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SB118 Ops: Quotations of the Week!

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Tatash: I got burgers, wings, sausages... we may do many things the wrong way, but Gorn can cook.

He needs one of those 'kiss the chef' aprons... >.>

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8 minutes ago, Sal Taybrim said:

He needs one of those 'kiss the chef' aprons... >.>

Haha, yeah. I thought about having Flynn give him a 'Free Nibbles' Apron.

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Taybrim: I like to think about in terms of us being on the edge of the frontier - the space is explored, but it's wild and unpredictable.  We're the biggest line of defense and the last slice of home before starships go out into the great unknown.  We're the guardians of the gateway to the Federation, the peacekeepers of the trinity sector and the people who save the day when we need to.  ::He grinned and winked:: I deeply appreciate the explorers, the warriors and those who go farther into the unknown to see what's out there, but I have grown deeply fond and protective of our role as those who stand firm and ensure a better life for those under our care on this Starbase and the Federation beyond.

This reminds me of Julian Bashir's speech about why he chose DS9 in 'Emissary' (I think).

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Ensign Alana Larson - Sixteen Seconds 

The fantastic narrative imagery for the surfing was truly amazing. Bravo! 

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Can I quote this whole post?  No... Ok, how about the end?

Ezo: ::leaning back in her seat:: Now, what I think, is you just don't understand the significance of what we do here. So, as of today, your intake privileges have been revoked. For the next three shifts, you are going to be assigned to hazardous waste removal. Once completed, you will be spending time in our pediatric burn unit, reading to the patients, tea parties, dress up, whatever their little hearts desire. I will, of course, be speaking directly to your shift supervisors, and until I am satisfied that you have garnered an appreciation to what this facility stands for, you can consider yourself on strict probation pending termination. ::leaning forward, her voice lowering:: And this goes without saying...but if you walk into my Sickbay wearing that offensive odor ever again...what happened today will be considered a "light shower"...am I clear?
D.Bagwell: ::audibly gulping:: Ye-yes ma'am. Very clear. ::nodding furiously:: Loud and clear. 
Ezo: ::leaning back, crossing her arms over her chest:: I am pleased to hear that. You're dismissed Private. 
::Damien quickly scrambled out of the chair, he turned stiffly, bowing repeatedly in an awkward show of respect, but instead nearly tripping over every piece of office furniture between her desk and the door. Once out of her office, and the door firmly shut, Mirra burst into hysterical laughter.::


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Also, Dr. Ezo is on a roll:


She couldn't help but a small, amused smile. If Lt.Cmdr Falcon would join them, they'd look like a festive island family band. They could tour as the "Ginger Snaps." Keeping that thought to herself, she focused on the woman in front of her.

I need more time... and photoshop skill.  Maybe this weekend if it keeps raining this should become a thing ;-)

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1 hour ago, Sal Taybrim said:

Also, Dr. Ezo is on a roll:

I need more time... and photoshop skill.  Maybe this weekend if it keeps raining this should become a thing ;-)

You have to admit with such a high collection of gingers, SOMETHING had to be said...

8 minutes ago, Mirra Ezo said:

You have to admit with such a high collection of gingers, SOMETHING had to be said...

Doctor Who would be very jealous.  ::sagenod::

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Davies: Good stuff, shields up then. Red alert.
::It was a pointless exercise more to test the claxons and lights, considering all they had on board was the four of them on the bridge while the rest of the ship ran autonomously. But still, it was all kinds of awesome.::
Genji: Urgh, really? We forgot to change that bulb... 
::the young Japanese officer pointed to a stubborn section of trim refusing to pulse gently red.::
Davies: I thought we were professional? 
W'oo'raf: My bad. I'll get it when we get back.


Still a problem in the 24th century...

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Kasun: ::She smiled in what she hoped came across as more ‘I’m trying to avoid stepping on toes’ than ‘I’m a condescending twatwaffle’.::

I don't think I've ever heard anyone describe themself as a 'twatwaffle' before. This one had me chuckling a bit.

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This is a B-Plot that will live on in infamy!


Halzar: oO Could this all be Dr. Axe? Oo


::One of the nurses had told her, almost immediately upon reporting in that morning, about “Dr. Axe,” a fairly recent arrival who had a tendency to behave in a manner that had been attributed to the “Bro” culture of 21st century Earth, including practically bathing in an actual vintage body fragrance popular at the time. The nurse had also mentioned someone had become extremely ill, just by being in the same room with him over the weekend, and that Dr. Ezo had “planned something” in the hopes of finally getting through to him.


