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Everything posted by Alieth

  1. Well, Ronin, here our boy @Marty Tucker is in charge of the next party once we get back into the ships. No questions allowed
  2. @Alyndra Syrex you're paying that out of your pocket lady 😂
  3. Epic tales about the pizza party would be told, it'll be the pizza saga XD @LuxaLorana
  4. here @Alyndra Syrexwanting to party hard? XD
  5. "Damn, just when I thought it could not be any shorter...."
  6. This year's theme for USS Ronin is "Collectible Pop Toys." I confirm that we have: ✅ Properly named all avatar files and uploaded them to the wiki. ✅ Properly named our category on the wiki. ✅ Properly categorized our category on the wiki.
  7. Oh the drama @Quentin Beck! really nice starter for a side development and absolutely lovely way to engage with a fellow writer. good job! Lieutenant JG Quentin Beck Acting Chief Medical Officer USS Ronin NCC-34523 A238810SA0
  8. HE IS TROUBLE!!!!
  9. this has been fully a team effort with @LuxaLorana, @Alyndra Syrex & @Sirok since we all had contributed to this awesome side mission. I cannot ask for better team! Thanks for them too!
  10. @Karrod Niacnot the wardrobe! 😱
  11. @Kirsty L. Carpenterof course it likes it!
  12. @Karrod Niac's mother is a delight, don't let him misguide you
  13. A really strong first sim from our newbie @Alyndra Syrexawesome job here!
  14. @Karrod Niac deserves every second of this and there is no right he is so hilarious on this sim
  15. Oh my sweet summer child @t'fearne
  16. @LuxaLorana writing @Karrod Niac's mother is probably the more terrifying thing in the galaxy. But also effing hilarious. I'm re-reading it to reply and i've laught more than the first time, and it really deserve to be here!
  17. Ladies, gentlemen and all non-binary people: our verbose captain @Karrod Niac
  18. Congrats for the winners! Super well deserved 💖
  19. @Karrod Niacis mistreating my girl so much 😭
  20. Fashionably late, Lieutenant Commander Alieth arrives at the ceremony in a gown made of Tholian silk, with pearl appliqués from the native mollusc of Voroth sea. The choice of colour seems unheard of for the Vulcan, using a colour rarely used in her native region.
  22. @Quentin Beck no... just no
  23. I shouldn't post this here just 'cause @Karrod Niac won't stop criticizing and slandering my poor beloved Rhine that he has KIDNAPPED, but I have a soft spot for beautifully written SIMs and the suffering of this Trill. ((Maintnance Bay Three, Compartment R03014, USS Valley Forge)) Across his career Karrod had spent time trapped in shuttles, drifted through space for weeks in escape pods and once even managed to avoid the business end of a bat'leth by ducking into a cargo container for the better part of a week. After the indignity of his 'secure' confinement aboard the Valley Forge, he thought he'd seen the worst that Maki could throw at him in his overzealous efforts to ensure his personal security. He'd been wrong. So comprehensively and terribly wrong. Maki had, at great length, explained that the ships transporters couldn't be trusted. He couldn't quite get into the details of why but the increasingly suspicious Vice Admiral had noticed a number of updates to the system during the ships last refit that struck him as...unusual. He couldn't have the modifications removed without tipping his hand so instead he'd declared the system temporarily out of order and had insisted his crew use small craft like shuttles and runabouts whenever it was feasible. So naturally Karrod had assumed he'd be aboard the Rhine and making his way over to Cait space dock to meet Fleet Admiral Washington so he could finally deliver his plea for resources. Again...he'd been very wrong. Just a day earlier the Rhine had developed an unexpected fault in its impulse reactor manifold that would've lead to a cataclysmic explosion the moment Karrod took it out of the launch bay. The cause of the fault was unknown and Karrod suspected it was due to the Rhine's frequent pyrotechnic antics, but Maki hadn't been convinced. He was all but certain now that some agent was aboard his ship, working against the larger interests of the Federation, and had done what they could to sabotage Karrod's upcoming meeting. Which was why he was now being bolted into a probe casing. The three centimeter duratanium shell would soon be the only thing between him and the infinite abyss, a fact he tried not to fixate on as the final connections locked into place and the whole coffin like encasement lurched while being lifted towards a launch bay. The plan, if it could still be called one, was to fling him at Cait spacedock in passing, with the Valley Forge never dropping out of warp. This, Maki assured him, would throw off anyone or anything that was pursing him and would ensure the meeting would go off without a hitch. Maki even promised to make sure the Rhine was repaired and dispatched in a few days so that he could take it directly back to the Ronin, saving him from further misery as he made his way back to his ship. If he survived this last surge of insanity. There was no warning, no internal comm system, nothing to give away his presence in the casing other than a hastily retrofitted life support system and a small inertial compensator to keep him from being squished into bearded gazpacho. Within him Niac was a chorus of ever louder complaints which, for once, Karrod found himself entirely in agreement with. He found himself trying to pat his abdomen reassuringly as he felt a surge of inertia through the casing and knew he was now hurtling at warp speed in the smallest and less capable spacecraft he'd ever occupied in his career. The string of extravagant and vulgar curses he let out as he hurtled towards Caitian space vibrated the probe like a struck gong. [TBC!] =============================== Captain Karrod Niac Commanding Officer USS Ronin - NCC-34523 V239509GT0
  24. @LuxaLorana there loving his frenemy to the bones XD
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