11 minutes ago, Mirra Ezo said:

Tatash: Then I officially declare war on the Republic of Chair. Get up and come and have some bacon.

death to the ottoman epmire!!!....wait.

Mirra we need to have a chat about something called World War One...

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Sports, in a nutshell:


Antraydin: Yea you just hit the ball over the net. :: real simple premise, well most sports are, get a ball some where and win::


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Posted (edited)

At least this was casual. The giant bonfire gave him pause, admittedly. Maybe they could burn the Commodore in effigy? 

(courtesy of Taelon)


Edited by Sal Taybrim
crediting the writer
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Theo, surprised, nearly choked on a mouthful of cosmopolitan. He had not seen that coming, Flynn and Aitas. 

Having a doctor around is no excuse to choke on your drinks Theo. :P

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Bartender: NO! ::He pointed at the two.::  NNNOOOO. NOT again. Nope. There will be no fights here!

Um...he does realize he owns a KLINGON bar...right?

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Rozera: Affirmative, bacon is on the grill. ::The sound of her knuckles popping made it over the communicator.:: And the grill is hot. 


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He tapped the charred crust and the marshmallow fell off the stick and onto the ground.

Marshmallow fail.

Even the Captain can't be good at everything on his first try. :P

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Ezo: ::sagely:: If at first you don't succeed, then fire dancing isn't for you. 

Unless you have asbestos underwear.

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Taybrim: So close and yet so far.  ::reaches out and plucked the sticky mass from the stick and popped it in his mouth. Hey! The charred bit didn't taste too bad!:: Tastes pretty good...

Trel’lis: Men! ::shakes head::

Heeeyyyyy.....  <_<


(I happen to *love* charred marshmallows...)

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Ezo: Let me guess, everyone is very friendly, AND certain vendors give you discounts?

Obviously it's taelon's tattoos that's doing that. ;)

Or just being his father's son. :P

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Nicholotti: Someone’s gotta be intoxicated enough to be the catalyst.


Ezo: ::grinning towards Nicholotti:: Are you kidding? Flynn would do this stone sober.


::And he had. Twice now she caught him humming it around the house. The first time was amusing, the second? It wouldn't leave her heard. And it was quite unpleasant to be in hour four of complex biliary obstruction resection surgery and have that song on an endless loop. Thankfully the patient was none the wiser. Although her staff hadn't quite let her live that one down...::

Great, now it's stuck in MY head... >.<

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Phrik: ::Dryly:: I know there’s a height difference between us, but is this really necessary?

Um...no...? :ermm:

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Tatash: Anything you want me to bring back? Souvenir? ::he paused:: I mean, it's Earth after all. Fridge magnet?

please make that a thing!!!

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Zinna: ::grinning:: =/\= Well, I can tell you right now, breaking up a catfight is a lot more difficult, a little more fun, but a lot more difficult. =/\= ::She chuckled:: =/\= I'm going to find their current location and try and settle this, sir. Feel free to meet there if you'd like. Zinna out. =/\=

She's not wrong....

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2394: Ops hosts the Annual Galactic Chicken Fanciers Association Convention.  Bring your dress whites!

I sense trouble... And no Raisillius to help shoot the troublemakers.

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51 minutes ago, Trellis Vondaryan said:

I sense trouble... And no Raisillius to help shoot the troublemakers.

At least it isn't tribbles?

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Bad me for not quoting this sooner!  Stupid computer issues...  Anyways, on with the quotes!


::Of course he would say that. She suddenly had visions of the Edosian doctor treating patients with a squawking lizard-bird atop his shoulder. oO Well...he does have an eyepatch...Oo::


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