::Having completed whatever task they had been called to perform, the fleet exited sickbay and retreated almost as fast as they had arrived. Hoping it was safe, Morela entered Sickbay for the second time that day just in time to see a very angry Dr. Ezo toss a towel at a bright orange blob, then point at it, apparently saying something she was too far away to hear before turning on her heal and stalking to her office. The nurse from earlier approached,::


Nurse: ::whispering:: You made it back just in time, ::waving at the orange blob moving towards the decon showers:: Meet Dr. Axe.


Halzar: ::while parking her hoverchair near the entrance:: oO Hopefully I'll make it the whole shift Oo And the orange stuff?


Nurse: ::with a grin and a barely suppressed giggle:: Anti-contaminant foam. By the way, Dr Ezo wanted to make sure everyone knew that he is to go directly to her office when he gets back, and his real name is Bagwell.


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Hobbs: ::Incredulous.:: Ha! Sure Avery we will just ask for a....::He stopped and the two exchanged a long look. Maybe it actually wasn’t such a bad idea.:: I'm going to ask Starfleet for a ride.


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I love this:


With Raisillius it was hard to tell if she was in trouble, or if he just had a bug up his butt. With him it could easily be both. She wasn’t really in the mood to be lectured by the Angry Iceberg.

She didn’t even have pants on.::


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For different reasons I also love this.  what a great 'counselor moment':


Zinna: The important thing is that you stopped and ended it. ::she smiled:: You know, I once blamed something that I had no control over and it nearly rotted me from the inside out, sir. Because the guilt was so catastrophic, it took me years to finally accept it and move on. 


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8 hours ago, Sal Taybrim said:

I love this:

8 hours ago, Sal Taybrim said:

With Raisillius it was hard to tell if she was in trouble, or if he just had a bug up his butt. With him it could easily be both. She wasn’t really in the mood to be lectured by the Angry Iceberg.

She didn’t even have pants on.::


Would having pants on make it easier to deal with Raisillius? :P That's a new one. I'm proud that I've made him such a memorable character. 


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When an *Andorian* calls you an "angry iceberg" you know you made an impression... :D

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Larson: I've thought about trying it but I could never understand why people would voluntarily subject themselves to all that cold and snow.

I think Alana and Flynn destined to be best friends 

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Posted (edited)

Considering the alternate is having your bum out in front of Raisillius, the answer is yes. ;)

Edited by Taelon
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Somewhere in a soap opera on a StarBase...


Tem: ::she smirked:: =/\= I could kiss you, Antero Flynn. =/\=

Flynn: ::Smiling:: =/\= Careful Captain, I might just take you up on that. =/\=

Tem: ::she let out a hearty laugh:: =/\= I'd love to see the fight between you and Quintus, er, Captain Raisillius, afterwards, then. ::beat:: I'll contact you for clearances once I've gathered my team. Tem out. =/\=


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Trel’lis: Tact is my middle name, that is *if* I had more than one name. ::chuckles::

Trel' Tact 'lis ??

I could see it...  :whistling:

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Also, major kudos to T'Sai for not only being awesomely proactive; but a first mission counseling session with a Gorn?  That counts for some serious counseling cred, right?!

Tatash: No Doctor, I don't know what these sessions involve and in all honesty, I don't even believe this works. You can't magic away feelings with some sort words, at least not for me. I'm a Gorn, not some highly-strung Caitian, I cannot let this interfere with my work.
::T'Sai could hear in his voice the pain and anger that was festering inside. But she could tell that he was a proud Gorn and she would have several walls to break down before any real healing could happen. ::
T'Sai: I see. ::She took a sip of her drink.:: The captain has protocols he must follow and one of those is having the crew see a counselor after a tragedy such as those. ::She smiled softly.:: I will admit that I don't know a lot about your people, but I am willing to learn from you. If you'll sit down and talk to me, I'm sure we can satisfy the captains protocol and we can get to know each other a little better.


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Posted (edited)

Tatash: Aye sir. I'll report in immediately. I'll let you know if I'm deemed irreparable.

Taybrim: ::He offered a small, kind smile:: If you're irreparable, then I'll resign my commission and let Moby run the station.  ::The bald tribble that lived in the terrarium in his office gave an awkward purr of recognition.


Edited by Skyfire
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Falcon: I’m pretty sure there’s a ‘strange occurrences bingo’ game out there, somewhere, for folks like us.  ::Chuckles.::  That might be interesting to look into.

Can this be a thing?! Please?! 

21 minutes ago, Mirra Ezo said:

Falcon: I’m pretty sure there’s a ‘strange occurrences bingo’ game out there, somewhere, for folks like us.  ::Chuckles.::  That might be interesting to look into.

Can this be a thing?! Please?! 


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